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遊戲Poker Night at the Inventory的推廣畫作。

Promotional items in Team Fortress 2 are exclusive items made available to players through Valve's marketing partnerships with other video game companies, as well as through their own games. Players who purchase selected items from Valve or their partners, usually within a specified timeframe, will receive the item(s) advertised.

Means of obtaining promotional items vary. Typically, promotional items are awarded to players who pre-order or purchase the specified game. On other occasions, promotional items have been released to players through other means, such as earning achievements in the game itself. For example, the Earbuds were awarded to players who launched Team Fortress 2 through the Template:W operating system.

Promotional items released before the February 3, 2011 Patch, with the exception of those earned through gameplay, are typically no longer earnable, and can only be acquired through trading or gifting. However, since the introduction of the Genuine Quality, all promo items (with the exception of the Hero's Hachimaki) have been obtainable via one or more alternate methods — purchase, drop, or craft. Promotional items obtained via one of these non-promotional methods do not have Genuine quality, though.


Alien Swarm(異形疾殺)

參見: Alien Swarm (Wikipedia)
圖示 名稱 適用於... 類型 釋出日期 說明
Alien Swarm Parasite Alien Swarm寄生蟲 全兵種 頭飾 July 19, 2010 這是另一款Valve的遊戲:Alien Swarm的外星寄生物。只要在遊戲裡通過兩次線上合作關卡(不限遊戲難度)就能得到。


參見: Homefront (Wikipedia)
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Hero's Hachimaki 英雄頭巾 頭飾 February 28, 2011 這是專屬於火箭兵促銷物品,只要在2011年3月15日前,於Steam預購遊戲Homefront即可獲得。

Japan Charity Bundle(捐助日本組合)

參見: Japan Charity Bundle
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Humanitarian's Hachimaki 博愛櫻花頭巾 全兵種 頭飾 March 23, 2011 捐助日本組合的所有物件,在2011年3月23日至20114月6日可以在曼恩企業商店買到。期間的商店收入(扣除稅收)將會全部捐給Template:W的日本救災基金,以資助紅十字會在Template:W的救援。
Benefactor's Kanmuri 神道教冠帽 全兵種 頭飾 March 23, 2011
Magnanimous Monarch 寬宏大量的君主 全兵種 頭飾 March 23, 2011
Noise Maker - Bell Noise Maker - Bell 全兵種 動作物品 March 23, 2011
Noise Maker - Gong Noise Maker - Gong 全兵種 動作物品 March 23, 2011

Killing Floor(Killing Floor)

參見: Killing Floor (2009 video game) (Wikipedia)
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Foster's Facade Foster的面罩 頭飾 December 13, 2010 玩家在之前擁有或是在2010年12月14日到2011年1月4日期間購買Killing Floor即可獲得這兩項物品。在2010年12月14日之前購買了這個遊戲的玩家,會收到這物品的復古版本。
Stockbroker's Scarf 證券經紀人的領帶 其他物品 December 13, 2010

Left 4 Dead 2(惡靈勢力2)

參見: Left 4 Dead 2 (Wikipedia)
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Bill's Hat 比爾的帽子 全兵種 頭飾 November 2, 2009 這是Valve另一款遊戲Left 4 Dead中,一頂比爾所戴的貝雷帽。可在2009年11月17日前預購Left 4 Dead 2獲得。
Ellis' Cap Ellis的鴨舌帽 全兵種 頭飾 October 6, 2010 這是Left 4 Dead 2中伊利斯所戴的帽子。在2010年10月7日前擁有Left 4 Dead 2即可獲得。
Frying Pan 油炸平底鍋 肉搏武器 October 6, 2010 這是Left 4 Dead 2的其中一項肉搏武器。在2010年10月7日前擁有Left 4 Dead 2即可獲得。

Monday Night Combat(週一格鬥之夜)

參見: Monday Night Combat (Wikipedia)
圖示 名稱 適用於... 類型 釋出日期 說明
Athletic Supporter 運動支持者 全兵種 頭飾 January 24, 2011 在2011年1月24日至2月1日購買Monday Night Combat的玩家,可以在TF2得到這三項物品。
Superfan 超級粉絲帽 頭飾 January 24, 2011
Essential Accessories 基礎配件 其他物品 January 24, 2011

Mount & Blade With Fire & Sword(驃騎征戰錄:槍與劍)

參見: Mount&Blade: With Fire & Sword (Wikipedia)
圖示 名稱 適用於... 類型 釋出日期 說明
Hetman's Headpiece 哥薩克首領的羽帽 頭飾 April 28, 2011 在2011年5月3日前預購遊戲Mount & Blade With Fire & Sword,即可在TF2擁有這頂帽子。
Janissary Ketche 土耳其禁衛軍 頭飾 April 28, 2011

Plants Vs. Zombies

參見: Plants vs. Zombies (Wikipedia)
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Brain Bucket Brain Bucket 頭飾 April 28, 2011 於2011年5月3日至5日在Steam購買,或是已擁有Plants vs. Zombies這款遊戲的玩家,能夠得到這兩樣頭飾。
Dead Cone Dead Cone 頭飾 April 28, 2011

Poker Night at the Inventory(道具撲克夜)

參見: Poker Night at the Inventory (Wikipedia)
圖示 名稱 適用於... 類型 釋出日期 說明
Dealer's Visor 攤販的遮陽帽 頭飾 November 3, 2010 這是一頂發牌員用的遮光帽。可從預購Poker Night at the Inventory獲得。
Enthusiast's Timepiece 熱衷粉絲的手錶 PDA2 November 22, 2010 這是一支功能和間諜的隱形用手錶相同的新金錶。可在遊戲Poker Night at the Inventory中達成成就"Special Item: Tycho"以獲得。
License to Maim 殘害許可證 全兵種 其他物品 November 22, 2010 這是遊戲系列Sam & Max中,Freelance警察所持的警徽。可在遊戲Poker Night at the Inventory中達成成就"Special Item: Max"以獲得。
Iron Curtain 鐵幕 主要武器 November 22, 2010 這是一把功能和格林機槍相同的新機槍。可在遊戲Poker Night at the Inventory中達成成就"Special Item: The Heavy"以獲得。
Dangeresque, Too? 超危險偵探的太陽眼鏡...嗎? 其他物品 November 22, 2010 這是一副和百葉窗相似的眼鏡,專屬於爆破兵,參考自Homestar Runner所戴的眼鏡而製成。可在遊戲Poker Night at the Inventory中達成成就"Special Item: Strong Bad"以獲得。
Lugermorph 魯格變形式 次要武器 November 22, 2010 Max在遊戲系列Sam & Max中所用的手槍可在遊戲Poker Night at the Inventory中達成成就"Special Item: Max"以獲得。預購遊戲Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse同樣也可以拿到這物品。

Portal 2(傳送門2)

參見: Portal 2 (Wikipedia)
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Companion Cube Pin 同伴方塊胸針 全兵種 其他物品 April 15, 2011 這是一個展示Valve遊戲Portal中的重量同伴方塊的胸針。在2011年4月19日前預購Portal 2即可得到這胸針。

Potato Sack(馬鈴薯包)

參見: Potato Sack
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Classified [機密] 全兵種 頭飾 April 5, 2011 這是一頂白色的工人用安全帽,顏色光探照燈是用馬鈴薯發電的。在2011年4月5日前至Steam購買"馬鈴薯包"遊戲組合即可獲得。
Resurrection Associate Pin 協助復活胸針 全兵種 其他物品 April 7, 2011 這是一個展示Valve遊戲Portal中的重量同伴方塊的胸針。玩過所有"馬鈴薯包"遊戲的玩家會獲得這胸針。


參見: RIFT (Wikipedia)
圖示 名稱 適用於... 類型 釋出日期 說明
Sharpened Volcano Fragment 尖銳的火山斷片斧 肉搏武器 February 3, 2011 These promotional items were awarded to players with the Genuine quality upon pre-ordering RIFT on Steam before March 1, 2011.
Sun-on-a-Stick 太陽之杖 肉搏武器 February 3, 2011
RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code N/A Tool February 3, 2011 The item was a single-use promotional item awarded to players who complete the TF2 achievement "Riftwalker". Upon redeeming the given promotional code, players who own RIFT are able to claim the "Well Spun Hat" for the game.

Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse(山姆和馬克斯:魔鬼劇場)

參見: Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse (Wikipedia)
圖示 名稱 適用於... 類型 釋出日期 說明
Max's Severed Head 麥斯兔子頭 全兵種 頭飾 April 15, 2010 The top half of the severed head of Max. Earned by pre-ordering Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse.
Lugermorph 魯格變形式 次要武器 April 15, 2010 The Pistol Max uses in the Sam & Max series. Earned by pre-ordering Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse. This is the same Lugermorph as the in-game item from Poker Night at the Inventory.
Big Kill 大屠殺 主要武器 April 15, 2010 Sam's Revolver from the Sam & Max series. Earned by pre-ordering Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse.


圖示 名稱 適用於... 類型 釋出日期 說明
Moustachium Bar Moustachium Bar Crafting 合成要素 April 28, 2011 These promotional items were made available to players who obtained the 3 achievements in SpaceChem for completing the Team Fortress 2, Australium themed levels.
Spacemetal Scrap Spacemetal Scrap Crafting 合成要素 April 28, 2011
'Fish' Fish Crafting 合成要素 April 28, 2011
Fishcake Fishcake 次要武器 April 28, 2011 These promotional items were made craftable from blueprints including the Craft Items above.
SpaceChem Pin SpaceChem Pin 全兵種 其他物品 April 28, 2011

The Great Steam Treasure Hunt(Steam尋寶大活動)

主條目: The Great Steam Treasure Hunt
參見: Steam (software) (Wikipedia)
圖示 名稱 適用於... 類型 釋出日期 說明
Bounty Hat 賞金帽 全兵種 頭飾 December 7, 2010 Earned for completing 5 out of 28 objectives in The Great Steam Treasure Hunt.
Treasure Hat 金銀財寶之帽 全兵種 頭飾 December 7, 2010 Earned for completing 15 out of 28 objectives in The Great Steam Treasure Hunt.
Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect 無可否認的財富之帽 全兵種 頭飾 December 7, 2010 Earned for completing all 28 objectives in The Great Steam Treasure Hunt.

Total War: SHOGUN 2(幕府將軍2:全軍破敵)

參見: Total War: Shogun 2 (Wikipedia)
圖示 名稱 適用於... 類型 釋出日期 說明
Concheror 家徽戰旗 次要武器 March 10, 2011 These items were awarded to players (as Genuine quality versions) upon pre-ordering Total War: SHOGUN 2 on Steam before March 15, 2011. Non-Genuine versions were also made available via purchase from the Mann Co. Store, crafting or item drop beginning on March 10, 2011.
Fan O'War 鐵軍扇 肉搏武器 March 10, 2011
Conniver's Kunai 陰謀苦無 肉搏武器 March 10, 2011
Half-Zatoichi 半盲劍俠 肉搏武器 March 10, 2011
Noh Mercy 般若面具 頭飾 March 10, 2011
Dread Knot 無畏丁髷 頭飾 March 10, 2011
Samur-Eye 伊達政宗戰盔 頭飾 March 10, 2011
Geisha Boy 藝妓 頭飾 March 10, 2011
Noise Maker - Koto Noise Maker - Koto 全兵種 動作物品 March 10, 2011

Worms: Reloaded(百戰天蟲:重裝上陣)

參見: Worms: Reloaded (Wikipedia)
圖示 名稱 適用於... 類型 釋出日期 說明
Lumbricus Lid 百戰天蟲鋼盔 頭飾 August 25, 2010 A hat and grenade replacement for the Soldier. Earned by pre-ordering Worms: Reloaded.


圖示 名稱 適用於... 類型 釋出日期 說明
Earbuds 耳機 全兵種 其他物品 June 10, 2010 Earned through loading the game through Steam on a computer running Template:W before August 16, 2010.
Mann Co. Cap 曼恩企業鴨舌帽 全兵種 頭飾 September 30, 2010 Earned through the first purchase made in the Mann Co. Store.
World Traveler's Hat 環球旅行者之帽 全兵種 頭飾 December 17, 2010 Earned through the first purchase of a map stamp in the Mann Co. Store.


圖示 名稱 適用於... 類型 釋出日期 說明
None Sam's Hat All classes 頭飾 Unreleased Would have been released along with Max's Severed Head, the Lugermorph, and the Big Kill as part of the week-long cross promotion for purchasing Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse on Steam.
None Bullseye's Head 頭飾 Unreleased Would have been released along with the Athletic Supporter, the Superfan, and the Essential Accessories as part of the cross promotion for purchasing Monday Night Combat on Steam.
None Noise Maker - Prayer Bowl All classes 動作物品 March 23, 2011 The Noise Maker - Prayer Bowl would have been a promotional action item for all classes as part of the Japan Charity Bundle