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- 當你看見一個敵方偵查兵穿越戰場要站上控制點或是推彈頭車,在你可以殺掉他之前都要注意他的動向。
- 一個揹著情報箱的偵查兵在返回基地時,會盡量避開直接衝突,因此他們會改走比較沒敵人的路線,或是二連跳適合的路線。試著用各種武器擋住這些通路,或用震退能力將偵查兵推到你隊友面前解決他。
- 如果你注意到一個敵方偵查兵要突襲隊友時,要立刻通知隊友,才能阻擋偵查兵的攻擊,再來消滅他。
- 偵查兵的偏低生命值,只要一發火箭或榴彈就可以讓它所剩不多。
- 如果遇到嚴重受傷的敵方偵查兵,切換至子彈武器可以幫助你輕易了結他。
- 記得攻擊前一定要預測偵查兵的下一步走向,他能夠逃跑得比任何其他兵種還快。
- 發射投射武器時,試著預測偵查兵落下的地點。
- 偵察兵的主要武器在近距離能造成很大的殺傷力,所以試著在中至遠距離的地方攻擊他們,以免受到太多傷害。
- 對於那些偵察兵新手玩家,他們通常在左右移動時準心都瞄不準目標,因此子彈都打到目標的旁邊。有時候原地不動地站著攻擊他們就足以應付了。
- 要攻擊轉角的偵查兵是很冒險的,因為他能在近距離能造成大殺傷力,但他本身較沒空間閃躲攻擊。利用空間狹小這點,在他攻擊前盡快殺掉他。
- 雙管霰彈槍在近距離能造成比其他武器還多的殺傷力,所以請和敵方偵查兵保持距離。
- 但霰彈槍地威力會因為未完全擊中目標而減弱。所以當敵方偵查兵在攻擊時,多跳躍和不規則地移動能幫助你減少所受的傷害。
- 自然之力在槍膛中只有兩發子彈,而且重新上膛也需要時間。利用這點在偵查兵重裝子彈時痛擊他。
- The Force-A-Nature has a knock back ability, meaning he can push enemy players into environmental hazards such as saw blades, trains and off cliffs. Avoid this by trying to flank around him and away from said hazard.
- The Shortstop has a tight spread suited to medium range. If you close the distance, the Scout may find it more difficult to hit you.
  手槍 / 魯格變形式
- The Pistol can only hold 4 full magazines of ammo. If you catch a 偵察兵 who is low on Pistol ammunition, fight at long-range to take advantage of his inability to use his secondary weapon.
 Bonk! 原子能量飲料
- Bonk! is designed to get a Scout past choke points. Impede his movement until the effect runs out by just body blocking him, 震退, 擊暈, or 減速.
- Crit-a-Cola is designed for ambushing and killing unprepared enemies. However, if you are watchful, the attacking Scout's advantage will disappear.
- Take advantage of the fact that Crit-a-Cola will also deal Mini-Crits to the Scout as well, quickly depleting the Scout's low health.
- If you get hit by Mad Milk, try to retreat or deal with your assailant quickly, as he will have the advantage in a protracted battle.
- The Scout can use the Mad Milk to extinguish himself or his teammates.
- The Scout's mobility makes it difficult to retreat from or fend off a melee attack. Try to keep the Scout in your view, and use your own melee/close-range weapons to deal with him. Weapons with knock back effects may prove useful in dispatching your assailant.

球棒 / 尚方寶鯖
- The Bat deals less damage than most other melee weapons. Just be careful and watch for Scouts who may try to circle-strafe you while attacking with the Bat.
- While stunned, try to stay alive and keep your aim on the Scout so that you can immediately counter-attack once the effect wears off.
- You can still attempt a Taunt Kill if stunned, surprising and killing the Scout.
- A Scout with the Sandman has considerably less health than usual. Use this to your advantage.
- When equipped with this weapon, the Scout has a 25% explosion damage vulnerability. Switch to an explosive weapon for additional damage.
- With this weapon equipped, enemies killed or assisted in being killed by the Scout will drop small Health kits. Try to steal them before the Scout or his teammates can take them.

波士頓狼牙棒 / 盧恩古刃
- Jump away from Scouts rushing forward with the Boston Basher. If you're lucky, the Scout will miss his swing, take damage from the miss, and be distracted by the bleeding effect.
- Avoid Scouts using this when on fire, as the Sun-on-a-Stick crits burning players. Stay away from him, and attack him with ranged weapons.
- Try to find a nearby 醫護兵 or 補血包 or Water source to extinguish the fire first before dealing with the Scout, as the Sun-on-a-Stick does less base damage.
- Stay away from enemies if the Scout marks you with the Fan O' War, as all damage dealt to you for 15 seconds will be Mini-Crits.
- 要特别注意額外增加了25點生命值的偵查兵。他們身上所持的瘋狂牛奶能夠提升偵查兵的生存能力,因此請盡快用最強的火力殺掉他。