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— 裏で糸を引くエリザベス

Team Fortress 2 にはストーリーモードやシングルプレイヤーのキャンペーンモードは存在しませんが、ゲームのストーリーラインや背景は幾つかのコミックMeet the Teamビデオ、そしてメジャーアップデートなどによって徐々に明らかとなっています。

2009年10月のHalloween アップデート(それと2010年10月のHalloween アップデート)、 2009年12月のWAR! アップデート、2010年7月のEngineer アップデートはそれぞれ様々な方法でTeam Fortressの公式設定を供給しました。Team Fortress 2コミックページの考察と同様にこれらのページの隠しリンクはタイムラインの様々な日付を提供します。



左から右へ: バルナバ・ヘイル(Barnabas Hale), ブルターク・マン(Blutarch Mann), ゼフェニア・マン(Zepheniah Mann), マンの使用人エリザベス(Elizabeth), レドモンド・マン(Redmond Mann)。写真の右端には謎の男が写っている。

Team Fortress 2'のバックストーリーは1850年、イギリス人資産家のゼフェニア・マンから始まります。マンはマン・カンパニー(Mann Co.)の前身として知られるマン&サンズ・ミューニションズ・コンサーンズ(Mann & Sons Munitions Concerns)のオーナーであり創立者でした。彼は軍需産業拡大のため二人の息子、ブルタークレドモンドと共にアメリカへと進出しましたが、アメリカに到着した時グラベルピット(Gravel Pit)ダストボウル(Dustbowl)の土地が使いものにならないことを知りました。その上いくつもの病気にかかり死んでしまいました。そしてゼフェニアの遺言状によってTeam Fortress 2の物語は動き始め、彼の息子達は分け与えられた土地を巡る争いに生涯を捧げることとなります。



ブルタークは土地を奪うために、ビリー・ザ・キッド(初代スカウト), ストーンウォール・ジャクソン(初代ソルジャー), エイブラハム・リンカーン(初代パイロ), アルフレッド・ノーベル(初代デモマン), ジョン・ヘンリー(初代ヘビー), ニコラ・テスラ(初代エンジニア), ジークムント・フロイト(初代メディック), デヴィー・クロケット(初代スナイパー), フー・マンチュー(初代スパイ)からなる傭兵チームを構成しました。





40年後、ブルタークとレドモンドは今なお勝利なき戦争を継続していました。老衰によって死期が近づくブルタークはエンジニアのラディガン・コナー(Radigan Conagher)を呼び寄せ、“俺を怪物にしろ”と機械による延命を要求。ラディガンはそれを受け入れました。しかしその後エリザベスの子孫(恐らく娘)がラディガンに接触し、レドモンドにも延命装置を与えるよう依頼。ラディガンはこれも受け入れました。



The modern war

Team Fortress 2 takes place in 1968. Nine individuals - the Scout, the Soldier (real name Jane Doe), the Pyro, the Demoman (real name Tavish DeGroot), the Heavy, the Engineer (real name Dell Conagher), the Medic, the Sniper (real name Mundy), and the Spy - are recruited by Reliable Excavation & Demolition (RED) and Builders League United (BLU) to continue Redmond and Blutarch's never-ending war to seize their father's land. A descendant of Elizabeth, named Helen, now acts as the Administrator of the battle, secretly overseeing both teams, something the Mann siblings are likely unaware of. Additionally, Saxton Hale, a descendant of Zepheniah Mann's friend Barnabus, to whom he gave Mann & Sons Munitions Concerns, is now in charge of Mann Co., which acts as a subsidary of the Administrator's shadowy company, TF Industries.

Recent developments

The Administrator

The first major plot event occurs when the RED Demoman and BLU Soldier meet and become friends at an explosives convention, which severely angers the Administrator. With the help of Saxton Hale, she misleads both men into thinking the other is trying to kill them, sparking a bloody war. The next major event occurs when Blutarch Mann realizes his life support machine is breaking. He desperately calls in the BLU Engineer, the grandson of Radigan Conagher, to fix it. Later, Saxton Hale discovers the Internet (which notably did not exist in the 1960s) and uses it to open the online Mann Co. Store for players to purchase weapons and items.



The Pyro's identity has been the subject of much debate since the game's release. As the Pyro is one of two classes to not yet receive a Meet the Team video (the other being the Medic), little is known about his or her personality and history. Up until the Engineer Update, a popular theory claimed the Pyro was a woman (and thus, the only female class), in large part because of a frilly flower handbag in the Pyro's locker. Additional evidence supporters note include the Pyro's feminine humiliation stance, the Director's Vision taunt, and domination lines from other classes that use derogatory female terms.

However, with the release of the Engineer Update, much speculation has revolved around the idea that Abraham Lincoln, the original 1850s Pyro, is still alive in the role. Three aspects of the update are used as evidence:

  • Abraham Lincoln was the original Pyro in the 1850s.
  • Schematics on Radigan Conagher's workbench depict a contraption in which a seated man with a beard and top hat is dropped through a trap door and teleported to a desert location. An image of the penny (on which Lincoln is depicted) and the letters "LIN..." are nearby. Some have suggested this schematic may depict a way in which Lincoln survived his assassination by John "Tower of Hats" Booth.
  • Radigan Conagher built a third life extending machine for an unknown individual. While some have cited the machine's construction date of April 14 (the day Lincoln was assassinated) as evidence, Conagher could not have built the third machine until at least 1894, the year he built Redmond and Blutarch's devices. An explanation for Lincoln's possible survival is provided above.


Zepheniah Mann left an important task to an unknown person in his last will and testament. The line reads "Lastly to [obscured] I leave the entirety of my [obscured] and swear you to utmost secrecy in its keeping." This person's identity has not yet been revealed, but cannot be Redmond, Blutarch, Barnabus Hale, or Elizabeth, as all are mentioned in his will already. The person is likely the individual seen scratched out of the Mann family portrait, whose identity is also unknown.


After building Blutarch Mann a life extending machine on July 17, 1894, and a second for Redmond Mann on August 3, 1894, Radigan Conagher built a third machine on April 14 of an unknown year. The recipient of this machine is a source of speculation. Some have suggested Abraham Lincoln, the original Pyro (see above), due to the fact that it was built on the day he supposedly died, while others have theorized the unnamed descendant of Elizabeth who enlisted Radigan to make the devices in the first place may have requested one for herself, and is Helen, the current Administrator. Still, others hypothesized that it was this unknown recipient from Zepheniah Mann's last will that have received this life extending machine.

