Spy weapons (competitive)
The community competitive scene changes frequently. Some or all info may be outdated.
The Spy is a class highly dependent on his stealth abilities to infiltrate past enemy defenses and get important Picks on key classes such as the Medic, or the Demoman.
Primary Weapons
If the Spy ever finds himself in a fire fight the Revolver can serve as a very powerful tool in dealing with an enemy. The Ambassador is also a good choice, given the player can reliably land a Headshot.
The Revolver should never be used to fight the enemy directly. If the Spy manages to get a pick and has been discovered he should always immediately switch to his Revolver to deal with enemies, given the situations that Spies are used he will most likely not escape by cloaking away. The Big Kill is simply a re-skin of the Revolver, thus retains the same exact stats.
Weapon | Damage | Critical Damage | Function Times | Special |
Revolver ![]() |
Point-Blank: 60 512u: 40 1024u+: 21 |
Critical: 120 Point-Blank Mini-Crit: 81 512u+ Mini-Crit: 54 |
Attack: 0.58s Reload: 1.16s |
If unfired in the past 1.25 seconds, shot has perfect accuracy. |
Big Kill ![]() |
Point-Blank: 60 512u: 40 1024u+: 21 |
Critical: 120 Point-Blank Mini-Crit: 81 512u+ Mini-Crit: 54 |
Attack: 0.58s Reload: 1.16s |
Identical to the Revolver |
Note: The Big Kill is simply a re-skin, it has the same exact stats as the Revolver.
The Ambassador
Most of the Ambassador's power lies with its ability to crit on a successful headshot. Its first shot will always be point blank accurate, but its following shots will have a huge spread area. Due to its lower damage ouput and accuracy, the Revolver is preferred over the Ambassador.
Weapon | Damage | Critical Damage | Function Times | Special |
Ambassador ![]() |
Point-Blank: 51 512u: 34 1024u+: 18 |
Critical: 102 Point-Blank Mini-Crit: 69 512u+ Mini-Crit: 46 |
Attack: 0.696 Reload: 1.16 Cooldown: 0.95s |
Accuracy based on time since last shot. Criticals on headshot when accuracy is perfect. |
Note: The L'Etranger is banned or restricted in some leagues.
The L'Etranger's functionality lies within its ability to restore clock on a successful hit, but does 20% less damage. In a competitive format going Spy is a suicide mission, as after a pick is gotten the chance of escape is very low. This renders the L'Etranger's cloak restoring abilities near useless because one it is used the other team will be aware that there is a Spy and attempting picks will be much harder.
Weapon | Damage | Critical Damage | Function Times | Special |
L'Etranger ![]() |
Point-Blank: 48 512u: 32 1024u+: 17 |
Critical: 96 Point-Blank Mini-Crit: 65 512u+ Mini-Crit: 43 |
Attack: 0.58s Reload: 1.16s |
Banned in most leagues for acquisition time. If unfired in the past 1.25 seconds, shot has perfect accuracy. Fills Cloak meter 15% on hit. |
Primary Weapon Usage
Most leagues have banned the L'Etranger because it was released mid season. As for choosing between the Revolver and the Ambassador, it's mainly personal preference; the Revolver is generally preferred due to the extra damage that it does compared to the Ambassador, however, if you can consistently headshot people then the Ambassador is the gun for you.
Secondary Weapons
Electro Sapper
The Spy's only secondary weapon is his Electro Sapper. This will be rarely used in a competitive environment, as Engineers are also rarely used.
Weapon | Damage | Critical Damage | Function Times | Special |
Electro Sapper ![]() |
DPS on Buildings: 25 | N/A | Lv1 Building: 6.00s Lv2 Building: 7.20s Lv3 Building: 8.64s |
Removed by two Wrench hits or one hit by the Homewrecker. Reduces Spy's weapon damage to building. |
Melee Weapons
The Spy's Picking power lies primarily in his melee weapons. The Knife and Eternal Reward can kill any class instantly through a Backstab, making the Spy an ideal picking class.
The Knife is the Spy's standard melee weapon. In direct combat it does minimal damage and should only ever be used for a quick backstab.
Weapon | Damage | Critical Damage | Function Times | Special |
Knife ![]() |
Melee, Frontal: 40 Backstab: 600% target HP |
Critical: 120 Mini-Crit: 54 |
Attack: 0.8s | Facestabs and failstabs cause some unpredictability. Without backstab, has lowest DPS of all stock melee. A Dead Ringer-activated Spy cannot die to backstab. |
Your Eternal Reward
Note: Your Eternal Reward is banned or restricted in some leagues.
Your Eternal Reward has the same stats and damage output that the regular Knife does but does not allow Spies to disguise. This puts the Spy at a disadvantage as they can be immediately found and dealt with. Upon a successful stab the Spy will take the victims identity and the kill will be silent. This is useless in a competitive environment as all teams use vocal communication, thus making the Spy very easily found.
Weapon | Damage | Critical Damage | Function Times | Special |
Your Eternal Reward ![]() |
Melee, Frontal: 40 Backstab: 600% target HP |
Critical: 120 Mini-Crit: 54 |
Attack: 0.8s | Banned in most leagues for acquisition time. Disables Disguise Kit. Backstabs are silent and grant user instant disguise of killed foe. Otherwise identical to Knife. |
Conniver's Kunai
Weapon | Damage | Critical Damage | Function Times | Special |
Conniver's Kunai ![]() |
Melee, Frontal: 40 Backstab: 600% target HP |
Critical: 120 Mini-Crit: 54 |
Attack: 0.8s | Banned in most leagues for acquisition time. On backstab: absorbs the health from your victim. -65 max health on wearer |
Melee Weapon Usage
There isn't a lot of choice of melee weapons, all of the leagues have banned all of the unlocks.
PDA Items
Disguise Kit
The Disguise Kit is a marginally important tool in fooling the enemy. In a competitive environment players will be more aware of their teammates, but a disguise will still raise questionable suspicion rather than immediate. During fire fights players can sometimes be more easily tricked as Spies are not used often in competitive play, thus letting the Spy easily weave through his enemies without a cloak.
Weapon | Damage | Critical Damage | Function Times | Special |
Disguise Kit ![]() |
N/A | N/A | Disguise Time: 2s Smoke Duration: 3s |
Friendly Spy disguise drops any disguise instantly. Grants knockback immunity, even with friendly disguise. Reduces move speed to match disguise, but can't increase it. |
Invisibility Watch
The Spy's ability to turn invisible is his core mechanic. The Invisibility Watch is his standard cloak, allowing him to wander around invisible; It is regenerated through metal or slowly over time. If a pick is being attempted with the Invisibility Watch it must be made once the cloak has run out due to its very slow regeneration.
Weapon | Damage | Critical Damage | Function Times | Special |
Invisibility Watch |
N/A | N/A | Cloak Duration: 10s Recharge Wait: 33.5s Cloak Initialize: 1.2s Decloak Time: 2.2s |
Cloak flickers when damaged or touched by enemy. Can be refilled with ammo and metal. Cloak prevents new disguise smoke; doesn't hide old smoke. Revealed by fire, deep water, Jarate, and Mad Milk. |
Enthusiast's Timepiece ![]() |
N/A | N/A | Cloak Duration: 10s Recharge Wait: 33.5s Cloak Initialize: 1.2s Decloak Time: 2.2s |
Identical stats to the Invis. Watch. |
Note: The Enthusiast's Timepiece is simply a re-skin, it has the same exact stats as the Invisibility Watch.
Cloak and Dagger
The Cloak and Dagger is an ideal cloak for attempting target specific picks. Because it is motion sensitive, a Spy can wait for the opportune time to attack his target. This is best done when the enemy is pressured by spam or retreating to the Medic for health.
Weapon | Damage | Critical Damage | Function Times | Special |
Cloak and Dagger |
N/A | N/A | Duration, Running: 6.8s Duration, Crawling: 66.5s Recharge Wait: 18.2s Cloak Initialize: 1.2s Decloak Time: 2.2s |
Cannot be refilled with ammo or metal. Recharges based on lack of movement. Loses charge when moving while cloaked. Cloak flickers when moving while out of charge. Otherwise identical to Invisibility Watch and its Cloak. |
Dead Ringer
The Dead Ringer can be a useful tool into tricking the enemy that they have killed you or have gotten an important pick. A pick can be attempted with the enemy fooled that they have killed you, making the second attempt very easy. The Dead Ringer's loud ring can sometimes be muffled down by voice communication, but can still be easily heard by anyone completely aware that a Spy is still around. A common tactic to use with the Dead Ringer is to disguise as an important pick target of your own team, such as a Demoman, or Medic, while playing Gravel Pit offense and run out the spawn gates with it activated to fool an enemy Demoman camping the gates at the start of the round to blow his stickies.
Weapon | Damage | Critical Damage | Function Times | Special |
Dead Ringer ![]() |
N/A | N/A | Supercloak Duration: 6.5s Decloak Time: 2.2s Recharge from 0%: 16s Recharge from 40%: 9.6s Recharge from 75%: 4s |
Cloak triggers from any damage, which is subject to supercloak effects. Trigger fakes death (corpses drop enemy disguises), ending on decloak. Provides supercloak in normal duration and regular Cloak during extensions. |