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- 由於在防守上有著非常出色的表現,因此爆破兵通常會出現在戰場上需要防守的地方,且很少會像其他職業一樣積極追擊敵人。爆破兵在中距離作戰的表現亦十分優異,因此在與爆破兵交戰時,請盡可能拉近距離好獲得優勢。
- 爆破兵有著 175 基本生命值,讓他有能力承受一定程度的傷害。除非戰況十分嚴苛,否則爆破兵通常偏好堅守陣地而非撤退。
- 由於爆破兵的生命值會隨著各種武裝而有增加或減少的效果,讓爆破兵成為遊戲中生命值差異性最大的兵種。同時,某些武器會在爆破兵殺敵時增加爆破兵的生命值上限或是對爆破兵產生治療效果。因此請注意觀察爆破兵的武裝,好精準預測爆破兵的最大生命值。
- 裝備衝擊刺盾或輝煌戰盾的爆破兵對於火焰和爆炸傷害有著大幅增加的抵抗效果。但對子彈或是肉搏傷害則沒有相同的抵抗性。
- 爆破兵低於平均的速度讓他通常不會主動追擊敵人,除非裝備盾牌、獲得近戰武器獵頭數的速度加成、或是在你的生命值低落且容易受傷害的情況下。
- 爆破兵的主要與次要武器有著強大的破壞力,但這些武器發射時的拋物線軌跡讓爆破兵難以進行精確的瞄準。試著拉近距離好閃避這些武器的拋射體,同時讓你能更輕易遞殺死他。
- 部分裝備盾牌與近戰武器的爆破兵通常會試圖利用盾牌的效果對敵方發起衝鋒,並利用衝鋒效果接近尾聲時的爆擊效果殺死敵人。請盡可能閃避爆破兵的衝鋒效果與近戰武器的攻擊範圍,並在爆破兵回復成一般速度時攻擊他。
Alternatively, a Demoman can charge around the battlefield with one of many dangerous melee weapons and a damage-reducing shield, which can be seen attached to his left arm if he has it in his loadout. When carrying the shield, the Demoman can use its charge ability to close a surprising distance in a short time and deal critical hit damage (keep in mind that a Crit from a Demoman's melee weapon will, depending on loadout, instantly kill any class apart from the Soldier and the Heavy, even when overhealed). If the Demoman completes a charge, or if he is stopped by use of explosives or movement-impairing attacks (slowdown, stun, compression blast, etc.), he must wait for it to recharge before he can use it again. The turning power of the Demoman during a charge is also very limited, so the easiest choice for avoiding damage from him is to get out of his way. The best way to handle this style of Demoman is to attack him from a distance, try to evade or interrupt his charge attack, and take advantage of the recharge time between these attacks. Avoid engaging in hallways and other narrow areas that give you very little room to maneuver. Many Demoman melee weapons also feature an extended range, skewing the odds of a melee fight in his favor. Be aware that a shield-carrying Demoman may also still carry a Grenade Launcher. Engaging at close range is not recommended.
Try and bait the Demoman into activating his charge, and do whatever you can to avoid it: airblast him back, launch him into the air with your rockets or stun him with the Sandman. When he's helpless, backpedal out of his melee range and start blasting him. Your should be using a bullet weapon, as a Demoman with one of the shields has no bonus resistance to bullets, so these do normal damage.
![Grenade Launcher](/w/images/thumb/e/e6/Item_icon_Grenade_Launcher.png/100px-Item_icon_Grenade_Launcher.png) 榴彈發射器
- The Grenade Launcher has a long reload time and a small clip. Attack the Demoman while he is reloading.
- A Demoman's grenades can bounce over cover and around corners, so don't rely as heavily on cover when fighting a Demoman using his Grenade Launcher.
- When firing the launcher and hitting at close range, the Demoman will likely get hit by his own grenade's explosion, dealing splash damage to himself. If you cannot avoid damage or death, stay close so the Demoman suffers as well.
![Loch-n-Load](/w/images/thumb/6/62/Item_icon_Loch-n-Load.png/100px-Item_icon_Loch-n-Load.png) 直擊榴彈
- The Loch-n-Load deals additional self-damage to the Demoman. Even if you die at close range, there is a chance of the Demoman severely injuring or killing himself.
- The Loch-n-Load has a smaller clip size than the Grenade Launcher. Dodge the two grenades, and then attack him while he is reloading.
- Grenades fired from the Loch-n-Load do not explode if they strike an obstacle. Cover and random movement will decrease the chances of getting hit.
- Make great effort in dodging the Loch n' Load's grenades; they deal more damage than the usual grenade, which is is often enough to kill many classes that have a low amount of Hit Points.
![Bootlegger](/w/images/thumb/4/4c/Item_icon_Bootlegger.png/100px-Item_icon_Bootlegger.png) 阿里巴巴尖頭靴 / 私藏海盜靴
- Ali Baba's Wee Booties give the wearer +25 max health. This can keep a Demoman alive long enough to counter-attack, so beware.
- However, he can no longer use his Grenade Launcher. He may still have his Stickybomb Launcher, so check to see if the Demoman is holding a shield or not.
- When equipped, the Ali Baba's Wee Booties provide a doubled increase in turning control while charging, so you must be even more alert in avoiding or preventing the Demoman's charge.
- Stickybombs can be destroyed by bullet-based weapons and melee weapons (the latter option is rarely advised). Shoot them before they all explode to prevent or minimize damage.
- Using an explosive weapon or a compression blast around corners can dislodge enemy stickybombs, revealing them before it's too late.
- Killing a Demoman will automatically remove all his stickybombs; taking out a Demoman using his Stickybomb Launcher can aid your team's attack or defense.
![Stickybomb Launcher](/w/images/thumb/7/7c/Item_icon_Stickybomb_Launcher.png/100px-Item_icon_Stickybomb_Launcher.png) 黏性炸彈發射器
- The Stickybomb Launcher is more difficult to use at close range due to the lengthy arming time, but be careful anyway, because stickybombs have a large splash radius.
- The Stickybomb Launcher has a long reload time. Avoid the stickybombs he fires at you, and attack the Demoman when he needs to reload.
- If a spawn-camping Demoman is harassing your team, then do the following: Send out a disguised Spy with the Dead Ringer. The Demoman will blow up the Spy, unaware of the feign death, and lay another stickybomb trap. Allow the Spy to noisily decloak behind his back. The Demoman now has two options - either continue laying his traps, which will end up in a backstab, or turn around and fight the Spy, which will serve as a distraction, easily allowing your freshly-spawned allies to shoot him in the back and kill him.
![Scottish Resistance](/w/images/thumb/2/2c/Item_icon_Scottish_Resistance.png/100px-Item_icon_Scottish_Resistance.png) 蘇格蘭式防禦黏彈
- The Scottish Resistance is not well suited for direct combat, but can be used to set up multiple traps. Be careful when you encounter the stickybombs of this weapon; they are likely not the only cluster you will have to deal with.
- A Demoman using the Scottish Resistance is often heavily focused on his stickybombs; this makes him highly susceptable to ambush, either from behind or from long distances.
- There is a possibility that there will be a bomb virtually anywhere you may tread, counter this by staying immobile and only moving when fired upon by the Demoman.
![Sticky Jumper](/w/images/thumb/5/56/Item_icon_Sticky_Jumper.png/100px-Item_icon_Sticky_Jumper.png) 黏彈跳躍者
- Although the Sticky Jumper wasn't meant for gameplay, a creative Demoman might use this to get to higher grounds and ambush enemies with his other weapons.
![Chargin' Targe](/w/images/thumb/7/7a/Item_icon_Chargin%27_Targe.png/100px-Item_icon_Chargin%27_Targe.png) 衝擊刺盾
- The Chargin' Targe gives the Demoman resistance to fire and explosion damage. Use a weapon that deals a different form of damage, if possible.
- The Charge effect can be canceled or delayed by using weapons with Stun, Slowdown and/or Knockback effects.
- When a Demoman is charging, he can only rush forward, with little ability to adjust his aim. Try dodging a charge by strafing from it, as backing up may not cover enough distance, especially if the Demoman is attacking with a weapon with increased range.
- Ali Baba's Wee Booties increase a charging Demoman's manueverability, make it even harder to dodge his charge. If you see these shoes on a Demoman, try to fight him from long distances. If that isn't an option, fight him near cover and other obstacles, or get close so the Demoman cannot earn a Mini-Crit or critical hit from the charge.
- The charge can also make it easy to line up an accurate shot from the front due to the Demoman's inability to dodge.
![Splendid Screen](/w/images/thumb/c/c3/Item_icon_Splendid_Screen.png/100px-Item_icon_Splendid_Screen.png) 輝煌戰盾
- The Splendid Screen gives a Demoman resistance to fire and explosion damage, though not as much as the Chargin' Targe. Still, damage him with bullets for maximum effectiveness.
- The Splendid Screen can deal impact damage at any range; keep your distance and try not to engage him in close combat, or else you may suffer a nasty surprise charge.
![Scottish Handshake](/w/images/thumb/1/1a/Item_icon_Scottish_Handshake.png/100px-Item_icon_Scottish_Handshake.png) 瓶子 / 油炸平底鍋 / 蘇格蘭式握手禮
- A Demoman may use the Bottle/Frying Pan as a last resort at close range. Since the Demoman's speed is below average, back up while attacking him if he is chasing you with this weapon.
![Nessie's Nine Iron](/w/images/thumb/5/5a/Item_icon_Nessie%27s_Nine_Iron.png/100px-Item_icon_Nessie%27s_Nine_Iron.png) 魔眼闊劍 / 斬首斧 / 尼斯九號鐵桿
- Demomen wielding this melee weapon gain a health and speed bonus upon every kill done by the weapon (known as "taking heads"), giving many the urge to try whatever they can to earn heads. When a Demoman pulls out this weapon, back up immediately, so that the extended melee range doesn't catch you off guard.
- Demomen will often use this weapon and a shield at the same time, to charge unsuspecting foes and kill them with the critical hit the charge can provide. Don't idle when these Demomen come into view. Try to strafe away from a charge, as backing up may not be enough to escape the extended range of the Demoman's weapon.
- If caught within this weapon's range, it might be better to fight the Demoman than fleeing from him; the weapon's large melee range along with the possiblity the Demoman has collected heads makes escape futile. Being a Heavy, Soldier or Demoman does not help matters, either.
- As this weapon cannot perform random critical hits, you may have an advantage if you are forced into close combat with a Demoman wielding one (provided your weapon can randomly crit).
![Scotsman's Skullcutter](/w/images/thumb/c/c6/Item_icon_Scotsman%27s_Skullcutter.png/100px-Item_icon_Scotsman%27s_Skullcutter.png) 蘇格蘭頭骨切割者
- The Scotsman's Skullcutter reduces the Demoman's speed, making him an easier target. However, this weapon has an increased melee range and deals more damage. Attack the Demoman from long range.
- Unlike most of the Demoman's other long-range melee weapons, the Scotsman's Skullcutter does not collect heads for a health and speed bonus; it can, however, perform random critical hits, making it even more likely that you will lose in melee combat against a Demoman wielding this weapon.
![Claidheamh Mòr](/w/images/thumb/0/0f/Item_icon_Claidheamh_M%C3%B2r.png/100px-Item_icon_Claidheamh_M%C3%B2r.png) 蓋爾巨劍
- A Demoman wielding the Claidheamh Mòr will often equip a shield as well, to make use of the sword's only positive attribute: to extend a charge for half a second. This makes it easy to misjudge the range of the Demoman's charge while he wields the Claidheamh Mòr, so try to take cover behind an obstacle in order to prevent this from becoming a problem.
- Even though Demoman cannot collect heads nor perform random critical hits with the Claidheamh Mòr, he only loses 15 of his maximum HP when equipped with it. Continue to heed caution when fighting this Demoman up close.
![Pain Train](/w/images/thumb/4/4b/Item_icon_Pain_Train.png/100px-Item_icon_Pain_Train.png) 天堂路
- The Demoman has a +10% vulnerability to bullets with the Pain Train equipped. Switch to a weapon that fires bullets for extra damage.
- Be wary of Demomen with the Pain Train near the final capture point, as they're harder to take down than Scouts but can end the game just as fast. Sentry Guns are useful in defense as they take advantage of the Pain Train's bullet vulnerability.
![Ullapool Caber](/w/images/thumb/a/a5/Item_icon_Ullapool_Caber.png/100px-Item_icon_Ullapool_Caber.png) 阿勒浦木製手榴彈
- The Ullapool Caber explodes on contact with the world, not just your enemies. Try to stay outside of the melee range of a Demoman who wields this weapon, as he may catch you off guard with the explosion.
- If you are within melee range of a Demoman using this weapon, try and cause the Demoman to miss and hit a wall, injuring himself. Be sure to stay far away to avoid splash damage.
- A Demoman using a Chargin' Targe in conjunction with this weapon can close the distance between you quickly and may get a Critical hit if he was far enough. Beware of Demomen using this combination.
- If you cannot avoid being struck by a Demoman's Ullapool Caber, do as much damage as you can before he hits you, so that he ends up dying from either the blast or the fall caused by being sent skyward from the blast.
![Half-Zatoichi](/w/images/thumb/a/a9/Item_icon_Half-Zatoichi.png/100px-Item_icon_Half-Zatoichi.png) 半盲劍俠
- A Demoman who draws out his Half-Zatoichi cannot switch to another weapon until he kills someone with it. Use this to your advantage as he will be helpless if you harass him outside of his melee distance (though he may be able to close the distance if he is wearing a shield). Keep in mind that a Half-Zatoichi that has killed someone will be covered in blood.
- A Demoman who kills an enemy with his Half-Zatoichi will regain all his health, so be careful taking him on if you just saw him slay one of your teammates.
- Attacking a Half-Zatoichi user with your own will kill him instantly, but he can kill you instead if he strikes first; therein lies the risk of him continuing his rampage after you restore all his health. Have your teammates kill him instead, or have them distract him while you run in for the kill.
![Persian Persuader](/w/images/thumb/9/98/Item_icon_Persian_Persuader.png/100px-Item_icon_Persian_Persuader.png) 波斯使者
- 配備這把刀能讓爆破兵的盾牌充能時間減半。因此看見持波斯使者的爆破兵時,請趕快殺死他,因為他衝刺之後能夠很快就再衝一次。
- 爆破兵如果配備了輝煌戰盾加上波斯使者的話,就會變成非常強大的近戰敵人,可以很快地接近再對你造成嚴重傷害。請在遠處盡量攻擊他,並提防他的衝刺。可以的話,讓他衝進你和隊友的攻擊陷阱之中。
- 波斯使者能夠將撿到的彈藥轉換為生命值補充,所以攻擊他時記得要速戰速決,別讓他能搶到彈藥。將他逼到角落再攻擊,可使他拿不到彈藥,也做不出有效的防守。
- 裝備這個套裝的爆破兵能夠多抵抗 10% 的火焰傷害,所以交戰時請多用爆裂物或是子彈來攻擊他。