File:Tf koreana.txt

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Tf_koreana.txt(file size: 1.26 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes

September 10, 2014 Patch (previous patches)

88908890"TF_SpaceChem_Pin" "SpaceChem 장식핀"
88918891"[english]TF_SpaceChem_Pin" "SpaceChem Pin"
88928892"TF_SpaceChem_Pin_Desc" "<어떠한 취업 이력도 발견되지 않았습니다>"
8893N/A"[english]TF_SpaceChem_Pin_Desc" "<no employment record found>"
N/A8893"[english]TF_SpaceChem_Pin_Desc" "< no employment record found >"
88948894"TF_SpaceChem_Fishcake_Type" "어육완자"
88958895"[english]TF_SpaceChem_Fishcake_Type" "Fishcake"
88968896"TF_SpaceChem_Fishcake" "어육완자"
1129111291"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_LOOT_ISLAND_NAME" "Dive Into a Good Book"
1129211292"TF_HALLOWEEN_LOOT_ISLAND_DESC" "Loot Island로 진입하여 보상을 노리십시오!"
1129311293"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_LOOT_ISLAND_DESC" "Get to Loot Island and claim your reward!"
11294N/A"Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Rare_Item_Halloween" "또는 눈이 휘둥그레질 정도로 희귀한 핼러윈 특별 아이템이 있습니다!\n(핼러윈 행사가 있을 때 열어야만 핼러윈 특별 아이템을 얻으실 수 있습니다.)"
N/A11294"Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Rare_Item_Halloween" "또는 상당히 희귀한 핼러윈 특별 아이템이 있습니다!\n(핼러윈 행사가 있을 때 열어야만 핼러윈 특별 아이템을 얻으실 수 있습니다.)"
1129511295"[english]Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Rare_Item_Halloween" "or an Exceedingly Rare Halloween-Themed Special Item!\n(Halloween-themed items are only available if opened during the Halloween event.)"
1129611296"TF_Set_Demo_Halloween_2011" "산악 지대의 사냥개"
1129711297"[english]TF_Set_Demo_Halloween_2011" "The Highland Hound"
1550315503"TF_CoffinKit" "관짝 장비"
1550415504"[english]TF_CoffinKit" "The Coffin Kit"
1550515505"TF_CoffinKit_Desc" "다른 생존 장비와는 다르게, 이 유용한 최후 처치 상자는 여러분이 살아있는 한 언젠가 죽을 것이기에 만들어졌습니다. 줄만 당기시면 이 소형 관이 커져서 여러분이 죽기 딱 좋은 크기로 변합니다!"
15506N/A"[english]TF_CoffinKit_Desc" "Unlike other survival packs, this handy last-aid kit rightly assumes that the moment you're in a survival situation, you are going to die. Just pull the ripcord to inflate the minature coffin into a standard corpse-sized one that you can die right into."
N/A15506"[english]TF_CoffinKit_Desc" "Unlike other survival packs, this handy last-aid kit rightly assumes that the moment you're in a survival situation, you are going to die. Just pull the ripcord to inflate the miniature coffin into a standard corpse-sized one that you can die right into."
1550715507"TF_RumpoLantern" "응딩이 등불"
1550815508"[english]TF_RumpoLantern" "The Rump-o'-Lantern"
1550915509"TF_RumpoLantern_Desc" "헤아릴 수 없을 정도로 오래 전부터 인류는 두 가지 꿈을 지녔습니다. 하나는 하늘을 나는 것이고, 또 하나는 엉덩이에 귀신이 들렸다고 남들이 속아넘어가게 하는 것이었죠. 비행기는 이 두가지 꿈 중 쉬운 꿈을 이루어주었습니다. 이 기적적인 엉덩이 등불은 남은 꿈을 이루어줍니다."
1868318683"[english]TF_Halloween2013_Key" "Spooky Key"
1868418684"TF_Halloween2013_Key_Desc" "으스스한 상자를 여는 데 씁니다.\n으스스한 상자에는 핼러윈 행사와 보름날에만 보이는\n핼러윈 주제의 아이템이 들어있습니다.\n\n2013년 11월 11일 이후에는 일반 열쇠로 바뀝니다."
1868518685"[english]TF_Halloween2013_Key_Desc" "Used to open Spooky Crates.\nSpooky Crates contain\nHalloween-themed items that are only visible\nduring the Halloween event and full moons.\n\nAfter 11/11/2013 this will turn into a normal key."
18686N/A"Halloween_Unusuals" "핼러윈 행사 기간에 열었을 때, 핼러윈 주제의 매우 희귀한 아이템을 획득할 수도 있습니다."
N/A18686"Halloween_Unusuals" "핼러윈 행사 기간에 열었을 때, 핼러윈 주제의 상당히 희귀한 아이템을 획득할 수도 있습니다."
1868718687"[english]Halloween_Unusuals" "If opened during the Halloween Event, may contain an Exceedingly Rare Halloween-Themed Special Item."
1868818688"TF_Set_HalloweenPyroMalice" "파이로동산의 악의"
1868918689"[english]TF_Set_HalloweenPyroMalice" "Malice in Pyroland"
1987219872"[english]TF_sbox2014_soldier_major" "Ground Control"
1987319873"TF_sbox2014_killers_kit" "죽여주는 장비"
1987419874"[english]TF_sbox2014_killers_kit" "The Killer's Kit"
N/A19875"TF_sbox2014_stylish_degroot" "개성적인 디그룻"
N/A19876"[english]TF_sbox2014_stylish_degroot" "Stylish DeGroot"
1987519877"TF_sbox2014_einstein" "아인"
1987619878"[english]TF_sbox2014_einstein" "Ein"
1987719879"TF_sbox2014_heavy_gunshow" "묵직한 근육"
2004820050"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Open_Participant" "LBTF2 Open Participant"
2004920051"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Season9" "LBTF2 9기"
2005020052"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Season9" "LBTF2 Season 9"
N/A20053"TF_Scoreboard_Support" "지원:"
N/A20054"[english]TF_Scoreboard_Support" "Support:"
2005120055"TF_KILLS" "처치"
2005220056"[english]TF_KILLS" "KILLS"
2005320057"TF_Weapon_Parachute" "낙하산"
2026420268"[english]TF_SOLDIER_PARACHUTE_DISTANCE_DESC" "Parachute 19.47 miles."
2026620270"[english]TF_SOLDIER_PARACHUTE_KILL_PARACHUTE_NAME" "Dogfight"
N/A20271"TF_SOLDIER_PARACHUTE_KILL_PARACHUTE_DESC" "낙하산을 타는 동안 낙하산을 타고 있는 적을 처치하십시오."
N/A20272"[english]TF_SOLDIER_PARACHUTE_KILL_PARACHUTE_DESC" "Kill a parachuting player while parachuting."
2026820274"[english]TF_SOLDIER_AIRSTRIKE_MAX_CLIP_NAME" "Maximum Potential"
2026920275"TF_SOLDIER_AIRSTRIKE_MAX_CLIP_DESC" "적을 처치하여 공중 폭격포의 장탄수를 최대한도로 늘리십시오."
2031020316"[english]ShuffleContents_Title" "Shuffle Crate Contents"
2031120317"ShuffleContents_Desc" "아무 단어나 입력해 보세요! 단어마다 각기 다른 아이템 묶음이 나올 겁니다."
2031220318"[english]ShuffleContents_Desc" "Type in any word! Different words result in different sets of items."
N/A20319"EditSlots" "칸 편집"
N/A20320"[english]EditSlots" "EDIT SLOTS"
N/A20321"EditSlots_SelectItemPanel" "칸에서 사용할 아이템 선택"
N/A20322"[english]EditSlots_SelectItemPanel" "SELECT ITEM TO USE IN SLOT"
2031320323"LoadoutSlot_Taunt" "1번 도발"
2031420324"[english]LoadoutSlot_Taunt" "Taunt 1"
2031520325"LoadoutSlot_Taunt2" "2번 도발"
2036220372"[english]Econ_Breadbox_Lootlist_Header" "Contains one of the following items\ninspired by the TF2 Movie 'Expiration Date'"
2036320373"Econ_Breadbox_Lootlist_Footer" "전부 그렇지는 않지만, 이 상자에 포함된 일부 아이템들은 뭔가 이상합니다..."
2036420374"[english]Econ_Breadbox_Lootlist_Footer" "Some, but not all, of the items in this box are Strange..."
N/A20375"Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Rare_Series_1" "또는 상당히 희귀한 범상찮은 모자 시리즈 1번!"
N/A20376"[english]Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Rare_Series_1" "or an Exceedingly Rare Series #1 Unusual Hat!"
N/A20377"Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Rare_Series_2" "또는 상당히 희귀한 범상찮은 모자 시리즈 2번!"
N/A20378"[english]Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Rare_Series_2" "or an Exceedingly Rare Series #2 Unusual Hat!"
N/A20379"Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Rare_Series_3" "또는 상당히 희귀한 범상찮은 모자 시리즈 3번!"
N/A20380"[english]Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Rare_Series_3" "or an Exceedingly Rare Series #3 Unusual Hat!"
N/A20381"Econ_Revolving_Unusual_Taunt" "또는 상당히 희귀한 범상찮은 도발!"
N/A20382"[english]Econ_Revolving_Unusual_Taunt" "or an Exceedingly Rare Unusual Taunt!"
2036520383"TF_Set_short2014_DemoDrinking" "국경의 남쪽 묶음"
2036620384"[english]TF_Set_short2014_DemoDrinking" "The South of the Border Pack"
2036720385"TF_Set_short2014_ScoutFancy" "복고풍의 반항아 묶음"
2037020388"[english]TF_Set_short2014_SoldierPack" "The Federal Express Pack"
2037120389"TF_Set_short2014_PyroPack1" "방랑 방화광 묶음"
2037220390"[english]TF_Set_short2014_PyroPack1" "The Ronin Roaster Pack"
N/A20391"TF_Set_short2014_PyroPack2" "방화의 후예들 묶음"
N/A20392"[english]TF_Set_short2014_PyroPack2" "The Sons of Arsonry Pack"
2037320393"TF_Set_short2014_EngineerPack1" "건설자의 기초 장비"
2037420394"[english]TF_Set_short2014_EngineerPack1" "The Builder's Basics Kit"
2037520395"TF_Set_short2014_SpyPack" "자동 항법 조종사 묶음"
2045620476"[english]TF_Weapon_AirStrike" "The Air Strike"
2045720477"TF_Weapon_AirStrike_Desc" ""
2045820478"[english]TF_Weapon_AirStrike_Desc" ""
N/A20479"TauntsExplanation_Title" "도발 목록"
N/A20480"[english]TauntsExplanation_Title" "Taunts Loadout"
N/A20481"ClassLoadoutTauntsExplanation_Text" "여기를 클릭하면 장착 중인 도발을 볼 수 있습니다.\n\n무기와 장식 아이템처럼, 각 병과마다 도발 목록을 원하는 대로 바꾸실 수 있습니다."
N/A20482"[english]ClassLoadoutTauntsExplanation_Text" "Click here to view your equipped taunts.\n\nJust like with your weapons and cosmetic items, you can customize your taunt loadout for each class."
2045920483"Store_Cosmetics" "장식 아이템"
2046020484"[english]Store_Cosmetics" "Cosmetics"
2046120485"Store_Taunts" "도발"
2050220526"[english]TF_TauntAllClassSkullcracker" "Taunt: Skullcracker"
2050320527"TF_TauntAllClassSkullcracker_Desc" "본 아이템은 짝 도발입니다. 도발 단추로 사용 및 해제할 수 있습니다."
2050420528"[english]TF_TauntAllClassSkullcracker_Desc" "This is a partner taunt. Press the taunt key to toggle."
N/A20529"TF_short2014_soldier_fed_coat" "기밀 외투"
N/A20530"[english]TF_short2014_soldier_fed_coat" "The Classified Coif"
2050520531"TF_short2014_sengoku_scorcher" "전국시대 전소자"
2050620532"[english]TF_short2014_sengoku_scorcher" "Sengoku Scorcher"
2050720533"TF_short2014_man_in_slacks" "맨 인 슬랙"
2052820554"[english]TF_short2014_engineer_nerd_shirt" "The Egghead's Overalls"
2052920555"TF_short2014_medic_nietzsche" "우버인간"
2053020556"[english]TF_short2014_medic_nietzsche" "Ze Übermensch"
N/A20557"TF_short2014_spy_ascot_vest" "최신 유행 암살자"
N/A20558"[english]TF_short2014_spy_ascot_vest" "The Au Courant Assassin"
2053120559"TF_short2014_endothermic_exowear" "흡열성 외투"
2053220560"[english]TF_short2014_endothermic_exowear" "The Endothermic Exowear"
2053320561"TF_short2014_lil_moe" "용병의 모히칸 머리"
2054020568"[english]TF_short2014_pyro_chickenhat" "Employee of the Mmmph"
2054120569"TF_short2014_fowl_fryer" "튀김의 달인"
2054220570"[english]TF_short2014_fowl_fryer" "The Frymaster"
N/A20571"TF_short2014_honnoji_helm" "가연성 카부토"
N/A20572"[english]TF_short2014_honnoji_helm" "The Combustible Kabuto"
2054320573"TF_short2014_chronoscarf" "시간 조작 스카프"
2054420574"[english]TF_short2014_chronoscarf" "The Chronoscarf"
2054520575"TF_short2014_chemists_pride" "위험"
2054720577"TF_short2014_vintage_director" "프랑스 만세"
2054820578"[english]TF_short2014_vintage_director" "Vive La France"
2054920579"TF_ClassicSniperRifle" "Classic"
20550N/A"[english]TF_ClassicSniperRifle" "The The Classic"
N/A20580"[english]TF_ClassicSniperRifle" "The Classic"
2055120581"TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Season12" "UGC 하이랜더 연맹전 12기"
2055220582"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Season12" "UGC Highlander League Season 12"
2055320583"TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Gold_Participant" "UGC 6 대 6 경기 골드전 참가상"

File info

Note: this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from root\tf\resource.


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

(newest | oldest) View ( | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
22:38, 29 April 2014 (1.61 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for April 29, 2014 Patch.
03:06, 20 April 2014 (1.6 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for April 18, 2014 Patch.
17:35, 2 April 2014 (1.6 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for April 1, 2014 Patch.
06:42, 6 March 2014 (1.59 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for March 5, 2014 Patch.
03:52, 24 January 2014 (1.58 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for January 23, 2014 Patch.
02:02, 19 December 2013 (1.56 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 18, 2013 Patch.
06:25, 7 November 2013 (1.53 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for November 6, 2013 Patch.
05:38, 1 November 2013 (1.52 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for October 31, 2013 Patch.
06:37, 30 October 2013 (1.51 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for October 29, 2013 Patch.
00:34, 11 October 2013 (1.5 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for October 10, 2013 Patch.
(newest | oldest) View ( | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
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