File:Tf koreana.txt
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Tf_koreana.txt (file size: 1.26 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes
June 20, 2014 Patch (previous patches)
142142"TF_FreezeNemesis" "적수"
143143"[english]TF_FreezeNemesis" "Nemesis"
144144"TF_Taunt" "도발"
145N/A"[english]TF_Taunt" "Taunt"
N/A145"[english]TF_Taunt" "Taunts"
146146"TF_FeignArmed" "-무장 완료-"
147147"[english]TF_FeignArmed" "-ARMED-"
148148"ClassTips_1_1" "점령 지점을 다른 병과보다 더욱 빠르게 장악할 수 있습니다!"
63766376"TF_Armory_Item_InSet" "�%s1� 아이템 세트를 이루는 아이템입니다. 일부 아이템 세트는 추가적인 능력치가 주어집니다. �%s1� 아이템 세트가 제공하는 �능력은 다음과 같습니다.\n"
63776377"[english]TF_Armory_Item_InSet" "This item is part of ��%s1� item set. Some item sets provide extra bonuses when the entire set is worn at the same time. The ��%s1�� set will provide this �Item Set Bonus�:\n"
63786378"TF_Armory_Item_Type_TauntEnabler" "�사용자 지정 도발 기능이 있는 �액션 아이템�입니다."
6379N/A"[english]TF_Armory_Item_Type_TauntEnabler" "This �Action Item� plays a �Custom Taunt� when used."
N/A6379"[english]TF_Armory_Item_Type_TauntEnabler" "This �Taunt Item� plays a �Custom Taunt� when used."
63806380"TF_Armory_Item_Class_ClassToken" "병과 토큰� 아이템입니다. 제작 설계도로 어떤 병과의 아이템을 만들지 결정하는 데 사용됩니다. 예를 들어 설계도에 솔저 병과 토큰을 넣으면, 제작 시 솔저 아이템만 생산됩니다."
63816381"[english]TF_Armory_Item_Class_ClassToken" "This item is a �Class Token�. It's used in crafting recipes to specify which class's items should be crafted. For example: putting a Soldier class token into a recipe will ensure only Soldier items will be produced by the craft."
63826382"TF_Armory_Item_Class_SlotToken" "칸 토큰� 아이템입니다. 제작 설계도로 어떤 장비 설정 칸의 아이템을 만들지 결정하는 데 사용됩니다. 예를 들어 설계도에 주무기 칸 토큰을 넣으면, 제작 시 주무기 칸에 장착하는 아이템만 제작됩니다."
68106810"TF_Bundle_MapTokens" "맵 후원 씰 수집품"
68116811"[english]TF_Bundle_MapTokens" "Map Stamps Collection"
68126812"TF_Bundle_MapTokens_Desc" "각 커뮤니티 제작 맵의 씰 하나가 들어있습니다."
6813N/A"[english]TF_Bundle_MapTokens_Desc" "Includes one stamp for each community made map."
N/A6813"[english]TF_Bundle_MapTokens_Desc" "Includes one stamp for each community-made map."
68146814"TF_FlippedTrilby" "모절중"
68156815"[english]TF_FlippedTrilby" "Flipped Trilby"
68166816"TF_GermanGonzila" "독일 곤질라"
73327332"Attrib_SetDamageType_Ignite" "적중 시, 대상이 화염에 휩싸입니다."
73337333"[english]Attrib_SetDamageType_Ignite" "On Hit: target is engulfed in flames"
73347334"Attrib_Minicrit_Vs_Burning_Player" "불타는 플레이어 대상 100% 소형 치명타"
7335N/A"[english]Attrib_Minicrit_Vs_Burning_Player" "100% minicrits vs burning players"
N/A7335"[english]Attrib_Minicrit_Vs_Burning_Player" "100% mini-crits vs burning players"
73367336"TF_Unique_RiftFireAxe" "날카로운 화산 파편"
73377337"[english]TF_Unique_RiftFireAxe" "Sharpened Volcano Fragment"
73387338"TF_Unique_RiftFireMace" "해를 품은 막대"
90029002"TF_TauntEnabler_Replay" "도발: 감독의 시야"
90039003"[english]TF_TauntEnabler_Replay" "Taunt: The Director's Vision"
90049004"TF_TauntEnabler_Replay_Desc" "이 아이템을 플레이어의 액션 칸에 장착하고 액선 단추를 눌러 해당 플레이어의 희생자에게 해당 플레이어가 지금 그들의 측은한 사망에 대한 리플레이를 만들고 있다는 것을 모든 사람과 공유하십시오."
9005N/A"[english]TF_TauntEnabler_Replay_Desc" "Equip this item in your Action Slot and press the Action button to tell your victims you are making a Replay of their pathetic demise to share with everyone."
N/A9005"[english]TF_TauntEnabler_Replay_Desc" "Equip this item in a Taunt Slot. Activate to tell your victims you are making a Replay of their pathetic demise to share with everyone."
90069006"Replay_ReplayMsgTitle" "리플레이"
90079007"[english]Replay_ReplayMsgTitle" "REPLAY"
90089008"Replay_YouTubeURL" "YOUTUBE 주소"
1061010610"TF_TauntEnabler_HighFive" "도발: 하이파이브!"
1061110611"[english]TF_TauntEnabler_HighFive" "Taunt: The High Five!"
1061210612"TF_TauntEnabler_HighFive_Desc" "친구를 혼자 기다리게 두지 마세요!\n\n이 도발은 '누르고 대기'식 도발입니다. 액션 칸 단추를 누르고 있으면 하이파이브 자세를 유지합니다."
10613N/A"[english]TF_TauntEnabler_HighFive_Desc" "Don't leave your friends hanging.\n\nThis is a press-and-hold taunt. Hold down the action slot key to remain in the taunt's pose."
N/A10613"[english]TF_TauntEnabler_HighFive_Desc" "Don't leave your friends hanging.\n\nThis is a partner taunt. Press the action slot key to toggle."
1061410614"TF_ConscientiousObjector" "양심적 병역 기피자"
1061510615"[english]TF_ConscientiousObjector" "The Conscientious Objector"
1061610616"TF_ConscientiousObjector_Desc" "우리는 평화에게 기회를 주었습니다. 근데 망했어요.\n\n자작 데칼을 이 아이템에 붙일 수 있습니다."
1085110851"[english]Store_SortType_DateOldest" "Oldest First"
1085210852"Store_ItemDesc_Slot_None" "없음"
1085310853"[english]Store_ItemDesc_Slot_None" "None"
10854N/A"TF_HighFive_TooHigh" "하이파이브를 할 동료를 찾기에는 너무 높은 곳이에요."
10855N/A"[english]TF_HighFive_TooHigh" "You are too high up for any potential high five partner."
10856N/A"TF_HighFive_Blocked" "중간에 뭔가 가로막고 있습니다"
10857N/A"[english]TF_HighFive_Blocked" "There is something in the way."
N/A10854"TF_PartnerTaunt_TooHigh" "하이파이브를 할 동료를 찾기에는 너무 높은 곳이에요."
N/A10855"[english]TF_PartnerTaunt_TooHigh" "You are too high up for any potential taunt partner."
N/A10856"TF_PartnerTaunt_Blocked" "중간에 뭔가 가로막고 있습니다"
N/A10857"[english]TF_PartnerTaunt_Blocked" "There is something in the way."
1085810858"TF_HighFive_Hint" "이 플레이어 앞에서 '%taunt%' 키를 눌러 하이파이브에 응하세요."
10859N/A"[english]TF_HighFive_Hint" "Press '%taunt%' in front of this player to perform a high five."
N/A10859"[english]TF_HighFive_Hint" "Press '%taunt%' in front of this player to join the taunt."
1086010860"TF_Armory_Item_DecalToolTag" "이 도구를 사용하여 가문의 영광, 양심적 병역 기피자 그리고 아주 좋소! 등의 특정한 아이템에 사용자 지정 이미지를 부착할 수 있습니다. (만약 이런 종류의 아이템들을 가지고 있지 않다면, 우선 아이템부터 사세요. 그 안에 공짜 데칼 도구가 한 개 들어있습니다.) 부착될 이미지는 팀 포트리스 2 세계에서 채용된 소형 팔레트에 맞게 색상이 보정되어 팀 포트리스 2 미술 양식에 맞게 변환됩니다."
1086110861"[english]TF_Armory_Item_DecalToolTag" "This �Tool� can be used to put a custom image on �certain items�, such as Clan Pride, The Conscientious Objector, and Flair! (If you don't already have such an item, buy the item first; it includes one free decal tool.) Your image will be put into the TF2 art style, by reducing the colors to a small palette from the TF2 universe."
1086210862"TF_Armory_Item_CanCustomizeTexture" "데칼 도구를 사용해 여러분이 원하시는 이미지를 이 아이템에 붙일 수 있습니다. 이 아이템을 사고 공짜 데칼 도구를 얻어 사용해 보세요! 데칼은 이미지를 팀 포트리스 2 미술 양식에서 채용된 조그마한 색상 팔레트에 맞게 보정함으로써 만들어집니다."
1182611826"Attrib_VictimsBecomeAsh" "희생자들은 잿더미가 됩니다!"
1182711827"[english]Attrib_VictimsBecomeAsh" "Victims turn to ash!"
1182811828"Attrib_AltFireTeleportToSpawn" "보조기능: 부활 장소로 즉시 이동합니다"
11829N/A"[english]Attrib_AltFireTeleportToSpawn" "On Alt-Fire: Teleport to spawn"
N/A11829"[english]Attrib_AltFireTeleportToSpawn" "Press your reload key to choose to teleport to spawn or your exit teleporter"
1183011830"Attrib_CannotPickUpBuildings" "구조물을 옮길 수 없습니다"
1183111831"[english]Attrib_CannotPickUpBuildings" "Cannot carry buildings"
1183211832"Attrib_StunEnemiesWieldingSameWeapon" "같은 무기를 들고 있는 적을 기절시킵니다."
1304213042"Attrib_DamageDone_Bodyshot_Negative" "신체 사격 시 피해량 %s1%"
1304313043"[english]Attrib_DamageDone_Bodyshot_Negative" "%s1% damage on body shot"
1304413044"Attrib_SniperRageDisplayOnly" "집중력 측정기가 가득 찬 경우 발사 시 집중력 발동.\n25% 빠른 충전 속도와 조준경 조준 상태가 해제되지 않음."
13045N/A"[english]Attrib_SniperRageDisplayOnly" "Focus activates on Fire when Focus meter is full\nIn Focus: +25% faster charge and no unscoping"
N/A13045"[english]Attrib_SniperRageDisplayOnly" "Press 'Reload' to activate focus\nIn Focus: +25% faster charge and no unscoping."
1304613046"Attrib_Projectile_Spread_Angle_Negative" "투사체가 %s1 도의 편차로 무작위로 탈선되어 발사됩니다."
1304713047"[english]Attrib_Projectile_Spread_Angle_Negative" "+%s1 degrees random projectile deviation"
1304813048"Attrib_AutoFiresFullClip" "발사 단추를 눌러 로켓을 3발까지 장전할 수 있습니다.\n발사 단추를 떼면 장전한 로켓을 한 번에 발사합니다."
1853018530"GameUI_HudPlayerClassUsePlayerModelDialogCancel" "아니오"
1853118531"[english]GameUI_HudPlayerClassUsePlayerModelDialogCancel" "No"
1853218532"ToolTip_HudPlayerClassUsePlayerModel" "설정 시 플레이어 병과 HUD가 해당 병과 이미지 대신 플레이어의 모델로 표시됩니다."
18533N/A"[english]ToolTip_HudPlayerClassUsePlayerModel" "If set, the player class HUD will use player's model instead image."
N/A18533"[english]ToolTip_HudPlayerClassUsePlayerModel" "If set, the player class HUD will use the player's actual model."
1853418534"Tooltip_RomeVisionOptIn" "설정 시 배낭에 우스꽝스런 월계관을 소유한 플레이어가 서버에 있을 경우 Mann 대 기계 모드에서 로마 시야를 쓸 수 있습니다."
1853518535"[english]Tooltip_RomeVisionOptIn" "If set, Romevision will be enabled in Mann vs. Machine mode if any player on the server has The Hardy Laurel in their backpack."
1853618536"ToolStrangifierUntradableWarning" "\n\n이 %s1 아이템은 거래가 불가능하기 때문에 결과물인 %s2 아이템도 거래가 불가능합니다!"
1944519445"[english]TF_MvMScoreboard_Healing" "Healing"
1944619446"TF_MvMScoreboard_Money" "자금 회수량"
1944719447"[english]TF_MvMScoreboard_Money" "Money"
19448N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Premier_Division_First_Place" "OWL 제10회 최강자전 디비전 1위"
19449N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Premier_Division_First_Place" "OWL 10 Premier Division First Place"
19450N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Premier_Division_Second_Place" "OWL 제10회 최강자전 디비전 2위"
19451N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Premier_Division_Second_Place" "OWL 10 Premier Division Second Place"
19452N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Premier_Division_Third_Place" "OWL 제10회 최강자전 디비전 3위"
19453N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Premier_Division_Third_Place" "OWL 10 Premier Division Third Place"
19454N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Premier_Division_Participant" "OWL 제10회 최강자전 디비전 참가상"
19455N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Premier_Division_Participant" "OWL 10 Premier Division Participant"
19456N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division2_First_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제2차 1위"
19457N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division2_First_Place" "OWL 10 Division 2 First Place"
19458N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division2_Second_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제2차 2위"
19459N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division2_Second_Place" "OWL 10 Division 2 Second Place"
19460N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division2_Third_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제2차 3위"
19461N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division2_Third_Place" "OWL 10 Division 2 Third Place"
19462N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division2_Participant" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제2차 참가상"
19463N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division2_Participant" "OWL 10 Division 2 Participant"
19464N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division3_First_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제3차 1위"
19465N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division3_First_Place" "OWL 10 Division 3 First Place"
19466N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division3_Second_Place" "
N/A19448"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Premier_Division_First_Place" "OWL 제10회 최강자전 디비전 1위"
N/A19449"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Premier_Division_First_Place" "OWL 10 Premier Division First Place"
N/A19450"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Premier_Division_Second_Place" "OWL 제10회 최강자전 디비전 2위"
N/A19451"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Premier_Division_Second_Place" "OWL 10 Premier Division Second Place"
N/A19452"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Premier_Division_Third_Place" "OWL 제10회 최강자전 디비전 3위"
N/A19453"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Premier_Division_Third_Place" "OWL 10 Premier Division Third Place"
N/A19454"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Premier_Division_Participant" "OWL 제10회 최강자전 디비전 참가상"
N/A19455"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Premier_Division_Participant" "OWL 10 Premier Division Participant"
N/A19456"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division2_First_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제2차 1위"
N/A19457"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division2_First_Place" "OWL 10 Division 2 First Place"
N/A19458"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division2_Second_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제2차 2위"
N/A19459"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division2_Second_Place" "OWL 10 Division 2 Second Place"
N/A19460"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division2_Third_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제2차 3위"
N/A19461"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division2_Third_Place" "OWL 10 Division 2 Third Place"
N/A19462"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division2_Participant" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제2차 참가상"
N/A19463"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division2_Participant" "OWL 10 Division 2 Participant"
N/A19464"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division3_First_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제3차 1위"
N/A19465"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division3_First_Place" "OWL 10 Division 3 First Place"
N/A19466"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division3_Second_Place" "
1946719467OWL 제10회 디비전 제3차 2위"
19468N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division3_Second_Place" "OWL 10 Division 3 Second Place"
19469N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division3_Third_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제3차 3위"
19470N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division3_Third_Place" "OWL 10 Division 3 Third Place"
19471N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division3_Participant" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제3차 참가상"
19472N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division3_Participant" "OWL 10 Division 3 Participant"
19473N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division4_First_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제4차 1위"
19474N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division4_First_Place" "OWL 10 Division 4 First Place"
19475N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division4_Second_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제4차 2위"
19476N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division4_Second_Place" "OWL 10 Division 4 Second Place"
19477N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division4_Third_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제4차 3위"
19478N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division4_Third_Place" "OWL 10 Division 4 Third Place"
19479N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division4_Participant" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제4차 참가상"
19480N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division4_Participant" "OWL 10 Division 4 Participant"
19481N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division5_First_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제5차 1위"
19482N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division5_First_Place" "OWL 10 Division 5 First Place"
19483N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division5_Second_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제5차 2위"
19484N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division5_Second_Place" "OWL 10 Division 5 Second Place"
19485N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division5_Third_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제5차 3위"
19486N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division5_Third_Place" "OWL 10 Division 5 Third Place"
19487N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division5_Participant" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제5차 참가상"
19488N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division5_Participant" "OWL 10 Division 5 Participant"
19489N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division6_First_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제6차 1위"
19490N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division6_First_Place" "OWL 10 Division 6 First Place"
19491N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division6_Second_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제6차 2위"
19492N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division6_Second_Place" "OWL 10 Division 6 Second Place"
19493N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division6_Third_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제6차 3위"
19494N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division6_Third_Place" "OWL 10 Division 6 Third Place"
19495N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division6_Participant" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제6차 참가상"
19496N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_6v6_Division6_Participant" "OWL 10 Division 6 Participant"
N/A19468"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division3_Second_Place" "OWL 10 Division 3 Second Place"
N/A19469"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division3_Third_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제3차 3위"
N/A19470"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division3_Third_Place" "OWL 10 Division 3 Third Place"
N/A19471"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division3_Participant" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제3차 참가상"
N/A19472"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division3_Participant" "OWL 10 Division 3 Participant"
N/A19473"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division4_First_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제4차 1위"
N/A19474"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division4_First_Place" "OWL 10 Division 4 First Place"
N/A19475"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division4_Second_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제4차 2위"
N/A19476"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division4_Second_Place" "OWL 10 Division 4 Second Place"
N/A19477"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division4_Third_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제4차 3위"
N/A19478"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division4_Third_Place" "OWL 10 Division 4 Third Place"
N/A19479"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division4_Participant" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제4차 참가상"
N/A19480"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division4_Participant" "OWL 10 Division 4 Participant"
N/A19481"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division5_First_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제5차 1위"
N/A19482"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division5_First_Place" "OWL 10 Division 5 First Place"
N/A19483"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division5_Second_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제5차 2위"
N/A19484"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division5_Second_Place" "OWL 10 Division 5 Second Place"
N/A19485"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division5_Third_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제5차 3위"
N/A19486"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division5_Third_Place" "OWL 10 Division 5 Third Place"
N/A19487"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division5_Participant" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제5차 참가상"
N/A19488"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division5_Participant" "OWL 10 Division 5 Participant"
N/A19489"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division6_First_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제6차 1위"
N/A19490"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division6_First_Place" "OWL 10 Division 6 First Place"
N/A19491"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division6_Second_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제6차 2위"
N/A19492"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division6_Second_Place" "OWL 10 Division 6 Second Place"
N/A19493"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division6_Third_Place" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제6차 3위"
N/A19494"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division6_Third_Place" "OWL 10 Division 6 Third Place"
N/A19495"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division6_Participant" "OWL 제10회 디비전 제6차 참가상"
N/A19496"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division6_Participant" "OWL 10 Division 6 Participant"
1949719497"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Community_First_Place" "AU 하이랜더 커뮤니티 연맹전 1위"
1949819498"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Community_First_Place" "AU Highlander Community League First Place"
1949919499"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Community_Second_Place" "AU 하이랜더 커뮤니티 연맹전 2위"
1958919589"TF_StrangePart_KillstreaksEnded_Desc" "이상한 품질의 무기에 이 이상한 부품을 덧붙이면 해당 무기로 적군 플레이어의 연속 처치를 중단시킨 횟수를 기록합니다."
1959019590"[english]TF_StrangePart_KillstreaksEnded_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of enemy player killstreaks you end with that weapon."
1959119591"TF_StrangePart_KillcamTaunts" "이상한 부품: 프리즈캠 도발 출연"
19592N/A"[english]TF_StrangePart_KillcamTaunts" "Strange Part: Freezecam Taunt Appearances"
N/A19592"[english]TF_StrangePart_KillcamTaunts" "Strange Cosmetic Part: Freezecam Taunt Appearances"
1959319593"TF_StrangePart_KillcamTaunts_Desc" "이상한 품질의 장식 아이템에 이 이상한 부품을 덧붙이면 해당 장식 아이템을 장착했을 때 프리즈캠 도발에 출연한 횟수를 기록합니다."
1959419594"[english]TF_StrangePart_KillcamTaunts_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality cosmetic item will enable it to track the number of times you appear in enemy freezecams taunting while wearing it."
1959519595"TF_StrangePart_DamageDealt" "이상한 부품: 피해 입히기"
1959719597"TF_StrangePart_DamageDealt_Desc" "이상한 품질의 무기에 이 이상한 부품을 덧붙이면 해당 무기로 다른 플레이어에게 입힌 총 피해량을 기록합니다."
1959819598"[english]TF_StrangePart_DamageDealt_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the total amount of damage you deal to other players with that weapon."
1959919599"TF_StrangePart_FiresSurvived" "이상한 부품: 불붙은 상태에서 생존"
19600N/A"[english]TF_StrangePart_FiresSurvived" "Strange Part: Fires Survived"
N/A19600"[english]TF_StrangePart_FiresSurvived" "Strange Cosmetic Part: Fires Survived"
1960119601"TF_StrangePart_FiresSurvived_Desc" "이상한 품질의 장식 아이템에 이 이상한 부품을 덧붙이면 해당 장식 아이템을 장착했을 때 불타는 상태에서 생존한 횟수를 기록합니다."
1960219602"[english]TF_StrangePart_FiresSurvived_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality cosmetic item will enable it to track the times you survive being lit on fire."
1960319603"TF_StrangePart_AllyHealing" "이상한 부품: 아군 치료"
1976919769"TF_StrongboxKey_Desc" "잠긴 Mann Co. 금고를 여는데 씁니다."
1977019770"[english]TF_StrongboxKey_Desc" "Used to unlock a Mann Co. Strongbox."
1977119771"Attrib_MiniCritBoost_OnKill" "처치 시: %s1 초 동안 소형 치명타 효과"
19772N/A"[english]Attrib_MiniCritBoost_OnKill" "On Kill: Gain Minicrits for %s1 seconds."
N/A19772"[english]Attrib_MiniCritBoost_OnKill" "On Kill: Gain Mini-crits for %s1 seconds."
1977319773"Attrib_NoMetalFromDispensersWhileActive" "무기를 들고 있을 때 디스펜서에서 금속 획득 불가"
1977419774"[english]Attrib_NoMetalFromDispensersWhileActive" "No metal from dispensers when active."
1977519775"TF_MM_WaitDialog_Title_FeelingLucky" "최적의 서버를 찾고 있습니다"
File info
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This media is extracted from the game Team Fortress 2. The copyright for it is held by Valve Corporation, who created the software. |
File history
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Date/Time | Dimensions | User | Comment | |
00:34, 31 July 2014 | (1.62 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for July 30, 2014 Patch. | |
02:00, 25 July 2014 | (1.61 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for July 24, 2014 Patch. | |
09:20, 18 July 2014 | (1.61 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for July 17, 2014 Patch. | |
01:26, 9 July 2014 | (1.61 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for July 8, 2014 Patch. | |
00:53, 27 June 2014 | (1.61 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for June 26, 2014 Patch. | |
12:05, 21 June 2014 | (1.61 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for June 20, 2014 Patch. | |
01:57, 21 June 2014 | (1.61 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for June 19, 2014 Patch. | |
22:49, 20 June 2014 | (1.61 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for June 18, 2014 Patch. | |
02:17, 12 June 2014 | (1.61 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for June 11, 2014 Patch. | |
01:01, 16 May 2014 | (1.61 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for May 15, 2014 Patch. |
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