File:Tf koreana.txt
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Tf_koreana.txt (file size: 1.26 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes
October 28, 2015 Patch (previous patches)
86818681"[english]TF_vote_restart_game" "Restart the map?"
86828682"TF_vote_passed_restart_game" "맵을 다시 시작합니다..."
86838683"[english]TF_vote_passed_restart_game" "Restarting the map..."
8684N/A"TF_vote_changelevel" "맵을 %s1 로 변경하시겠습니까?"
N/A8684"TF_vote_changelevel" "%s1 맵으로 변경하시겠습니까?"
86858685"[english]TF_vote_changelevel" "Change current map to %s1?"
8686N/A"TF_vote_nextlevel" "다음 맵을 %s1 로 설정하시겠습니까?"
N/A8686"TF_vote_nextlevel" "다음 맵으로 %s1 맵을 설정하시겠습니까?"
86878687"[english]TF_vote_nextlevel" "Set the next map to %s1?"
8688N/A"TF_vote_passed_changelevel" "맵을 %s1로 변경합니다..."
N/A8688"TF_vote_passed_changelevel" "%s1 맵으로 변경합니다..."
86898689"[english]TF_vote_passed_changelevel" "Changing map to %s1..."
8690N/A"TF_vote_passed_nextlevel" "다음 맵은 %s1로 설정되었습니다."
N/A8690"TF_vote_passed_nextlevel" "다음 맵은 %s1 맵으로 설정되었습니다."
86918691"[english]TF_vote_passed_nextlevel" "Next map set to %s1..."
86928692"TF_vote_passed_nextlevel_extend" "현재 맵을 연장하기"
86938693"[english]TF_vote_passed_nextlevel_extend" "Extending the current map"
1207312073"[english]Tip_2_18" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper will apply a Jarate effect to an enemy based on how long you've been scoped, so take your time when shooting."
1207412074"Tip_2_19" "스나이퍼는 시드니 마취총으로 적을 맞혀 병수도 효과를 적용시킬 수 있습니다. 이 효과는 적을 한 방에 사살하지 못하더라도 멀리서 아군을 지원할 수 있도록 합니다."
1207512075"[english]Tip_2_19" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper can coat an enemy with Jarate upon a successful hit. This makes it an effective weapon when supporting your team from afar even if you do not kill the enemy with your first shot."
12076N/A"Tip_2_20" "스나이퍼의 시장 흥정품은 조준경으로 적을 조준했는데 빗맞힐 경우에만 머리통 개수가 줄어듭니다. 맞히기 어려운 대상을 쏠 경우에는 축적된 머리통 개수를 유지하려면 '일반 사격'을 고려하십시오."
N/A12076"Tip_2_20" "스나이퍼의 시장 흥정품은 충전 속도가 처음에는 느리지만, 머리통을 모을때마다 빨라집니다. 머리통을 모으려면 조준한 상태에서 머리를 맞춰 사살해야 합니다."
1207712077"[english]Tip_2_20" "As a Sniper, the Bazaar Bargain's charge rate is initially lower, but you can increase it by collecting heads. To collect heads, get a scoped headshot kill."
1207812078"Tip_2_21" "마키나를 사용할 경우, 적을 조준경으로 조준해서 죽이기 어려울 때를 대비하여 기관단총을 지니는 것을 고려하십시오."
1207912079"[english]Tip_2_21" "As a Sniper with the Machina, consider equipping the Submachine Gun to handle enemies in situations where scoping in for a shot is too difficult."
1279512795"[english]TF_Lollichop_Desc" "Fill (split) your buddies' tummies (skulls) with delicious candy (cold steel) with this oversized sugary treat. (Equips Pyrovision.)"
1279612796"TF_ScorchShot" "그슬린 한 방"
1279712797"[english]TF_ScorchShot" "The Scorch Shot"
12798N/A"TF_ScorchShot_Desc" ""
12799N/A"[english]TF_ScorchShot_Desc" "This weapon will reload automatically when not active."
1280012798"TF_Rainblower" "무지개 뿌리개"
1280112799"[english]TF_Rainblower" "The Rainblower"
1280212800"TF_Rainblower_Desc" "여러분의 친구(적)들은 이 반짝이는 무지개(화끈한 불길)로 뒤덮힐 때 기뻐(불에 타 고통스러워) 죽을 듯이 소리칠 겁니다. (파이로 시야경 장착)"
2077420772"[english]Attrib_Particle3010" "Mega Strike"
2077520773"TF_TideTurner" "조류 조타기"
2077620774"[english]TF_TideTurner" "The Tide Turner"
20777N/A"TF_TideTurner_Desc" ""
20778N/A"[english]TF_TideTurner_Desc" "Alt-Fire: Charge toward your enemies.\nGain a critical melee strike after impacting an enemy at distance."
2077920775"TF_Weapon_BreadBite" "빵으로 물기"
2078020776"[english]TF_Weapon_BreadBite" "The Bread Bite"
2078120777"TF_Weapon_BreadBite_Desc" "팀포2 동영상 'Expiration Date'에서 영감을 받아 제작되었습니다."
2193421930"[english]TF_Weapon_Iron_bomber" "The Iron Bomber"
2193521931"TF_Weapon_PanicAttack" "공황 공격"
2193621932"[english]TF_Weapon_PanicAttack" "The Panic Attack"
21937N/A"TF_GameModeDesc_Powerup" "새로운 깃발 탈취전에서 능력을 얻고 기동 갈고리를 사용해 보십시오!"
N/A21933"TF_GameModeDesc_Powerup" "새로운 깃발 탈취전에서 능력을 사용하고 기동 갈고리를 사용해 보십시오!"
2193821934"[english]TF_GameModeDesc_Powerup" "Use powerups and your grapple hook in this new take on CTF."
2193921935"TF_GameModeDetail_Powerup" "기존의 깃발 탈취 모드와 유사하나, 아군의 깃발이 떨어졌을 때 아군이 건드리면 깃발이 즉시 기지로 돌아갑니다.\n\n또한 맵 곳곳에 능력이 널려있으며, 얻으면 다양한 부가 효과가 생깁니다. 능력은 한 번에 하나만 가질 수 있으며, 죽으면 능력을 떨어트립니다.\n\n맵 곳곳을 누빌 수 있는 기동 갈고리를 쓸 수 있습니다."
2194021936"[english]TF_GameModeDetail_Powerup" "Standard Capture the Flag, but your dropped flag will instantly return to base when touched by your team.\n\nPowerups are strewn about the map and can be picked up to give you various enhancements. You can only carry one powerup at a time, and you drop your carried powerup when you die.\n\nYou have access to a grapple hook that you can use to fly around the map."
2267222668"[english]TF_Tag_Category_Exterior" "Exterior"
2267322669"TF_InactiveOperationPass" "총기 패기 작전 참가권"
2267422670"[english]TF_InactiveOperationPass" "Gun Mettle Campaign Pass"
22675N/A"TF_InactiveOperationPass_desc" "활성화시키면 총기 패기 작전 기념 주화를 받게 됩니다.\n작전 기간 동안 계약 접근권이 주어집니다.\n한 번에 하나의 주화만 활성화할 수 있습니다.\n\n총기 패기 작전은 2015년 9월 30일에 종료됩니다."
22676N/A"[english]TF_InactiveOperationPass_desc" "Activate to receive a Gun Mettle Campaign Coin.\nGrants access to contracts for the duration of the campaign.\nOnly one coin can be active at a time.\n\nThe Gun Mettle Campaign ends September 30, 2015."
N/A22671"TF_InactiveOperationPass_desc" "총기 패기 작전이 2015년 9월 30일 끝났습니다.\n\n총기 패기 작전 참가권을 활성화시켰다면 총기 패기 작전 기념 주화를 얻어 계약을 맺고 각종 수치를 확인할 수 있었습니다."
N/A22672"[english]TF_InactiveOperationPass_desc" "The Gun Mettle Campaign ended on September 30, 2015.\n\nActivating the Gun Mettle Campaign Pass granted a Gun Mettle Campaign Coin that would grant access to contracts and track stats during the campaign."
2267722673"TF_InactiveOperationPass_AdText" "-총기 패기 작전 기념 주화\n-수익은 커뮤니티 맵 제작자에게 기여\n-완료 시 이벤트 전용 무기 보상이 주어지는 계약에 접근 가능"
2267822674"[english]TF_InactiveOperationPass_AdText" "-The Gun Mettle Campaign Coin\n-Contribute to community map makers\n-Access to contracts that reward event-exclusive items when completed"
2267922675"TF_ActivatedOperationPass" "총기 패기 작전 기념 주화"
2275422750"[english]craftsmann_pistol_homemadeheater" "The Homemade Heater"
2275522751"craftsmann_minigun_ironwood" "철나무"
2275622752"[english]craftsmann_minigun_ironwood" "Iron Wood"
N/A22753"craftsmann_scattergun_countrycrusher" "벽촌 분쇄기"
N/A22754"[english]craftsmann_scattergun_countrycrusher" "The Country Crusher"
N/A22755"craftsmann_smg_plaidpotshotter" "격자무늬 난사기"
N/A22756"[english]craftsmann_smg_plaidpotshotter" "The Plaid Potshotter"
N/A22757"craftsmann_sniperrifle_shotinthedark" "어둠 속 총격"
N/A22758"[english]craftsmann_sniperrifle_shotinthedark" "Shot in the Dark"
2275722759"craftsmann_stickybomblauncher_blastedbombardier" "폭발적인 폭격수용"
2275822760"[english]craftsmann_stickybomblauncher_blastedbombardier" "The Blasted Bombardier"
2275922761"craftsmann_medigun_reclaimedreanimator" "재생된 소생자"
2277822780"[english]powerhouse_medigun_sparkoflife" "The Spark of Life"
2277922781"powerhouse_rocketlauncher_shellshocker" "포탄충격 유발"
2278022782"[english]powerhouse_rocketlauncher_shellshocker" "The Shell Shocker"
N/A22783"powerhouse_scattergun_currentevent" "짜릿짜릿한 현상"
N/A22784"[english]powerhouse_scattergun_currentevent" "The Current Event"
2278122785"powerhouse_flamethrower_turbinetorcher" "터빈 점화 방식"
2278222786"[english]powerhouse_flamethrower_turbinetorcher" "The Turbine Torcher"
2278322787"powerhouse_minigun_brickhouse" "벽돌집"
2288622890"[english]Attrib_HealingReceivedPenalty" "%s1% less healing from all sources"
2288722891"Attrib_HealingFromMedics_Negative" "메딕 치료량 %s1% 감소"
2288822892"[english]Attrib_HealingFromMedics_Negative" "%s1% less healing from Medic sources"
N/A22893"Attrib_LoseDemoChargeOnDamageWhenCharging" "방패 돌격 중 피해를 입을 시 돌격 시간 감소"
N/A22894"[english]Attrib_LoseDemoChargeOnDamageWhenCharging" "Taking damage while shield charging reduces remaining charging time"
2288922895"Attrib_SpeedBoostOnKill" "처치 시 속도 증진을 얻습니다."
2289022896"[english]Attrib_SpeedBoostOnKill" "Gain a speed boost on kill"
2289122897"Attrib_SpeedBoostOnHit" "적중 시 속도 증진을 얻습니다."
2293822944"[english]TF_Ladder_NoClassChangeRound" "You can't change classes after the game has started."
2293922945"TF_Ladder_NoClassChangeReady" "준비 상태일 때는 병과를 변경할 수 없습니다."
2294022946"[english]TF_Ladder_NoClassChangeReady" "You can't change classes while you are READY."
N/A22947"TF_Ladder_NoTeamChange" "이번 경기에서는 팀 변경이 불가능합니다."
N/A22948"[english]TF_Ladder_NoTeamChange" "Teams are locked for this match."
2294122949"TF_Contract_Progress" "계약 진행 상황"
2294222950"[english]TF_Contract_Progress" "Contract Progress"
2294322951"TF_Contract_Progress_All" "모든 계약 진행 상황 보기"
2294622954"[english]TF_Contract_Progress_Active" "Show Active Contracts Only"
2294722955"TF_Contract_Progress_None" "비활성화"
2294822956"[english]TF_Contract_Progress_None" "Disable"
22949N/A"MMenu_Update" "총기 패기 업데이트"
N/A22957"MMenu_PlayComp" "경쟁 모드 플레이하기"
N/A22958"[english]MMenu_PlayComp" "Play Competitive"
N/A22959"MMenu_Update" "침공 커뮤니티 업데이트"
2295022960"[english]MMenu_Update" "Invasion Community Update"
2295122961"MMenu_ViewUpdateDetails" "세부 사항 보기"
2295222962"[english]MMenu_ViewUpdateDetails" "View Details"
2297622986"[english]TF_UseOperationPassAlreadyActive_Title" "Cannot Use Pass"
2297722987"TF_UseOperationPassAlreadyActive_Text" "이미 작전 기념 주화를 사용 중입니다.\n\n한 번에 단 하나의 작전 기념 주화만 사용할 수 있습니다."
2297822988"[english]TF_UseOperationPassAlreadyActive_Text" "A campaign coin is already active.\n\nOnly one campaign coin may be active at a time."
N/A22989"TF_UseOperationPass_Title" "참가권을 사용할까요?"
N/A22990"[english]TF_UseOperationPass_Title" "Activate Pass?"
2297922991"TF_CannotDeleteOperationPass_Title" "삭제 불가"
2298022992"[english]TF_CannotDeleteOperationPass_Title" "Cannot Delete"
2298122993"TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_Enabled" "활성화"
2298222994"[english]TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_Enabled" "Enabled"
2298322995"TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_Enabled_Summary" "피해 분산"
2298422996"[english]TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_Enabled_Summary" "Damage spread"
N/A22997"TF_GameModeDesc_Featured" "총기 패기 업데이트에 소개된 맵들을 돌아다닙니다."
N/A22998"[english]TF_GameModeDesc_Featured" "Tour the featured maps for the Gun Mettle Update."
2298522999"TF_Pass" "참가권"
2298623000"[english]TF_Pass" "Pass"
N/A23001"TF_MVM_Tour_ExpertDifficulty_Denied" "주의: 전문가 임무는 상급 난이도 임무보다 훨씬 어렵습니다.\n\n상급 난이도 임무를 먼저 완료하여 패기를 증명하신 후에 전문가 난이도의 임무를 플레이하실 수 있습니다.\n"
N/A23002"[english]TF_MVM_Tour_ExpertDifficulty_Denied" "ATTENTION: Expert missions are MUCH HARDER than advanced missions.\n\nYou must prove your mettle by completing at least one advanced tour before you will be allowed to undertake this challenge.\n"
2298723003"TF_Matchmaking_MissingTicket" "%s1 님에게 이용권이 없습니다."
2298823004"[english]TF_Matchmaking_MissingTicket" "%s1 doesn't have a ticket"
N/A23005"TF_Competitive_Disconnect" "경기가 끝났습니다. 플레이해 주셔서 감사합니다!"
N/A23006"[english]TF_Competitive_Disconnect" "The match is over. Thanks for playing!"
2298923007"TF_ItemDynamicQuest_Use" "살펴보기"
2299023008"[english]TF_ItemDynamicQuest_Use" "Inspect"
2299123009"TF_ItemDynamicQuestTool" "조합법"
2314823166"[english]Msg_PasstimeBallGet" "got the jack!"
2314923167"Msg_PasstimeScoreCount" "님이 %s1 점을 따냈습니다!"
2315023168"[english]Msg_PasstimeScoreCount" "scored %s1 points!"
N/A23169"Msg_PasstimePassIncoming" "아군이 패스했습니다"
N/A23170"[english]Msg_PasstimePassIncoming" "PASS INCOMING"
2315123171"Msg_PasstimeBallStolenByBlue" "블루 팀이 잭을 빼앗았습니다!"
23152N/A"[english]Msg_PasstimeBallStolenByBlue" "BLUE STOLE THE JACK!"
N/A23172"[english]Msg_PasstimeBallStolenByBlue" "BLU STOLE THE JACK!"
2315323173"Msg_PasstimeBallStolenByRed" "레드 팀이 잭을 빼앗았습니다!"
2315423174"[english]Msg_PasstimeBallStolenByRed" "RED STOLE THE JACK!"
N/A23175"TF_Passtime_Score" "득점했습니다! "
N/A23176"[english]TF_Passtime_Score" "You SCORED! "
N/A23177"TF_Passtime_No_Tele" "잭울 갖고 있는 동안에는 텔레포트할 수 없습니다!"
N/A23178"[english]TF_Passtime_No_Tele" "You cannot TELEPORT while carrying the JACK!"
N/A23179"TF_Passtime_No_Invuln" "잭을 들고 있는 동안에는 무적 효과를 받을 수 없습니다!"
N/A23180"[english]TF_Passtime_No_Invuln" "You cannot be INVULNERABLE while carrying the JACK"
N/A23181"TF_Passtime_No_Disguise" "잭을 갖고 있는 동안에는 변장을 할 수 없습니다!"
N/A23182"[english]TF_Passtime_No_Disguise" "You cannot DISGUISE while carrying the JACK!"
N/A23183"TF_Passtime_No_Cloak" "잭을 갖고 있는 동안에는 은폐가 불가능합니다!"
N/A23184"[english]TF_Passtime_No_Cloak" "You cannot CLOAK while carrying the JACK!"
N/A23185"TF_Passtime_No_Holster" "무기를 바꿀 수 없는 상태에서 잭을 들 수 없습니다!"
N/A23186"[english]TF_Passtime_No_Holster" "You cannot carry the JACK until you are able to holster your weapon!"
N/A23187"TF_Passtime_No_Taunt" "잭을 갖고 있는 동안에는 도발을 할 수 없습니다!"
N/A23188"[english]TF_Passtime_No_Taunt" "You cannot TAUNT while carrying the JACK!"
2315523189"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Premier_First_Place" "OWL 제14회 최강자 디비전 1위"
2315623190"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Premier_First_Place" "OWL 14 Premier First Place"
2315723191"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Premier_Second_Place" "OWL 제14회 최강자 디비전 2위"
2332623360"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_lurkers_leathers_style0" "Wasteland"
2332723361"TF_cc_summer2015_lurkers_leathers_style1" "월 가"
2332823362"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_lurkers_leathers_style1" "Wall Street"
N/A23363"TF_cc_summer2015_commissars_coat" "인민치안위원의 외투"
N/A23364"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_commissars_coat" "Commissar's Coat"
N/A23365"TF_cc_summer2015_sheriffs_stetson" "보안관의 스테트튼 모자"
N/A23366"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_sheriffs_stetson" "Sheriff's Stetson"
2332923367"TF_cc_summer2015_wild_west_waistcoat" "서부 개척 조끼"
2333023368"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_wild_west_waistcoat" "Wild West Waistcoat"
2333123369"TF_cc_summer2015_fortunate_son" "신의 아들"
2336223400"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_DeutschLAN_Participant" "DeutschLAN Participant"
2336323401"TF_TournamentMedal_DeutschLAN_Supporter" "DeutschLAN 지원자"
2336423402"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_DeutschLAN_Supporter" "DeutschLAN Supporter"
N/A23403"TF_Map_pass_warehouse_goal2" "Warehouse Goal2 - 베타"
N/A23404"[english]TF_Map_pass_warehouse_goal2" "Warehouse Goal2 - BETA"
N/A23405"TF_vote_extendlevel" "현재 맵을 연장하시겠습니까?"
N/A23406"[english]TF_vote_extendlevel" "Extend the current level?"
N/A23407"Vote_ExtendLevel" "현재 맵 연장하기"
N/A23408"[english]Vote_ExtendLevel" "Extend Current Map"
N/A23409"TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_UnusualEffect" "범상찮은 효과"
N/A23410"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_UnusualEffect" "Unusual Effect"
N/A23411"EconAction_Preview" "게임 내에서 관찰하기..."
N/A23412"[english]EconAction_Preview" "Inspect in Game..."
N/A23413"TF_Dingaling_PitchLowDmg" "낮은 피해량의 타격음 음높이"
N/A23414"[english]TF_Dingaling_PitchLowDmg" "Hit Sound Low damage pitch"
N/A23415"Tooltip_Dingaling_PitchLowDmg" "10 이하 피해의 타격음 음높이입니다. 음높이는 높은 값과 낮은 값 사이입니다. (100 값을 권장합니다.)"
N/A23416"[english]Tooltip_Dingaling_PitchLowDmg" "Hit sound pitch for attacks that deal 10 damage or less. Pitch scales between high and low values (Recommend 100)"
N/A23417"TF_Dingaling_PitchHighDmg" "높은 피해량의 타격음 음높이"
N/A23418"[english]TF_Dingaling_PitchHighDmg" "Hit Sound High damage pitch"
N/A23419"Tooltip_Dingaling_PitchHighDmg" "150 이상 피해의 타격음 음높이입니다. 음높이는 높은 값과 낮은 값 사이입니다. (10 값을 권장합니다.)"
N/A23420"[english]Tooltip_Dingaling_PitchHighDmg" "Hit sound pitch for attacks that deal 150 damage or more. Pitch scales between high and low values (Recommend 10)"
N/A23421"tf_dingalingaling_effect" "타격음"
N/A23422"[english]tf_dingalingaling_effect" "Hit Sounds"
N/A23423"tf_dingalingaling_Default" "기본"
N/A23424"[english]tf_dingalingaling_Default" "Default"
N/A23425"tf_dingalingaling_Electro" "전자 신호"
N/A23426"[english]tf_dingalingaling_Electro" "Electro"
N/A23427"tf_dingalingaling_Notes" "팀포2 알림"
N/A23428"[english]tf_dingalingaling_Notes" "Notes"
N/A23429"tf_dingalingaling_Retro" "복고풍"
N/A23430"[english]tf_dingalingaling_Retro" "Retro"
N/A23431"tf_dingalingaling_Space" "우주풍"
N/A23432"[english]tf_dingalingaling_Space" "Space"
N/A23433"tf_dingalingaling_Vortex" "소용돌이"
N/A23434"[english]tf_dingalingaling_Vortex" "Vortex"
N/A23435"tf_dingalingaling_Squasher" "뽁뽁이"
N/A23436"[english]tf_dingalingaling_Squasher" "Squasher"
N/A23437"TF_QuestExpirationWarning" "자폭까지 남은 시간: \n%s1\n"
N/A23438"[english]TF_QuestExpirationWarning" "Self-Destruct:\n%s1\n"
N/A23439"TF_Welcome_community_update" "환영합니다!"
N/A23440"[english]TF_Welcome_community_update" "Welcome"
N/A23441"ctf_2fort_invasion_authors" "Miguel 'BANG!' Melara\nThe Ronin\nMichael Egan\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nMartin 'Chaofanatic' Ellis\nRyan 'Freeflow' Leitao\nHarlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke\nJames 'Retro' Wright\n"
N/A23442"[english]ctf_2fort_invasion_authors" "Miguel 'BANG!' Melara\nThe Ronin\nMichael Egan\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nMartin 'Chaofanatic' Ellis\nRyan 'Freeflow' Leitao\nHarlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke\nJames 'Retro' Wright\n"
N/A23443"pd_watergate_authors" "Michael Egan\nLouie 'bakscratch' Turner\nIan 'Wgooch' Gooch\nNassim 'NassimO' Sadoun\nMiguel 'BANG!' Melara\nThijs 'Evil_Knevil' Van Gerrewey\nFissionMetroid101\nJennifer 'NeoDement' Burnett\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nThe Ronin"
N/A23444"[english]pd_watergate_authors" "Michael Egan\nLouie 'bakscratch' Turner\nIan 'Wgooch' Gooch\nNassim 'NassimO' Sadoun\nMiguel 'BANG!' Melara\nThijs 'Evil_Knevil' Van Gerrewey\nFissionMetroid101\nJennifer 'NeoDement' Burnett\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nThe Ronin"
N/A23445"arena_byre_authors" "Ian 'Idolon' Spadin\nGavin 'Equinoxo' Sawford\nGuy 'Gerbil' Ross\nHellJumper\nKevin 'Ravidge' Brook\nMatt 'Boylee' Boyle\nSebastian 'Seba' Grus\nUmbratile\nThe Ronin"
N/A23446"[english]arena_byre_authors" "Ian 'Idolon' Spadin\nGavin 'Equinoxo' Sawford\nGuy 'Gerbil' Ross\nHellJumper\nKevin 'Ravidge' Brook\nMatt 'Boylee' Boyle\nSebastian 'Seba' Grus\nUmbratile\nThe Ronin"
N/A23447"koth_probed_authors" "Harlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke\nFissionMetroid101\nMiguel 'BANG!' Melara\nKevin 'Ravidge' Brook\nThe Ronin"
N/A23448"[english]koth_probed_authors" "Harlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke\nFissionMetroid101\nMiguel 'BANG!' Melara\nKevin 'Ravidge' Brook\nThe Ronin"
N/A23449"TF_Map_2FortInv" "2Fort Invasion"
N/A23450"[english]TF_Map_2FortInv" "2Fort Invasion"
N/A23451"TF_MapToken_2FortInv" "맵 후원 우표 - 2Fort Invasion"
N/A23452"[english]TF_MapToken_2FortInv" "Map Stamp - 2Fort Invasion"
N/A23453"TF_MapToken_2FortInv_Desc" "깃발 탈취전 맵\n\n제작자: Miguel 'BANG!' Melara, The Ronin, Michael Egan, Aeon 'Void' Bollig, Martin 'Chaofanatic' Ellis, Ryan 'Freeflow' Leitao, Harlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke, and James 'Retro' Wright\n\n이 아이템을 구매하시면 커뮤니티 맵 2Fort Invasion의 제작자들을 직접 후원하실 수 있습니다. 여러분의 성원을 보여주세요!"
N/A23454"[english]TF_MapToken_2FortInv_Desc" "A Capture the Flag Map\n\nMade by Miguel 'BANG!' Melara, The Ronin, Michael Egan, Aeon 'Void' Bollig, Martin 'Chaofanatic' Ellis, Ryan 'Freeflow' Leitao, Harlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke, and James 'Retro' Wright\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the 2Fort Invasion community map. Show your support today!"
N/A23455"TF_MapToken_2FortInv_AdText" "-이 아이템을 구매하면 커뮤니티 맵 2Fort Invasion의 제작자들을 직접 후원할 수 있습니다."
N/A23456"[english]TF_MapToken_2FortInv_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the 2Fort Invasion community map."
N/A23457"TF_Map_Probed" "Probed"
N/A23458"[english]TF_Map_Probed" "Probed"
N/A23459"TF_MapToken_Probed" "맵 후원 우표 - Probed"
N/A23460"[english]TF_MapToken_Probed" "Map Stamp - Probed"
N/A23461"TF_MapToken_Probed_Desc" "언덕의 왕 맵\n\n제작자: Harlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke, FissionMetroid101, Miguel 'BANG!' Melara, Kevin 'Ravidge' Brook, and The Ronin\n\n이 아이템을 구매하시면 커뮤니티 맵 Probed의 제작자를 직접 후원하실 수 있습니다. 여러분의 성원을 보여주세요!"
N/A23462"[english]TF_MapToken_Probed_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Harlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke, FissionMetroid101, Miguel 'BANG!' Melara, Kevin 'Ravidge' Brook, and The Ronin\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Probed community map. Show your support today!"
N/A23463"TF_MapToken_Probed_AdText" "-이 아이템을 구매하면 커뮤니티 맵 Probed의 제작자들을 직접 후원할 수 있습니다."
N/A23464"[english]TF_MapToken_Probed_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Probed community map."
N/A23465"TF_Map_Watergate" "Watergate"
N/A23466"[english]TF_Map_Watergate" "Watergate"
N/A23467"TF_MapToken_Watergate" "맵 후원 우표 - Watergate"
N/A23468"[english]TF_MapToken_Watergate" "Map Stamp - Watergate"
N/A23469"TF_MapToken_Watergate_AdText" "-이 아이템을 구매하면 커뮤니티 맵 Watergate의 제작자들을 직접 후원할 수 있습니다."
N/A23470"[english]TF_MapToken_Watergate_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Watergate community map."
N/A23471"TF_Map_Byre" "Byre"
N/A23472"[english]TF_Map_Byre" "Byre"
N/A23473"TF_MapToken_Byre" "맵 후원 우표 - Byre"
N/A23474"[english]TF_MapToken_Byre" "Map Stamp - Byre"
N/A23475"TF_MapToken_Byre_Desc" "아레나 맵\n\n제작자: Ian 'Idolon' Spadin, Gavin 'Equinoxo' Sawford, Guy 'Gerbil' Ross, HellJumper, Kevin 'Ravidge' Brook, Matt 'Boylee' Boyle, Sebastian 'Seba' Grus, Umbratile, and The Ronin\n\n이 아이템을 구매하시면 커뮤니티 맵 Byre의 제작자들을 직접 후원하실 수 있습니다. 여러분의 성원을 보여주세요!"
N/A23476"[english]TF_MapToken_Byre_Desc" "An Arena Map\n\nMade by Ian 'Idolon' Spadin, Gavin 'Equinoxo' Sawford, Guy 'Gerbil' Ross, HellJumper, Kevin 'Ravidge' Brook, Matt 'Boylee' Boyle, Sebastian 'Seba' Grus, Umbratile, and The Ronin\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Byre community map. Show your support today!"
N/A23477"TF_MapToken_Byre_AdText" "-이 아이템을 구매하면 커뮤니티 맵 Byre의 제작자들을 직접 후원할 수 있습니다."
N/A23478"[english]TF_MapToken_Byre_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Byre community map."
N/A23479"TF_Map_2FortInv_StrangePrefix" " 안드로메다인"
N/A23480"[english]TF_Map_2FortInv_StrangePrefix" " Andromedan"
N/A23481"TF_Map_Watergate_StrangePrefix" " 파충인"
N/A23482"[english]TF_Map_Watergate_StrangePrefix" " Reptiloid"
N/A23483"TF_Map_Byre_StrangePrefix" " 정체불명"
N/A23484"[english]TF_Map_Byre_StrangePrefix" " Unidentified"
N/A23485"TF_Map_Probed_StrangePrefix" " 기밀"
N/A23486"[english]TF_Map_Probed_StrangePrefix" " Classified"
N/A23487"GameType_Community_Update" "침공"
N/A23488"[english]GameType_Community_Update" "Invasion"
N/A23489"TF_Store" "-- 상점 --"
N/A23490"[english]TF_Store" "-- Store --"
N/A23491"TF_Owned" "-- 보유 중 --"
N/A23492"[english]TF_Owned" "-- Owned --"
N/A23493"TF_Market" "-- 장터 --"
N/A23494"[english]TF_Market" "-- Market --"
N/A23495"KillEaterEvent_TauntsPerformed" "시행 횟수"
N/A23496"[english]KillEaterEvent_TauntsPerformed" "Times Performed"
N/A23497"KillEaterEvent_InvasionKills" "침공 행사 도중 처치 및 도움수"
N/A23498"[english]KillEaterEvent_InvasionKills" "Kills and Assists during Invasion Event"
N/A23499"KillEaterEvent_InvasionKillsOnMap01" "2Fort Invasion 맵에서 처치 및 도움수"
N/A23500"[english]KillEaterEvent_InvasionKillsOnMap01" "Kills and Assists on 2Fort Invasion"
N/A23501"KillEaterEvent_InvasionKillsOnMap02" "Probed 맵에서 처치 및 도움수"
N/A23502"[english]KillEaterEvent_InvasionKillsOnMap02" "Kills and Assists on Probed"
N/A23503"KillEaterEvent_InvasionKillsOnMap03" "Byre 맵에서 처치 및 도움수"
N/A23504"[english]KillEaterEvent_InvasionKillsOnMap03" "Kills and Assists on Byre"
N/A23505"KillEaterEvent_InvasionKillsOnMap04" "Watergate 맵에서 처치 및 도움수"
N/A23506"[english]KillEaterEvent_InvasionKillsOnMap04" "Kills and Assists on Watergate"
N/A23507"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMap2FortInv" "이상한 여과기: 2Fort Invasion (커뮤니티)"
N/A23508"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMap2FortInv" "Strange Filter: 2Fort Invasion (Community)"
N/A23509"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMap2FortInv_Desc" "이상한 품질의 무기에 이 이상한 여과기를 덧붙이고 원하는 점수를 고르면 해당 무기로 2Fort Invasion 맵에서 세운 그 점수를 기록하게 됩니다."
N/A23510"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMap2FortInv_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on 2Fort Invasion."
N/A23511"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapProbed" "이상한 여과기: Probed (커뮤니티)"
N/A23512"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapProbed" "Strange Filter: Probed (Community)"
N/A23513"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapProbed_Desc" "이상한 품질의 무기에 이 이상한 여과기를 덧붙이고 원하는 점수를 고르면 해당 무기로 Probed 맵에서 세운 그 점수를 기록하게 됩니다."
N/A23514"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapProbed_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Probed."
N/A23515"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapWatergate" "이상한 여과기: Watergate (커뮤니티)"
N/A23516"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapWatergate" "Strange Filter: Watergate (Community)"
N/A23517"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapWatergate_Desc" "이상한 품질의 무기에 이 이상한 여과기를 덧붙이고 원하는 점수를 고르면 해당 무기로 Watergate 맵에서 세운 그 점수를 기록하게 됩니다."
N/A23518"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapWatergate_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Watergate."
N/A23519"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapByre" "이상한 여과기: Byre (커뮤니티)"
N/A23520"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapByre" "Strange Filter: Byre (Community)"
N/A23521"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapByre_Desc" "이상한 품질의 무기에 이 이상한 여과기를 덧붙이고 원하는 점수를 고르면 해당 무기로 Byre 맵에서 세운 그 점수를 기록하게 됩니다."
N/A23522"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapByre_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Byre."
N/A23523"TF_InactiveInvasionPass" "침공 커뮤니티 업데이트 참가권"
N/A23524"[english]TF_InactiveInvasionPass" "Invasion Community Update Pass"
N/A23525"TF_InactiveInvasionPass_Desc" "모든 수익은 침공 커뮤니티 업데이트 제작 팀에게 갑니다.\n\n활성화시키면 침공 커뮤니티 업데이트 기념 주화를 받게 됩니다.\n한 번에 하나의 주화만 활성화할 수 있습니다.\n2015년 말까지 침공 커뮤니티 업데이트 상자 획득에 대한 접근권이 주어집니다.\n\n2015년 11월 5일까지 구매할 수 있습니다."
N/A23526"[english]TF_InactiveInvasionPass_Desc" "All proceeds go to the Invasion Community Update team\n\nActivate to receive an Invasion Community Update Coin\nOnly one Invasion Community Update Coin can be active at a time\nGrants access to Invasion Community Update case drops through the end of 2015\n\nAvailable for purchase through November 5, 2015"
N/A23527"TF_InactiveInvasionPass_AdText" "-모든 수익은 침공 커뮤니티 업데이트 제작 팀에게 갑니다.\n\n-2015년 말까지 침공 커뮤니티 업데이트 상자 획득에 대한 접근권이 주어집니다."
N/A23528"[english]TF_InactiveInvasionPass_AdText" "-All proceeds go to the Invasion Community Update Team\n\n-Grants access to Invasion Community Update case drops through the end of 2015"
N/A23529"TF_ActivatedInvasionPass" "침공 커뮤니티 업데이트 기념 주화"
N/A23530"[english]TF_ActivatedInvasionPass" "Invasion Community Update Coin"
N/A23531"TF_ActivatedInvasionPass_Desc" "침공 커뮤니티 업데이트 제작 팀을 후원해주셔서 감사합니다.\n2015년 말까지 침공 커뮤니티 업데이트 상자 획득에 대한 접근권이 주어집니다.\n\n2015년 11월 5일까지 통계가 기록됩니다."
N/A23532"[english]TF_ActivatedInvasionPass_Desc" "Thank you for supporting the Invasion Community Update Team\nGrants access to Invasion Community Update case drops through the end of 2015\n\nStats are tracked through November 5, 2015"
N/A23533"TF_Tool_Invasion2015Key" "침공 커뮤니티 업데이트 열쇠"
N/A23534"[english]TF_Tool_Invasion2015Key" "Invasion Community Update Key"
N/A23535"TF_Tool_Invasion2015Key_Desc" "격리 처리된 수집품 상자나\n기밀 처리된 수집품 상자를 여는 데 씁니다."
N/A23536"[english]TF_Tool_Invasion2015Key_Desc" "Used to Open The Quarantined Collection Case\nor The Confidential Collection Case"
N/A23537"TF_Tool_Invasion2015Key_AdText" "-격리 처리된 수집품 상자나 기밀 처리된 수집품 상자를 여는 데 씀.\n-내용물은 이상하거나\n-침공을 주제로한 범상찮은 효과의 아이템이 들어있음"
N/A23538"[english]TF_Tool_Invasion2015Key_AdText" "-Used to Open The Quarantined Collection Case\nor The Confidential Collection Case\n-Contents may be Strange\n-Cases contain Invasion-themed Unusual effects"
N/A23539"invasion_master_collection" "침공 수집품"
N/A23540"[english]invasion_master_collection" "Invasion Collections"
N/A23541"Invasion_collection_01" "격리 처리된 수집품 상자"
N/A23542"[english]Invasion_collection_01" "Quarantined Collection Case"
N/A23543"Invasion_collection_02" "기밀 처리된 수집품 상자"
N/A23544"[english]Invasion_collection_02" "Confidential Collection Case"
N/A23545"TF_Invasion2015Case01" "격리 처리된 수집품 상자"
N/A23546"[english]TF_Invasion2015Case01" "Quarantined Collection Case"
N/A23547"TF_Invasion2015Case01_Desc" "침공 커뮤니티 업데이트 상자\n\n침공 커뮤니티 업데이트 열쇠로 열 수 있습니다.\n\n내용물은 침공을 주제로한 범상찮은 효과를 지녔습니다."
N/A23548"[english]TF_Invasion2015Case01_Desc" "Invasion Community Update Case\n\nRequires Invasion Community Update Key to open\n\nContains Invasion-themed Unusual effects"
N/A23549"TF_Invasion2015Case02" "기밀 처리된 수집품 상자"
N/A23550"[english]TF_Invasion2015Case02" "Confidential Collection Case"
N/A23551"Attrib_Particle91" "납치"
N/A23552"[english]Attrib_Particle91" "Abduction"
N/A23553"Attrib_Particle92" "원자"
N/A23554"[english]Attrib_Particle92" "Atomic"
N/A23555"Attrib_Particle93" "아원자"
N/A23556"[english]Attrib_Particle93" "Subatomic"
N/A23557"Attrib_Particle94" "모자 보호용 전기장"
N/A23558"[english]Attrib_Particle94" "Electric Hat Protector"
N/A23559"Attrib_Particle95" "모자 보호용 자기장"
N/A23560"[english]Attrib_Particle95" "Magnetic Hat Protector"
N/A23561"Attrib_Particle96" "모자 보호용 동전기"
N/A23562"[english]Attrib_Particle96" "Voltaic Hat Protector"
N/A23563"Attrib_Particle97" "은하계의 고문서"
N/A23564"[english]Attrib_Particle97" "Galactic Codex"
N/A23565"Attrib_Particle98" "고대의 문서집"
N/A23566"[english]Attrib_Particle98" "Ancient Codex"
N/A23567"Attrib_Particle99" "성운"
N/A23568"[english]Attrib_Particle99" "Nebula"
N/A23569"TF_GameModeDesc_Community_Update" "침공 커뮤니티 업데이트 맵들을 돌아다닙니다."
N/A23570"[english]TF_GameModeDesc_Community_Update" "Tour the maps for the Invasion Community Update."
N/A23571"TF_GameModeDetail_Community_Update" "이 설정을 고르시고 침공 커뮤니티 업데이트를 위한 맵을 계속 돌리는 게임 서버에 접속하세요."
N/A23572"[english]TF_GameModeDetail_Community_Update" "Select this option to join a game server that continually runs the maps for the Invasion Community Update."
N/A23573"TF_invasion_taunt_burstchester" "도발: 버스트체스터"
N/A23574"[english]TF_invasion_taunt_burstchester" "Taunt: Burstchester"
N/A23575"TF_invasion_phononaut" "전화비행사"
N/A23576"[english]TF_invasion_phononaut" "Phononaut"
N/A23577"TF_invasion_corona_australis" "호주왕관자리"
N/A23578"[english]TF_invasion_corona_australis" "Corona Australis"
N/A23579"TF_invasion_final_frontiersman" "마지막 개척자"
N/A23580"[english]TF_invasion_final_frontiersman" "Final Frontiersman"
N/A23581"TF_invasion_starduster" "소성단원"
N/A23582"[english]TF_invasion_starduster" "Starduster"
N/A23583"TF_invasion_the_graylien" "지나가던 외계인"
N/A23584"[english]TF_invasion_the_graylien" "The The Graylien"
N/A23585"TF_invasion_phobos_filter" "포보스 여과 장치"
N/A23586"[english]TF_invasion_phobos_filter" "Phobos Filter"
N/A23587"TF_invasion_life_support_system" "생명 유지 장치"
N/A23588"[english]TF_invasion_life_support_system" "Life Support System"
N/A23589"TF_invasion_rocket_operator" "로켓 기술자"
N/A23590"[english]TF_invasion_rocket_operator" "Rocket Operator"
N/A23591"TF_invasion_universal_translator" "만능 번역기"
N/A23592"[english]TF_invasion_universal_translator" "Universal Translator"
N/A23593"TF_invasion_cadet_visor" "생도 차광경"
N/A23594"[english]TF_invasion_cadet_visor" "Cadet Visor"
N/A23595"TF_invasion_jupiter_jetpack" "목성표 추진 장비"
N/A23596"[english]TF_invasion_jupiter_jetpack" "Jupiter Jetpack"
N/A23597"TF_invasion_the_space_diver" "우주 잠수사"
N/A23598"[english]TF_invasion_the_space_diver" "The Space Diver"
N/A23599"TF_invasion_sniperrifle" "유성"
N/A23600"[english]TF_invasion_sniperrifle" "Shooting Star"
N/A23601"TF_invasion_sniperrifle_Desc" "적을 잿가루로 만드십시오!"
N/A23602"[english]TF_invasion_sniperrifle_Desc" "Turn your enemies in to ash!"
N/A23603"TF_invasion_pistol" "선장의 고급진 펄스트론 입자 전자기 광선총"
N/A23604"[english]TF_invasion_pistol" "The C.A.P.P.E.R"
N/A23605"TF_invasion_pistol_Desc" "적을 잿가루로 만드십시오!"
N/A23606"[english]TF_invasion_pistol_Desc" "Turn your enemies in to ash!"
N/A23607"TF_invasion_bat" "광봉"
N/A23608"[english]TF_invasion_bat" "Batsaber"
N/A23609"TF_invasion_bat_Desc" "압도적인 에너지로!\n적들을 진짜 '인수분해'하십시오!"
N/A23610"[english]TF_invasion_bat_Desc" "Energy Overwhelming!\nDisintegrate your enemies!"
N/A23611"TF_invasion_wrangler" "기거 계수기"
N/A23612"[english]TF_invasion_wrangler" "The Giger Counter"
N/A23613"TF_invasion_community_update_medal" "침공 커뮤니티 업데이트 훈장"
N/A23614"[english]TF_invasion_community_update_medal" "Invasion Community Update Medal"
N/A23615"arena_byre_description" "목표:
N/A23616적 팀의 플레이어를 모두 제거하거나 점령 지점 두 곳을 모두 장악하십시오.
N/A23618기타 참고 사항:
N/A23619아레나 모드에서는 부활이 불가능합니다."
N/A23620"[english]arena_byre_description" "Objective:
N/A23621Your team must either eliminate all players on the opposing team or capture and own both of the control points.
N/A23622Other Notes:
N/A23623There is no respawning in Arena mode."
N/A23624"Winreason_PlayerDestructionPoints" "충분한 점수가 모여 %s1 승리"
N/A23625"[english]Winreason_PlayerDestructionPoints" "%s1 won by collecting enough points"
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![]() | This media is extracted from the game Team Fortress 2. The copyright for it is held by Valve Corporation, who created the software. |
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Date/Time | Dimensions | User | Comment | |
04:19, 29 July 2016 | (2.01 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for July 28, 2016 Patch. | |
03:15, 15 July 2016 | (1.99 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for July 14, 2016 Patch. | |
00:54, 12 May 2016 | (1.95 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for May 11, 2016 Patch. | |
20:53, 25 April 2016 | (1.95 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for April 25, 2016 Patch. | |
00:40, 22 April 2016 | (1.95 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for April 11, 2016 Patch. | |
05:23, 25 March 2016 | (1.95 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for March 24, 2016 Patch. | |
03:30, 18 March 2016 | (1.95 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for March 17, 2016 Patch. | |
03:50, 11 March 2016 | (1.95 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for March 10, 2016 Patch. | |
03:36, 1 March 2016 | (1.95 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for February 29, 2016 Patch. | |
01:30, 3 February 2016 | (1.93 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for February 2, 2016 Patch. |
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