File:Tf koreana.txt

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Tf_koreana.txt(file size: 1.26 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes

October 31, 2013 Patch (previous patches)

1223812238"[english]Tip_9_25" "As an Engineer, you can use %attack2% in order to pick up your buildings and carry them. Remember that you will move more slowly and be unable to attack when carrying a building however, so be careful!"
1223912239"Tip_9_26" "엔지니어가 구조물을 들고 다닐 때 사망할 경우 들고 있던 구조물도 파괴가 됩니다. 안전하다고 생각되거나 아군의 보호를 받고 있는 경우에만 구조물을 옮기십시오!"
1224012240"[english]Tip_9_26" "As an Engineer, be aware that your building will be destroyed if you are killed while carrying it. Only move your buildings when you are guarded by your team, or it is safe to do so!"
12241N/A"Tip_9_27" "엔지니어가 장비 설정에서 근접 무기를 변경할 경우 지금까지 설치한 구조물이 파괴됩니다. 근접 무기를 변경할 경우에는 주의하십시오!"
N/A12241"Tip_9_27" "엔지니어가 장비 설정에서 근접무기를 변경할 경우 지금까지 설치한 구조물이 파괴됩니다. 근접무기를 변경할 경우에는 주의하십시오!"
1224212242"[english]Tip_9_27" "As an Engineer, be careful when switching your melee weapon loadout as doing so will destroy all placed buildings!"
1224312243"Tip_9_28" "엔지니어라면, 공격하기 어려워 방어하기 쉬운 곳을 염두에 두었다가 그곳을 구조물을 건설할 거점으로 삼으십시오. 적절한 곳에 적절하게 놓인 센트리 건은 매우 효율적입니다"
1224412244"[english]Tip_9_28" "As an Engineer, consider defensive locations that are hard to assault, and use them as staging areas when constructing buildings. Sentry Guns in particular are most effective when placed in the right location."
1568115681"[english]Attrib_Particle47" "Stormy 13th Hour"
1568215682"Item_HolidayGift" "�%s1�님이 %s2 %s3 휴일 선물을 발견하였습니다."
1568315683"[english]Item_HolidayGift" "�%s1� has found a holiday gift:: %s2 %s3"
15684N/A"TF_GameModeDesc_HalloweenMix" "4개의 모든 핼러윈 이벤트 맵을 플레이합니다."
15685N/A"[english]TF_GameModeDesc_HalloweenMix" "Play all four Halloween event maps."
15686N/A"TF_GameModeDetail_HalloweenMix" "과거의 현재의 핼러윈 맵들(Ghost Fort (2012), Eyeaduct (2011), Mann Manor (2010), Harvest (2009))을 둘러보십시오!"
15687N/A"[english]TF_GameModeDetail_HalloweenMix" "Tour the Halloween maps, past and present: Ghost Fort (2012), Eyeaduct (2011), Mann Manor (2010), and Harvest (2009)."
15688N/A"TF_GameModeDesc_Halloween247" "메라즈무스와 맞서 싸워서 운명의 수레바퀴를 돌리십시오!"
15689N/A"[english]TF_GameModeDesc_Halloween247" "Battle against Merasmus and spin the Wheel of Fate!"
15690N/A"TF_GameModeDetail_Halloween247" "2012년 핼러윈 맵인 Ghost Fort 맵만 플레이하는 서버에 접속하려면 이 옵션을 선택하세요."
15691N/A"[english]TF_GameModeDetail_Halloween247" "Select this option to join a gameserver that continually runs the 2012 Halloween map, Ghost Fort."
N/A15684"TF_GameModeDesc_HalloweenMix" "모든 핼러윈 이벤트 맵을 플레이합니다."
N/A15685"[english]TF_GameModeDesc_HalloweenMix" "Play all of the Halloween event maps."
N/A15686"TF_GameModeDetail_HalloweenMix" "과거의 현재의 핼러윈 맵들(Helltower (2013), Ghost Fort (2012), Eyeaduct (2011), Mann Manor (2010), Harvest (2009))을 둘러보십시오!"
N/A15687"[english]TF_GameModeDetail_HalloweenMix" "Tour the Halloween maps, past and present: Helltower (2013), Ghost Fort (2012), Eyeaduct (2011), Mann Manor (2010), and Harvest (2009)."
N/A15688"TF_GameModeDesc_Halloween247" "Blutarch 또는 Redmond Mann의 귀신을 도와\nGravel 전쟁에 승리하세요!"
N/A15689"[english]TF_GameModeDesc_Halloween247" "Help Blutarch or Redmond Mann's ghost\nwin the Gravel Wars once and for all!"
N/A15690"TF_GameModeDetail_Halloween247" "2013년 핼러윈 맵인 Helltower 맵만 플레이하는 서버에 접속하려면 이 옵션을 선택하세요."
N/A15691"[english]TF_GameModeDetail_Halloween247" "Select this option to join a gameserver that continually runs the 2013 Halloween map, Helltower."
1569215692"TF_HalloweenItem_GrantPickupFail" "귀신들린 핼러윈 선물 상자가 사라졌습니다!"
1569315693"[english]TF_HalloweenItem_GrantPickupFail" "The Haunted Halloween Gift has disappeared!"
1569415694"TF_Halloween_Merasmus_Appeared" "메라즈무스가 등장하였습니다!\n"
1684116841"[english]TF_Backpack_ShowNoBorders" "No Item Borders"
1684216842"TF_Backpack_ShowQualityBorders" "아이템 품질 색상 강조"
1684316843"[english]TF_Backpack_ShowQualityBorders" "Show Quality Color Borders"
16844N/A"TF_Backpack_ShowMarketableBorders" "마켓 판매 가능 아이템만 강조"
N/A16844"TF_Backpack_ShowMarketableBorders" "장터 판매 가능 아이템만 강조하기"
1684516845"[english]TF_Backpack_ShowMarketableBorders" "Show Marketable Borders Only"
1684616846"TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_Festive2011_Style0" "축제장식"
1684716847"[english]TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_Festive2011_Style0" "Festive"
1818218182"[english]TF_jul13_falconer_punch_Desc" "\"This falconer's glove's perfect for snipin'. It's sturdy, it's comfortable, and if a falcon lands on it, you can eat 'im.\""
1818318183"TF_jul13_sweet_shades" "그레이밴"
1818418184"[english]TF_jul13_sweet_shades" "Graybanns"
18185N/A"TF_jul13_sweet_shades_Desc" "그레이 만이 무정한 악당이긴 합니다. 하지만 그 사람은 정말 끝내주는 선글라스를 만든다고요. 상황을 탓하지 말고, 사람을 탓합니다. (응?)"
N/A18185"TF_jul13_sweet_shades_Desc" "그레이 만이 무정한 악당이긴 합니다. 하지만 그 사람은 정말 끝내주는 선글라스를 만든다고요. 상황을 탓하지 말고, 사람을 탓합시다. (응?)"
1818618186"[english]TF_jul13_sweet_shades_Desc" "Gray Mann might be a heartless villain. But he DOES make some sweet sunglasses. Hate the player, not the game."
1818718187"TF_jul13_blam_o_shanter" "흑색부대"
1818818188"[english]TF_jul13_blam_o_shanter" "The Black Watch"
1855818558"[english]TF_Grandmaster_Desc" "Own the same novelty chess hat worn by Garry Kasparov when he beat Deep Blue to death using his world-famous Thai boxing moves."
1855918559"TF_Fall2013Crate_Acorns" "2013년 가을 도토리 상자"
1856018560"[english]TF_Fall2013Crate_Acorns" "Fall 2013 Acorns Crate"
18561N/A"TF_Fall2013Crate_Acorns_Desc" "이 상자의 내용물은 알려지지 않았으며\n일반 열쇠로는 이걸 열 수 없습니다.\n\n그래도 이걸 계속 가지고 있는게 좋을 겁니다.\n아마도 나중에 열 수 있는 방법이 있을 테니까요."
18562N/A"[english]TF_Fall2013Crate_Acorns_Desc" "This crate's contents are unknown and\nnormal keys don't fit the lock.\n\nYou'd better hold onto it.\nThere will probably be a way to open it later."
N/A18561"TF_Fall2013Crate_Acorns_Desc" "2013년 가을 행사에서 황금별 인증을 받은\n커뮤니티 아이템 중에서 엄선된 것들이 들어있습니다."
N/A18562"[english]TF_Fall2013Crate_Acorns_Desc" "Contains Gold Star approved Community Items\nfrom the Fall 2013 event."
1856318563"TF_Fall2013Crate_Gourd" "2013년 가을 박 상자"
1856418564"[english]TF_Fall2013Crate_Gourd" "Fall 2013 Gourd Crate"
18565N/A"TF_Fall2013Crate_Gourd_Desc" "이 상자의 내용물은 알려지지 않았으며\n일반 열쇠로는 이걸 열 수 없습니다.\n\n그래도 이걸 계속 가지고 있는게 좋을 겁니다.\n아마도 나중에 열 수 있는 방법이 있을 테니까요."
18566N/A"[english]TF_Fall2013Crate_Gourd_Desc" "This crate's contents are unknown and\nnormal keys don't fit the lock.\n\nYou'd better hold onto it.\nThere will probably be a way to open it later."
N/A18565"TF_Fall2013Crate_Gourd_Desc" "2013년 가을 행사에서 황금별 인증을 받은\n커뮤니티 아이템 중에서 엄선된 것들이 들어있습니다."
N/A18566"[english]TF_Fall2013Crate_Gourd_Desc" "Contains Gold Star approved Community Items\nfrom the Fall 2013 event."
1856718567"TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Halloween2013" "2013년 핼러윈"
1856818568"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Halloween2013" "Halloween 2013"
N/A18569"TF_Wearable_ElectronicDevice" "전자 장치"
N/A18570"[english]TF_Wearable_ElectronicDevice" "Electronic Device"
N/A18571"TF_Wearable_Coffin" "관짝"
N/A18572"[english]TF_Wearable_Coffin" "Coffin"
N/A18573"TF_Wearable_Hooves" "발굽"
N/A18574"[english]TF_Wearable_Hooves" "Hooves"
N/A18575"TF_Wearable_EyeStalks" "눈자루"
N/A18576"[english]TF_Wearable_EyeStalks" "Eye Stalks"
N/A18577"TF_Wearable_UndeadPet" "언데드 애완동물"
N/A18578"[english]TF_Wearable_UndeadPet" "Undead Pet"
N/A18579"TF_Wearable_SpookyCompanion" "으스스한 동료"
N/A18580"[english]TF_Wearable_SpookyCompanion" "Spooky Companion"
N/A18581"TF_Wearable_BirdHead" "새대가리"
N/A18582"[english]TF_Wearable_BirdHead" "Bird Head"
N/A18583"TF_Wearable_Tentacles" "촉수"
N/A18584"[english]TF_Wearable_Tentacles" "Tentacles"
N/A18585"TF_Bundle_Halloween2013Everything" "2013년 핼러윈 커뮤니티 꾸러미"
N/A18586"[english]TF_Bundle_Halloween2013Everything" "Halloween 2013 Community Bundle"
N/A18587"TF_Bundle_Halloween2013Everything_Desc" "이 으스스한 꾸러미에는 팀포2 커뮤니티에서 다섯 번째 핼러윈 특집을 위해 준비한 100가지가 넘는 놀라운 아이템이 들어있습니다. 화면에 다 들어갈 것 같지는 않지만 한 번 목록을 써보죠."
N/A18588"[english]TF_Bundle_Halloween2013Everything_Desc" "This spooky bundle contains more than a hundred incredible items created by members of the TF2 community to celebrate the Fifth Annual Spectral Halloween Special. There's no way to fit it all on one screen but we'll try:"
N/A18589"TF_Map_plr_hightower_event" "Helltower"
N/A18590"[english]TF_Map_plr_hightower_event" "Helltower"
N/A18591"helltower_setup_goal_red" "레드먼드 만의 유령이 자갈 전쟁에서 완전한 승리를 거두도록 도와주세요!"
N/A18592"[english]helltower_setup_goal_red" "Help Blutarch or Redmond Mann's ghost win the Gravel Wars once and for all!"
N/A18593"helltower_setup_goal_blue" "블루타크 만의 유령이 자갈 전쟁에서 완전한 승리를 거두도록 도와주세요!"
N/A18594"[english]helltower_setup_goal_blue" "Help Blutarch or Redmond Mann's ghost win the Gravel Wars once and for all!"
N/A18595"helltower_cap_red" "블루타크의 시체"
N/A18596"[english]helltower_cap_red" "Blutarch's Corpse"
N/A18597"helltower_cap_blue" "레드먼드의 시체"
N/A18598"[english]helltower_cap_blue" "Redmond's Corpse"
N/A18600"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_WIN_ROUNDS_NAME" "Helltower: Competitive Spirit"
N/A18602"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_WIN_ROUNDS_DESC" "Win 142 rounds"
N/A18604"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_ENVIRONMENTAL_KILLS_DESC" "Perform 17 environmental kills in Hell"
N/A18606"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_SKELETON_GRIND_NAME" "Helltower: Skeleton Coup"
N/A18608"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_SKELETON_GRIND_DESC" "Kill 99 skeletons"
N/A18610"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_KILL_GRIND_NAME" "Helltower: Spelling Spree"
N/A18611"TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_KILL_GRIND_DESC" "주문을 사용하여 플레이어를 25번 죽이십시오."
N/A18612"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_KILL_GRIND_DESC" "Use spells to kill 25 players"
N/A18614"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_KILL_BROTHERS_NAME" "Helltower: Hell on Wheels"
N/A18615"TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_KILL_BROTHERS_DESC" "블루타크나 레드먼드를 지옥으로 10번 보내십시오."
N/A18616"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_KILL_BROTHERS_DESC" "Send Redmond/Blutarch to Hell 10 times"
N/A18618"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_MILESTONE_NAME" "The Mann-tastic Four"
N/A18619"TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_MILESTONE_DESC" "Helltower 도전 과제 4개를 달성하십시오."
N/A18620"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_MILESTONE_DESC" "Earn 4 of the Helltower achievements"
N/A18624"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_SKULL_ISLAND_REWARD_DESC" "Get the loot from Skull Island in Hell"
N/A18627"TF_Fall2013Key_Acorns" "2013년 가을 도토리 상자 열쇠"
N/A18628"[english]TF_Fall2013Key_Acorns" "Fall 2013 Acorns Crate Key"
N/A18629"TF_Halloween2013_Crate" "으스스한 상자"
N/A18630"[english]TF_Halloween2013_Crate" "Spooky Crate"
N/A18631"TF_Halloween2013_Key" "으스스한 열쇠"
N/A18632"[english]TF_Halloween2013_Key" "Spooky Key"
N/A18633"TF_Set_HalloweenPyroMalice" "파이로동산의 악의"
N/A18634"[english]TF_Set_HalloweenPyroMalice" "Malice in Pyroland"
N/A18635"TF_Set_SpyBloodBanker" "자갈밭의 황제"
N/A18636"[english]TF_Set_SpyBloodBanker" "The Gravelpit Emperor"
N/A18637"TF_Set_ScoutDog" "보스턴 불독"
N/A18638"[english]TF_Set_ScoutDog" "The Boston Bulldog"
N/A18639"TF_Set_MedicSunKing" "태양왕"
N/A18640"[english]TF_Set_MedicSunKing" "The Sun King"
N/A18641"TF_Set_Pyrosaur" "파이로사우루스 활활이"
N/A18642"[english]TF_Set_Pyrosaur" "Burny The Pyrosaur"
N/A18643"TF_Set_DemoSquidPirate" "저주받은 선장"
N/A18644"[english]TF_Set_DemoSquidPirate" "The Cursed Captain"
N/A18645"TF_Set_DemoVampire" "태비시 백작"
N/A18646"[english]TF_Set_DemoVampire" "The Count Tavish"
N/A18647"Attrib_DropPeriodPast" "이 아이템은 %s1 이후 획득이 불가능합니다."
N/A18648"[english]Attrib_DropPeriodPast" "This item stopped dropping on %s1."
N/A18649"Attrib_Particle74" "마법이 걸린"
N/A18650"[english]Attrib_Particle74" "Spellbound"
N/A18651"Attrib_Particle76" "독에 물든 그림자"
N/A18652"[english]Attrib_Particle76" "Poisoned Shadows"
N/A18653"Attrib_Particle78" "지옥불"
N/A18654"[english]Attrib_Particle78" "Hellfire"
N/A18655"Attrib_Particle79" "어둠의 불길"
N/A18656"[english]Attrib_Particle79" "Darkblaze"
N/A18657"Attrib_Particle80" "악마의 불꽃"
N/A18658"[english]Attrib_Particle80" "Demonflame"
N/A18659"TF_Spell_Fireball" "화염구"
N/A18660"[english]TF_Spell_Fireball" "Fireball"
N/A18661"TF_Spell_Bats" "박쥐 떼"
N/A18662"[english]TF_Spell_Bats" "Swarm of Bats"
N/A18663"TF_Spell_OverHeal" "과치료"
N/A18664"[english]TF_Spell_OverHeal" "Overheal"
N/A18665"TF_Spell_SkeletonHorde" "해골 무리"
N/A18666"[english]TF_Spell_SkeletonHorde" "Skeleton Horde"
N/A18667"TF_Spell_BlastJump" "폭발 점프"
N/A18668"[english]TF_Spell_BlastJump" "Blast Jump"
N/A18669"TF_Spell_Athletic" "신체 강화"
N/A18670"[english]TF_Spell_Athletic" "Power Up"
N/A18671"TF_Spell_Stealth" "은신"
N/A18672"[english]TF_Spell_Stealth" "Stealth"
N/A18673"TF_Spell_Teleport" "그림자 도약"
N/A18674"[english]TF_Spell_Teleport" "Shadow Leap"
N/A18675"TF_Spell_SpawnBoss" "모노콜러스"
N/A18676"[english]TF_Spell_SpawnBoss" "Monocolus"
N/A18677"TF_Spell_LightningBall" "번개 구슬"
N/A18678"[english]TF_Spell_LightningBall" "Ball o' Lightning"
N/A18679"TF_NineIron_Desc" "이 무기는 공격 범위가 넓습니다.\n머리를 벨 때마다 이동 속도가 향상되며 체력이 증가합니다."
N/A18680"[english]TF_NineIron_Desc" "This weapon has a large melee range.\nGives increased speed and health\nwith every head you take."
N/A18681"ItemNameNormalOrUniqueQualityFormat" "%s1%s3%s2"
N/A18682"[english]ItemNameNormalOrUniqueQualityFormat" "%s1%s3%s2"
N/A18683"ItemNameQualityFormat" "%s1 %s3%s2"
N/A18684"[english]ItemNameQualityFormat" "%s1 %s3%s2"
N/A18685"ItemNameFormat" "%s1%s6%s5%s2%s4%s3"
N/A18686"[english]ItemNameFormat" "%s1%s6%s5%s2%s4%s3"
N/A18687"MMenu_VirtualReality" "가상 현실"
N/A18688"[english]MMenu_VirtualReality" "Virtual Reality"
N/A18689"MMenu_VRMode_Activate" "가상 현실 활성화"
N/A18690"[english]MMenu_VRMode_Activate" "Activate Virtual Reality"
N/A18691"MMenu_VRMode_Deactivate" "가상 현실 비활성화"
N/A18692"[english]MMenu_VRMode_Deactivate" "Deactivate Virtual Reality"
N/A18693"TF_Spellbook_Type" "주문서\n"
N/A18694"[english]TF_Spellbook_Type" "Spellbook\n"
N/A18695"TF_FancySpellbook" "멋진 주문서"
N/A18696"[english]TF_FancySpellbook" "Fancy Spellbook"
N/A18697"TF_Spellbook_Basic" "주문서 잡지"
N/A18698"[english]TF_Spellbook_Basic" "Spellbook Magazine"
N/A18699"TF_ServerEnchantmentType" "서버 주술"
N/A18700"[english]TF_ServerEnchantmentType" "Server Enchantment"
N/A18701"TF_fall2013_air_raider" "비행용 골통"
N/A18702"[english]TF_fall2013_air_raider" "The Bone Dome"
N/A18703"TF_fall2013_air_raider_Desc" "여러분이 불붙인 사람들의 눈부신 불빛을 막아줄 차광판이 함께 제공됩니다."
N/A18704"[english]TF_fall2013_air_raider_Desc" "Comes with a visor capable of shielding your eyes from the harsh glare of people running away from you on fire."
N/A18705"TF_fall2013_fire_bird" "공습대원"
N/A18706"[english]TF_fall2013_fire_bird" "The Air Raider"
N/A18707"TF_fall2013_the_braided_pride" "바이킹의 땋은 수염"
N/A18708"[english]TF_fall2013_the_braided_pride" "The Viking Braider"
N/A18709"TF_fall2013_the_cuban_coverup" "쿠바 미수염 위기"
N/A18710"[english]TF_fall2013_the_cuban_coverup" "The Cuban Bristle Crisis"
N/A18711"TF_fall2013_beep_boy" "빕 보이"
N/A18712"[english]TF_fall2013_beep_boy" "The Beep Boy"
N/A18713"TF_fall2013_beep_boy_Desc" "본 제품의 얼굴 표정은 사용자 여러분과 동기화됩니다! 이 소년에게 어떻게 여러분의 얼굴에서 나는 생사향의 매력만으로 '남자'가 되는 지 가르쳐 주세요."
N/A18714"[english]TF_fall2013_beep_boy_Desc" "His facial expressions are synced to yours! Teach this Beep Boy how to be a Beep Man using nothing but the raw musky magnetism of your face."
N/A18715"TF_fall2013_the_special_eyes" "특별한 눈"
N/A18716"[english]TF_fall2013_the_special_eyes" "The Special Eyes"
N/A18717"TF_fall2013_the_insidious_incinerator" "사기꾼의 소방복"
N/A18718"[english]TF_fall2013_the_insidious_incinerator" "Trickster's Turnout Gear"
N/A18719"TF_fall2013_the_insidious_incinerator_Desc" "이 믿음직해 보이는 소방복으로 여러분의 적이 누가 불을 질렀는지 잊어버리도록 하세요."
N/A18720"[english]TF_fall2013_the_insidious_incinerator_Desc" "Trick your enemies into forgetting who set them on fire in the first place with this trustworthy-looking fireman's jacket."
N/A18721"TF_fall2013_aichi_investigator" "의학적 불가사의"
N/A18722"[english]TF_fall2013_aichi_investigator" "The Medical Mystery"
N/A18723"TF_fall2013_the_gold_digger" "황금 채굴자"
N/A18724"[english]TF_fall2013_the_gold_digger" "The Gold Digger"
N/A18725"TF_fall2013_the_gold_digger_Desc" "된장, 비벼먹을! 다 팔렸잖아!"
N/A18726"[english]TF_fall2013_the_gold_digger_Desc" "Dag nab it before it's all sold out!"
N/A18727"TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets" "총알의 무법자"
N/A18728"[english]TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets" "Brim-Full Of Bullets"
N/A18729"TF_fall2013_the_cotton_head" "Cotton Head"
N/A18730"[english]TF_fall2013_the_cotton_head" "The Cotton Head"
N/A18731"TF_fall2013_hong_kong_cone" "홍콩행 삿갓"
N/A18732"[english]TF_fall2013_hong_kong_cone" "Hong Kong Cone"
N/A18733"TF_fall2013_weight_room_warmer" "체력 단련실 방한복"
N/A18734"[english]TF_fall2013_weight_room_warmer" "Weight Room Warmer"
N/A18735"TF_fall2013_eod_suit" "허트 로커"
N/A18736"[english]TF_fall2013_eod_suit" "The Hurt Locher"
N/A18737"TF_fall2013_pirate_bandana" "해적 두건"
N/A18738"[english]TF_fall2013_pirate_bandana" "Pirate Bandana"
N/A18739"TF_fall2013_neo_tokyo_runner" "플랩잭"
N/A18740"[english]TF_fall2013_neo_tokyo_runner" "The Flapjack"
N/A18741"TF_fall2013_medic_wc_beard" "스쳐 지나간 죽음"
N/A18742"[english]TF_fall2013_medic_wc_beard" "A Brush with Death"
N/A18743"TF_fall2013_medic_wc_hair" "반드르르한 머리"
N/A18744"[english]TF_fall2013_medic_wc_hair" "The Slick Cut"
N/A18745"TF_fall2013_spy_fancycoat" "프랑스인의 복식"
N/A18746"[english]TF_fall2013_spy_fancycoat" "The Frenchman's Formals"
N/A18747"TF_fall2013_medic_wc_coat" "병동"
N/A18748"[english]TF_fall2013_medic_wc_coat" "The Ward"
N/A18749"TF_hw2013_beast_from_below" "심연에서 온 괴수"
N/A18750"[english]TF_hw2013_beast_from_below" "The Beast From Below"
N/A18751"TF_hw2013_octo_face" "칼라마리 선장"
N/A18752"[english]TF_hw2013_octo_face" "Cap'n Calamari"
N/A18753"TF_hw2013_allclass_horseman" "호주머니 기만병"
N/A18754"[english]TF_hw2013_allclass_horseman" "The Pocket Horsemann"
N/A18755"TF_hw2013_last_bite" "마지막 한 입"
N/A18756"[english]TF_hw2013_last_bite" "The Last Bite"
N/A18757"TF_hw2013_scorched_skirt" "그슬린 앞치마"
N/A18758"[english]TF_hw2013_scorched_skirt" "The Scorched Skirt"
N/A18759"TF_hw2013_wandering_soul" "저주받은 영혼"
N/A18760"[english]TF_hw2013_wandering_soul" "The Accursed Apparition"
N/A18761"TF_hw2013_bunny_mann" "보기만 해도 토끼고 싶은 토끼의 대가리"
N/A18762"[english]TF_hw2013_bunny_mann" "The Horrific Head of Hare"
N/A18763"TF_hw2013_tricky_chicken" "새같은 보닛"
N/A18764"[english]TF_hw2013_tricky_chicken" "The Birdie Bonnet"
N/A18765"TF_hw2013_dark_orchestra" "외부 오르간"
N/A18766"[english]TF_hw2013_dark_orchestra" "The External Organ"
N/A18767"TF_hw2013_ivan_the_inedible" "먹을 수 없는 이반"
N/A18768"[english]TF_hw2013_ivan_the_inedible" "The Ivan The Inedible"
N/A18769"TF_hw2013_rugged_respirator" "눈에 거슬리는 호흡기"
N/A18770"[english]TF_hw2013_rugged_respirator" "The Rugged Respirator"
N/A18771"TF_hw2013_combat_maggots" "유충 유탄"
N/A18772"[english]TF_hw2013_combat_maggots" "Grub Grenades"
N/A18773"TF_hw2013_grease_monkey" "Grease Monkey"
N/A18774"[english]TF_hw2013_grease_monkey" "The Grease Monkey"
N/A18775"TF_hw2013_zombie_parrot" "썩은 내 나는 앵무새"
N/A18776"[english]TF_hw2013_zombie_parrot" "Polly Putrid"
N/A18777"TF_hw2013_moon_boots" "저중력 간편화"
N/A18778"[english]TF_hw2013_moon_boots" "The Lo-Grav Loafers"
N/A18779"TF_hw2013_volatile_voodoo" "찌르개 친구들"
N/A18780"[english]TF_hw2013_volatile_voodoo" "Pin Pals"
N/A18781"TF_hw2013_medicmedes" "메디메데스"
N/A18782"[english]TF_hw2013_medicmedes" "Medimedes"
N/A18783"TF_hw2013_feathered_freedom" "자유의 깃털"
N/A18784"[english]TF_hw2013_feathered_freedom" "The Freedom Feathers"
N/A18785"TF_hw2013_demo_executioner_hood" "참수인의 두건"
N/A18786"[english]TF_hw2013_demo_executioner_hood" "The Headtaker's Hood"
N/A18787"TF_hw2013_demo_cape" "기만병의 헌 옷"
N/A18788"[english]TF_hw2013_demo_cape" "The Horsemann's Hand-Me-Down"

File info

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File history

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02:56, 11 November 2016 (2.04 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for November 10, 2016 Patch.
04:17, 26 October 2016 (2.03 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for October 25, 2016 Patch.
02:20, 22 October 2016 (2.02 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for October 21, 2016 Patch.
08:52, 13 October 2016 (2.02 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for October 12, 2016 Patch.
04:30, 28 September 2016 (2.02 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for September 27, 2016 Patch.
01:17, 10 September 2016 (2.02 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for September 9, 2016 Patch.
04:08, 30 August 2016 (2.01 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for August 29, 2016 Patch.
05:07, 17 August 2016 (2.01 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for August 16, 2016 Patch.
02:47, 15 August 2016 (2.01 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for August 14, 2016 Patch.
04:37, 4 August 2016 (2.01 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for August 3, 2016 Patch.
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