File:Tf koreana.txt

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Revision as of 02:41, 21 November 2014 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Updated tf_koreana.txt for November 20, 2014 Patch.)
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Tf_koreana.txt(file size: 1.26 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes

November 20, 2014 Patch (previous patches)

27392739"[english]TF_SCOUT_THREE_FLAGCAPS_NAME" "Triple Steal"
27402740"TF_SCOUT_THREE_FLAGCAPS_DESC" "깃발 탈취전 한 라운드에서 적군 기밀 서류 가방을 3번 탈취하십시오."
27412741"[english]TF_SCOUT_THREE_FLAGCAPS_DESC" "Capture the enemy intelligence 3 times in a single CTF round."
27432743"[english]TF_SCOUT_DODGE_DAMAGE_NAME" "Artful Dodger"
27442744"TF_SCOUT_DODGE_DAMAGE_DESC" "봉크! 원자맛 음료를 사용하여 죽지 않고 1000 피해를 피하십시오."
27452745"[english]TF_SCOUT_DODGE_DAMAGE_DESC" "Dodge 1000 damage in a single life using your Bonk! Atomic Punch."
61356135"[english]Store_Promotion_SpendForGift_Sub" "*In a single purchase"
61366136"Store_Promotion_FirstPurchaseGift" "첫 구매 시\n무료로 모자를 드립니다!"
61376137"[english]Store_Promotion_FirstPurchaseGift" "GET A FREE HAT\nWITH YOUR FIRST PURCHASE!"
6138N/A"Store_Promotion_FirstPurchaseGift_Sub" "제한시간에만 판매합니다!"
N/A6138"Store_Promotion_FirstPurchaseGift_Sub" "제한된 기간 동안만 판매합니다!"
61396139"[english]Store_Promotion_FirstPurchaseGift_Sub" "Limited Time Only!"
61406140"Store_CEOMannCo" "Mann Co. 최고 경영자"
61416141"[english]Store_CEOMannCo" "CEO, Mann Co."
1738317383"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_European_Participant" "UGC 6vs6 European Participant"
1738417384"TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Season11" "제11기 UGC 6 대 6 경기 리그"
1738517385"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Season11" "UGC 6vs6 League Season 11"
17386N/A"TF_RoboCrate" "로봇 상자"
17387N/A"[english]TF_RoboCrate" "RoboCrate"
17388N/A"TF_RoboCrate_Desc" "이 상자는 특별합니다.\n이 안의 내용물은 알 수 없으며\n로봇 상자 열쇠를 이용하여 열 수 있습니다.\n\n로봇 상자에는 로봇 상자 특유의 범상찮은 효과를 지닌 아이템이 들어있습니다."
17389N/A"[english]TF_RoboCrate_Desc" "This crate is special.\nIts contents are unknown and requires a\nRoboCrate Key to unlock.\n\nThe RoboCrate contains Unusual effects that will only come from this crate."
N/A17386"TF_RoboCrate" "로봇 커뮤니티 상자"
N/A17387"[english]TF_RoboCrate" "Robo Community Crate"
N/A17388"TF_RoboCrate_Desc" "이 상자는 특별합니다.\n이 안의 내용물은 알 수 없으며\n로봇 커뮤니티 상자 열쇠를 이용하여 열 수 있습니다.\n\n이 상자에는 특유의 범상찮은 효과를 지닌 아이템이 들어있습니다."
N/A17389"[english]TF_RoboCrate_Desc" "This crate is special.\nIts contents are unknown and requires a\nRobo Community Crate Key to unlock.\n\nThe Robo Community Crate contains Unusual effects that will only come from this crate."
1739017390"TF_ImportFile_EquipRegionLabel" "장착 부위"
1739117391"[english]TF_ImportFile_EquipRegionLabel" "Equip Region"
1739217392"TF_ImportFile_Bodygroups" "바디그룹:"
1742517425"[english]TF_Gift_Crate_EntireServer" "Pallet of Crates"
1742617426"TF_Gift_Crate_EntireServer_Desc" "이 액션 아이템을 사용하면\n서버 안에 있는 사람들 중 최대 23명까지\n 보급 상자가 주어집니다!"
1742717427"[english]TF_Gift_Crate_EntireServer_Desc" "When used, this Action Item drops a crate\non up to 23 other people on the server!"
17428N/A"TF_Tool_RoboKey2013" "로봇 상자 열쇠"
17429N/A"[english]TF_Tool_RoboKey2013" "RoboCrate Key"
17430N/A"TF_Tool_RoboKey2013_Desc" "로봇 상자를 여는 데 쓰입니다."
17431N/A"[english]TF_Tool_RoboKey2013_Desc" "Used to open locked RoboCrates."
17432N/A"TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_RandomPerson" "로봇 상자 열쇠 무작위 선물"
17433N/A"[english]TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_RandomPerson" "A Random RoboKey Gift"
17434N/A"TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_RandomPerson_Desc" "이 액션 아이템을 사용하면 무작위로\n서버 안에 있는 사람 중 한 명에게 로봇 상자 열쇠 하나가 주어집니다!"
17435N/A"[english]TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_RandomPerson_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives one RoboCrate Key\nto a random person on the server!"
17436N/A"TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_EntireServer" "로봇 상자 열쇠 더미"
17437N/A"[english]TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_EntireServer" "Pile of RoboKey Gifts"
17438N/A"TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_EntireServer_Desc" "이 액션 아이템을 사용하면\n서버 안에 있는 사람들 중 최대 23명까지\n로봇 상자 열쇠 하나가 주어집니다!"
17439N/A"[english]TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_EntireServer_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives\none RoboCrate Key\nto up to 23 other people on the server!"
N/A17428"TF_Tool_RoboKey2013" "로봇 커뮤니티 상자 열쇠"
N/A17429"[english]TF_Tool_RoboKey2013" "Robo Community Crate Key"
N/A17430"TF_Tool_RoboKey2013_Desc" "로봇 커뮤니티 상자를 여는 데 쓰입니다."
N/A17431"[english]TF_Tool_RoboKey2013_Desc" "Used to open locked Robo Community Crates."
N/A17432"TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_RandomPerson" "로봇 커뮤니티 상자 열쇠 무작위 선물"
N/A17433"[english]TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_RandomPerson" "A Random Robo Community Crate Key Gift"
N/A17434"TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_RandomPerson_Desc" "이 액션 아이템을 사용하면 무작위로\n서버 안에 있는 사람 중 한 명에게 로봇 커뮤니티 상자 열쇠 하나가 주어집니다!"
N/A17435"[english]TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_RandomPerson_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives one Robo Community Crate Key\nto a random person on the server!"
N/A17436"TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_EntireServer" "로봇 커뮤니티 상자 열쇠 더미"
N/A17437"[english]TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_EntireServer" "Pile of Robo Community Crate Key Gifts"
N/A17438"TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_EntireServer_Desc" "이 액션 아이템을 사용하면\n서버 안에 있는 사람들 중 최대 23명까지\n로봇 커뮤니티 상자 열쇠 하나가 주어집니다!"
N/A17439"[english]TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_EntireServer_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives\none Robo Community Crate Key\nto up to 23 other people on the server!"
1744017440"Attrib_Particle63" "인화"
1744117441"[english]Attrib_Particle63" "Phosphorous"
1744217442"Attrib_Particle64" "황화"
1938119381"[english]Achievement_Group_2600" "Standin Pack (%s1 of %s2)"
1938219382"Achievement_Group_2700" "Snakewater 도전 과제 (%s1/%s2)"
1938319383"[english]Achievement_Group_2700" "Snakewater Pack (%s1 of %s2)"
1938519385"[english]TF_MVM_MAPS_ROTTENBURG_TANK_NAME" "Palace-Aid"
1938619386"TF_MVM_MAPS_ROTTENBURG_TANK_DESC" "Rottenburg에서 전차가 방책을 부수기 전에 전차를 파괴하십시오."
1938719387"[english]TF_MVM_MAPS_ROTTENBURG_TANK_DESC" "Kill a tank before it crashes through the barrier in Rottenburg."
1941719417"[english]TF_MVM_SENTRY_BUSTER_FRIENDLY_FIRE_NAME" "Bot-Buster"
1941819418"TF_MVM_SENTRY_BUSTER_FRIENDLY_FIRE_DESC" "센트리 파괴자를 폭파시켜 로봇 5대를 한꺼번에 파괴하십시오."
1941919419"[english]TF_MVM_SENTRY_BUSTER_FRIENDLY_FIRE_DESC" "Kill 5 robots in a single explosion from detonating a sentry buster."
19420N/A"TF_MVM_SNIPER_COLLECT_HEADSHOT_MONEY_NAME" "(비)자금은 스(위스)나이퍼 은행으로"
1942219422"TF_MVM_SNIPER_COLLECT_HEADSHOT_MONEY_DESC" "스나이퍼로 한 임무에서 자금을 직접 줍지 않고 500 자금을 획득하십시오."
1942319423"[english]TF_MVM_SNIPER_COLLECT_HEADSHOT_MONEY_DESC" "As a Sniper collect $500 in a mission without running over the currency packs."
2084420844"[english]TF_TauntScoutChickenBucket" "Taunt: Deep Fried Desire"
2084520845"TF_TauntScoutChickenBucket_Desc" "스카웃 도발"
2084620846"[english]TF_TauntScoutChickenBucket_Desc" "Scout Taunt"
20847N/A"TF_TauntSniperISeeYou" "도발: 넌 이미 내 조준경 속에"
N/A20847"TF_TauntSniperISeeYou" "도발: 지켜보고 있다"
2084820848"[english]TF_TauntSniperISeeYou" "Taunt: I See You"
2084920849"TF_TauntSniperISeeYou_Desc" "스나이퍼 도발"
2085020850"[english]TF_TauntSniperISeeYou_Desc" "Sniper Taunt"
2112721127"[english]TF_LimitedSummerCrate2014_Desc" "This crate is special and requires a Limited Summer Key.\nIts contents will be limited and only come from this crate.\nSome, but not all, of the items in this crate are Strange...\n\nAfter 10/13/2014 this crate can no longer be opened."
2112821128"Attrib_AiXenoSetBonusPos" "고립된 용병 아이템 세트를 장착한 플레이어에게 주는 근접 피해량이 증가합니다."
2112921129"[english]Attrib_AiXenoSetBonusPos" "Increased Melee damage against Isolated Merc Set"
21130N/A"Attrib_AiXenoSetBonusNeg" "고립된 용병 아이템 세트를 장착한 플레이어에게서 받는 노스트로모 호 네이팜 분사기 피해량이 증가합니다."
N/A21130"Attrib_AiXenoSetBonusNeg" "고립된 용병 아이템 세트를 장착한 플레이어에게서 받는 노스트로모호 네이팜 분사기 피해량이 증가합니다."
2113121131"[english]Attrib_AiXenoSetBonusNeg" "Increased Nostromo Napalmer damage taken from Isolated Merc Set"
21132N/A"Attrib_AiMercSetBonusPos" "고립주의자 장비 아이템 세트를 장착한 플레이어에게 주는 노스트로모 호 네이팜 분사기 피해량이 증가합니다."
N/A21132"Attrib_AiMercSetBonusPos" "고립주의자 장비 아이템 세트를 장착한 플레이어에게 주는 노스트로모호 네이팜 분사기 피해량이 증가합니다."
2113321133"[english]Attrib_AiMercSetBonusPos" "Increased Nostromo Napalmer damage against Isolationist Pack Set"
2113421134"Attrib_AiMercSetBonusNeg" "고립주의자 장비 아이템 세트를 장착한 플레이어에게서 받는 근접 피해량이 증가합니다."
2113521135"[english]Attrib_AiMercSetBonusNeg" "Increased Melee damage taken from Isolationist Pack Set"
2115521155"[english]TF_BiomechBackpack" "The Biomech Backpack"
2115621156"TF_BiomechBackpack_Desc" ""
2115721157"[english]TF_BiomechBackpack_Desc" ""
21158N/A"TF_NostromoNapalmer" "노스트로모 호 네이팜 분사기"
N/A21158"TF_NostromoNapalmer" "노스트로모호 네이팜 분사기"
2115921159"[english]TF_NostromoNapalmer" "The Nostromo Napalmer"
2116021160"TF_NostromoNapalmer_Desc" ""
2116121161"[english]TF_NostromoNapalmer_Desc" ""
21162N/A"TF_MK50" "50형"
N/A21162"TF_MK50" "50형 우주 헬멧"
2116321163"[english]TF_MK50" "The MK 50"
2116421164"TF_MK50_Desc" ""
2116521165"[english]TF_MK50_Desc" ""
2126921269"[english]Msg_DefendedFlagHalloween2014" "defended the tickets!"
2127021270"doomsday_event_setup_goal" "스트롱만의 꼭대기까지 이용권을 가지고 오십시오!"
2127121271"[english]doomsday_event_setup_goal" "Get the tickets to the top of the Strongmann!"
N/A21272"TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_KILL_KARTS_NAME" "Carnival of Carnage: 작용과 반작용"
N/A21273"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_KILL_KARTS_NAME" "Carnival of Carnage: Bumper Crop"
2127221274"TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_KILL_KARTS_DESC" "범퍼카 충돌로 경로를 벗어나게 하여 적군을 30번 처치하십시오."
2127321275"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_KILL_KARTS_DESC" "Kill 30 enemies by bumping their bumper cars off the tracks."
2127421276"TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_COLLECT_DUCKS_NAME" "Carnival of Carnage: 오리 모으려고 밤샘"
2151421516"[english]TF_RobotPyro_Promo" "Robot Pyro Collectible Figure Promo"
2151521517"TF_RobotPyro_Promo_Desc" ""
2151621518"[english]TF_RobotPyro_Promo_Desc" ""
N/A21519"TF_Nabler_Desc" ""
N/A21520"[english]TF_Nabler_Desc" ""

File info

Note: this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from root\tf\resource.


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

(newest | oldest) View ( | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
02:56, 11 November 2016 (2.04 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for November 10, 2016 Patch.
04:17, 26 October 2016 (2.03 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for October 25, 2016 Patch.
02:20, 22 October 2016 (2.02 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for October 21, 2016 Patch.
08:52, 13 October 2016 (2.02 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for October 12, 2016 Patch.
04:30, 28 September 2016 (2.02 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for September 27, 2016 Patch.
01:17, 10 September 2016 (2.02 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for September 9, 2016 Patch.
04:08, 30 August 2016 (2.01 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for August 29, 2016 Patch.
05:07, 17 August 2016 (2.01 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for August 16, 2016 Patch.
02:47, 15 August 2016 (2.01 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for August 14, 2016 Patch.
04:37, 4 August 2016 (2.01 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for August 3, 2016 Patch.
(newest | oldest) View ( | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
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