File:Tf koreana.txt
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Revision as of 03:12, 30 October 2014 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Updated tf_koreana.txt for October 29, 2014 Patch.)
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Tf_koreana.txt (file size: 1.26 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes
October 29, 2014 Patch (previous patches)
1557415574"[english]RummageThroughCurses" "Reach In"
1557515575"TF_PileOfCurses" "저주덩어리"
1557615576"[english]TF_PileOfCurses" "Pile Of Curses"
15577N/A"TF_PileOfCurses_Desc" "이 안에는 무언가 있는 것 같은데... 보고 싶거든 들여다 보거라!\n\n2013년 11월 11일 이후 이 저주덩어리는 사라집니다."
15578N/A"[english]TF_PileOfCurses_Desc" "It looks like there's something in there... IF YOU DARE!\n\nAfter 11/11/2013 this pile will disappear."
N/A15577"TF_PileOfCurses_Desc" "이 안에는 무언가 있는 것 같은데... 보고 싶거든 들여다 보거라!\n\n2014년 11월 12일 이후 이 저주덩어리는 사라집니다."
N/A15578"[english]TF_PileOfCurses_Desc" "It looks like there's something in there... IF YOU DARE!\n\nAfter 11/12/2014 this pile will disappear."
1557915579"RI_VoodooCursedItem" "저주받은 물건"
1558015580"[english]RI_VoodooCursedItem" "Cursed Object"
1558115581"TF_VoodooCursed_Type" "저주받은 물건"
1560815608"[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveSpellCombo" "Remove Spell '%s1'"
1560915609"RefurbishItem_RemoveSpellUpgrade" "본 아이템에 부여된 '%confirm_dialog_token%' 마법을 제거하시겠습니까? (마법은 사라집니다)"
1561015610"[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveSpellUpgrade" "Remove the spell granting \"%confirm_dialog_token%\" from this item? (Spell will be discarded)"
15611N/A"ToolCardUpgradeApplyConfirm" "정말로 이 아이템에 주문을 거시겠습니까? \n모든 주문은 2013년 11월 11일 핼로윈 행사가 \n끝나면 해제됩니다.\n\n주의하십시오! 한 아이템에 걸 수 있는 주문의 수는\n한정되어있습니다. %subject_item_def_name% 아이템은 이제 %slot_singular_plural%번 중의 %remaining_upgrade_card_slots%번 더 주문을 걸 수 있습니다."
15612N/A"[english]ToolCardUpgradeApplyConfirm" "Are you sure you want to cast this spell on this item? All spells\nwill only last until the Halloween event ends on November\n11th, 2013.\n\nRemember: a single item can only hold a limited number of\nspells. Your %subject_item_def_name% has %remaining_upgrade_card_slots% free %slot_singular_plural% remaining."
N/A15611"ToolCardUpgradeApplyConfirm" "정말로 이 아이템에 주문을 거시겠습니까? \n모든 주문은 2014년 11월 12일 핼로윈 행사가 \n끝나면 해제됩니다.\n\n주의하십시오! 한 아이템에 걸 수 있는 주문의 수는\n한정되어있습니다. %subject_item_def_name% 아이템은 이제 %slot_singular_plural%번 중의 %remaining_upgrade_card_slots%번 더 주문을 걸 수 있습니다."
N/A15612"[english]ToolCardUpgradeApplyConfirm" "Are you sure you want to cast this spell on this item? All spells\nwill only last until the Halloween event ends on November\n12th, 2014.\n\nRemember: a single item can only hold a limited number of\nspells. Your %subject_item_def_name% has %remaining_upgrade_card_slots% free %slot_singular_plural% remaining."
1561315613"ToolDecodeConfirm_OptionalAppend_RestrictedContents" "\n\n주의사항: 본 상자 아이템은 핼러윈 행사와 보름날에만 볼 수 있는\n아이템이 포함되어 있습니다."
1561415614"[english]ToolDecodeConfirm_OptionalAppend_RestrictedContents" "\n\nNote: this crate contains items that are only visible during\nthe Halloween event and full moons."
1561515615"KillEaterEventType_HalloweenKills" "핼러윈 기간 처치수"
1911519115"[english]TF_hw2013_the_hell_runner" "Faun Feet"
1911619116"TF_hw2013_the_hell_runner_Desc" ""
1911719117"[english]TF_hw2013_the_hell_runner_Desc" ""
N/A19118"TF_hw2013_halloweiner" "핼러시지"
N/A19119"[english]TF_hw2013_halloweiner" "The Halloweiner"
1911819120"TF_hw2013_halloweiner_Desc" ""
1911919121"[english]TF_hw2013_halloweiner_Desc" ""
1912019122"TF_hw2013_the_ghoulic_extension" "위엄스러운 옷깃"
1937919381"[english]Achievement_Group_2600" "Standin Pack (%s1 of %s2)"
1938019382"Achievement_Group_2700" "Snakewater 도전 과제 (%s1/%s2)"
1938119383"[english]Achievement_Group_2700" "Snakewater Pack (%s1 of %s2)"
N/A19385"[english]TF_MVM_MAPS_ROTTENBURG_TANK_NAME" "Palace-Aid"
1938219386"TF_MVM_MAPS_ROTTENBURG_TANK_DESC" "Rottenburg에서 전차가 방책을 부수기 전에 전차를 파괴하십시오."
1938319387"[english]TF_MVM_MAPS_ROTTENBURG_TANK_DESC" "Kill a tank before it crashes through the barrier in Rottenburg."
1941319417"[english]TF_MVM_SENTRY_BUSTER_FRIENDLY_FIRE_NAME" "Bot-Buster"
1941419418"TF_MVM_SENTRY_BUSTER_FRIENDLY_FIRE_DESC" "센트리 파괴자를 폭파시켜 로봇 5대를 한꺼번에 파괴하십시오."
1941519419"[english]TF_MVM_SENTRY_BUSTER_FRIENDLY_FIRE_DESC" "Kill 5 robots in a single explosion from detonating a sentry buster."
N/A19420"TF_MVM_SNIPER_COLLECT_HEADSHOT_MONEY_NAME" "(비)자금은 스(위스)나이퍼 은행으로"
1941619422"TF_MVM_SNIPER_COLLECT_HEADSHOT_MONEY_DESC" "스나이퍼로 한 임무에서 자금을 직접 줍지 않고 500 자금을 획득하십시오."
1941719423"[english]TF_MVM_SNIPER_COLLECT_HEADSHOT_MONEY_DESC" "As a Sniper collect $500 in a mission without running over the currency packs."
1991219918"[english]TF_xms2013_pyro_arctic_suit" "The Sub Zero Suit"
1991319919"TF_xms2013_winter_hat_scarf" "두르거나 쓰거나"
1991419920"[english]TF_xms2013_winter_hat_scarf" "Neckwear Headwear"
N/A19921"TF_xms2013_pyro_sled" "화끈한 뒤끝"
N/A19922"[english]TF_xms2013_pyro_sled" "The Trail-Blazer"
1991519923"TF_xms2013_spy_jacket" "한밤중"
1991619924"[english]TF_xms2013_spy_jacket" "Dead of Night"
N/A19925"TF_xms2013_sniper_jacket" "눈구경가"
N/A19926"[english]TF_xms2013_sniper_jacket" "The Snow Scoper"
1991719927"TF_xms2013_medic_hood" "수녀임 후드"
1991819928"[english]TF_xms2013_medic_hood" "The Nunhood"
1991919929"TF_xms2013_medic_robe" "죽음의 천사"
1992019930"[english]TF_xms2013_medic_robe" "The Angel of Death"
1992119931"TF_xms2013_kissking" "뽀뽀왕"
1992219932"[english]TF_xms2013_kissking" "The Kiss King"
N/A19933"TF_xms2013_soldier_marshal_hat" "군벵이"
N/A19934"[english]TF_xms2013_soldier_marshal_hat" "The Slo-Poke"
1992319935"TF_xms2013_heavy_slick_hair" "미네소타 머릿기름"
1992419936"[english]TF_xms2013_heavy_slick_hair" "Minnesota Slick"
1992519937"TF_xms2013_sniper_shako" "장난감 병정"
2012820140"[english]TF_sbox2014_trash_man" "The Trash Man"
2012920141"TF_sbox2014_scotch_saver" "탄압 구조원"
2013020142"[english]TF_sbox2014_scotch_saver" "The Scotch Saver"
N/A20143"TF_sbox2014_demo_samurai_armour" "무사도"
N/A20144"[english]TF_sbox2014_demo_samurai_armour" "Bushi-Dou"
2013120145"TF_sbox2014_fashionable_megalomaniac" "멋들어진 과대망상자"
2013220146"[english]TF_sbox2014_fashionable_megalomaniac" "The Fashionable Megalomaniac"
2013320147"TF_sbox2014_chefs_coat" "반죽 구타자"
2021420228"[english]TF_CriminalCloak" "The Criminal Cloak"
2021520229"TF_CriminalCloak_Desc" ""
2021620230"[english]TF_CriminalCloak_Desc" ""
N/A20231"TF_DreadHidingHood" "무서운 은신 후드"
N/A20232"[english]TF_DreadHidingHood" "The Dread Hiding Hood"
2021720233"TF_DreadHidingHood_Desc" ""
2021820234"[english]TF_DreadHidingHood_Desc" ""
2021920235"TF_BaronialBadge" "남작 증표"
2045820474"[english]TF_DemomanMargaritaShades" "Seeing Double"
2045920475"TF_DemomanMargaritaShades_Desc" ""
2046020476"[english]TF_DemomanMargaritaShades_Desc" ""
N/A20477"TF_DemomanBeerGrenades" "식스팩 맥주근"
N/A20478"[english]TF_DemomanBeerGrenades" "Six Pack Abs"
2046120479"TF_DemomanBeerGrenades_Desc" ""
2046220480"[english]TF_DemomanBeerGrenades_Desc" ""
2046320481"TF_Bundle_LW_Weapons" "사랑과 전쟁 무기 꾸러미"
2048820506"[english]TF_PARACHUTE_KILL_GRIND_NAME" "Nose Dive"
2048920507"TF_PARACHUTE_KILL_GRIND_DESC" "낙하산을 타는 적군 10명을 처치하십시오."
2049020508"[english]TF_PARACHUTE_KILL_GRIND_DESC" "Kill 10 parachuting players."
2049120511"TF_MELEE_KILL_CLASSIC_RIFLE_SNIPER_DESC" "Classic으로 적군 10명을 근거리에서 사살하십시오."
2049220512"[english]TF_MELEE_KILL_CLASSIC_RIFLE_SNIPER_DESC" "Melee kill 10 Snipers using The Classic."
2049320513"TF_KILL_CHARGING_DEMO_NAME" "긴급 제동"
2049420514"[english]TF_KILL_CHARGING_DEMO_NAME" "Emergency Brake"
2049520515"TF_KILL_CHARGING_DEMO_DESC" "돌진하는 데모맨을 처치하십시오."
2049620516"[english]TF_KILL_CHARGING_DEMO_DESC" "Kill a charging Demoman."
N/A20518"[english]TF_TAUNT_CONGA_KILL_NAME" "Party Crasher"
2049720519"TF_TAUNT_CONGA_KILL_DESC" "5초 안에 콩가 춤을 추고 있는 플레이어 3명을 처치하십시오."
2049820520"[english]TF_TAUNT_CONGA_KILL_DESC" "Kill 3 players who are doing the Conga within 5 seconds."
2049920521"TF_TAUNT_CONGA_LINE_NAME" "줄줄이 '콩가'네"
2050020522"[english]TF_TAUNT_CONGA_LINE_NAME" "Conga Line"
2050120523"TF_TAUNT_CONGA_LINE_DESC" "10명 이상의 플레이어와 함께 동시에 콩가 춤을 추십시오."
2050220524"[english]TF_TAUNT_CONGA_LINE_DESC" "Do the Conga with 10 or more players at the same time."
N/A20526"[english]TF_TAUNT_RPS_ROCK_NAME" "On The Rocks"
2050320527"TF_TAUNT_RPS_ROCK_DESC" "가위바위보에서 바위로 3번 연속 패배하십시오."
2050420528"[english]TF_TAUNT_RPS_ROCK_DESC" "Lose at Rock, Paper, Scissors 3 times in a row with Rock."
N/A20530"[english]TF_TAUNT_RPS_SCISSORS_NAME" "Running With Scissors"
2050520531"TF_TAUNT_RPS_SCISSORS_DESC" "가위바위보에서 가위로 3번 연속 승리하십시오."
2050620532"[english]TF_TAUNT_RPS_SCISSORS_DESC" "Win at Rock, Paper, Scissors 3 times in a row with Scissors."
2050720533"TF_TAUNT_DOSIDO_MELLE_KILL_NAME" "저도 좀 껴도 될까요?"
2050820534"[english]TF_TAUNT_DOSIDO_MELLE_KILL_NAME" "May I Cut In, Too?"
2050920535"TF_TAUNT_DOSIDO_MELLE_KILL_DESC" "스퀘어 댄스 도발을 하는 10명의 플레이어를 근접 공격으로 죽이십시오."
2051020536"[english]TF_TAUNT_DOSIDO_MELLE_KILL_DESC" "Melee kill 10 players while they are doing the Square Dance taunt."
N/A20538"[english]TF_TAUNT_WHILE_CAPPING_NAME" "Showboat"
2051120539"TF_TAUNT_WHILE_CAPPING_DESC" "지점을 점령하는 도중 아군과 짝 도발을 10번 하십시오."
2051220540"[english]TF_TAUNT_WHILE_CAPPING_DESC" "Do 10 partner taunts with a teammate while capturing a control point."
2051320541"TF_PYRO_IGNITE_PLAYER_BEING_FLIPPED_NAME" "고기 타겠다! 어서 뒤집어!"
2051820546"[english]TF_SCOUT_BACKSCATTER_KILL_SPY_GRIND_NAME" "Back in Business"
2051920547"TF_SCOUT_BACKSCATTER_KILL_SPY_GRIND_DESC" "등짝 작렬총으로 스파이 20명을 뒤에서 사살하십시오."
2052020548"[english]TF_SCOUT_BACKSCATTER_KILL_SPY_GRIND_DESC" "While using the Back Scatter, kill 20 spies from behind."
2052120551"TF_SCOUT_BACKSCATTER_KILL_HEAVY_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC" "짝을 이룬 헤비와 메딕을 20초 이내의 간격으로 둘 다 등짝 작렬총으로 사살하십시오."
2052220552"[english]TF_SCOUT_BACKSCATTER_KILL_HEAVY_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC" "While using the Back Scatter, kill a Heavy/Medic pair within 20 seconds of each other."
2052420554"[english]TF_SCOUT_BACKSCATTER_KILL_FRIENDS_GRIND_NAME" "Severed Ties"
2052520555"TF_SCOUT_BACKSCATTER_KILL_FRIENDS_GRIND_DESC" "등짝 작렬총으로 친구 20명을 뒤에서 사살하십시오."
2052620556"[english]TF_SCOUT_BACKSCATTER_KILL_FRIENDS_GRIND_DESC" "While using the Back Scatter, kill 20 friends from behind."
2052720559"TF_SNIPER_CLASSIC_RIFLE_NOSCOPE_HEADSHOT_DESC" "Classic을 사용하여 완전 충전된 일반 사격으로 적군 10명을 사살하십시오."
2052820560"[english]TF_SNIPER_CLASSIC_RIFLE_NOSCOPE_HEADSHOT_DESC" "While using The Classic, kill 10 enemies with a full charge, no-scope headshot."
2053420566"[english]TF_SNIPER_CLASSIC_RIFLE_GIB_GRIND_NAME" "Prime Cuts"
2053520567"TF_SNIPER_CLASSIC_RIFLE_GIB_GRIND_DESC" "Classic을 사용하여 한 라운드에서 모든 9명의 클래스를 폭사시키십시오."
2053620568"[english]TF_SNIPER_CLASSIC_RIFLE_GIB_GRIND_DESC" "While using The Classic, gib all 9 classes during a single round."
N/A20569"TF_SNIPER_PARACHUTE_GRIND_NAME" "비행이 무기한 연기되었습니다"
N/A20570"[english]TF_SNIPER_PARACHUTE_GRIND_NAME" "Flight Cancelled"
2053720571"TF_SNIPER_PARACHUTE_GRIND_DESC" "낙하산을 타는 플레이어 25명을 치명적인 헤드샷으로 사실하십시오."
2053820572"[english]TF_SNIPER_PARACHUTE_GRIND_DESC" "Kill 25 parachuting players with a critical headshot."
2053920573"TF_SPY_KILL_BACKSCATTER_SCOUT_NAME" "손은 놈보다 빠르니까"
2054420578"[english]TF_SOLDIER_PARACHUTE_KILL_GROUP_NAME" "Upper Hand"
2054520579"TF_SOLDIER_PARACHUTE_KILL_GROUP_DESC" "같은 낙하산이 펼쳐져 있는 동안 3명의 플레이어를 처치하십시오."
2054620580"[english]TF_SOLDIER_PARACHUTE_KILL_GROUP_DESC" "Kill 3 players during the same parachute deploy."
N/A20582"[english]TF_SOLDIER_PARACHUTE_DISTANCE_NAME" "Project Excelsior"
2054720583"TF_SOLDIER_PARACHUTE_DISTANCE_DESC" "낙하산을 타고 19.47 마일을 이동하십시오."
2054820584"[english]TF_SOLDIER_PARACHUTE_DISTANCE_DESC" "Parachute 19.47 miles."
2078420820"[english]TF_TauntDemomanNuke" "Taunt: Spent Well Spirits"
2078520821"TF_TauntDemomanNuke_Desc" "데모맨 도발"
2078620822"[english]TF_TauntDemomanNuke_Desc" "Demoman Taunt"
N/A20823"TF_TauntDemomanWoohoo" "도발: 만취는 즐거워"
N/A20824"[english]TF_TauntDemomanWoohoo" "Taunt: Oblooterated"
2078720825"TF_TauntDemomanWoohoo_Desc" "데모맨 도발"
2078820826"[english]TF_TauntDemomanWoohoo_Desc" "Demoman Taunt"
2078920827"TF_TauntEngineerRancho" "도발: 한가로운 휴식"
2079820836"[english]TF_TauntPyroPartyTrick" "Taunt: Party Trick"
2079920837"TF_TauntPyroPartyTrick_Desc" "파이로 도발"
2080020838"[english]TF_TauntPyroPartyTrick_Desc" "Pyro Taunt"
N/A20839"TF_TauntScoutBatMan" "도발: 완전무결"
N/A20840"[english]TF_TauntScoutBatMan" "Taunt: Battin' a Thousand"
2080120841"TF_TauntScoutBatMan_Desc" "스카웃 도발"
2080220842"[english]TF_TauntScoutBatMan_Desc" "Scout Taunt"
2080320843"TF_TauntScoutChickenBucket" "도발: 바삭하게 튀긴 욕망"
2080420844"[english]TF_TauntScoutChickenBucket" "Taunt: Deep Fried Desire"
2080520845"TF_TauntScoutChickenBucket_Desc" "스카웃 도발"
2080620846"[english]TF_TauntScoutChickenBucket_Desc" "Scout Taunt"
N/A20847"TF_TauntSniperISeeYou" "도발: 넌 이미 내 조준경 속에"
N/A20848"[english]TF_TauntSniperISeeYou" "Taunt: I See You"
2080720849"TF_TauntSniperISeeYou_Desc" "스나이퍼 도발"
2080820850"[english]TF_TauntSniperISeeYou_Desc" "Sniper Taunt"
2080920851"TF_TauntSoldierCoffee" "도발: 갓 내린 승리"
2083620878"[english]TF_TauntAllClassSkullcracker_Desc" "This is a partner taunt. Press the taunt key to toggle."
2083720879"TF_short2014_soldier_fed_coat" "기밀 외투"
2083820880"[english]TF_short2014_soldier_fed_coat" "The Classified Coif"
N/A20881"TF_short2014_invisible_ishikawa" "불한당의 예복"
N/A20882"[english]TF_short2014_invisible_ishikawa" "The Rogue's Robe"
N/A20883"TF_short2014_soldier_fedhair" "첩자의 안경"
N/A20884"[english]TF_short2014_soldier_fedhair" "The Spook Specs"
2083920885"TF_short2014_sengoku_scorcher" "전국시대 전소자"
2084020886"[english]TF_short2014_sengoku_scorcher" "Sengoku Scorcher"
2084120887"TF_short2014_man_in_slacks" "맨 인 슬랙"
2084220888"[english]TF_short2014_man_in_slacks" "The Man in Slacks"
2084320889"TF_short2014_demo_mohawk" "칼날 머리"
2084420890"[english]TF_short2014_demo_mohawk" "The Razor Cut"
N/A20891"TF_short2014_scout_ninja_mask" "끝내주는 닌자 복면"
N/A20892"[english]TF_short2014_scout_ninja_mask" "The Frickin' Sweet Ninja Hood"
2084520893"TF_short2014_ninja_vest" "남부의 닌자"
2084620894"[english]TF_short2014_ninja_vest" "The Southie Shinobi"
2084720895"TF_short2014_ninja_boots" "레드삭스"
2085020898"[english]TF_short2014_all_mercs_mask" "The Bruiser's Bandanna"
2085120899"TF_short2014_the_gas_guzzler" "연료 낭비 장치"
2085220900"[english]TF_short2014_the_gas_guzzler" "The Gas Guzzler"
N/A20901"TF_short2014_spiked_armourgeddon" "연기나는 미끄럼 뚜껑"
N/A20902"[english]TF_short2014_spiked_armourgeddon" "The Smoking Skid Lid"
N/A20903"TF_short2014_wildfire_wrappers" "미치광이의 가죽 재킷"
N/A20904"[english]TF_short2014_wildfire_wrappers" "The Lunatic's Leathers"
2085320905"TF_short2014_heavy_goatee" "유리의 복수"
2085420906"[english]TF_short2014_heavy_goatee" "Yuri's Revenge"
N/A20907"TF_short2014_engie_toolbelt" "없으면 안되는 것들"
N/A20908"[english]TF_short2014_engie_toolbelt" "The Tools of the Trade"
2085520909"TF_short2014_poopyj_backpack" "원숭베네"
2085620910"[english]TF_short2014_poopyj_backpack" "The Joe-on-the-Go"
2085720911"TF_short2014_deadhead" "비행사 암살자"
2086420918"[english]TF_short2014_engineer_nerd_chin" "The Level Three Chin"
2086520919"TF_short2014_engineer_nerd_shirt" "지식인의 멜빵바지"
2086620920"[english]TF_short2014_engineer_nerd_shirt" "The Egghead's Overalls"
N/A20921"TF_short2014_engineer_nerd_feet" "왕따의 샌들"
N/A20922"[english]TF_short2014_engineer_nerd_feet" "The Lonesome Loafers"
2086720923"TF_short2014_medic_nietzsche" "우버인간"
2086820924"[english]TF_short2014_medic_nietzsche" "Ze Übermensch"
2086920925"TF_short2014_spy_ascot_vest" "최신 유행 암살자"
2089220948"[english]TF_short2014_vintage_director" "Vive La France"
2089320949"TF_short2014_scopers_smoke" "조준자의 지궐련"
2089420950"[english]TF_short2014_scopers_smoke" "The Scoper's Smoke"
N/A20951"TF_short2014_sniper_cargo_pants" "암살자의 전술복"
N/A20952"[english]TF_short2014_sniper_cargo_pants" "The Triggerman's Tacticals"
N/A20953"TF_short2014_tip_of_the_hats" "기울어진 모자"
N/A20954"[english]TF_short2014_tip_of_the_hats" "Tipped Lid"
2089520955"TF_ClassicSniperRifle" "Classic"
2089620956"[english]TF_ClassicSniperRifle" "The Classic"
2089720957"TF_ClassicSniperRifle_Desc" ""
2092020980"[english]Gametype_RobotDestruction" "Robot Destruction"
2092120981"QuickplayBetaExplanation_Title" "베타 맵"
2092220982"[english]QuickplayBetaExplanation_Title" "Beta Maps"
N/A20983"QuickplayBetaExplanation_Text" "이 상자를 클릭하면 베타 단계에 있는 맵을 플레이할 수 있습니다.\n\n'베타' 단계의 맵들은 아직 개발 중인 맵들입니다. 이 맵은 최종 버전이 아니며 지속적으로 바뀔 것입니다.\n\n베타 맵 플레이 도중에는 버그나 예상치 못한 문제가 일어날 수 있습니다."
N/A20984"[english]QuickplayBetaExplanation_Text" "Check this box to play beta maps.\n\nMaps that are considered 'beta' are still in development. These maps are not final and will change frequently while in beta form.\n\nYou may experience bugs or other unexpected behavior while playing in beta maps."
2092320985"TF_Quickplay_BetaMaps" "베타 맵 플레이"
2092420986"[english]TF_Quickplay_BetaMaps" "Play Beta Maps"
2092520987"TF_Quickplay_Beta" "베타"
2092620988"[english]TF_Quickplay_Beta" "Beta"
2092720989"TF_GameModeDesc_RobotDestruction" "로봇을 파괴하고 적군보다 먼저 점수를 훔치십시오."
2092820990"[english]TF_GameModeDesc_RobotDestruction" "Destroy robots and steal points faster than the enemy team."
N/A20991"TF_GameModeDetail_RobotDestruction" "적 팀의 로봇을 파괴해 점수를 모으세요. 로봇들은 적 기지의 입구에서부터 차례로 부숴야 합니다.\n\n적 기지 내부의 정보 가방을 탈취해 아군 기지로 가져와 점수를 뺏어올 수도 있습니다."
N/A20992"[english]TF_GameModeDetail_RobotDestruction" "Points are gained by destroying the enemy team's robots. Robots must be destroyed in order, starting with the front-most bots.\n\nPoints can also be stolen by stealing the intelligence briefcase from deep within the enemy base and returning it to your base."
N/A20993"default_rd_description" "목표:
N/A20994라운드에서 승리하려면 적의 로봇들을 파괴하여 반응 노심을 모아야 합니다. 적의 정보 가방을 아군의 기지로 가져와 적의 반응 노심을 훔쳐올 수도 있습니다."
N/A20995"[english]default_rd_description" "Objective:
N/A20996To win the round, destroy the enemy robots and collect reactor cores to win. Retrieve stolen reactor cores by invading the enemy vault."
N/A20997"rd_asteroid_description" "목표: 라운드에서 승리하려면 적의 로봇들을 파괴하여 반응 노심을 모아야 합니다. 적의 정보 가방을 아군의 기지로 가져와 적의 반응 노심을 훔쳐올 수도 있습니다."
N/A20998"[english]rd_asteroid_description" "Objective:
N/A20999To win the round, destroy the enemy robots and collect reactor cores to win. Retrieve stolen reactor cores by invading the enemy vault."
2092921000"Winreason_ReactorCaptured" "%s1 팀이 적군의 노심을 탈취하여 승리하였습니다!"
2093021001"[english]Winreason_ReactorCaptured" "%s1 won by capturing the enemy reactor core"
2093121002"Winreason_CoresCollected" "%s1 팀이 로봇 파괴와 동력심 수집에서 승리하였습니다!"
2103221103"[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedNoTaunts" "You must specify taunt sources"
2103321104"TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedBadVCD" "VCD 확인 과정에서 오류가 발생하였습니다."
2103421105"[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedBadVCD" "There is some error in verifying VCD process."
N/A21106"TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedVCDMissingEventSequence" "VCD에서 이벤트 시퀀스를 찾을 수 없습니다."
N/A21107"[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedVCDMissingEventSequence" "Missing event sequence in the VCD."
N/A21108"TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedVCDEventSequenceTooLong" "VCD의 이벤트 시퀀스 종료 시간이 허용된 5초보다 깁니다."
N/A21109"[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedVCDEventSequenceTooLong" "VCD has event sequence end time that is longer than allowed maximum time of 5 seconds."
2103521110"TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedAnimationTooLong" "%file% 파일의 애니메이션 지속 시간은 %current_anim_duration%초입니다. %max_anim_duration%초를 넘으면 안됩니다."
2103621111"[english]TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedAnimationTooLong" "Animation duration from %file% is %current_anim_duration% seconds. Cannot be over %max_anim_duration% seconds."
2103721112"TF_ItemPrefab_taunt" "도발 (베타)"
2104421119"[english]LimitedQualityDesc" "Limited "
2104521120"TF_SupplyCrate_ShuffleTaunt" "Mann Co. 감독판 필름"
2104621121"[english]TF_SupplyCrate_ShuffleTaunt" "Mann Co. Director's Cut Reel"
N/A21122"TF_SupplyCrate_ShuffleTaunt_Desc" "이 상자에는 작은 세트에서 선택된 4가지의 아이템 중 하나가 들어있습니다.\n\n이 상자를 열려면 Mann Co. 보급 상자 열쇠가 필요합니다. 상점에서 하나 구매하세요!"
N/A21123"[english]TF_SupplyCrate_ShuffleTaunt_Desc" "This crate contains four items randomly selected from a small set. You can adjust which four items are selected from your backpack.\n\nYou need a standard Mann Co. Supply Crate Key to open this. You can pick one up at the Mann Co. Store."
2104721124"TF_LimitedSummerCrate2014" "한정품 늦여름 상자"
2104821125"[english]TF_LimitedSummerCrate2014" "Limited Late Summer Crate"
N/A21126"TF_LimitedSummerCrate2014_Desc" "이 상자는 특별하며, 열려면 한정판 여름 열쇠가 필요합니다.\n안에는 이 상자에서만 얻을 수 있는 한정품이 나옵니다.\n전부는 아니지만, 이 상자 안의 아이템 중 몇몇은 이상한 품질입니다... /n/n2014년 10월 13일 이후엔 열 수 없습니다."
N/A21127"[english]TF_LimitedSummerCrate2014_Desc" "This crate is special and requires a Limited Summer Key.\nIts contents will be limited and only come from this crate.\nSome, but not all, of the items in this crate are Strange...\n\nAfter 10/13/2014 this crate can no longer be opened."
2104921128"Attrib_AiXenoSetBonusPos" "고립된 용병 아이템 세트를 장착한 플레이어에게 주는 근접 피해량이 증가합니다."
2105021129"[english]Attrib_AiXenoSetBonusPos" "Increased Melee damage against Isolated Merc Set"
2105121130"Attrib_AiXenoSetBonusNeg" "고립된 용병 아이템 세트를 장착한 플레이어에게서 받는 노스트로모 호 네이팜 분사기 피해량이 증가합니다."
2110821187"[english]TF_LimitedSummerKey2014" "Limited Late Summer Crate Key"
2110921188"TF_LimitedSummerKey2014_Desc" "한정품 늦여름 상자를 여는 데 씁니다.\n늦여름 상자에서만 나오는 한정품 아이템이 있습니다.\n\n2014년 10월 13일 이후에는 일반 열쇠로 바뀝니다."
2111021189"[english]TF_LimitedSummerKey2014_Desc" "Used to open Limited Late Summer Crates.\nLate Summer Crates contain limited items that only come from it.\n\nAfter 10/13/2014 this will turn into a normal key."
N/A21190"TF_sept2014_pyro_radioactive_mask" "위험천만 용병"
N/A21191"[english]TF_sept2014_pyro_radioactive_mask" "The Mishap Mercenary"
2111121192"TF_sept2014_lady_killer" "연쇄유혹마"
2111221193"[english]TF_sept2014_lady_killer" "The Lady Killer"
2111321194"TF_sept2014_lone_survivor" "유일한 생존자"
2114821229"[english]TF_TeamAutoBalance_Enable" "Enable Team AutoBalance"
2114921230"TF_TeamAutoBalance_Disable" "인원수 균형 자동 조절 해제"
2115021231"[english]TF_TeamAutoBalance_Disable" "Disable Team AutoBalance"
N/A21232"TF_short2014_tip_of_the_hats_Desc" "가장 멋들어진 각도로 기울어졌으며, 가장 고결한 복지 운동에 기여한다. (커뮤니티 수익의 99%는 암에 걸린 아이를 돕는 캠프 프로그램, One Step Camp에 기증됩니다.)"
N/A21233"[english]TF_short2014_tip_of_the_hats_Desc" "Tipped to the jauntiest of angles. Helps the noblest of causes. (99 percent of community revenue goes to One Step Camp, a camp program for kids with cancer.)"
N/A21234"TF_TournamentMedal_Florida_LAN" "플로리다 LAN"
N/A21235"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Florida_LAN" "Florida LAN"
N/A21236"TF_AI_Promo" "Alien: Isolation 판촉물"
N/A21237"[english]TF_AI_Promo" "Alien: Isolation Promo"
N/A21238"TF_AI_Promo_Desc" ""
N/A21239"[english]TF_AI_Promo_Desc" ""
N/A21240"TF_vote_classlimits_enable" "%s1 병과에 제한을 거시겠습니까?"
N/A21241"[english]TF_vote_classlimits_enable" "Enable class limit of %s1?"
N/A21242"TF_vote_passed_classlimits_enable" "병과 제한이 활성화되었습니다"
N/A21243"[english]TF_vote_passed_classlimits_enable" "Class limits enabled..."
N/A21244"TF_vote_classlimits_disable" "병과 제한을 해제하시겠습니까?"
N/A21245"[english]TF_vote_classlimits_disable" "Disable class limits?"
N/A21246"TF_vote_passed_classlimits_disable" "병과 제한이 해제되었습니다"
N/A21247"[english]TF_vote_passed_classlimits_disable" "Class limits disabled..."
N/A21248"TF_ClassLimit_Enable" "병과 제한 활성화"
N/A21249"[english]TF_ClassLimit_Enable" "Enable Class Limits"
N/A21250"TF_ClassLimit_Disable" "병과 제한 해제"
N/A21251"[english]TF_ClassLimit_Disable" "Disable Class Limits"
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![]() | This media is extracted from the game Team Fortress 2. The copyright for it is held by Valve Corporation, who created the software. |
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