Mann vs. Machine/sv
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“ | Gray Mann has built an unstoppable automaton army with a single purpose: to destroy all things Mann Co. Luckily for you, the majority of this robot legion is equipped with basic weaponry that could never level an entire building. Unluckily, they also have access to giant bombs, which they’d drag through hell if it meant dropping one in a Mann Co. bombhole. And it’s up to you to stop them.
— Mann vs. Machine publicity blurb
” |
Mann vs. Machine är ett sammarbetsläge som släpptes i uppdateringen med samma namn. I Mann vs. Machine försöker ett lag upp till sex spelare hindra en armé av robotar från att transportera en bomb till deras bas. Det finns inte bara AI-styrda fiender och sammarbetsspelande utan även en särskild funktion i spelet som ger spelarna förmågan att kunna köpa uppgraderingar till sina vapen med en spelvaluta. Alla köpta uppgraderingar kommer finnas kvar genom hela matchen.
Laget anfalls av AI-styrda robotar och måste försöka hindra robotarna från att lyckas leverera bomben till spelarnas bas (som i spelläget Bomb). Varje robot som förstörs förser spelarna med pengar (när en spelare plockar upp en bunt med pengar så fördelas alla pengar lika mellan alla i laget). Mellan varje omgång med robotar, så har spelarna möjlighet att uppgradera sina vapen vis Uppgraderingsaffären med dessa pengar. De kan även köpa uppgraderingar till sin nuvarande klass. Uppgraderingarna stannar kvar, även om man byter till en annan klass, men de köpta uppgraderingarna är bara tillgängliga till klassen de köptes för.
För en summa pengar, kan även Uppgraderingsaffären fylla spelarens Fältflaska med olika effekter—som en alldeles egen ÜberLaddning, fem-sekunders kritiska träffar eller påfyllning av ammunition—eller förmågan att snabbt kunna uppgradera byggnader som Ingenjör eller förmågan att genast teleportras till basen. Alla dessa Fältflaskor kan användas upp till tre gånger.
Arméns flesta robotar är åtta av de nio vanliga klasserna i robotversion (det finns inga robotingenjörer), som bär deras respektive grundvapen. Det finns även specialrobotar med unika egenskaper.
Den bombbärande roboten får bonusar, som ökar med tiden. Dessa bonusar delas in i tre steg, som läggs ihop:
Steg | Uppgraderingar |
Första steget | Försvarsbonus, delas med alla robotar i närheten |
Andra steget | Återställande hälsa |
Tredje steget | Utdelar kritiska träffar hela tiden |
Förmågor och uppgraderingar
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For the sake of identification, all human players will be dressed in RED and will be identified as team DEFENDERS while all robots will have BLU colors in their visual effects and in the kill feed.
Before each round begins, Defenders will be given a graphic indication of the impending onslaught. Primary targets will have numbers underneath them and will be classified by class or (in the case of special robots) their specialty. Red groups indicate tanks as well as giant robots. Support targets will be noted as such and will tend to be focused on attacking the players rather than carrying the bomb (though some like Scout supports will try to carry the bomb at times). Snipers and Spies are always assigned support roles.
When at least three players enter a Mann vs Machine server, the option to begin play is enabled. During the setup phase before the robots arrive, Engineers are able to instantly place buildings, fully upgraded to level 3, at no metal cost, and Medics can instantly fill their Übercharge meters and rapidly max out ally overheals. Once one player declares he is ready, a 150-second countdown clock will begin. As more players acknowledge they are ready, the clock time will be reduced in 30-second intervals (to 120, 90, 60, and 30 seconds, respectively, depending on the number of players present). If all players acknowledge that they are ready, the round is committed and the clock is reduced to ten seconds. Regardless of how it is done, once the countdown ends, the robots will begin their approach to the field.
Robots cannot attack or be damaged until they jump down into the players' field. A strength gauge will appear to note the remaining forces of the wave. Only primary targets count towards this progress. As they are destroyed, the gauge will empty. Once it is completely empty, the wave is defeated. During the wave, support icons may appear to indicate a specific threat.
- Sniper - Snipers are entering the field. They enter like regular robots but will be focused on attacking players from afar. Snipers will always display visible lasers from their rifles when scoped, making them easier to spot. Beware of their Special counterparts the Bowmen. They don't produce visible lasers.
- Spy - Spy robots are on the field. Unlike the other robots, these used their cloaks to infiltrate the field and will enter from the player's side of the field (which means they'll be coming from behind you most of the time), already disguised as a human. They will act as your average Spy would: sapping Engineer buildings and attempting backstabs.
- Sentry Buster - Sentry Busters will fixate on a Sentry Gun on the field and try to get close to it. If it reaches the Sentry or runs out of health, it will stop and then explode powerfully after two seconds, destroying all buildings and players within the explosion's radius.
- Tank - Heavily-armored tanks will enter the field from specific entry points. They won't attack but will move implacably towards the bomb hatch until they are destroyed or reach their destination. Tanks do not need to carry or retrieve the main bomb as each one contains its own bomb.
After each successful wave, the defenders will be evaluated based on how aggressively money was collected (with a grade ranging from a low of F to a high of A+). If all the piles of money are collected (the A+ grade), the team will earn a $100 bonus. Once a mission is completed, the defenders will be given a final evaluation and the server will load the next Mann vs. Machine map.
Name | Picture | File name |
Coal Town | ![]() |
Decoy | ![]() |
Mannworks | ![]() |
Oanvänt material
- Modeller av robotar från laget RED kan hittas i spelfilerna.
- En Ingenjörmodell kan hittas i spelfilerna, men den används ännu inte i något av uppdragen.
- Sometimes a menu such as team, class, or upgrade choice will freeze on screen, forcing you to refresh the HUD. (This can be accomplished by typing hud_reloadscheme in the console)
- The hole in which the bomb is placed kills everything, including bots carrying bombs.
- When killed by a dead bot, such as from afterburn, the killfeed shows that the bot has moved to spectator mode. This is due to the internal routine that reassigns bot players for the next attack.
- In the upgrade station, upgrading a canteen can sometimes fill differently than what you selected. (example: You selected to buy 1 uber, and got 2 fills with the price of 2.)
- Sometimes when a robot delivers the bomb, the game will continue. The hole will remain for the entire session and it will be impossible to fail, unless a second bomb is delivered (for example, if a tank is in the mission)
- Två granatvapen från spelet, Bear Trap/sv och Frag Grenade/sv, kan man se i Uppgraderingsaffären.
- Hån som vanligtvis utdelar skada, som exempelvis Fäktnings-hånet, skadar inte tanks.