User:The Doctor/objectives

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Docs Contributions & Community Feedback


Is The Doctor talking trash about your mom? Has he edited things in favor of a Pro-Pyro stance? Is he supporting "defensive" weapons being used for "Offensive" attacks?

Well give' em what for below and let all the rage flow through you. If you wish to comment and not rage, leave a comment in the last hyperlink in the contents box.

Thanks To:

Mechlord & Neotank.

Goals to Finish by the End of the Week

SampleVial-Full-icon.png Edit and Refine Article additions to perfection and Wiki Standards with minor tweaks.

SampleVial-Full-icon.png Have both strategies place in appropraited areas

SampleVial-Empty-icon.png To not get reverted due to minor details and make sure I have crossed and dotted all my t's and i's.

Doctors Mission Statement

SampleVial-Full-icon.png To Provide accurate and well written information to all the fans of Team Fortress 2, focusing on excellence on updating strategies with a changing community and the ever evolving combat within the game, making sure all of Team Fortress Wiki's info is up to par, and up to date.

Goal 1: "Puff & Sting" Update to Pyro Strategy Article

/:/Information Pending/:/

SampleVial-Empty-icon.png 01010100011010000110100101110011001000000111001101100101011000110111010001101 00101101111011011100010000001110111011010010110110001101100001000000110001001 10010100100000011000110110111101101101011100000110110001100101011101000110010 10110010000100000011101110110100101110100011010000110100101101110001000000011 00100010000001110100011011110010000000110011001000000110010001100001011110010 11100110010110000100000011000010110111001100100001000000111011101101001011011 00011011000010000001100010011001010010000001100001001000000110011001101001011 01110011001010010000001100001011001000110010001101001011101000110100101101111 01101110001000000111010001101111001000000111010001101000011001010010000000100 01001010000011101010110011001100110001000000010011000100000010100110111010001 10100101101110011001110010001000100000010100000111100101110010011011110010000 00101001101110100011100100110000101110100011001010110011101111001001000000111 00000110000101100111011001010010111000001101000010100000110100001010010010000 11011110111000001100101011001100111010101101100011011000111100100100000011101 00011010000110010100100000011011010110111101100100011100110010000001110111011 01001011011000110110000100000011000010111000001110000011100100110010101100011 01101001011000010111010001100101001000000110100101110100001000000011101001000 100

Goal 2: Battalion Backup Strategy Addition

SampleVial-Empty-icon.png Below are some additions, hopefully, they will get to stay.

  • The Battalion's Backup can act as a strong counter to its brother the Buff Banner, in that it if you see a large attack coming from a enemy using the Buff Banner, the Battalion Backup can be used to completely nullify its effects and protect your team from the push.
  • The Battalion's Backup can act as a strong offensive push when paired with its Polycount brother, the Black Box and Grenadier's Softcap, especially for a area your team is locked out of due to Sentries. Blow the horn and lead the pack in and make short work of the sentry with your 20% sentry resistance(assuming you equip the full Tank Buster set) and 35% damage reduction from the Backup will turn a once locked down area into conquered ground.
  • If your team is getting pushed back and has been badly hurt, it's always a good idea to jump into the firefight and rescue them using the Battalion Backup. This could very easily save the lives of frontline troops. Remember, its a team effort, and if your Battalion need's some Backup, then its time to raise the calvary.

--The Doctor 01:44, 7 October 2010 (UTC)