Community weapons
“ | I am hero!
Click to listen
— The Heavy
” |
Community weapons are unique in-game weapons given by Valve to individuals who have made significant, valuable contributions to the Team Fortress 2 community. In the past this has included creating or contributing to maps of high enough quality to become official, moderating Valve's official game forums, creating game guides for competitive play, organizing large TF2 tournaments, or founding community sites such as
These weapons are easily identified by their sparkling particle effect, both in first-person view and world view. The weapons also have their name in dark green text, along with the word "Community" in front of them, e.g. "Community Flamethrower". There are two kinds of Community items: Community and Self-Made, and they are not limited to just weapons, for they also can affect hats. All Community and Self-Made items are level 50, and have two different descriptions. They are not to be confused for Developer weapons.
As of October 22, 2010, only 150 players are known to have Community weapons in their inventories, according to this list. This number underestimates the actual number of players with Community weapons, as some individuals choose to keep their Steam profiles private.
- Commrocket.png
Community Rocket Launcher
- Commaxe.png
Community Axtinguisher
- Commhuntsman.png
Community Huntsman
- Commkritz.png
Community Kritzkrieg
First-person view
Particle effects attached to weapons were previously visible in first-person view. However, due to some particle effects being attached to hats with the "unusual" item quality released in the Mann-Conomy Update, the feature was removed.
- CommunityKnifeEffect.png
Community Knife
- CommunityScattergunEffect.png
DirectX8, low-settings sparkle effect on a Community Scattergun.
- CommunityWrenchEffect.jpg
Community Wrench
- CommunityFlamethrowerEffect.jpg
Community Flamethrower
List of recipients
Contributor | Weapon(s) | Reason | Notes |
*clubtheseals | Rocket Launcher | Co-creator of competitive TF2 guide. | |
*epic sax himmels | Rocket Launcher | Co-creator of competitive TF2 guide. | |
*French Toast | Medigun | Co-creator of competitive TF2 guide. | |
˜ meo | Medigun | Helped organize the SPUF 6v9 tournament, Apocalypse Gaming co-founder | |
-GC- Sierra Oscar | Minigun | Moderator at the Steam Users' Forums. | |
:) | Scattergun | ||
@MintCondition | Stickybomb Launcher | Co-Host of the Friendly Fire Podcast | |
42` Randdalf | Stickybomb Launcher | Contributor to the Swamp Theme | |
A Boojum Snark | Medigun | Creator of the TF2 Ultimate mapping resource pack. | |
Acegikmo | Rocket Launcher | Created textures for Yukon. | Creator of the popular control point map Glacier. |
AciD | Flamethrower | Moderator at the Steam Users' Forums. | |
ADISLAVCHEV | Flamethrower | Posted requests and bugs - one of the top avatar submitters TF2 Contribute site. | |
AG Nahanni | Medigun | Founder of Apocalypse Gaming, Sponsor of SPUF 6v9 | |
AG Sigma | Medigun | Co-creator of competitive TF2 guide. | |
An Iron Mouse | Medigun | Contributor to the Swamp Theme | Previously known as "An Icy Mouse." |
Blinxx | Sniper Rifle | Moderator at the Steam Users' Forums. | |
brometheus #clam | Knife | Main Heavy in "TF2 Interactive: A Heavy's 2fort Adventure". | |
Brostradamus | Equalizer | Co-creator of the Equalizer. | Was to have received "The Great Equalizer," but this has not happened yet. |
C$W:eerieone | Knife | Contributor to the Swamp Theme | Creator of the popular Payload map Cashworks. |
cc//Fish #641 «?» | Medigun | Starter of the North American Mentor Program. | |
CcC NeoDement | Rocket Launcher | Creator of kill icons for Community weapons, various modifications. | Creator of the Scotsman's Skullcutter |
cerious (6v9) | Wrench | Helped organize the SPUF 6v9 tournament. | |
Chaos [NoG] | Rocket Launcher | Co-Host of the Control Point/Nation of Gamers Podcasts. | |
Cinq | Blutsauger | Only Community Blutsauger (so far). | |
coL.jaeger› | Rocket Launcher | Creator of the TF2 Tips and Tricks video series | |
DaBeatzProject | Rocket Launcher | Contributor to the Swamp Theme | |
Daimao | Medigun | Helped several people texture weapons for the Contribute! program. | Original weapon was a Knife. Creator of the Frenchman's Beret. |
DaimoN | Stickybomb Launcher | Team Fortress Wiki Russian Moderator. | |
DigiQ8 | Rocket Launcher | News poster at | |
DJive | Minigun | founder | |
Djokson | Black Box | Submitted avatars to the TF2 Contribute site | Only Community Black Box (so far). Original weapon was a Rocket Launcher. |
DJTricky | Scattergun | ||
drpepper | Huntsman | founder | Original weapon was a Sniper Rifle. |
Drunken F00l | Knife | Creator of | Previous account traded the Community Knife to his secondary account during the limited time that it was possible to trade Community weapons. |
EG.CyZeR | Scattergun | TF2 beta lead. | |
En Ex | Axtinguisher | Team Fortress Wiki Administrator. | Only Community Axtinguisher (so far). Also known as mEn sEx. Renamed weapon to "Edward." |
Er?m | Wrench | Moderator at the Steam Users' Forums. | |
fartass | Rocket Launcher | ||
FireSlash | Rocket Launcher | Creator of | |
Fishbus | Wrench | Creator of Steel. | Also created Freight. |
flame | Scattergun | Contributor to Coldfront | Created the original concept for Team Fortress 2 Lobby. Creator of the Community HUD. ETF2L League Admin. |
FLOOR_MASTER | Rocket Launcher | Created the intro video for Steel. | Creator of Team Fortress 2 Lobby. |
Foda | Minigun | Contributor to the Swamp Theme | |
Fred (6v9) | Stickybomb Launcher | Helped organize the SPUF 6v9 tournament. | |
Freeflow | Sniper Rifle | Created posters for the SPUF 6v9 tournament. | |
G-Mang | Scattergun | Team Fortress Wiki Administrator. | |
Galago | Knife | Community Pain Train kill icon. | |
Goshawk | Stickybomb Launcher | Moderator at the Steam Users' Forums. | |
Ham Samich #Clam | Scattergun | ||
Hectic Glenn | Stickybomb Launcher | Lead Editor | |
Hitman | Rocket Launcher | ||
HS | Rocket Launcher | ||
Hwkiller | Knife | Moderator at the Steam Users' Forums. | |
Icarus | Backburner | Creator of Coldfront. | Renamed weapon to "Community W+M1." |
Immortal-D | Backburner | founder | |
Infi^ | Rocket Launcher | Team Fortress Wiki Administrator. | |
Irish Taxi Driver | Flamethrower | Did texture work for Steel. | |
IzI8 | Rocket Launcher | ||
a *VeLeRoN* | Rocket Launcher | Moderator at the Steam Users' Forums. | |
Shine | Rocket Launcher | Team Fortress Wiki Moderator. | Original weapon was a Scattergun, followed by another Scattergun. Also known as Shine. |
jestr | Medigun | Co-Host of the Friendly Fire Podcast | |
Jill | Wrench | Co-creator of | |
Jimmy | Medigun | Original Organizer of ETF2L Highlander | |
JoshuaC | Rocket Launcher | Creator of Watchtower. | |
KillahInstinct | Stickybomb Launcher | Moderator at the Steam Users' Forums. | |
Lange | Rocket Launcher | Creator of SOAP DM and Ammomod | |
Littleedge | Rocket Launcher | Gave detailed map exploit information to Valve | |
litany | Stickybomb Launcher | Helped organize the SPUF 6v9 tournament. | Repeat assistant in helping Valve track down TF2 issues. |
Malevolent | Stickybomb Launcher | Team Fortress Wiki Valuable Contributor. | |
MangyCarface tf2lb | Rocket Launcher | Creator of Yukon. | Co-creator of Team Fortress 2 Lobby. Contributor to Also created the popular Payload map Frontier and CTF map Atrophy. |
markandlynn | Rocket Launcher | Team Fortress Wiki Moderator. | Know as [NuB]MandL when playing. |
Matt | Rocket Launcher | Moderator at the Steam Users' Forums. | |
Matt Isaacs | Flamethrower | ||
Mex | Medigun | Organizer of the 2010 Gamers With Jobs tournament. | |
Mister Royzo | Knife | Creator of the Fancy vs. Nasty unofficial update. | |
ml Failstab | Knife | Team Fortress Wiki Administrator. | Also known as Wilsonator. |
Modiga Pops Lamb Chops | Flamethrower | Moderator at the Steam Users' Forums. | Also known as Modiga-Disabled |
Munro | Flamethrower | staff. | |
Nailhead [NoG] | Flamethrower | Co-Host of the Control Point/Nation of Gamers Podcasts | |
Nebula | Sniper Rifle | ||
NF MistahFixIt | Wrench | Team Fortress Wiki Valuable Contributor. | |
Nineaxis | Medigun | Contributor to Hoodoo (created multiple posters and signs). | Contributor to the Swamp Theme, Team Fortress 2 Lobby, and staff member, and Team Fortress Wiki Moderator. Original weapon was a Knife. |
Nos WwK | Rocket Launcher | Team Fortress Wiki Founder. | |
NovaSilisko | Sandvich | Contributor to the Swamp Theme | Only Community Sandvich (so far). Renamed weapon to "A Damn Good Cop." |
OluapPlayer | Wrench | Team Fortress Wiki Administrator. | |
P17 William | Medigun | Founder of Podcast17. | |
PCG Buck Sexington | Rocket Launcher (x2), Scattergun, K.G.B., Bonesaw | Employee at PC Gamer. | One of only two people with multiple Community weapons. Several of the weapons have altered stats and abilities. |
PCG Pentadact | Equalizer, Rocket Launcher (x2), Scattergun,K.G.B., Bonesaw | Employee at PC Gamer. | One of only two people with multiple Community weapons. Several of the weapons have altered stats and abilities. Co-creator of the Equalizer. |
Pilk | Flamethrower | Team Fortress Wiki Administrator. | |
Psy | Minigun | Contributor to the Swamp Theme | |
Aurora | Rocket Launcher | Team Fortress Wiki Administrator. | |
Ravidge | Sniper Rifle | Contributor to the Swamp Theme | |
Rexy | Huntsman | Contributor to the Swamp Theme | |
Sanjuaro the Saguaro | Stickybomb Launcher | ||
Sean | Scattergun | Creator of Junction, Egypt, and Harvest. | - |
Selentic | Medigun | Created models for Coldfront. | |
Shugo | Revolver | Created community tips for the June 10, 2010 update. | Only Community Shotgun (so far). Currently replaces primary weapons, expected to be a bug. Also created a popular set of downloadable backpack icon replacements. The weapon icons can be viewed on the pages for each class on this wiki. |
Silicon Vampire | Scattergun | Moderator at the Steam Users' Forums. | |
SK | Knife | Creator of Fastlane. | Moderator at the Steam Users' Forums. Also known as skdr. |
[SMACK] BP{N} | Rocket Launcher | Project Leader of HLStatsX Community Edition | Sourcemod Coder |
Smashman... | Knife | Team Fortress Wiki Administrator. | |
Snipergen | Sniper Rifle | Contributor to Hoodoo (Created the bomb cart). | |
TA zpq | Flamethrower | Contributor to the Swamp Theme | |
The Black Watch | Minigun | Co-creator of competitive TF2 guide. | |
The Brick | Wrench | ||
The Midget `cBs | Bottle | Co-creator of the Swamp theme pack. | Only Community Bottle (so far). |
Thundermanz | Stickybomb Launcher | ||
Tim | Wrench | ||
TOG Better Off Dead | Medigun | Moderator at the Steam Users' Forums. | |
TOG Jigoku | Rocket Launcher | Moderator at the Steam Users' Forums. | |
trainRiderJ #twl_tf2 | Rocket Launcher | ||
TrippleD | Flamethrower | Moderator at the Steam Users' Forums. | |
TS3 goldenhearted | Knife | Created posters for the SPUF 6v9 tournament. | |
Ultima Virus | Wrench | Moderator at the Steam Users' Forums. | |
Underyx | Knife | Provided feedback regarding a certain bug. | |
VGN Agro KK | Flamethrower | Co-Host of KritzKast the TF2 Podcast | |
VGN b00bies KK | Wrench | Co-Host of KritzKast the TF2 Podcast | |
VGN Chronos Ha-G KK | Stickybomb Launcher | Co-Host of KritzKast the TF2 Podcast | |
VGN Tempest KK | Rocket Launcher | Co-Host of KritzKast the TF2 Podcast | |
void | Eyelander | Contributor to the Swamp Theme | Only Community Eyelander (so far). Contributor to Coldfront. |
Wes is a WoW Crackhead | Stickybomb Launcher | Co-Host of the Control Point/Nation of Gamers Podcasts. | |
WindPower | Wrench | Created the script to link items in-game to the Team Fortress Wiki | Also a Team Fortress Wiki Administrator. |
xlr105 -Chicken Eater- | Sniper Rifle | Creator of "TF2 Interactive: A Heavy's 2fort Adventure". | |
YM | Kritzkrieg | Creator of Hoodoo. | Original weapon was a Flamethrower. Only Community Kritzkrieg (so far). Contributor to Also made the deer head in Coldfront. Only person with multiple earned Community weapons: An Icy Mouse is an alternate account of his. |
Zeewier | Force-A-Nature | Contributor to the Swamp Theme | Only Community Force-A-Nature (so far). |
Zoot.10 | Sniper Rifle | One of the top 5 avatar submitters to the TF2 Contribute site. | |
[] Hideous | Knife | Helped create the Swedish translation of TF2. |
- Originally, names for community unlockable weapons were grammatically incorrect, using names like “Community The Kritzkrieg.” Valve has since corrected this.
- Typically, these weapons are level 50 items, though there are some at 100. Like all other in-game items, levels have no effect on gameplay or the weapons.
- In some cases, a contributor was awarded one item, such as a Community Sniper Rifle, but later had it exchanged for another weapon, like a Community Huntsman. Initially, players were given Community weapons based on what their most played class was, but depending on the circumstances it has been possible to specify a weapon instead.
- Community weapons used to be tradable, but Valve released an update preventing this.
- The Community weapons actually had a hidden damage bonus only viewable by using the debug version of the backpack examiner. It was later removed and replaced by the sparkle effect.
- Because they weren't "whitelisted" or "blacklisted" by many competitive-play servers, the Community Medigun and Kritzkrieg were incapable of actually deploying an ÜberCharge or Kritzcharge. So although not officially banned, they're rarely used.
External links
- TF2items Backpack Viewer - a list of all Community weapons holders and their backpacks.
- Steam Community Contributors group
- KritzKast Special Episode - KritzKast interviews Nahanni, Meo, and Lange regarding their Community weapons.