Template:Player bodygroup

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Revision as of 13:37, 17 June 2013 by Davo (talk | contribs) (ah. I failed there. my apologies. I omitted the correction of the Lumbricus Lid entry)
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List of bodygroups on player models
Class Group name Used by
Leaderboard class scout.png Scout Template:Dictionary/items/hat All Hats, except Batter's Helmet and a style for the Bonk Boy.
Headset All hats, except Batter's Helmet, Spiral Sallet, and a style of the Backwards Ballcap, Bonk Boy, Hanger-On Hood, and Bacteria Blocker.
Shoes and socks Essential Accessories, Flip-Flops, Futankhamun, Ball-Kicking Boots, Bootie Time, Teufort Tooth Kicker, Spooky Shoes, Flunkyware, Buck Turner All-Stars, and Long Fall Loafers.
Dog tags Sign of the Wolf's School, B-ankh!, and Triad Trinket.
Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier Template:Dictionary/items/hat All Hats, except Soldier's Stash, Exquisite Rack, Cross-Comm Crash Helmet, and a style of the Battle Bob.
Grenades The Lumbricus Lid's grenades, Professor's Pineapple, Captain's Cocktails, Ornament Armament, Bonedolier, and Deadliest Duckling.
Medal Gentle Manne's Service Medal.
Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro Head Foster's Facade, Apparition's Aspect, HazMat Headcase, Last Breath, Plutonidome, Voodoo-Cursed Pyro Soul, Winter Wonderland Wrap, Filamental, Rusty Reaper, Breather Bag, and Mair Mask.
Grenades Stockbroker's Scarf, Cremator's Conscience, Professor's Pineapple, Burning Bongos, Ornament Armament, Jingle Belt, Bonedolier, Deadliest Duckling, Mair Mask, and Steel Sixpack.
Backpack Moonman Backpack, Scrap Pack, Russian Rocketeer, Pyrobotics Pack, Infernal Orchestrina, Pyrotechnic Tote, and Scrap Sack.
Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman "Smiley" Primary taunts.
Shoes Ali Baba's Wee Booties, Bootlegger, Pickled Paws, Teufort Tooth Kicker, Voodoo-Cursed Demoman Soul, and Buck Turner All-Stars.
Grenades A Whiff of the Old Brimstone, Professor's Pineapple, Ornament Armament, Battery Bandolier, Bonedolier, and Deadliest Duckling.
Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy Hands All melee weapons except Fists, Warrior's Spirit and Eviction Notice.
Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer Template:Dictionary/items/hat All Hats, except Mining Light, Industrial Festivizer, a style for both the Big Country and Professor's Peculiarity.
Right Arm Gunslinger and Short Circuit.
Leaderboard class medic.png Medic Backpack The Quick-Fix and Vaccinator's backpacks, Emerald Jarate, Scrap Pack and the Medic Mech-bag.
Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper Arrows Huntsman.
Template:Dictionary/items/hat All Hats, except the Trophy Belt.
Bullets Sydney Sleeper and Silver Bullets.
Pouch Itsy Bitsy Spyer, Koala Compact, Deadliest Duckling, and Dual-Core Devil Doll.
Leaderboard class spy.png Spy Mask Disguise Kit.