
From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 15:59, 9 January 2014 by RobTheStarCollector (talk | contribs) (update)
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Basic Information
Used by: Medic
Released: Heavenly update
Availability: Disturbuted
Tradable: NEVER
Giftable: nah
Paintable: eeyup
Nameable: yah
Craft No.?: heck no
Loadout Stats
Backpack Scrap Metal.png

1 - 100
+100% damage resistance
The sign that the Welcoming Ninja is here.

( Not Tradable )

User Medic.png This user is a Medic.
“Zat, vas doctah assisted homicide!”
Dead Heat Icon.png As of 1 March, 2025,
I have been a Team Fortress Wiki member for 14 years, 0 months, 17 days (since {{{day}}} , {{{year}}}).

# This user is a regular on the Team Fortress Wiki IRC channel
RED Wiki Cap.png This user does not edit this wiki for the sole purpose of getting a Wiki Cap.
{{ }} This user knows how to edit templates and can create them too.
LargeEdit.jpg This user likes to edit articles in GIANT MAN chunks.
User Monte GreenWiki.gif This user likes to see this wiki turning green.
Crystal xeyes.png This user is afraid of red links.
Userbox Brony Rainbow Dash.png This user is a brony, and likes to watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Their favorite character is Rainbow Dash.
ArizonaTeaLogo.png This user drinks far too much Arizona Tea.

Backpack Mann Co. Supply Crate Key.png This user refuses to buy Mann Co. Supply Crate Keys as a matter of principle.

non-unique items

Backpack Crosslinker's Coil.png This user owns a Genuine Crosslinker's Coil.

Backpack Foster's Facade.png This user owns a Vintage Foster's Facade.

Backpack Circular Circlesaw.png This user owns a Community Circular Circlesaw.

Backpack Fists of Steel.png This user owns a Strange Fists of Steel.
Rank: Mildly Menacing
Kills: 31

Backpack Jarate.png This user owns a Strange Jarate.
Rank: Face-Melting
Kills: 1193

Backpack Kukri.png This user owns a Strange Kukri.
Rank: Truly Feared
Kills: 230

Userboxes I made.

Chemistry Set.png This user has a Collector's quality item! Bow to his lifelessness.