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Tools are items originally released with the Mann-Conomy Update that can be used but have no direct effect on game-play themselves. Nearly all tools can be bought from the Mann Co. Store while certain tools can be found randomly through the item drop system. Currently, it is impossible to craft any kind of tool but some can be acquired through trading.

There are two types of tools, general tools and action items. General tools can be used at any time, and only influence the player's personal backpack where action items must be used while connected to a server as they effect other players. Currently, the only exception to this rule is Gift Wrap which is an action item that can be used without being connected to a server. Action items are further split between gifts and consumables. Gifts are single use tools that add items to the backpacks of other players while consumable items have multiple, but limited, uses and add elements of "fun" to the server they are used on.

General Tools

Mann Co. Supply

Backpack Icon Name Description Availability
Backpack Mann Co. Supply Crate Key.png Mann Co. Supply Crate Key A key used to open a Mann Co. Supply Crate $2.49 / £1.99 / 2.35 / 240rub / R$ 14.99 / 10.25
Backpack Mann Co. Supply Crate.png Mann Co. Supply Crate A dropped item that contains a random item determined by its series number. Drop

Item Customizing Tools

Backpack Icon Name Description Availability
Backpack Name Tag.png Name Tag Name tag are used to rename weapons or hats. (Can be removed if user wishes to.) Drop / Uncrate / $0.99 / £0.79 / 0.95 / 96rub / R$ 5.99 / 4
Backpack Paint Can.png Paint Can Paint is used to change the color of hats. (Can be removed if user wishes to.) Drop / Uncrate / $Template:Dictionary/price/paint can / £Template:Dictionary/price/paint can / Template:Dictionary/price/paint can / Template:Dictionary/price/paint canrub / R$ Template:Dictionary/price/paint can / Template:Dictionary/price/paint can
Backpack Description Tag.png Description Tag Changes the description of weapons, hats, or Miscellaneous items. (Can be removed if user wishes to.) Drop / Uncrate / $0.99 / £0.79 / 0.95 / 96rub / R$ 5.99 / 4

Action Items


Backpack Icon Name Description Availability
Backpack Secret Saxton.png Secret Saxton Gives a random gift to 1 person on the same server as the user. $0.99 / £0.79 / 0.95 / 96rub / R$ 5.99 / 4
Backpack Pile o' Gifts.png Pile o' Gifts Gives a random gift to up to 23 other people on the same server as the user. $19.99 / £15.99 / 18.99 / 1950rub / R$ 121.99 / 81.95
Backpack Gift Wrap.png Gift Wrap This gift wrap can be used to package an item as a gift for another player. Wrapped gifts can be delivered to offline players. Items that are normally not tradable can be wrapped and gifted using gift wrap. $0.99 / £0.79 / 0.95 / 96rub / R$ 5.99 / 4


Backpack Icon Name Description Availability
Backpack Dueling Mini-Game.png Dueling Mini-Game Challenges a selected enemy player to a duel. Drop / Uncrate/ $0.99 / £0.79 / 0.95 / 96rub / R$ 5.99 / 4
Backpack Noise Maker Bundle.png Noise Maker Plays the equipped sound clip. (limited time offer: ends November 8th 2010) Single:
$Template:Dictionary/price/noise maker / £Template:Dictionary/price/noise maker / Template:Dictionary/price/noise maker / Template:Dictionary/price/noise makerrub / R$ Template:Dictionary/price/noise maker / Template:Dictionary/price/noise maker
$Template:Dictionary/price/noise maker bundle / £Template:Dictionary/price/noise maker bundle / Template:Dictionary/price/noise maker bundle / Template:Dictionary/price/noise maker bundlerub / R$ Template:Dictionary/price/noise maker bundle / Template:Dictionary/price/noise maker bundle