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补丁 是用来修正游戏错误,完善游戏体验,也用于添加更多特性和平衡游戏中的 武器, 地图 诸多元素

很多主要补丁被称为升级,添加了新武器,新游戏模式和新地图.通常这些升级会围绕1,2个职业作出大调整, 为这些职业制作全新的内容.另外其他的主要升级补丁是关于特定的主题或者节日.

As both Windows and Mac OS X versions use the same code, updates exclusive to either platform are not released. They are released to both players and server owners via Steam, and must be downloaded and applied before the game can be launched again. Patches to the Xbox version, however, are fairly scarce, due to restrictions imposed on game developers by Microsoft. To date, there have been only 4 patches to Xbox version (the last released in 2009), versus over 140 patches released for PC since 2007.

Major updates

Full list of Team Fortress 2 patches

Patches are listed (in reverse-chronological order) for the Windows and Mac OS X version unless otherwise noted. Patches in bold indicate a major content update (see above).





Beta patches