Template:Did you know
Revision as of 19:25, 17 February 2015 by Vintage Crowbar Seller (talk | contribs) (→Add facts below this title)
Currently displayed facts
- ...that Abraham Lincoln invented stairs?
- ...that the music from the Kazotsky Kick taunt can be heard in the CS:GO map Train, coming from a small radio inside the kitchen?
- ...that the Clinical Trial is the only item set in the game that doesn't feature a cosmetic?
- ...that at point-blank range the Force-A-Nature deals more damage than Soldier's Rocket Launchers (except the Direct Hit)?
- ...that the BLU Team Fortress Classic Pyro is a woman named Beatrice?
- ...that the Candy Cane, Boston Basher, Pain Train, Holiday Punch, Killing Gloves of Boxing and the Machina are the only weapons whose stats have remained unchanged since release?
- ...that the Strange Bacon Grease, despite its name, is actually in Unique Quality?
- ...that the Minigun is named Sasha, the Brass Beast is named Oksana, the Huo-Long Heater is named Sheila, and the Tomislav is named Svetlana?
- ...that the Soldier's Stash does not in any way, shape, or form promote smoking or gambling?
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Facts suggestions
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- ...that one of the garbled recordings that is heard when the Red-Tape Recorder is used to sap a building says "Let's make some noise..." when it is slowed down to 80% speed?
- ...that the Scout would have been able to catch projectiles and throw them back using the Catcher's Mitt?
- ...that the Scout can achieve a movement speed of up to 22.2 miles or 35.7 kilometers per hour?
- ...that the Manniversary Paper Hat is made from a folded copy of the Jarate ad from the Sniper vs. Spy Update?
- ...that the Sniper unlock was originally going to be a sniper rifle called the Walkabout, but it was later scrapped and replaced with the Huntsman?
- ...that the Respawn Rooms were planned to have turrets, but were scrapped before the final release?
- ...that the Bloodhound was originally planned to be released as Sam's Hat, alongside Max's Severed Head, the Big Kill and the Lugermorph, with the release of Sam and Max: The Devil's Playhouse, but was scrapped due to the difficulty fitting the head of each class, yet the textures remained in the game files?
- ...that if an arrow is nocked with the Huntsman, and the player is killed before the arrow was shot, the arrow will shoot immediately upon dying?
- ...that a picture from the Engineer Update shows a picture of the Engineer with the Engineer (Classic) from Team Fortress Classic?
- ...that the letters "MTP", which are the initials for Meet the Pyro, are carved on the Scorched Key?
- ...that there is a TF2 soundtrack called Sandwich Maker in the Source Filmmaker Beta which appears in the Engineer Update Teaser?
- ...that there have been Easter eggs about Mann vs. Machine dating as far back as the Engineer Update?
- ...that there are several references to Team Fortress 2 in Bloons Tower Defense 5, two of which are one of the Soldier's taunts as an icon and a Monkey Engineer which creates Sentry Guns?
- ...that Bossa Studios released an update for the game Surgeon Simulator 2013 based on Meet the Medic?
- ...that a useless wire connected to a power socket at both ends loops around the 2Fort intel rooms?
- ...that there are unused death animations for every class (other than the Pyro), presumably to be used for the respective class burning to death?
- ...that the Virtual Viewfinder has a Team Fortress cartridge inserted into it, along with a screen that reads 'Game Over' on the inside of the model?
- ...that a Full Moon occurs every 29.5 days starting Midday, October 12, 2011, but NASA times the average length of a synodic month as 44 minutes and 3 seconds longer?
- ...that the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 instruction manuals included with The Orange Box incorrectly list the Scout's Scattergun as a shotgun, the Heavy's Minigun as a chain gun, and the Sniper's Kukri as a machete?
- ...that the Short Circuit was originally planned to be a machine gun that opened up out of the Engineer's glove instead of an electricity-based weapon?
- ...that the Medic's hometown was Stuttgart before being changed to Rottenburg in Two Cities Update?
- ...that the map used for Meet the Medic is actually just an edited version of Badwater Basin?
- ...that a Heavy with any melee weapon as his active weapon can continue to attack while stunned?
- ...that the taunts for the Medic's Bonesaw and Vita-Saw have a chance to play versions of Playing With Danger, the Domination jingle and the Revenge jingle?
- ...that the files for the Sniper's Kukri (such as texture, model and sound) lists it as "machete"
- ...that there are unused headshot and backstab animations for MVM's robots? [1]
- ...that Merasmus has a tattoo of the Soldier's emblem on his left bicep?
- ...that the textures of Ground Control contain the Japanese characters "のヮの" (No Wa No), which are a reference to one of the common expressions the character Haruka Amami makes in the THE iDOLM@STER games?
- ...that the Team Fortress 2 mercenaries are actually the third generation of mercenaries hired by Redmond & Blutarch Mann?
- ...that at the end of Meet the Medic, at the scene where the mercenaries are sitting in a waiting room to get their Ubercharge hearts, the order they were given matches the class order used in Team Fortress Classic?
- ...that the Spy's Gibs actually depict his beta model instead of his in-game one?
- ...that the idea for the Spy came from a Team Fortress bug?
- ...that some of the taunts from the Love & War Update existed in TF2's code since Scream Fortress 2013?
- ...that there was a scrapped building for the Engineer called the Repair Node?
- ...that the texture for the Portable Smissmas Spirit Dispenser suggests that there used to be an interior to the snow globe's cabin, and that the normal map texture contains a drawing of the Steam mascot, Sir Roderick Bodkin?
- ...that the Love & War Update was once called the Bucket List Update?
- ...that there is a reference to the Liberty Bell hidden in the Liberty Launcher?
- ...that on its right side, the Family Business has a small faded picture of a hammer and sickle?
- ...that Shakespearicles invented the Rocket Launcher, along with the method of rocket jumping?
- ...that it is possible to assist yourself as a Scout by killing someone right as your Mad Milk lands on said person?
- ...that there's an unused .midi version of Intruder Alert?
- ...that in the newspaper shown on the comic Ring of Fired apparently uses an invented language on the small letters?
- ...that while using the Vaccinator, keeping the alternate fire button pressed maintains an ÜberCharge through all of the charges left with no interruptions in between?
- ...that the End of the Line Update update was originally supposed to include a map?
- ...that Phlogistinator is named after the now disproven phlogiston theory?
- ...that the Carrier Tank in Mann vs. Machine was placed in to multiple different maps before the official release of Mann vs. Machine?
- ...that the Pomson 6000 has the same hitbox as the Flame Thrower?
- ...that the Crusaders Crossbow shot arrows not syringes