Tough Break Update

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Эта статья содержит информацию о выпущенном контенте. Информация о техническом обновлении содержится в статье «Обновление от 17 декабря 2015».
Tough Break Update.png

Tough Break Update — это крупное обновление, добавившее 4 новых коллекций оружия, 4 созданные сообществом новые карты и 3 новые насмешки. Также была представлена Tough Break Campaign — это событие, идущее во время новогодних праздников, которое даёт игроку 26 игровых контрактов, за которые можно получить обычное и особенное оружие, а также кейс с аксессуарами. Для участии в событии игрокам требуется Tough Break Campaign Pass.



Название Изображение Режим игры Имя файла
Highpass KOTH Highpass.jpg Царь горы
Landfall Ctf landfall rc0005.jpg Захват флага
Intel blu idle.png
Snowycoast Pl snowycoast b1.jpg Сопровождение
BLU Bombcart.png
Vanguard Cp vanguard.png Захват контрольных точек



Leaderboard class demoman.png
Badpipes [[Badpipes/ru|Template:Dictionary/items/badpipes]]
Leaderboard class engineer.png
Bucking Bronco Необузданный бычок
TF2 crosshair orange.png
Все классы
Mannrobics Маннробика


Основная статья: Инструменты
Pyroland Weapons Case Кейс «Пироландия»
Smissmas 2015 Mystery Gift [[Smissmas 2015 Mystery Gift/ru|Template:Dictionary/items/smissmas 2015 mystery gift]]
Strange Count Transfer Tool Обменник странных счётчиков
Tough Break Campaign Pass Пропуск на кампанию «Тяжёлый отпуск»
Tough Break Cosmetic Case Отпускной кейс с аксессуарами
Tough Break Cosmetic Key Ключ от отпускных аксессуаров
Tough Break Key Отпускной ключ
Warbird Weapons Case Кейс «Летучий отряд»

Изменения классов

Класс Изменения
Leaderboard class pyro.png
Pictogram plus.png Добавлено: Теперь тушение союзника восстанавливает 20 единиц здоровья поджигателю.
Pictogram comment.png Изменено: Consecutive Airblasts will no longer prevent enemies from air-strafing until they touch the ground
Pictogram plus.png Изменено: The base Flamethrower's damage fall off over distance has been decreased, resulting in higher damage output at range
Leaderboard class demoman.png
Pictogram comment.png Изменено: Shield bash now deals damage at all ranges, scaled by distance
Pictogram comment.png Изменено: Melee damage boost after shield bash is based on amount of charge consumed. Now provides mini-crit at 25% depleted, and full crit at 60% depleted.
Pictogram plus.png Добавлено: Charging now removes debuffs from the Demoknight (Bleed, Fire, Mad Milk, Jarate)
Pictogram comment.png Изменено: All Swords now have a slower deploy and holster speed compared to base weapons in addition to their increased melee range
Leaderboard class engineer.png
Pictogram minus.png Добавлено: After removing a Sapper from a Sentry Gun, there is now a 0.5s delay before the sentry is active again
Pictogram plus.png Изменено: Sentry Guns brought into a respawn room no longer detonate outside of Mann vs. Machine
Leaderboard class medic.png
Pictogram plus.png Добавлено: Medics now have slightly higher health regeneration when healing a hurt patient
Pictogram plus.png Изменено: During setup time, ÜberCharge build rate is now increased by 3x
Leaderboard class spy.png
Pictogram comment.png Добавлено: The HUD 'Cloak' meter now displays 'MOTION' and 'FEIGN' when Cloak and Dagger and Dead Ringer are equipped respectively

Изменения оружия

Class Weapon Changes
Leaderboard class scout.png
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol
Дамский пистолет Красавчика
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Increased health recovered on hit from +3 to +5
Mad Milk
Pictogram plus.png Added: Extinguishing an ally will now reduce the cool down by 20%
Wrap Assassin
Обёрточный убийца
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Ornament shatters on all impacts, dealing a small amount of damage in a small radius. Bleed effect still only applies to a target that is struck directly.
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Ball recharge rate increased by 25%
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Damage penalty reduced from -70% to -65%
Leaderboard class soldier.png
Beggar's Bazooka
Базука бродяги
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Decreased blast radius by 20%
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Doubled health regeneration rate. Regeneration rate is now decreased if player has been recently damaged.
B.A.S.E. Jumper
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Removed hidden property of up draft when on fire
Market Gardener
Pictogram minus.png Added: Added 20% Attack Speed penalty
Air Strike
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Reduced blast radius by 20% when rocket jumping (28% reduction when compared to stock)
Leaderboard class pyro.png
Pictogram comment.png Changed: No longer boosts all-around switch speed. Instead, boosts switch-to speed by 60% and switch-from speed by 30%.
Pictogram plus.png Removed: Removed damage penalty
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Increased Airblast cost by 25%
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Increased afterburn penalty to from 25% to 66%
Pictogram plus.png Removed: Removed 10% damage penalty.
Pictogram plus.png Added: When activating 'MMMPH', the taunting Pyro gains temporary invulnerability and immunity to knockback effects
Pictogram comment.png Added: Properties changed
100% Chance to crit against burning targets
33% Damage penalty
20% Slower attack speed
75% Slower switch-to speed
Leaderboard class demoman.png
Splendid Screen
Роскошное прикрытие
Pictogram comment.png Removed: Removed the ability to deal charge impact damage at any range (now native to all shields)
Pictogram plus.png Added: Now increases recharge rate by 50%
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Increased blast resistance from 15% to 20%
Tide Turner
Верный штурвал
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Now grants mini-crit instead of full-crit on charge bash
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Reduced resistances to 15%
Chargin' Targe
Штурмовой щит
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Reduced blast resistance from 40% to 30%
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Removed fire immunity
Claidheamh Mòr
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Removed charge duration bonus
Pictogram plus.png Added: Now restores 25 health on kill
Pictogram plus.png Removed: Removed health penalty
Pictogram minus.png Added: Now increases damage taken while active by 15%
Persian Persuader
Персидский заклинатель
Pictogram comment.png Removed: Removed ammo pickups granting health instead of ammo
Pictogram minus.png Added: Added penalties of reduced primary and secondary ammo
Pictogram comment.png Added: Ammo pickups now replenish charge
Pictogram plus.png Added: Now gains charge meter on hit
Quickiebomb Launcher
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Fizzle time increased from 2 seconds to 4 seconds
Ullapool Caber
Аллапульское бревно
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Base melee damage increased from 35 to 55
Pictogram minus.png Added: Added 20% fire rate penalty
Pictogram minus.png Added: Added 100% switch-to time penalty
Loose Cannon
Пушка без лафета
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Reduced projectile speed (now a visible attribute)
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Reduced cannon impact damage from 60 to 50. Damage also scales with distance.
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Reduced knockback from cannon hit. Knockback strength is now similar to airblast.
Leaderboard class heavy.png
Fists of Steel
Стальные кулаки
Pictogram plus.png Removed: Removed deploy time penalty
Pictogram minus.png Added: Added penalty of increased holster time by 100%
Gloves of Running Urgently
Горящие рукавицы ускорения
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Increased holster time penalty
Warrior's Spirit
Воинский дух
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Now heals 50 health on kill
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Damage received and dealt increased by 30%
Pictogram plus.png Removed: Removed health penalty
Eviction Notice
Уведомление о выселении
Pictogram plus.png Added: Now provides 15% move speed bonus
Pictogram minus.png Added: Now increases damage taken by 20%
Leaderboard class engineer.png
Pictogram minus.png Added: Added damage penalty against buildings. Now takes 3 hits to destroy a Sapper.
Rescue Ranger
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Healing per bolt reduced from 75 to 60
Leaderboard class medic.png
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Taunt can now be activated by alt-fire
Pictogram plus.png Added: Healing done with the taunt now grants small amounts of ÜberCharge
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Removed 10% health regeneration on proper resist
Pictogram plus.png Added: Added slight ÜberCharge build on proper resist
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Increased ÜberCharge rate from +50% to +67%
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Reduced overhealed ÜberCharge build rate penalty to 33% from 66%. As this penalty is applied after the base increase, healing an overhealed patient is now 33% more effective.
Crusader's Crossbow
Арбалет крестоносца
Pictogram plus.png Added: Healing a player with an arrow now grants a small amount of ÜberCharge
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Fixed cases where Quick-Fix ÜberCharged players could still be affected by certain knock-back effects
Pictogram minus.png Added: Players can no longer capture objectives while under the effects of Quick-Fix ÜberCharge
Leaderboard class sniper.png
Cleaner's Carbine
Карабин Чистильщика
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Reduced firing rate penalty from 35% to 20%
Pictogram comment.png Added: Added 'CRIKEY' meter which is filled by dealing damage
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Mini-crits are no longer activated by kill, but can instead be activated by alt-fire when the 'CRIKEY' meter is filled
Cozy Camper
Набор для кемпинга
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Quadrupled health regeneration rate. Regeneration rate is now decreased if player has been recently damaged.
Pictogram plus.png Added: Extinguishing an ally now reduces the cooldown by 20%
Leaderboard class spy.png
Dead Ringer
Звон смерти
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Initial damage reduction when feigning death increased to 75% from 50%
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Fire immunity shield no longer appears when fire immunity is triggered
Leaderboard class soldier.png
Leaderboard class pyro.png
Leaderboard class heavy.png
Leaderboard class engineer.png
Panic Attack
Паническая атака
Pictogram plus.png Changed: No longer auto-fires when fully loaded. Shots can be held and released at will.
Leaderboard class soldier.png
Leaderboard class pyro.png
Reserve Shooter
Офицер запаса
Pictogram comment.png Changed: No longer boosts all-around switch speed, instead boosts switch-to speed by 20% and switch-from speed by 15%
Pictogram minus.png Changed: No longer mini-crits any airborne target (i.e. jumping). Target must be forced in to the air via blastjump, knockback, airblast, or grapple.
Leaderboard class soldier.png
Leaderboard class demoman.png
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Now considered a sword (increased holster and deploy time and increased range)
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Honorbound changed. Deals 50 self-damage on holster if no kill was made. Cannot be holstered if player is below 50 life and no kill was made.
Pictogram comment.png Changed: 100% life restore on kill changed to 50% health gain on kill that can result in overheal
Pictogram minus.png Added: No random crits

