File:Tf koreana.txt
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Revision as of 03:16, 15 July 2016 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Updated tf_koreana.txt for July 14, 2016 Patch.)
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Tf_koreana.txt (file size: 1.26 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes
July 14, 2016 Patch (previous patches)
10041004"Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPointsAndTime" "%s1 님이 �%s2�을 �%s2� 만에 획득했습니다. %s4 님이 �%s5�을 더 빨리 획득하면 승리합니다!"
10051005"[english]Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPointsAndTime" "%s1 got �%s2� in just �%s3�. If %s4 gets �%s5� faster, they win!"
10061006"Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPointsAndTime2" "%s1 팀이 %s2 팀의 시간을 앞서지 못했더라도, 더 많은 지점을 장악하면 승리합니다. 승리하려면 %s3 팀은 �%s4 지점을 라운드가 끝나기 전에 장악해야 합니다!"
1007N/A"[english]Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPointsAndTime2" "If %s1 doesn't beat %s2's time, they can still win by capturing more points. To win, %s3 needs to capture �%s4� before the round ends!"
N/A1007"[english]Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPointsAndTime2" "If %s1 doesn't beat %s2's time, they can still win by capturing more points. To win, %s3 needs to capture �%s4� before the round ends!\n\n' F1 ' to close."
10081008"Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPoints" "%s1 팀은 마지막 라운드에 지점을 장악하지 못했습니다. %s2 팀이 지점 1개를 장악하면 승리합니다!"
1009N/A"[english]Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPoints" "%s1 didn't capture any points last round. If %s2 captures �1 point�, they win!"
N/A1009"[english]Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPoints" "%s1 didn't capture any points last round. If %s2 captures �1 point�, they win!\n\n' F1 ' to close."
10101010"TF_Gates_90_secs" "90초 후 문이 열립니다."
10111011"[english]TF_Gates_90_secs" "90 seconds till gates open."
10121012"TF_Gates_60_secs" "60초 후 문이 열립니다."
26432643"[english]TF_HEAVY_EAT_SANDWICHES_NAME" "Konspicuous Konsumption"
26442644"TF_HEAVY_EAT_SANDWICHES_DESC" "샌드비치를 100번 먹으십시오."
26452645"[english]TF_HEAVY_EAT_SANDWICHES_DESC" "Eat 100 sandviches."
2646N/A"TF_HEAVY_KILL_SCOUTS_NAME" "샌드비치를 건드리면 아주 좆되는 거야."
N/A2646"TF_HEAVY_KILL_SCOUTS_NAME" "샌드비치를 건드리면 아주 망하는 거야."
26472647"[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_SCOUTS_NAME" "Don't Touch Sandvich"
26482648"TF_HEAVY_KILL_SCOUTS_DESC" "나타샤를 사용하여 스카웃 50명을 사살하십시오."
26492649"[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_SCOUTS_DESC" "Kill 50 Scouts using Natascha."
44404440"TF_Unique_BattleAxe" "스코틀랜드인의 머리따개"
44414441"[english]TF_Unique_BattleAxe" "The Scotsman's Skullcutter"
44424442"TF_Unique_EnergyDrink_CritCola_Desc" "효과 발동 시 이동 속도가 25% 증가하고\n공격이 소형 치명타로 적용되며, 받는 피해가 10% 증가합니다."
4443N/A"[english]TF_Unique_EnergyDrink_CritCola_Desc" "While under the effects, +25% movement speed,\nyour attacks mini-crit, and damage taken increased by 10%."
N/A4443"[english]TF_Unique_EnergyDrink_CritCola_Desc" "While under the effects, +25% movement speed,\nyour attacks mini-crit, and damage taken increased by 10%.\nYou are marked for death afterward for 2 seconds."
44444444"TF_Employee_Badge_A" "반백의 참전 용사"
44454445"[english]TF_Employee_Badge_A" "Grizzled Veteran"
44464446"TF_Employee_Badge_B" "고용병"
54865486"TF_OlSnaggletooth" "오래된 덧니"
54875487"[english]TF_OlSnaggletooth" "Ol' Snaggletooth"
54885488"TF_TheShortstop_Desc" "4발들이 탄창을 사용하여 한꺼번에 장전합니다!\n\nMann Co.에서 최근 출시한 제품으로,\n고자세 중절식 개인 방어 화기입니다."
5489N/A"[english]TF_TheShortstop_Desc" "Holds a 4-shot clip and reloads its entire clip at once.\n\nMann Co.'s latest in high attitude\nbreak-action personal defense."
N/A5489"[english]TF_TheShortstop_Desc" "Holds a 4-shot clip and reloads its entire clip at once.\nAlt-Fire to reach and shove someone!\n\nMann Co.'s latest in high attitude\nbreak-action personal defense."
54905490"TF_TheHolyMackerel_Desc" "물고기에게 맞으면 아주 창피할 겁니다."
54915491"[english]TF_TheHolyMackerel_Desc" "Getting hit by a fish has got to be humiliating."
54925492"TF_MadMilk_Desc" "우유로 적셔진 상대를 공격한 플레이어는\n대상에게 준 피해량의 60%만큼 체력이 회복됩니다.\n또한 불을 끌 때도 쓸 수 있습니다."
57525752"Attrib_FlameAmmoPerSec_Decreased" "초당 화염 방사기 탄약 소비량 %s1%"
57535753"[english]Attrib_FlameAmmoPerSec_Decreased" "%s1% flamethrower ammo consumed per second"
57545754"Attrib_JarateDuration" "조준 사격 적중 시, 충전량에 비례하여 2 ~ %s1 초 동안 대상에게 병수도 효과를 적용시킵니다."
5755N/A"[english]Attrib_JarateDuration" "On Scoped Hit: Jarate target for 2 to %s1 seconds based on amount charged"
N/A5755"[english]Attrib_JarateDuration" "On Scoped Hit: Jarate target for 2 to %s1 seconds based on amount charged.\nHeadshots or fully charged shots cause an explosion of Jarate."
57565756"Attrib_NoDeathFromHeadshots" "착용 시 헤드샷으로 사망하지 않습니다."
57575757"[english]Attrib_NoDeathFromHeadshots" "The wearer cannot be killed by headshots"
57585758"Attrib_AchievementItem" "도전 과제 아이템: 거래 불가"
70487048"TF_BuffaloSteak_Desc" "효과 발동 시 이동 속도가 증가하고\n공격이 소형 치명타로 적용되며, 받는 피해가 25% 증가하며,\n플레이어는 근접무기만 쓸 수 있습니다.\n보조기능: 친구와 나눠 먹으세요! (중형 치료제 효과)\n\n빵이 왜 필요하겠나요?"
70497049"[english]TF_BuffaloSteak_Desc" "While under the effects, move speed is increased,\nattacks mini-crit, damage taken will be increased 25%,\nand the player may only use melee weapons.\nAlt-fire: Share with a friend (Medium Health Kit)\n\nWho needs bread?"
70507050"TF_Unique_MediGun_QuickFix_Desc" "자신보다 빠른 대상을 치료할 경우 이동 속도가 치료대상과 동일해집니다.\n치료 대상이 폭발 점프를 하면 같이 점프합니다."
7051N/A"[english]TF_Unique_MediGun_QuickFix_Desc" "Move at the speed of any faster heal target.\nMirror blast jumps of patients."
N/A7051"[english]TF_Unique_MediGun_QuickFix_Desc" "Mirror the blast jumps and shield charges of patients."
70527052"TF_SacredMedicine_Desc" "이 효과를 받는 동안\n이동 속도가 증가하며,\n받는 피해와 가하는 피해가 소형 치명타로 적용됩니다."
70537053"[english]TF_SacredMedicine_Desc" "While under the effects, damage done\nand damage taken will be mini-crits.\nYou will also move much faster."
70547054"Store_Maps" "맵"
96009600"TF_Overdose" "약물 남용"
96019601"[english]TF_Overdose" "The Overdose"
96029602"TF_Overdose_Desc" "들고 있을 때, 이동 속도가 우버차지 충전률에 따라 최대 10%까지 향상됩니다."
9603N/A"[english]TF_Overdose_Desc" "While active, movement speed increases based on ÜberCharge percentage to a maximum of +10%"
N/A9603"[english]TF_Overdose_Desc" "While active, movement speed increases based on ÜberCharge percentage to a maximum of +20%"
96049604"TF_Weapon_Riding_Crop" "승마용 채찍"
96059605"[english]TF_Weapon_Riding_Crop" "Riding Crop"
96069606"TF_Wearable_Uniform" "제복"
96089608"TF_SodaPopper" "탄산총"
96099609"[english]TF_SodaPopper" "The Soda Popper"
96109610"TF_SodaPopper_Desc" "달리면 폭주가 쌓입니다.\n폭주 측정기가 완전히 찬 상태에서 보조 기능 단추를 누르면 경우 공중에서 더 많은 점프를 할 수 있는 폭주 모드가 발동됩니다.\n본 무기는 '모든 장탄'을 한꺼번에 재장전합니다. 그러니까 미처 쓰지 못한 총알 따윈 무시한다는 거죠!"
9611N/A"[english]TF_SodaPopper_Desc" "Builds Hype as you run.\nWhen full, Alt-Fire to activate Hype mode for multiple air jumps.\nThis weapon reloads its entire clip at once."
N/A9611"[english]TF_SodaPopper_Desc" "When Hype is full, Alt-Fire to activate Hype mode for multiple air jumps.\nThis weapon reloads its entire clip at once."
96129612"TF_Winger" "윙어"
96139613"[english]TF_Winger" "The Winger"
96149614"TF_Atomizer" "인수분해"
96309630"TF_Bundle_ScoutStarter" "스카웃 초보자용 묶음"
96319631"[english]TF_Bundle_ScoutStarter" "Scout Starter Pack"
96329632"TF_Bundle_ScoutStarter_Desc" "이 스카웃 아이템들을 가지고 한바탕 날뛰어 보세요!"
9633N/A"[english]TF_Bundle_ScoutStarter_Desc" "Start causing trouble in style with these Scout items:"
N/A9633"[english]TF_Bundle_ScoutStarter_Desc" "Want to play as Scout? We put every functionally unique weapon he's ever gotten into one handy, low-priced package."
96349634"TF_Bundle_SoldierStarter" "솔저 초보자용 묶음"
96359635"[english]TF_Bundle_SoldierStarter" "Soldier Starter Pack"
96369636"TF_Bundle_SoldierStarter_Desc" "전장으로 가는 솔저에게 필수 아이템을 빼놓고 가시려고요?"
9637N/A"[english]TF_Bundle_SoldierStarter_Desc" "Don't go to war without these essential Soldier items:"
N/A9637"[english]TF_Bundle_SoldierStarter_Desc" "Want to play as Soldier? We put every functionally unique weapon he's ever gotten into one handy, low-priced package."
96389638"TF_Bundle_PyroStarter" "파이로 초보자용 묶음"
96399639"[english]TF_Bundle_PyroStarter" "Pyro Starter Pack"
96409640"TF_Bundle_PyroStarter_Desc" "이 파이로 아이템들을 가지고 한번 신명나게 불질러 봅시다!"
9641N/A"[english]TF_Bundle_PyroStarter_Desc" "Burn the house down with these starter Pyro items:"
N/A9641"[english]TF_Bundle_PyroStarter_Desc" "Want to play as Pyro? We put every functionally unique weapon they've ever gotten into one handy, low-priced package."
96429642"TF_Bundle_DemomanStarter" "데모맨 초보자용 묶음"
96439643"[english]TF_Bundle_DemomanStarter" "Demoman Starter Pack"
96449644"TF_Bundle_DemomanStarter_Desc" "이 초심자 묶음으로 훌륭한 흑기사가 되어봅시다!"
9645N/A"[english]TF_Bundle_DemomanStarter_Desc" "Transform into an honorable Demoknight with this starter kit:"
N/A9645"[english]TF_Bundle_DemomanStarter_Desc" "Want to play as Demoman? We put every functionally unique weapon he's ever gotten into one handy, low-priced package."
96469646"TF_Bundle_HeavyStarter" "헤비 초보자용 묶음"
96479647"[english]TF_Bundle_HeavyStarter" "Heavy Starter Pack"
96489648"TF_Bundle_HeavyStarter_Desc" "덩치 큰 사람은 그에 걸맞는 총과 도시락이 필요한 법입니다. 이 초보자용 묶음에서 찾아보세요!"
9649N/A"[english]TF_Bundle_HeavyStarter_Desc" "A big man needs a big gun and a big meal. Find both in this starter pack:"
N/A9649"[english]TF_Bundle_HeavyStarter_Desc" "Want to play as Heavy? We put every functionally unique weapon he's ever gotten into one handy, low-priced package."
96509650"TF_Bundle_EngineerStarter" "엔지니어 초보자용 묶음"
96519651"[english]TF_Bundle_EngineerStarter" "Engineer Starter Pack"
96529652"TF_Bundle_EngineerStarter_Desc" "엔지니어에게 필수라고 할 수 있는 이 아이템들을 입맛대로 골라 써보세요!"
9653N/A"[english]TF_Bundle_EngineerStarter_Desc" "Expand your options with these essential Engineer items:"
N/A9653"[english]TF_Bundle_EngineerStarter_Desc" "Want to play as Engineer? We put every functionally unique weapon he's ever gotten into one handy, low-priced package."
96549654"TF_Bundle_MedicStarter" "메딕 초보자용 묶음"
96559655"[english]TF_Bundle_MedicStarter" "Medic Starter Pack"
96569656"TF_Bundle_MedicStarter_Desc" "이 메딕 아이템으로 아군을 지원해주는 열쇠가 될 수 있습니다!"
9657N/A"[english]TF_Bundle_MedicStarter_Desc" "Provide your team with enhanced support with these key Medic items:"
N/A9657"[english]TF_Bundle_MedicStarter_Desc" "Want to play as Medic? We put every functionally unique weapon he's ever gotten into one handy, low-priced package."
96589658"TF_Bundle_SniperStarter" "스나이퍼 초보자용 묶음"
96599659"[english]TF_Bundle_SniperStarter" "Sniper Starter Pack"
96609660"TF_Bundle_SniperStarter_Desc" "이 치명적인 스나이퍼의 아이템으로 전문가의 기준을 한층 더 높여보세요!"
9661N/A"[english]TF_Bundle_SniperStarter_Desc" "Raise your professional standards with these critical Sniper items:"
N/A9661"[english]TF_Bundle_SniperStarter_Desc" "Want to play as Sniper? We put every functionally unique weapon he's ever gotten into one handy, low-priced package."
96629662"TF_Bundle_SpyStarter" "스파이 초보자용 묶음"
96639663"[english]TF_Bundle_SpyStarter" "Spy Starter Pack"
96649664"TF_Bundle_SpyStarter_Desc" "효율적인 적 처리는 효율적인 무기가 좌우하는 법입니다."
9665N/A"[english]TF_Bundle_SpyStarter_Desc" "Quality field work depends on quality tools:"
N/A9665"[english]TF_Bundle_SpyStarter_Desc" "Want to play as Spy? We put every functionally unique weapon he's ever gotten into one handy, low-priced package."
96669666"TF_Bundle_MobsterMonday" "마피아의 월요일 꾸러미"
96679667"[english]TF_Bundle_MobsterMonday" "Mobster Monday Bundle"
96689668"TF_Bundle_MobsterMonday_Desc" "헤비와 스파이를 위한 이 마피아풍의 아이템들을 장착하세요."
1242612426"Attrib_Store_ToolEscrowUntilDate" "며칠 뒤에 사용할 수 있게 됩니다"
1242712427"[english]Attrib_Store_ToolEscrowUntilDate" "Becomes Usable After a Few Days"
1242812428"Attrib_AimingNoFlinch" "조준 시 조준선이 흔들리지 않습니다."
12429N/A"[english]Attrib_AimingNoFlinch" "No flinching when aiming"
N/A12429"[english]Attrib_AimingNoFlinch" "No flinching when aiming and fully charged"
1243012430"Attrib_AimingKnockbackResistance" "조준 시 밀침에 %s1% 저항"
1243112431"[english]Attrib_AimingKnockbackResistance" "Knockback reduced by %s1% when aiming"
1243212432"Attrib_SniperAimingMoveSpeed_Decreased" "조준 시 이동 속도 %s1% 감소"
1305213052"Attrib_CanOverload" "과다 장전할 경우 불발의 원인이 됩니다."
1305313053"[english]Attrib_CanOverload" "Overloading the chamber will cause a misfire"
1305413054"Attrib_HypeOnDamage" "적중 시, 추진력이 늘어납니다.\n추진력에 따라 이동 속도가 증가합니다."
13055N/A"[english]Attrib_HypeOnDamage" "On Hit: Builds Boost\nRun speed increased with Boost"
N/A13055"[english]Attrib_HypeOnDamage" "On Hit: Builds Hype"
1305613056"Attrib_HypeResetsOnJump" "공중에서 점프할 경우 추진력 감소"
1305713057"[english]Attrib_HypeResetsOnJump" "Boost reduced on air jumps"
1305813058"Attrib_PyroYearNumber" "%s1 년도 지옥불을 경험함."
1529315293"TF_MM_Abandon_Title" "경고!"
1529415294"[english]TF_MM_Abandon_Title" "Warning!"
1529515295"TF_MM_Abandon" "당신의 동료를 저버리겠습니까?\n\n그리하면 잠시 짝을 짓는 순위가 내려갈 것입니다."
15296N/A"[english]TF_MM_Abandon" "Abandon your team?\n\nYou will temporarily receive lower priority matchmaking if you abandon."
N/A15296"[english]TF_MM_Abandon" "Abandoning your team will result in a matchmaking ban for a significant period of time."
1529715297"TF_MM_Rejoin_Title" "진행중인 게임"
1529815298"[english]TF_MM_Rejoin_Title" "Game In Progress"
1529915299"TF_MM_Rejoin_AbandonText" "진행 중인 게임을 찾았습니다. 다시 입장하시겠습니까? 포기하시겠습니까?.\n\n포기하실 경우 경기 주선 기능에서 플레이어의 우선순위가 낮아집니다."
15300N/A"[english]TF_MM_Rejoin_AbandonText" "Game in progress found. Rejoin or Abandon?\n\nYou will temporarily receive lower priority matchmaking if you abandon."
N/A15300"[english]TF_MM_Rejoin_AbandonText" "Game in progress found. Rejoin or Abandon?\n\nAbandoning your team will result in a matchmaking ban for a significant period of time."
1530115301"TF_MM_Rejoin_BaseText" "진행중인 게임을 찾았습니다. 참가하시겠습니까?\n\n이 게임을 중지해도 괜찮습니다."
1530215302"[english]TF_MM_Rejoin_BaseText" "Game in progress found. Rejoin?\n\nIt is safe to leave this game."
1530315303"TF_MM_Rejoin_Confirm" "재참가"
1540315403"Econ_FreeSlot_Plural" "칸"
1540415404"[english]Econ_FreeSlot_Plural" "slots"
1540515405"TF_MM_Abandon_NoPenalty" "현재 소속된 팀을 떠나시겠습니까?\n\n반복해서 게임을 그만두면 경기 주선 기능의 우선순위가 낮아질 수 있습니다."
15406N/A"[english]TF_MM_Abandon_NoPenalty" "Abandon your team?\n\nAbandoning games repeatedly may result in lower priority matchmaking."
N/A15406"[english]TF_MM_Abandon_NoPenalty" "Repeatedly abandoning games will result in substantial increases to the length of your matchmaking ban."
1540715407"TF_MM_Rejoin_AbandonText_NoPenalty" "진행 중인 게임을 찾았습니다. 다시 입장하시겠습니까? 포기하시겠습니까?.\n\n포기하실 경우 경기 주선 기능에서 플레이어의 우선순위가 낮아집니다."
15408N/A"[english]TF_MM_Rejoin_AbandonText_NoPenalty" "Game in progress found. Rejoin or Abandon?\n\nAbandoning games repeatedly may result in lower priority matchmaking."
N/A15408"[english]TF_MM_Rejoin_AbandonText_NoPenalty" "Game in progress found. Rejoin or Abandon?\n\nRepeatedly abandoning games will result in substantial increases to the length of your matchmaking ban."
1540915409"TF_MVM_Tour_ExpertDifficulty_Warning" "경고: 전문가 임무는 상급자 임무보다 훨씬 어려우며 모든 팀 구성원 6명의 강한 기여를 필요로 합니다.\n\n전문가 임무를 시도하기 전에 모든 플레이어가 상급자 임무를 먼저 완수하는 것을 추천합니다."
1541015410"[english]TF_MVM_Tour_ExpertDifficulty_Warning" "WARNING: Expert missions are MUCH HARDER than advanced missions and require all six team members to be strong contributors.\n\nWe recommend all players complete an advanced tour of duty before attempting expert mode."
1541115411"Econ_holiday_restriction_halloween_or_fullmoon_or_valentines" "축제일 제한: 핼러윈, 보름달, 밸런타인 데이"
2085620856"TF_TauntAllClassConga" "도발: 콩가"
2085720857"[english]TF_TauntAllClassConga" "Taunt: Conga"
2085820858"TF_TauntAllClassConga_Desc" "본 아이템은 단체 도발입니다.\n(아군은 물론 심지어 적군을 비롯한) 다른 플레이어가 무기 도발 단추를 눌러 참여할 수 있습니다.\n\n도발 칸에 지정한 단축키를 눌러 사용하거나 해제할 수 있습니다.\n\n콩가를 추는 동안 좌회전, 우회전 단추로 회전할 수 있습니다."
20859N/A"[english]TF_TauntAllClassConga_Desc" "This is a group taunt\nOther players can join you by activating their weapon taunt\n\nPress the taunt slot key to toggle\nUse the Strafe keys to rotate as you Conga"
N/A20859"[english]TF_TauntAllClassConga_Desc" "All Class Group Taunt\nOther players can join you by activating their weapon taunt\n\nPress the taunt slot key to toggle\nUse the Strafe keys to rotate as you Conga"
2086020860"TF_TauntAllClassSquareDance" "도발: 스퀘어 댄스"
2086120861"[english]TF_TauntAllClassSquareDance" "Taunt: Square Dance"
2086220862"TF_TauntAllClassSquareDance_Desc" "본 아이템은 짝 도발입니다. 도발 단추로 사용 및 해제할 수 있습니다."
2300423004"Attrib_SpeedBoostOnHit" "적중 시 속도 증진을 얻습니다."
2300523005"[english]Attrib_SpeedBoostOnHit" "Gain a speed boost on hit"
2300623006"Attrib_spup_damage_resistance" "총열 회전 시 모든 피해 %s1% 저항"
23007N/A"[english]Attrib_spup_damage_resistance" "%s1% damage resistance when spun up"
N/A23007"[english]Attrib_spup_damage_resistance" "%s1% damage resistance when below 50% health and spun up"
2300823008"Attrib_stattrakmodule" "%s1 통계 시계 장착됨"
2300923009"[english]Attrib_stattrakmodule" "%s1 Stat Clock Attached"
2301023010"Attrib_HasTeamColorPaintkit" "팀 색상을 띈 장식된 무기"
2307023070"MMenu_ViewUpdateDetails" "세부 사항 보기"
2307123071"[english]MMenu_ViewUpdateDetails" "View Details"
2307223072"MMenu_ViewUpdateComic" "만화 읽기"
23073N/A"[english]MMenu_ViewUpdateComic" "Read the comic"
N/A23073"[english]MMenu_ViewUpdateComic" "Read the comic!"
2307423074"MMenu_OverlayRequired" "이 기능을 쓰려면 개임 내 Steam 커뮤니티를 활성화하고 팀포2를 다시 시작해야 합니다."
2307523075"[english]MMenu_OverlayRequired" "You must enable the Steam Community in-game and restart TF2 to use this feature."
2307623076"QuestLogExplanation_Title" "임무 내역"
2314023140"TF_Matchmaking_RemovedFromQueue" "대전 주선 대기열에서 빠짐.\n"
2314123141"[english]TF_Matchmaking_RemovedFromQueue" "Removed from matchmaking queue.\n"
2314223142"TF_Competitive_Pass" "대전 주선 베타 참가권"
23143N/A"[english]TF_Competitive_Pass" "Competitive Matchmaking Beta Pass"
N/A23143"[english]TF_Competitive_Pass" "Competitive Matchmaking Pass"
2314423144"TF_Competitive_Pass_Desc" "이 참가권을 제출하여 대전 모드 베타의 등급전에 대한 접근권을 얻을 수 있습니다."
23145N/A"[english]TF_Competitive_Pass_Desc" "Present this pass in the Competitive Mode Beta to gain access to ranked ladder games."
N/A23145"[english]TF_Competitive_Pass_Desc" "Grants access to Competitive Matchmaking.\n\nCannot be Traded"
2314623146"TF_Competitive_RequiresPass_Title" "대전 참가권 필요"
2314723147"[english]TF_Competitive_RequiresPass_Title" "Competitive Access Required"
2314823148"TF_Competitive_RequiresPass" "대전 모드에서 플레이하시려면, 대전 주선 베타 참가권을 가지고 있어야 합니다."
2326223262"TF_taunt_spy_boxtrot" "도발: 스파이 스네이크"
2326323263"[english]TF_taunt_spy_boxtrot" "Taunt: The Box Trot"
2326423264"TF_taunt_spy_boxtrot_desc" "스파이 도발\n\n원조 잠행 장비를 사용해 잠입해 보십시오!\n전진, 후진 단추를 눌러 돌아다닐 수 있으며\n 좌회전, 우회전 단추로 회전할 수 있습니다."
23265N/A"[english]TF_taunt_spy_boxtrot_desc" "Spy Taunt\n\nSneak around with the original stealth device.\nUse Forward and Back keys to move\n and the Strafe keys to rotate."
N/A23265"[english]TF_taunt_spy_boxtrot_desc" "Spy Taunt\nSneak around with the original stealth device.\nUse Forward and Back keys to move\n and the Strafe keys to rotate."
2326623266"TF_taunt_spy_boxtrot_AdText" "-커뮤니티 제작 스파이 도발\n-원조 잠행 장비를 사용해 잠입해 보십시오!\n"
2326723267"[english]TF_taunt_spy_boxtrot_AdText" "-Community Created Spy Taunt\n-Sneak around with the original stealth device\n"
2326823268"TF_taunt_proletariat_showoff" "도발: 내레 인민의 알통을 보여주갔어"
2330423304"TF_FindersFee_Desc" "만약 귀하가 이 모자를 소유하고 계시다면, 귀하는 대규모 경제 파괴 버그 또는 원격 코드 실행 취약점 버그를 보고하셔서 게임을 더 좋게 만드는데 기여하셨다는 뜻입니다. 또한 귀하가 감탄할만한 사람이란 뜻이기도 합니다. 마치 이 모자를 가지고 있는 간디 같이요."
2330523305"[english]TF_FindersFee_Desc" "If you own this hat, that means you reported a major economy-breaking bug or a remote-code-execution bug and made the game better. And that means you're an admirable person. Like Gandhi (who also owned this hat)."
2330623306"default_passtime_description" "잭을 얻어서 점수를 따십시오!\n잭을 나르고 있는 아군이 목표 지점에 도달하도록 도우십시오.\n잭을 나르고 있는 적이 목표 지점에 오는 걸 막으십시오.\n공격 단추를 눌러 잭을 던지거나 넘기십시오. 계속 누르고 있으면 조준하거나 조준 상태를 유지할 수 있습니다.\n공격2 단추를 눌러 조준을 취소할 수 있습니다.\n공격2 단추를 계속 눌러 넘길 대상을 정하는 걸 막거나 취소할 수 있습니다.\n아군이 가지고 있는 잭을 넘기려고 하면 공격3 단추를 누르십시오."
23307N/A"[english]default_passtime_description" "Get the jack and score with it!\nHelp friendly jack-carriers reach the goal.\nStop enemy jack-carriers from reaching your goal.\nPress ATTACK to throw or toss the jack. Hold to aim or maintain lock.\nPress ATTACK2 to cancel aim.\nHold ATTACK2 to prevent or cancel pass lock.\nPress ATTACK3 when a teammate has the jack to call for a pass."
N/A23307"[english]default_passtime_description" "Get the jack and score with it!\nHelp friendly jack-carriers reach the goal.\nStop enemy jack-carriers from reaching your goal.\nPress ATTACK to throw or toss the jack. Hold to aim or maintain lock.\nPress ATTACK3 when a teammate has the jack to call for a pass."
2330823308"Msg_PasstimeBallGet" "님이 잭을 획득했습니다!"
2330923309"[english]Msg_PasstimeBallGet" "got the jack!"
2331023310"Msg_PasstimeScoreCount" "님이 %s1 점을 따냈습니다!"
2331223312"Msg_PasstimeScore" "득점!"
2331323313"[english]Msg_PasstimeScore" "scored!"
2331423314"Msg_PasstimePassComplete" "패스 (%s1 %s2)"
23315N/A"[english]Msg_PasstimePassComplete" "passed (%s1 %s2)"
N/A23315"[english]Msg_PasstimePassComplete" "passed"
2331623316"Msg_PasstimeInterception" "가로챔 (%s1 %s2)"
23317N/A"[english]Msg_PasstimeInterception" "intercepted (%s1 %s2)"
N/A23317"[english]Msg_PasstimeInterception" "intercepted"
2331823318"Msg_PasstimeUnits" "미터"
2331923319"[english]Msg_PasstimeUnits" "feet"
2332023320"Msg_PasstimeSteal" "강탈"
2399723997"Context_HalloweenOffering" "핼러윈 연성 "
2399823998"[english]Context_HalloweenOffering" "Halloween Transmute "
2399923999"TF_CollectionCrafting_Instructions_Halloween" "사용 가능한 아이템 3개를 '고전' 핼러윈 아이템 1개로 교환합니다. 결과물은 거래 및 조합 불가입니다."
24000N/A"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_Instructions_Halloween" "Exchange 3 qualifying items for 1 ‘Classic’ Halloween item. Resulting item will not be tradable or usable in crafting."
N/A24000"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_Instructions_Halloween" "Exchange 3 qualifying items for 1 'Classic' Halloween item. Resulting item will not be tradable or usable in crafting."
2400124001"TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Paragraph1" "원하지 않는 아이템이\n시체가 든 관처럼,\n박쥐 가득한 동굴처럼,\n박쥐 가득한 시체처럼\n배낭의 공간을 채우는 게 질리셨나요?"
2400224002"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Paragraph1" "Tired of items you don't want\nclogging up your inventory\nlike a corpse-ridden coffin,\nor a bat-filled cave,\nor a bat-filled corpse?"
2400324003"TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Paragraph2" "아이템 3개를\n무작위에 거래불가인 예전 핼러윈 아이템으로\n연성해내는\n공포에 끌려가보아라!"
2425624256"TF_SmgCharge" "젠장"
2425724257"[english]TF_SmgCharge" "CRIKEY"
2425824258"TF_Weapon_FlameThrower_desc" "보조 기능: 압축 공기를 분사하여 적군을 밀어내고 적군의 투사체를 반사할 수 있으며 아군에게 붙은 불을 꺼줄 수 있습니다."
24259N/A"[english]TF_Weapon_FlameThrower_desc" "Alt-Fire: Release a blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles and extinguish allies that are on fire."
N/A24259"[english]TF_Weapon_FlameThrower_desc" "Direct damage reduces Medi Gun healing and resist shield effects by 25%.\nAlt-Fire: Release a blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles and extinguish allies that are on fire."
2426024260"TF_Weapon_PipebombLauncher_desc" "보조 기능: 모든 점착 폭탄을 폭파합니다."
2426124261"[english]TF_Weapon_PipebombLauncher_desc" "Alt-Fire: Detonate all Stickybombs"
2426224262"TF_Weapon_Knife_desc" "적군의 뒤에서 백스탭 공격을 하면 일격에 처치합니다."
2458824588"TF_ScoreBoard_AltClassIcons" "점수판에 대체 병과 아이콘을 표시합니다."
2458924589"[english]TF_ScoreBoard_AltClassIcons" "Display alternate class icons on the scoreboard"
2459024590"MMenu_Update" "불행한 휴가 업데이트"
24591N/A"[english]MMenu_Update" "Featured"
N/A24591"[english]MMenu_Update" "Meet Your Match Update"
2459224592"Store_ViewMarket" "장터에서 보기"
2459324593"[english]Store_ViewMarket" "View On Market"
2459424594"Store_Market" "장터 가격"
2474024740"TF_Class_Change" "�%s1 님이� �%s2 병과로 변경하였습니다."
2474124741"[english]TF_Class_Change" "�* �%s1� changed class to �%s2"
2474224742"TF_Competitive_Rank" "계급"
24743N/A"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank" "Rank"
N/A24743"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank" "Rank: %s1 %s2"
2474424744"TF_Competitive_Rank_0" "신참"
2474524745"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_0" "Fresh Meat"
2474624746"TF_Competitive_Rank_1" "신참"
2485624856"TF_Canteen_EquipAction" "강화용 수통을 장착하지 않았습니다. 액션 칸에 강화용 수통을 장착하고 사용하십시오."
2485724857"[english]TF_Canteen_EquipAction" "No Power Up Canteen equipped. Accept to equip your Power Up Canteen in the Action slot to use it."
2485824858"TF_Competitive_Stats_Match" "마지막 대전"
24859N/A"[english]TF_Competitive_Stats_Match" "Last Match"
N/A24859"[english]TF_Competitive_Stats_Match" "Recent"
2486024860"TF_Competitive_GameOver" "경기가 %s1 초 후에 종료됩니다. 이후에는 나가셔도 됩니다."
2486124861"[english]TF_Competitive_GameOver" "Game will end in %s1 seconds. It is safe to leave."
2486224862"TF_Competitive_NoData" "자료 없음"
2486624866"TF_Competitive_Next" "다음:"
2486724867"[english]TF_Competitive_Next" "NEXT:"
2486824868"TF_Competitive_Score" "점수:"
24869N/A"[english]TF_Competitive_Score" "Score:"
N/A24869"[english]TF_Competitive_Score" "Score: %s1"
2487024870"TF_Competitive_Kills" "처치수:"
24871N/A"[english]TF_Competitive_Kills" "Kills:"
N/A24871"[english]TF_Competitive_Kills" "Kills: %s1"
2487224872"TF_Competitive_Damage" "피해량:"
24873N/A"[english]TF_Competitive_Damage" "Damage:"
N/A24873"[english]TF_Competitive_Damage" "Damage: %s1"
2487424874"TF_Competitive_Healing" "치료량:"
24875N/A"[english]TF_Competitive_Healing" "Healing:"
N/A24875"[english]TF_Competitive_Healing" "Healing: %s1"
2487624876"TF_Competitive_Support" "지원:"
24877N/A"[english]TF_Competitive_Support" "Support:"
N/A24877"[english]TF_Competitive_Support" "Support: %s1"
2487824878"TF_Competitive_MedalsHelp_Title" "무공 훈장"
2487924879"[english]TF_Competitive_MedalsHelp_Title" "Performance Medals"
2488024880"TF_fall2013_the_cotton_head_style1" "양식 1"
2510825108"TF_DemoSupport" "녹화 방식"
2510925109"[english]TF_DemoSupport" "Recording Mode"
2511025110"TF_DemoSupport_ToolTip" "녹화 방식을 설정합니다. 수동 녹화의 경우, 녹화 시작 및 중지 시 각각 ds_record와 ds_stop 명령어를 사용합니다."
25111N/A"[english]TF_DemoSupport_ToolTip" "Manual vs. Auto-Record. When set to Manual, recordings can be started/stopped using the ds_record/ds_stop commands."
N/A25111"[english]TF_DemoSupport_ToolTip" "Manual vs. Auto-Record. When set to Manual, recordings can be started/stopped using the ds_record/ds_stop commands. Auto-Record can be set to All matches, Competitive matches, and Tournament matches (servers using mp_tournament)"
2511225112"TF_DemoSupport_Manual" "수동"
2511325113"[english]TF_DemoSupport_Manual" "Manual"
2511425114"TF_DemoSupport_Comp" "대전 경기 자동 녹화"
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![]() | This media is extracted from the game Team Fortress 2. The copyright for it is held by Valve Corporation, who created the software. |
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Date/Time | Dimensions | User | Comment | |
current | 23:46, 2 August 2024 | (1.26 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for August 2, 2024 Patch. |
20:04, 25 July 2024 | (1.19 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for July 25, 2024 Patch. | |
01:09, 10 January 2024 | (1.19 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for January 9, 2024 Patch. | |
19:06, 20 December 2023 | (1.12 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 20, 2023 Patch. | |
02:04, 19 December 2023 | (1.12 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 18, 2023 Patch. | |
21:06, 15 December 2023 | (1.12 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 15, 2023 Patch. | |
22:23, 12 July 2023 | (1.1 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for July 12, 2023 Patch. | |
18:38, 20 March 2023 | (1.1 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for March 20, 2023 Patch. | |
21:21, 1 March 2023 | (1.1 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for March 1, 2023 Patch. | |
15:15, 6 January 2023 | (1.07 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for January 5, 2023. |
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