Template:Crate series/104

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Revision as of 21:25, 25 October 2016 by Tark (talk | contribs)
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Crate Series #104
Drops Yes
7 .14%
Mad MaskMad Mask
7 .14%
Surgeon's SidearmsSurgeon's Sidearms
7 .14%
Nasty NorsemannNasty Norsemann
7 .14%
Colossal CraniumColossal Cranium
7 .14%
El Paso PonchoEl Paso Poncho
7 .14%
7 .14%
Wide-Brimmed BanditoWide-Brimmed Bandito
7 .14%
Cranial CarcharodonCranial Carcharodon
7 .14%
Wing MannWing Mann
7 .14%
Toadstool TopperToadstool Topper
6 .25%
Spirit of the Bombing PastSpirit of the Bombing Past
6 .25%
Corpus Christi CraniumCorpus Christi Cranium
6 .25%
Heavy TourismHeavy Tourism
6 .25%
Big TopperBig Topper
6 .25%
Lil' BiteyLil' Bitey
6 .25%
5 .33%
Pestering JesterPestering Jester
5 .33%
Burly BeastBurly Beast
5 .33%
Class CrownClass Crown
4 .00%
Combustible CutieCombustible Cutie
4 .00%
or an Exceedingly Rare Special Item!
1 .00%
Drop rate is an estimate only.
Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual with a Halloween 2016 effect