List of Engineer Strange quality items/pt

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< List of Engineer Strange quality items
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Possible Engineer Strange quality items
Primário Shotgun 20 21 28 Festive Shotgun 89 Backwoods Boomstick Shotgun 93 Lightning Rod Shotgun 94 Red Bear Shotgun 100 Flower Power Shotgun 101 Frontier Justice 28 Festive Frontier Justice 52
Caçadeira Caçadeira Festiva | Backwoods Boomstick | Caçadeira | Lightning Rod | Caçadeira | Red Bear | Caçadeira | Flower Power | Caçadeira Justiça Fronteiriça Justiça Fronteiriça Festiva
Australium Frontier Justice N/D Widowmaker 40 Pomson 6000 N/D Rescue Ranger 77 Panic Attack 103
Justiça Fronteiriça de Austrálio 1 Widowmaker Pomson 6000 2 'Ranger' de Resgate Ataque de Pânico
Secundário Pistol 23 42 Red Rock Roscoe Pistol 93 Black Dahlia Pistol 94 Sandstone Special Pistol 94 Blitzkrieg Pistol 100 Blue Mew Pistol 101 Shot to Hell Pistol 101 Brain Candy Pistol 101
Pistola | Red Rock Roscoe | Pistola | Black Dahlia | Pistola | Sandstone Special | Pistola | Blitzkrieg | Pistola | Blue Mew | Pistola | Shot to Hell | Pistola | Brain Candy | Pistola
C.A.P.P.E.R 97 Wrangler 92 Festive Wrangler 78 Giger Counter 96
C.A.P.P.E.R Controlador Controlador Festivo Contador Giger
Corpo a corpo Wrench 28 Festive Wrench 35 Airwolf Wrench 100 Torqued to Hell Wrench 101 Silver Botkiller Wrench Mk.I N/D Gold Botkiller Wrench Mk.I N/D Rust Botkiller Wrench Mk.I N/D Blood Botkiller Wrench Mk.I N/D
Chave Inglesa Chave Inglesa Festiva | Airwolf | Chave Inglesa | Torqued to Hell | Chave Inglesa Chave Inglesa Mata-Bots de Prata Mk.I 1 Chave Inglesa Mata-Bots de Ouro Mk.I 1 Chave Inglesa Mata-Bots Enferrujada Mk.I 1 Chave Inglesa Mata-Bots Sangrenta Mk.I 1
Carbonado Botkiller Wrench Mk.I N/D Diamond Botkiller Wrench Mk.I N/D Silver Botkiller Wrench Mk.II N/D Gold Botkiller Wrench Mk.II N/D Australium Wrench N/D Necro Smasher N/D Gunslinger 30 Southern Hospitality 34
Chave Inglesa Mata-Bots de Carbonado Mk.I 1 Chave Inglesa Mata-Bots de Diamante Mk.I 1 Chave Inglesa Mata-bots de Prata Mk.II 1 Chave Inglesa Mata-bots de Ouro Mk.II 1 Chave Inglesa de Austrálio 1 Necrosmagador 3 Pistoleiro Hospitalidade do Sul
Jag 28
Chave Dentada
PDA Construction PDA 50
PDA de Construção
Acessório Engineer's Cap N/D Texas Slim's Dome Shine N/D Texas Ten Gallon 90 Safe'n'Sound N/D Big Country N/D Professor's Peculiarity N/D Teddy Roosebelt N/D Builder's Blueprints N/D
Boné do Engenheiro 5 Carecada à Moda do Texas 5 Dez-Galões do Texas Som e Salvo 5 Cabeleira de Cantor Country 5 Peculiaridade de Professor 5 Teddy Roosebelt 5 Plantas do Construtor 5
Hat With No Name N/D Pencil Pusher N/D Virtual Reality Headset N/D Itsy Bitsy Spyer N/D Stocking Stuffer N/D Teufort Tooth Kicker N/D Texas Half-Pants N/D Idea Tube N/D
Chapéu Sem Nome 6 Carpinteiro 5 Headset de Realidade Virtual 5 Muito "Piqueno" Espiãozito 6 Meia Recheada 5 "Patada-na-Boca" de Teufort 6 Perneiras do Texas 5 Tubo de Ideias 5
Champ Stamp N/D Triad Trinket N/D Pocket Purrer N/D Spooky Sleeves N/D Barnstormer N/D Mutton Mann N/D Data Mining Light N/D Plug-In Prospector N/D
Estampa do Campeão 6 Talismã da Tríade 6 Bichano de Bolso 5 Mangas Medonhas 6 Aviador 5 Suíça-Mann 6 Lanterna de Mineiro de Dados 5 Prospetor de Plug-ins 5
Teddy Robobelt N/D Texas Tin-Gallon N/D Timeless Topper N/D Dual-Core Devil Doll N/D Pocket Pyro N/D Dry Gulch Gulp N/D Flared Frontiersman N/D Pardner's Pompadour N/D
Teddy Robobelt 5 Dez-Latões do Texas 5 Moda Intemporal 5 Boneco Diabólico Dual-Core 6 Pyro de Bolso 5 Gole em Seco 5 Bocas de Sino da Fronteira 5 Poupa do Parceiro 5
Trash Toter N/D Macho Mann N/D Beep Boy N/D Cuban Bristle Crisis N/D Gold Digger N/D Special Eyes N/D Viking Braider N/D Dogfighter N/D
Transportador de Tralha 5 Macho Mann 6 Beep Boy 6 Crise dos Pelos Cubanos 6 Prospetor de Ouro 5 Olhos Especiais 6 Barba do Berserker 6 Combatente Aéreo 5
Face Full of Festive N/D Antarctic Researcher N/D Scotch Saver N/D Trencher's Topper N/D Trencher's Tunic N/D Cute Suit N/D Danger N/D Egghead's Overalls N/D
Barba Festiva 5 Investigador Antártico 5 Barba de Bêbado 5 Tampa das Trincheiras 5 Túnica das Trincheiras 5 Fato Fofo 6 Perigo 5 Jardineiras do Javardo 5
Endothermic Exowear N/D Joe-on-the-Go N/D Level Three Chin N/D Lonesome Loafers N/D Peacenik's Ponytail N/D Tools of the Trade N/D Hillbilly Speed-Bump N/D Beep Man N/D
Exocamisola Endotérmica 5 Mochila das Macacadas 5 Triplo Queixo 5 Calçado do Cromo 5 Rabo de Cavalo do Pacifista 5 Ferramentas do Ofício 5 Armadilho Armado 6 Beep Man 4
Garden Bristles N/D Iron Fist N/D Soul of 'Spensers Past N/D Tiny Texan N/D Insulated Inventor 87 Snow Stompers 87 Clubsy The Seal 89 Conagher's Combover 89
Gnomo Galanteador 4 Punho de Ferro 4 Alma de Distribuidores Passados 4 Texano Minúsculo 4 Inventor Insulado Galochas do Gelo Pauladas, a Foca Careca Coberta do Conagher
Cop Caller 89 Holstered Heaters 89 Thermal Insulation Layer 89 Sheriff's Stetson 95 Wild West Waistcoat 95 Support Spurs 95 Life Support System 96 Rocket Operator 96
Chama-Chuis Armamento Anti-Crime Camada de Isolação Térmica Chapéu do Xerife Colete do Cowboy Esporas Espantosas Sistema de Suporte Vital Operador de Foguetões
El Caballero 98 El Patron 98 Dead'er Alive 98 Iron Lung 98 Roboot 98 Smokey Sombrero 98 Winter Backup 101 Dad Duds 102
El Caballero El Patron Cabeça Cibernética Pulmão de Aço Robota Chapéu com Charutos Provisões de Inverno Camisa do Cota
Corpus Christi Cranium 104 El Paso Poncho 104 Wide-Brimmed Bandito 104 Packable Provisions 105 Reader's Choice 105 Flash of Inspiration 106 Head Mounted Double Observatory 106 Plumber's Cap 106
Caveira de Corpus Christi Poncho del Paso Sombrero do Bandido Provisões Portáteis Lentes do Leitor Surto de Inspiração Observatórios Oculares Chapéu de Canalizador
Aloha Apparel 108 Conaghers' Utility Idol 107 Tropical Toad 107 Trucker's Topper 117 Antarctic Eyewear 119 Cold Case 119 Aim Assistant 120 Defragmenting Hard Hat 17% 120
Adorno de Aloha Ídolo Utilitário de Conagher Batráquio Tropical Chapéu do Camionista Óculos Antárticos Frigorífico das Fresquinhas Auxiliar de Pontaria Capacete a Desfragmentar 17%
Mini-Engy 120 Puggyback 122 Wise Whiskers 122 Brain Interface 123 Texas Toast 123 El Mostacho 124 Trick Stabber 124 Provisions Cap 125
Mini-Engi Pug Portátil Barba Genial Inter-face Torradeira do Texas El Bigodacho Facadinhas Boné Distribuidor
Telefragger Toque 125 Winter Wrap Up 125 Head of Defense 127 Sophisticated Smoker 127 Ghoul Box 128 Goblineer 128 Wavefinder 128 Boom Boxers 128
Touca Teletransportadora Embrulho Hibernal Mini-stro da Defesa Fumador Sofisticado Caixa de Tormentas Goblineer Sintonizador Bronca dos Boxers
Blitzen Bowl 130 Particulate Protector 130 Sightliner 132 Hook, Line, and Thinker 133 Train of Thought 135 Lawnmaker 136 Western Wraps 136 Dustbowl Devil 137
Trabalhador do Trenó Preventor de Pandemias Sentinela Óptica Cabecinha Pescadora Fã Ferroviário Engenheiro de Relvados Farda do Faroeste Diabo de Dustbowl
More Gun Marshal 137 Arctic Mole 139 Cool Warm Sweater 139 Soft Hard Hat 139 Underminer's Overcoat 139 Cargo Constructor 140 Cranium Cooler 140 Hazard Handler 140
Marechal das Munições Arctic Mole Cool Warm Sweater Lã-pacete Underminer's Overcoat Cargo Constructor Cranium Cooler Hazard Handler
Constructor's Cover 142 Dell Dynamic 142 Clue Hairdo 143 Sleuth Suit 143 Big Star 144 Daring Dell 144 Desk Engineer 144
Constructor's Cover Dell Dynamic Clue Hairdo Sleuth Suit Grande Estrela Dell Destemido Engenheiro de Escritório