Community Borneo strategy
Community Borneo strategy | |
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Basic Information | |
Developer(s): | Unknown |
Map Info | |
Environment: | Jungle |
Setting: | Daylight, overcast |
This article is about Community Borneo strategy.
General strategy (All Classes)
- RED team Engineers will often immediately set up in the maintenance building. This often does not become problematic until BLU team attempts to push the cart towards the first checkpoint. Often there will be a Sentry Gun nest set up preventing the cart from being moved too far beyond the catwalk.
- It is crucial for BLU to have at least one Spy. This will be of great importance to disabling the Sentry and allowing a Heavy, Soldier, or Demoman to eliminate the nest.
- It is imperative for BLU to have at least one Medic on their team. The Übercharge is often the driving force behind a push in this map. While the charged pair is clearing ground, the rest of the combo should work to push the cart forward.
- When pushing with an Übercharge, be sure to prioritize targets correctly.
- The first priority while charged should almost always be buildings, followed by the enemy Medic, with the third being the most powerful classes on the enemy team.
- RED will oftentimes have many offensive classes set up in the area immediately outside of the BLU base. It is wise for BLU to counter this with splash damage from Soldiers and Demomen so that the rest of the team can leave the base more easily.
- As BLU team will often lead out of their base with an Übercharged Heavy, Soldier, or Demoman, it is often incredibly helpful for RED to have a Pyro on their team to use the compression blast in an attempt to more easily nullify the push.
- As the enemy team begins to make a push, it is essential to protect the Engineers as well as their buildings. While many forget about them in times of distress, Teleporters and Dispensers are extremely important to defend.
- Teleporters provide mobility assistance to fallen classes, especially those which are slower and must return to battle quickly.
- Dispensers provide both health and ammo to nearby team members. Keeping them functional and protected is extremely important to classes which expend ammunition quickly or frequently run low on health such as the Heavy.
- Punish BLU whenever they push too far forward.
- Gradually, their team will begin to scatter if they push too far beyond their limits. This is a perfect time for pick classes such as Spies or Snipers to eliminate isolated enemies.
Class-specific strategy
- Use the corridors and corners that are scattered throughout the map in order to flank and more easily deal damage in close-quarters combat.
- When the area has been cleared of immediate threats, stay close to the cart.
- You not only push the cart twice as fast as any other class, the health and ammo regeneration will also help you get back to flanking once pushing becomes impossible.
- Pay close attention to eliminating Demomen. If they are left without counter, they can become a truly unstoppable force.
- Using the quick speed and the double jumps of the Scout, it is relatively easy to counter a Demoman. If you circle around them by strafing and continue to shoot them with your Scattergun, there is often not much that can be done for them.
- The high explosive splash damage of the Soldier's Rocket Launcher as well as the reliable hitscan damage provided by the Shotgun allow the Soldier to due very high amounts of reliable, mixed damage.
- Rocket jumping provides high mobility to a slow class. This is often very effective considering how open the map is.
- When Rocket jumping, Gunboats could be considered as an alternative to the Shotgun due to the decreased self damage from rockets.
- Another reliable source of mobility can be seen in the Disciplinary Action speed boost after whipping an ally. This is especially useful with a Medic nearby.
- If no Medics are present, the Escape Plan provides great mobility as health is decreased. However, it marks the user for death and lowers the effectiveness of Medic sources by 90%.
- If Pyros begin use their compression blast to launch rockets back, the Shotgun should be considered as it allows you to maintain a fair distance from them while still doing consistent damage.
- The most important job for a Pyro is to check for Spies often. Fire a quick burst of flame at any players you see with your Flame Thrower. If the players that you check become lit, this means that you have found a Spy. Keep the flame on them until they appear to have died. This is called Spy checking.
- Remember to stay back and support the Snipers and Engineers. They are especially weak to Spies.
- Once the team begins to push once more, stay closer to the Medic and their healing target. As they're especially valuable to a Spy, you must be especially vigilant in checking for Spies.
- The three stories of catwalks within the giant garage provide a great ability for the Pyro to use the Backburner to take enemies by surprise.
- A highly effective strategy is to use the elevation that the catwalks provide in order to get behind enemies before they can see you.
- The corners provided by the catwalks and walls are incredibly useful when flanking. Once an enemy moves past a quick corner, they will often run right by. This gives you perfect opportunity to strike from behind.
- If the enemy does happen to turn around in time, you will oftentimes still have the advantage of seeing them first and therefore being better prepared to fight them.
- Be sure to reflect any incoming projectiles. If done correctly, Demomen and Soldiers are weakened considerably.
- Demomen are useful on both teams. On team RED, the cart can be surrounded with Stickybombs which will force the enemy to either spend time removing them all or to die quickly. On BLU, Demomen can aid a push with relative ease due to their high damage output and building denial capabilities.
- Splash Damage is extremely important on both teams. Team RED needs the damage to attack multiple players on the cart at once while team BLU needs it in order to more easily destroy the nests of Engineers as well as groups of players.
- Sticky jumping provides great mobility through the large open spaces of this map in light of the low speed of the Demoman.
- Mind your health while Sticky jumping, however. If your health falls too low, you will often meet death before finding a suitable Health kit.
- While staying close to the cart is both extremely beneficial to the team as well as to yourself, it is often more successful to stay ahead of the cart to provide a clearance.
- Pushing a bit beyond the class allows you to more easily be able to destroy Sentry Guns or eliminate stronger classes. By doing this, you're giving the team a much greater ability to push the cart.
- Staying relatively close to the cart, however, is very often beneficial. If health or ammo becomes scarce, running back to the cart to refill should always be an option.
- Being the slowest class in the game, it is incredibly important to be extremely wary of Spies at all times.
- Being the slowest class by default, the Heavy is already extremely vulnerable to quicker classes. It is crucial to only rev up the Minigun when absolutely necessary. While spinning, all miniguns allow the heavy to move only at 37% of the speed of a normal player while the Brass Beast forces the player to move at a sluggish 15% speed.
- An occasional glance over the shoulder is often all it takes. If anybody is acting suspicious, Spy check them.
- The catwalks of the giant garage provide great access to ambush enemies by using the Tomislav.
- There is many good places to build a Sentry on this map. There are many places with flat ground and good coverage to place a conventional Sentry gun as well as many unpredictable places to put one such as an elevated catwalk or a smaller building.
- Because of the large size of this map, an upgraded Teleporter is often very useful. This device allows teammates to more quickly return to battle after respawning.
- It is important to be very careful when watching your back. This map is incredibly open and Spies are often very prevalent due to the power possessed by Engineers.
- Stay safe in order to successfully build up an Übercharge without dying.
- Once you are completely charged and have a capable healing target, activate the charge and begin to push forward.
- It is usually best to activate the charge on a very powerful class capable of putting out vast amounts of damage very quickly. Some of the best targets include Heavies, Soldiers, and Demomen.
- Because of their high Critical damage output, a Kritzkrieg can often allow a Demoman to become incredibly potent.
- There is a very clear sight line to the BLU base. It is nearby a rock in case cover should be needed, however, it should be noted that Spies can flank and maneuver around these barriers with relative ease.
- Beware opposing Snipers. They, too, share this sight line with you.
- With little natural Spy protection provided, the Razorback may prove to be an item of choice.
- Due to high amounts of explosive splash damage, the Darwin's Danger Shield is often outclassed by the Razorback or the Cozy Camper for protection.
- The numerous catwalks, elevated platforms, and winding stairs of this map provide great opportunity to get behind enemies without them noticing you.
- With the amount of potential flank routes and the sheer size of this map, it is often easy to get behind enemy lines without being spotted.
- This is especially useful on BLU team. The RED Engineers often have their backs exposed due to the open nature of this map. As such, it is easy to stab them and follow up by sapping their buildings.