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曼子力遊戲模式開始時,玩家會收到一條訊息提示他們尚未裝備[[Grappling Hook/zh-hant|鈎索]至動作欄位裡。使用鈎索可以讓玩家停留在任意的表面上,以及幫助他們快速地在地圖之間四處移動。玩家會以直線形式被拉到鈎爪擊中的表面上,而且在這個過程中他們不能使用任何武器。正在進行偽裝的間諜也可以使用鈎索,鈎索的顏色會呈現出他們所偽裝的團隊的顏色。
與普通的搶奪情報箱模式不同的是,如果玩家想要達成各自的勝利條件,就必須成功地搶奪對方的情報箱 7 次,而不是一般情況下搶奪情報箱模式中的 3 次。如果玩家想要成功地搶奪對方的情報箱,玩家所屬團隊的情報箱必須要在它原來放置的位置並且沒有被任何人撿起,這時他們才能成功地搶奪對方的情報箱。
情報箱在持有它的玩家被其他玩家殺死時它的重置計時器大約只有 4 秒。如果持有情報箱的玩家通過其他玩家以外的方式殺死自己,情報箱的重置計時器將會是 0 秒。另外,玩家在重生的時候會獲得短暫的無敵加成的效果。
中立 | 紅隊 | 藍隊 | 類型 | 效果 | 圖示 |
威能 | 使用任何武器時造成雙倍殺傷; 遠距離造成傷害時傷害不會削弱。 |
抗拒 | 受到的傷害減半(50%); 免疫傳染的特殊能力; 免疫反射的特殊能力。 |
吸血 | 造成的所有傷害可以回復到自身生命值; 阻擋 25% 收到的傷害,最大生命值 +80; 免疫反射的特殊能力。 |
反射 | 受到傷害的 80% 會反射給攻擊者; 最大生命值增加至 400; 受到步哨防禦槍傷害的 100% 會反射給步哨防禦槍自身。 |
神速 | 雙倍武器開火速度和重新裝填速度; 雙倍彈藥上膛數和彈藥攜帶量; 移動速度 +30%; 粘性炸彈遙控引爆時間加快。 |
再生 | 彈藥、生命值和金屬再生; 生命值再生率與生命值大小成反比。 |
精準 | 最大程度上降低子彈散射程度; 遠距離造成傷害時傷害不會削弱; 狙擊手的狙擊槍攻擊間隔和充電延遲減少,造成的傷害加倍; 火箭和榴彈的移動速度 +250%; 發射爆裂物武器的彈藥攜帶量 +50%.; 爆破投射物造成的傷害不會因爆破半徑削弱; 免疫自身爆裂物傷害。 |
靈敏 | 移動速度 +50%; 使用鈎爪抓住表面的速度加快; 跳躍高度 +80%; 免疫摔落傷害; 切換武器速度加快; 撿起情報箱時不會受到速度懲罰。 |
擊倒 | 只允許使用近戰武器和鈎索; 最大生命值 +150,除非是重裝兵和裝備刀劍、護盾或者都有裝備的爆破兵只會依次 +120 、 +130 、 +80 和 +20 的生命值; 免疫壓縮氣爆和傷害的擊退效果; 近戰武器造成的傷害 +66% 以及可以擊退攻擊目標; 近戰武器擊中攻擊目標時會使他們攜帶的特殊能力或情報箱掉落; 近戰武器對建築物造成四倍傷害。 |
帝王 | 最大生命值增加; 提供小的生命值再生效果、小幅度開火速度加快以及小幅度重新裝填速度加快; 所有能力除了最大生命值增加以外將會分享給附近的隊友,儘管生命值再生的效果只對同樣攜帶特殊能力的隊友和敵人的間諜有效。 |
傳染 | 收集補血包的半徑範圍加大; 接觸一名敵人將會給他們和附近的隊友傳染病毒; 被傳染的受害者會有持續 10 秒的流血效果,除非他們撿起補血包或碰到補給櫃該效果才會在 10 秒內中止; 傳染可以阻止帝王的生命值再生效果和團隊分享效果。 |
星爆 | 使用鉤爪的次要攻擊來發動星爆攻擊,會震昏可視範圍內附近的敵人; 需要在能量條集滿時才能發動; 能量條隨著時間進行補充,或在受到傷害的時進行補充; 震昏敵人會使他們攜帶的特殊能力掉落,並將他們於星爆攻擊發動者的附近推開; 一旦發動星爆攻擊,能量條會短暫消失並重新開始補充; 能量條集滿時,範圍內的敵人會有輪廓發光效果。 |
無敵 | 提供持續 35 秒的 ÜberCharge 效果; 重生後獲得持續 20 秒的無敵加成效果。 |
暴擊 | 暫時提供持續 30 秒的暴擊效果; 會在 60 秒後於某區域重新生成。 |
地圖名稱 | 圖片 | 檔案名稱 |
Foundry (搶奪情報箱模式) | ctf_foundry
| |
Gorge (搶奪情報箱模式) | ctf_gorge
| |
Hellfire | ctf_hellfire
| |
Thunder Mountain (搶奪情報箱模式) | ctf_thundermountain
- 將曼子力模式新增至遊戲中。
- 修正偽裝中的 間諜使用錯誤的鈎索顏色的問題。
- 修正鈎爪在目標玩家陣亡或重生後仍然抓住的問題。
- 修正再生的特殊能力讓玩家無法撿起補給包和彈藥盒的問題。
- 修正抗拒的特殊能力讓隱形中的間諜顯形的問題。
- 修正抗拒的特殊能力在偽裝中的間諜面前使用錯誤的顏色的問題。
- 修正偽裝中的間諜無法看到特殊能力圖示的問題。
- 修正地圖
的光線照明問題。 - 修正地圖
的光線照明問題並修正玩家可以跳出地圖的問題。 - 當
- Fixed not always being able to equip the grappling hook.
- Fixed switching to the grappling hook from a weapon that prevents switching.
- Fixed the grappling hook attaching to players that are dead or no longer exist.
- Updated the Vampire powerup to give health for damage done by Sappers.
- Increased the spawn invuln time from 6 seconds to 8 seconds.
- Added enemy team
volumes to the capture zone areas inctf_foundry
to prevent spawn-camping Sentry Guns. - Updated
.- Fixed players being able to get outside of the map.
- Opened access to the flat rooftop by the capture zone area.
- Fixed a bug related to overhead icons disappearing (Powerups).
- New temporary powerup – Uber. Respawns at 1/3rd the speed of Crit powerup.
- Fixed some bugs that would cause powerups to stop spawning.
- Fixed the Action Slot key behaving different for the grapple hook depending on the setting for hud_fastswitch.
- Powerup changes:
- Vampire: Flamethrower and Minigun return 80% of damage back as health instead of 100%.
- Warlock: Added 25% damage resistance. 100% of sentry damage is now reflected back to the Sentry Gun.
- Vampire and Warlock max health buffs are now additive (+80hp and +100hp) instead of multiplicative (x1.4 and x1.5).
- Haste: Sticky bomb arm time reduced.
- Precision and Haste: Sniper rifles now have quicker damage ramp-up and re-zoom after shooting.
- Precision: Sniper rifles now have double damage. Increased blast weapon clip size by 50%.
- Scoring Support
- Capture flag: +20 points.
- Return team flag: +4 points.
- Kill an enemy who is carrying a powerup: +1 point.
- Flag mechanics
- Captured flags now take 12 seconds to re-emerge from the ground so they can't be stolen again right away.
2015年2月11日更新 #1
- Fixed bug that sometimes caused two Intelligence briefcases to spawn.
- Reduced capture trigger size to match capture area on CTF_Gorge.
- Powerup changes:
- Haste: Doubles the Medi Gun's ubercharge build up speed.
- Vampire: Reduced health leeched when using the Flamethrower and Minigun.
- Warlock: Fixed reflecting damage even when invulnerable
- Added a delay of 0.2 seconds between releasing and firing the grappling hook again.
- Fixed a dedicated server crash caused by a Soldier with Mantreads landing on a player with the Warlock powerup equipped.
- Added new map
. - Added new powerup: Knockout.
- Restricts the carrier to Melee and Grappling Hook only.
- Max health increased by 150.
- Immune to airblast and damage pushback.
- Melee weapon always crits and forcibly shoves the victim away.
- Melee hit forces the victim to drop their powerup or the flag if they have it.
- 4X melee damage to buildings.
- Grappling Hook changes.
- Added hook jump- hit the jump key while being pulled-in to detach and jump extra distance (jump velocity convar "
"). - Added support for hooking into enemy players.
- Release the fire button once the hook has hit an enemy player to draw yourself to them.
- Hooked victims will bleed for 2 health per second.
- Unhook at any time by switching back to the grapple, or firing it again away from your victim.
- Force detach if the hook is not in line of sight of hooked in enemy for more than 1 second.
- Sound cue added when hooked by an enemy's grapple.
- Added new Grapple weapon sounds and grapple projectile.
- Reduced max firing distance to 4000 units (convar "
"). - Increased hook re-fire delay from 0.2 seconds to 0.5 seconds.
- Re-enabled fall damage for the grappling hook (convar "
"). - Fixed grappling hook rope drawing as the wrong color for friendly disguised Spy.
- Added hook jump- hit the jump key while being pulled-in to detach and jump extra distance (jump velocity convar "
- Added Revenge temporary powerup.
- Activates and spawns when a significant game imbalance is detected.
- Temporarily grants crits, increased fire rate and increased clip size.
- Added unique powerup pickup sounds.
- Random Melee critical hits are now enabled in Mannpower (ConVar
2"). - Strength: Fixed Sentry Guns inheriting the double damage multiplier.
- Reduced the time it takes a dropped powerup to become available for pickup by 0.5 seconds.
- [未記載] Added new emitter model for Mannpower powerups.
- [未記載] Added new team-colored skins for Mannpower powerups.
- Added powerup icons to the HUD deathnotice reports.
- Fixed Thunder Mountain not showing up in the Quickplay dialog's list of maps.
- Fixed the Intelligence getting into a bad state and becoming unreachable under the ground at the cap point.
- Medics now move slower than their heal target while their heal target is using the grapple.
- Removed random weapon damage spread.
- Removed crit immunity from the Resistance powerup.
- Removed random melee critical hits.
- Increased all melee damage by 30%.
- Knockout powerup.
- Removed melee damage critical hits.
- Added double melee damage multiplier.
- A Half-Zatoichi kill now refills to base health only, not buffed health.
- Updated grapple model and player animations.
- Fixed not hearing some of the powerup sounds.
- Removed ctf_foundry from the default map cycle to focus on gathering information on the remaining maps.
- Knockout: reduced melee damage multiplier.
- Knockout: max health buff has been reduced for the Heavy and for the Demoman with a shield or decapitating sword equipped.
- Grapple: increased base damage for attaching to a player and increased bleed damage while attached.
- Updated the grapple impact sounds.
- Updated reduced damage taken sound.
- Heavy can no longer switch to the grapple until the Minigun has finished its spin-down.
- Fixed an exploit related the Knockout powerup not switching to the melee weapon.
- Fixed players sometimes getting stuck in the grapple.
2015年10月28日更新 (Scream Fortress 2015)
- No longer in Beta.
- Added map: Hellfire.
- Three powerups: King, Plague, Supernova.
- Grappling hook changes:
- Reduced max rope distance
- Reduced grapple dismount jump height.
- 30% hook movement speed penalty for Heavy.
- Flag rule changes:
- Flags can no longer be returned by touching them.
- When dropped, flags return after a timeout. This timeout does NOT reset if the flag is picked up again before it returns or is captured.
- 25% hook movement speed penalty for powered up flag carriers (with the exception of Agility).
- Small health regeneration for non-powered up flag carriers.
- Flags and capture zones are disabled for 30 seconds after a capture.
- Powerup rule changes:
- When killed, your powerup will drop as the enemy team color. Deliberately dropped powerups are neutral colored.
- You cannot pick up enemy colored powerups.
- Team-colored powerups will attempt to respawn in that team's base if not picked up in time.
- Other changes:
- Overhead powerup icons are now team-colored.
- Warlock powerup renamed to Reflect.
- Reduced Knockout max health bonus for demos carrying swords and shields.
- Haste now increases Huntsman firing speed.
- Bug fixes:
- Reflect damage no longer occurs after death (Pyro afterburn).
- Spies disguised as the enemy can now pick up enemy colored powerups
- Reduced Knockout powerup health bonus for Demomen carrying shields and/or swords
- Fixed grappling hook sometimes being reselected when fired (instead of switching back to previous weapon)
- Fixed a client crash when switching away from the grappling hook
- Fixed a server crash related to Mannpower mode.
- Updated health kits to give players the normal amount even if their powerup increases max health.
- Updated the Vampire powerup to slightly reduce the amount of health received from flamethrower attacks. The flamethrower now matches the Minigun in this regard.
- [未記載] Mannpower is no longer the first option in quick play.
- [未記載] Fixed an exploit related to the Buffalo Steak Sandvich and dropping Powerups in Mannpower mode.
- Supernova
- Reduced charge up time.
- Increased the amount that damage contributes to charge.
- Fixed a bug where outline effect showed on invisible Spies.
- Fixed a bug where crit melee attacks were multiplying on top of a base damage increase. Crit melee attacks now do the same damage.
- Demomen equipped with shields are now excluded from the across the board 30% melee damage increase.
- Added highlight effects to active revenge powerups.
- Reduced points for a flag capture now that the enemy cannot return a dropped flag by touching it.
2015年12月17日更新 (Tough Break Update)
- Flags will become poisonous (mark the carrier for death) 90 seconds after having been stolen.
- If both teams flags are stolen and poisonous, they will return when next dropped.
- Fixed players being able to grapple during the pre-round freeze period.
- Reduced the number of flag captures required to win from 10 to 7 on official servers.
- Regeneration powerup
- Health regeneration amount changes - Scout, Sniper and Spy increased, Engineer decreased.
- Reflect powerup
- Added pushback force to players who damage the powerup carrier (except for flame damage).
- Added overheal effect to players whose max health is increased by a powerup.
- Grappling hook movement speed penalty for powered up flag carriers increased by 10%. Flag carriers with no powerup still have no penalty.
- Reflect powerup
- Removed 25% resistance attribute.
- All classes can now have up to 400 health.
- Fixed a bug where reflection damage was being calculated prior to distance falloff reduction.
- Reflection damage increased from 50% to 80% of damage received.
- Fixed a bug where sentry rockets would reflect damage to the owning Engineer rather than the sentry itself.
- Supernova powerup
- Minimum stun duration increased from 1 to 2 seconds.
- Stun duration increased by 0.5 seconds for each additional victim stunned (max 4 seconds).
- Vampire powerup
- Melee attack now returns 1.25x damage as health (up from 1.0x).
- Regen and King powerup
- Increased the frequency of health regeneration. Rate of heal is increased for Scout and Spy.
- Increased metal regeneration amount.
- Reduced Demoman health bonus when carrying Knockout with a decapitating melee weapon.
- Reduced Demoman shield charge regen rate when carrying Knockout.
- Reduced Tide Turner shield charge refill amount on kill when carrying Knockout.
- Players can no longer change teams in Mannpower Mode.
2016年6月22日更新 #2
- Fixed Mannpower game mode showing up in the wrong quickplay UI categories.
2016年7月7日更新 #1 (Meet Your Match Update)
- All official maps now set Mannpower mode without requiring the use of the
- Updated Mannpower Mode to use 7 captures per round on matchmaking servers (was 3).
- Fixed powerups sometimes being removed from the game in Mannpower mode.
- Fixed incorrect strings and HUD image for the Reflect powerup in Mannpower mode.
2017年8月2日更新 #1
- All-class
- Players can no longer taunt when grappled to an enemy. (you can still taunt if an enemy has grappled to you)
- Players can no longer grapple while frozen before a round starts or while stunned.
- Fixed not equipping the grapple when accepting the prompt about equipping it.
- Engineer
- Halved the number of Wrench hits needed to upgrade buildings.
- Pyro
- Reduced grapple movement speed when hooked into another player because of their advantage in close quarters.
- Reduced the rate of rage gain when carrying a powerup.
- Agility
- Reduced grapple movement speed bonus when carrying the intelligence.
- Knockout
- Reduced melee damage bonus.
- Updated health bonus per class:
- Spy, Sniper, Engineer, Scout, and Heavy increased.
- Medic, Soldier, and Demoman unchanged.
- Pyro and Demoknight decreased.
- Precision
- Removed radius damage falloff on explosive projectiles.
- Removed self-blast damage.
- Resistance and Vampire
- Added immunity to reflect damage.
August 2, 2017 Patch #2
- Fixed a server crash related to sentry rockets in Mannpower mode.
- The Knockout icon on the freezecam appearance gets cut off.
- The backpack description for the Knockout powerup is outdated, saying that it still gives critical hits.
- It's not normally possible to carry buildings while having the Knockout power up, however, it's still possible to create new buildings by using the console command
build (number)
while having the Grappling Hook activated. - The damage noise from the Plague powerup will continue to play if it is stopped by a Dead Ringer.
- The critical effect on the grappling hook is always colored according to the players actual team, and gives away a Spy's disguise.