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Mann Co. Supply Crates are tool items obtainable only through the item drop system. They are shown as open-style wooden shipping crates, wrapped in chains held with a comically large padlock. Mann Co. Supply Crates can be opened with the use of a Mann Co. Supply Crate Key.
When a crate is opened, a five second timer ticks down, alongside a sound effect of chains jangling and wood creaking. The player will receive one of a set of items, which are listed in the crate's description and are dependent on its series. This item is announced to the server in a similar format to regular dropped Items. The crate and key are removed from the player's inventory and replaced with the uncrated item.
- Note: Rare item statistics assume drop rates are equal regardless of series. Also assumes that the series of the crates are dropping in a uniform distribution.
Series #1
- Note: sample size of 3,435 crates from server logs available on request.
Series #2
- Note: sample size of 1,182 crates.
Series #3
- Note: sample size of 992 crates. May not add up to 100% due to rounding errors.
Series #4
- Note: sample size of 879 crates. May not add up to 100% due to rounding errors.
Series #5
- Note: sample size of 965 crates. May not add up to 100% due to rounding errors.
- *Drop rate is the observed drop rate.
- **Estimated drop rate is an estimate as to what Valve has set the drop rate to be.
Crate-opening demonstration
- As of the November 19, 2010 Patch, Series #1 and Series #2 crates no longer drop in game. People with Series 1 and 2 crates still have the attributes set to 1 and 2, but they take on the schema ID of Series 3 and 4 crates, respectively.
See Also
- Although Valve modeled the padlocked chain for the icon, the padlocked box can't be found in the game files; its textures, however, can be found. The crate itself uses a model that appears to be the same as
- In the TF2 Mac update video, you can clearly see a Red Soldier rifling through a crate of hats, and leaning up against the box is a Mann Co. crate lid suggesting the crate drops before the actual Mann-Conomy Update.