万圣节合同 是一组万圣节专用的合同,可以用合同追踪器查看。此组合同在2017年万圣节加入游戏,在2018年万圣节得到扩展。这些合同和火焰幻境合同一样对于全部玩家都是免费的,但是只能在万圣节活动中开启。The Halloween Contracts can be contributed by friends through the Friendly-Fire
These contracts are navigated, selected, tracked, and turned in using the ConTracker. Every contract completed and turned in earns a Halloween Package, an Action Item that opens to give out any single Halloween-restricted item from the previous updates, similar to the Goodie Cauldron or the Gift Cauldron. The items granted will be non-tradable and non-marketable, meaning they cannot be sold on the Community Market, nor be Traded to others. Also, when completed and turned in, Halloween Contracts count as Merasmissions on the Soul Gargoyle.
From the starting Scream Fortress contract, players can unlock and choose from contracts for the bosses, official maps, and community maps. The boss contracts are unlocked in the order each boss was added to the game; Horseless Headless Horsemann, MONOCULUS, and Merasmus. From the first official map contract, Harvest Event, the three boss map contracts can be unlocked in order of their release into the game, while the contracts for the last two official release Halloween maps are unlocked from the first. The community maps are arranged in lines by year of release, and are unlocked in alphabetical order in each line.
- 讲礼貌: 别太贪心地去捡起 万圣节南瓜,可能别的玩家也需要做这种合同,可能要做成就(比如“糖果屋”)或者是更好的使用它。
- 讲效率: 如果有一个可以快速完成的额外目标(万圣节合同中有好几个),那么收集灵魂专注于完成额外目标的同时也可以完成主要目标。
- 有计划: 在每个万圣节合同中只完成一个目标,可以在合同追踪器中提交所有万圣节合同是可行的;但是,一旦最后一颗星被用于激活万圣节合同,则必须至少完成一个目标,并在激活任何其他目标之前打开该合同。提交一些额外目标可以在匹配地图时提供更多的灵活性。
- 呜唔呜! 几个万圣节合同有一个额外的目标收集万圣节南瓜,还有收集足够数量的灵魂,可以尝试着在同一时间完成主要目标。
- 来吧,南瓜杀! 想拿到 南瓜击杀, 间谍,侦察兵或者火焰兵可以在后方伏击多个靠近的敌人,捡起第一个击杀掉下的南瓜然后继续把剩下的敌人清理掉。
- 你知道吗,你才不可怕,只是奇怪而已 BOSS的合同只需要简单地游玩整个回合,从准备时间到结束,只要你有对打败BOSS做出一点的贡献就算完成了合同。
- 真简单! 假如玩家的目标是完成一些简单的额外目标,那么“从掠夺之岛逃出”(Eyeaduct)和“使用炸弹头击晕马拉莫斯” (Ghost Fort)就是一些高分又简单的目标。
- 在完成主要目标之前,可以轻松完成收集灵魂/摄魂石像鬼的目标。
- 这些尸体. 他们一定要在马戏团的下面吗? 捡起摄魂石像鬼可以马上给激活的万圣节合同的主要目标增加10点数!
任务名称 | 任务要求 |
尖叫要塞 |
名字 | 任务要求 |
Brimstone |
Cauldron |
Cursed Cove |
Gorge Event |
Gravestone |
Hellstone |
Laughter |
Maple Ridge Event |
Monster Bash |
Moonshine Event |
Precipice |
Sinshine |
Slasher |
Pit of Death |
Name | Objectives |
Harvest Event |
Helltower |
Carnival of Carnage |
Mann Manor |
Eyeaduct |
Ghost Fort |
名字 | 任务目标 |
脱缰的无头骑士 |
魔眼 |
马拉莫斯 |
2017年10月26日补丁 (Scream Fortress IX)
- 免费万圣节合同和奖励已加入合同!
2018年10月19日补丁 (Scream Fortress X)
- 为专属地图添加5份新合同。
2019年10月10日补丁 (Scream Fortress XI)
- 全万圣节合同均已重置,可再次完成。
- 完成万圣节合同将提供Template:Botignore/zh-hans并几率获得Spooky Spoils Case。
- [未记载] 为专属地图添加2份新合同。
- 在合同Pit of Death中, 反复的掉落和拾起灵魂将被视为完成奖励目标。
- In the Helltower Contract, touching the Bombinomicon repetitively will count towards the bonus objective.
- In the Harvest Event Contract, killing a player with a weapon that causes stun (such as the Natascha, Loose Cannon) counts as killing a player scared by a ghost.
- ConTracker Halloween 2017.jpg
- ConTracker Halloween 2017 bosses.jpg
- ConTracker Halloween 2017 official maps.jpg
- ConTracker Halloween 2017 community maps.jpg
社区地图合同 (2017)