Sergeant's Drill Hat
Warning: Display title "Sergeant's Drill Hat" overrides earlier display title "سيرجينتس دريل هات".
“ | Take your lumps like a man, Private Twinkletoes.
إضغط لسماع الصوت
— The Soldier
” |
The Sergeant's Drill Hat is a headwear item for the Soldier. It was chosen by Valve to be released with the second wave of community-contributed content due to its outstanding quality. It appears as a greenish-brown Template:W with a Team Fortress emblem on the front.
كاتب وصف لهذه القبعة هو peregrine7 لأجل Hat Describing Contest، وتم تغييرها قليلا من قبل Valve .
أنواع المطلية
:المقالة الأساسية Paint Can
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التغييرات السابقة
- هذه القبعة أصبحت مطلية
- Although the hat mostly resembles Sergeant Hartman's hat from the film Template:W (which the description references), Gerre has stated in an interview that he made the hat for the Soldier because it fits his personality. Both the Soldier and Sergeant Hartman yell and degrade the men under their command.
- A BLU version of this hat was released by Gerre but the normal, green version was the version accepted by Valve.[1]
- This item is one of two contributed items made by Gerre, the other being the Physician's Procedure Mask.