Voice commands/zh-hans

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< Voice commands
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Voice commands are pre-defined calls used to organize a team or call for help. When used, they are spoken in the voice of the character class, and may also include a hand gesture (not visible to the player himself). The voice commands are divided into three separate menus (default Z, X, C). Some, but not all, of the commands. are also printed on-screen alongside typed messages.

Due to its importance and universal nature, the "Medic" call by default has its own separate keybind (default E). Teammates (and disguised Spies) calling for healing will have a speech bubble with a red cross appear over their heads. When playing as a Medic, these bubbles are additionally visible through walls and will have an on-screen indicator pointing to the player of origin when it is not in front of you.

The "help" call is context-sensitive; if the player using it is standing on an enemy control point or pushing a Payload cart, he will request help with capturing the point or cart. If the player using it is standing on a team-owned control point, they will request help in defending the point. The "Spy" call is also context-sensitive: Pointing at a character and using the Spy command will result in your character calling that character a Spy (unless you're a Pyro). This works on players of both teams, and regardless to the whether that character is actually a Spy. The "Medic" call is context-sensitive only for the Scout, Soldier, Heavy, Engineer, Sniper, and Spy: Pointing at the Medic and using the Medic command as any of these classes will result in your character asking the Medic to follow the player. In addition, by using the "Battle Cry" call on an enemy with a certain weapon out, your character will speak lines similar to the lines spoken when making a duel with another player, as well as some unique lines which can only be heard by this command. This also works if you're disguised as an enemy as Spy. So using it can blow your cover instantly.

Voice commands used by disguised Spies behave differently; to the Spy himself and to the enemy team, these commands will sound as the disguised class; to teammates, the Spy will sound normal.

It is to be noted, that when trying to use voice commands in a script, that each of the menus has a different number that must be used. For example, voice menu 1 would be voice menu 0 when trying to script. More information can be found in the Wiki's Scripting page.

语音菜单 1 语音菜单 2 语音菜单 3
默认按键: Z 默认按键: X 默认按键: C
  1. 医生!
  2. 谢谢!
  3. 冲,冲,冲!
  4. 前进!
  5. 向左
  6. 向右
  7. 好的
  8. 不行
  9. 给我传球!
  1. 敌人来袭
  2. 当心间谍
  3. 前面有步哨
  4. 这里需要传送器
  5. 这里需要补给器
  6. 这里需要步哨
  7. 激活 UberCharge
  8. 医生:UberCharge 就绪
  9. 给我传球!
  1. 救命!
  2. 战争嘶吼
  3. 欢呼
  4. 嘲弄
  5. 高兴
  6. 失望
  7. 打得漂亮!
  8. 干得好




  • [未记载] 增加了语音命令的防刷屏限制。大幅度减少了「这里需要补给器!」的使用次数。

2011年4月14日补丁 (无帽更新)

  • 更新了十字镐在使用时不能呼叫医生。


  • 增加了社区贡献的语音命令。



  • [未记载] 修复了机枪手和士兵在播放一些语音命令时没有做出相应动作的问题。


  • Fixed the voicemenu command being used to lag servers.
