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Revision as of 13:23, 17 December 2010 by Juffin (talk | contribs) (in progress...)
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Pl cashworks rc2 01.jpg
Basic Information
Developer(s): Unknown
Map Photos
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Cashworks - карта режима Сопровождение, состоящая из одного этапа и выполненная в Альпийском стиле. Задача Синих - толкать вагонетку до последней из 4 контрольных точек, в то время, как Красные будут организовывать оборону и пытаться помешать им.

Основная особенность этой карты - большой бункер на финальной контрольной точке. После того, как нападающие захватят последнюю точку, вагонетка взрывается и дверь бункера разрушается, открывая огромный сундук с золотом, находящийся внутри.


Контрольная точка A

Контрольная точка A находится под высоким зданием, находящимся в основании двух склонов с обеих сторон.

Контрольная точка B

Контрольная точка B находится в конце длинного извилистого холма со стороны Синих.

Контрольная точка C

Контрольная точка C находится сразу за деревянным мостом, ведущим на финальную контрольную точку.

Контрольная точка D

Контрольная точка D находится прямо перед бункером, дверь которого разрушается взрывом вагонетки.


Лог изменений



  • once again framerates via func_occluder
  • added final fx-explosion by jive turkey
  • added 3d-eagle-model by Nik instead of eagle-texture
  • readjusted vault-explosion-sound by Tomster
  • slightly reduced respawntime for red to defend cp3&4
  • changed ammopack at cp3 to a full-ammo-pack
  • changed some visuals at construction site
  • slight visual changes on building 03
  • tons of minor visual bugs corrected
  • big crate near cp4 is now accessable without having to duckjump, just walk in
  • added ammo-pack there to support defensive structures at that point



  • improved framerates as good as possible
  • merged 2nd and 3rd blu spawn to one spawn:

- makes the engi´s life easier - gates prevent spawncamping

  • pushed cp3 further to the bridge, provided sentrypositions, decreased respawn by 1sec for red
  • imported custom cap-point-signs with new alpine-logos
  • renamed CPs to loading dock, serpentines, power house, vault
  • minor skybox changes
  • fixed stickies not sticking to ground at last cp
  • fixed people getting stuck in underground red spawnroomdoor
  • enlarged some doortriggers for smoother opening
  • decreased explosion radius
  • several lighting-adjustments
  • fixed radius where people get smashed by the door
  • several minor visual changes and object adjustment
  • many many small changes not worth an own "*"



  • hopefully fixed entity overflow crash
  • reduced filesize by 20mb
  • eagle screech less frequent
  • fixed teleport selfdestruction on final point area
  • fixed names of CPs
  • applied alternative teamlogos to model
  • made middlepart of bridge less narrow
  • small texture changes

известные пробелмы:

  • some texture-errors due to inexperience with lightmaps, need to finetune that
  • whatever you see, plz report



  • added rotating eagles with sound and rotating clouds in skybox
  • added new teamlogos for red and blu, enjoy!
  • entierly reworked interior of vault
  • vault-door is now falling out to the front, smashing whoever comes in its way, making appropriate sound
  • u got now a small window to escape the explosion, good luck!
  • reedited undergrond exit from blue initial spawn and the building to the right
  • made first building on right less ugly
  • moved CP1 a little nearer
  • small edits on buildings in sector 1
  • gave more room to pass the cart on the serpentines
  • moved CP2 a little bit further away
  • decreased respawntime for red for cp2 & cp3
  • edited buildings at cp2 to make them more intuitional and less complicated
  • minor trackchange on way to cp3
  • moved cp3 a small bit further, made it more defendable
  • on CP4 opened up another sentry position, unified the doors leading out of of the Spawnroom
  • platform above CP4 is now again accessable for red via duckjump
  • expanded trigger_hurt so people wont exploit jumping down the balcony and trapping people
  • pimped up some empty rooms and unfinished looking areas

Авторы: New Alpine Team Logos and eagles [C$W] moe Vault Door Sound [C$W] tomster



  • Added Thumbnail for Quickserver-list
  • Adjusted Respawntime for Red for 2nd to last cp
  • moved 1st Blu forward spawn, deleted route to other side after CP2 is taken to slightly increase traveltime for BLU to 3rd
  • tweaked and added sentryposition at CP2
  • added route to CP3 for BLU
  • added cover for sentryposition at CP3 and CP4
  • boosted and added healthkits and ammopacks
  • minor architectural changes
  • added gold_displacement to vault-treasure
  • further detailing
  • alligned several textures



  • Improved Bankvault Model/Animation/Texture
  • Addad valve´s explosions to the scene (parts hanging midair are due to the fact that its preanimated)
  • Fixed the Teleport-Self-Destruct problem, if it still happens, tell me where plz
  • Changed Timer allowing to go above 10 mins playtime on the clock
  • Further optimization
  • General Clipping improvement
  • Pimped the skybox
  • Changed rocktexture
  • Added Red Logo Spray

Первая секция:

  • Added platform right side before the cp
  • Added 2 small shack on left side behind house
  • Adjusted view distances

Вторая секция:

  • Narrowed down the platform protecting the cp, added small platform at middle pillar as sentryposition and protection for blu
  • Remodelled the serpentines, much smoother now
  • Simple changes at houses at bottom

Третья секция:

  • Removed invisible stair-clipping

4-ая и финал:

  • Right side bottom floor door is now opening both ways
  • Right side, platform, added some cover, medipack is now medium
  • Right side red spawn is now a little more seperated
  • added roofstructure to left side of bankvault
  • added large box to the balcony over the pit for giving blu a more advanced sentryposition
  • made it harder to camp the bridge
  • changed gold-texture

и т.д...

Сделать: Texture improvement/alignment, Track less bumpy, Further improve Skybox, propably some clipping, any exploit you sneaky engis,demos and snipers find... whatever you see, report plz

Спасибо за моральную и техническую поддержку:

From TF2MAPS.NET: FLOOR_MASTER, Mangy Carface, bob+M

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