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< Dueling Mini-Game
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当末日将至, 只要在地球上还有两个人活着, 其中的一人必将夺取另一人的生命.
迷你游戏:决斗!是能够让玩家为了决斗向另一个玩家发出挑战的 操作物品 . 此物品能够使用5次. 它在 背包 中的图标是两把交叉,团队色的大使手枪.

迷你游戏:决斗!在使用前需要装备在玩家当前所使用兵种的 动作槽 中, 或者可以在连接到一个服务器后通过在 背包 中选中迷你游戏:决斗!并点击使用按钮来使用. 当迷你游戏:决斗!被使用时, 游戏会询问你是否要挑战一位正在军团要塞2游戏中你的steam好友 ,或者是一位在你当前所在服务器的玩家。 在使用后游戏也会弹出一条通知 ,且被你发起决斗的玩家可以选择是否接受挑战 。 在决斗开始前, 发出挑战的一方可以选择是否只能使用某一兵种进行挑战。 如果选择了限制使用某一兵种进行挑战, 双方在整局游戏中都只能使用这一职业进行决斗 (但选择兵种的面板还是能打开的, 但当其中一方换兵种后将不再记录决斗的比分). 当一位玩家向另一位玩家发出决斗时, 在当前服务器的所有玩家都会收到一条通知(xxx向xxx发出了决斗). 一位玩家只能同时进行一场决斗,但在一个服务器上可以同时进行多场决斗.

If both players accept, the duel begins. This item will not be consumed if the other player refuses the duel. At the end of the round, whoever has more duel points wins. Kills and assists against the opponent, including "finished off" credited kills, are worth 1 point.

The item's quantity is not reduced if the server changes level, one of the players is kicked, or the score is tied.

When a duel is accepted or rejected, the classes involved may speak special responses.

The duel leaderboard can be seen here, which lists the players with the most duel wins.

Each day, the person worldwide with the most duel wins from the previous day is given the Dueler hat.


The goal is to obtain Duel Points by killing the opposing duelist or assisting in their death. The player's opponent will have an icon above his head to identify him, similar to a domination. The Scoreboard will also change to show the amount of Duel Points of each player, replacing the usual information available through it. In addition, both parties will be notified via pop-up message with each point scored.

Whoever has more duel points by the end of the round wins. Alternatively, if one of the duelists leaves the server or changes teams, their opponent wins, regardless of whether or not they change back or reconnect (including use of the 'retry' console command).

The Dueling Mini-Game is canceled if one of the duelists is kicked or forced into another team (as a result of automatic balancing, for example), the server resets, or the map changes, although the duel continues if players vote to restart the map. If both player score the same amount of points when the round ends, the Dueling Mini-Game item is not consumed.

Audio Cues

Cues are taken from the song Playing With Danger.

Accompanied by a class response.

Winning badges

Regardless of the result, upon completing their first duel the player is given the Bronze Dueling Badge. The badge will also level up with every tenth win. When this happens, the player gets a random item along with another "Dueling Mini-Game" with 5 uses. These items are announced to the server as "%playername% has earned: %itemname%", rather than the usual "has found" template. At levels 25, 50, and 75 the badge will increase in quality. After that, the badge will continue to climb in levels up to level 100, but will no longer change. Dueling badges currently only show wins, not losses.

Level 1
(play a duel)
Bronze Dueling Badge Bronze Dueling Badge
Level 25
(win 240 duels)
Silver Dueling Badge Silver Dueling Badge
Level 50
(win 490 duels)
Gold Dueling Badge Gold Dueling Badge
Level 75
(win 740 duels)
Platinum Dueling Badge Platinum Dueling Badge


Update history

2010年9月30日补丁 (Mann-Conomy Update)
  • 迷你游戏:决斗!被加入了游戏中


  • 当正在进行决斗时, 只要迷你游戏:决斗!被使用了,就暂时不能被删除,交易,或者进行合成。
  • 迷你游戏:决斗!现在只能使用5次。


  • 修复了在Mac上进行游戏的玩家无法收到有关物品,决斗等通知的bug。


  • 增加了一个排行榜来记录玩家决斗胜利的次数。


  • 在回合开始前(还在准备阶段时)迷你游戏:决斗!将无法使用。
  • 当一位玩家向另一位玩家发起决斗时,而那一位玩家也向这位玩家发起决斗时,决斗会自动开始。
  • 当服务器的插件强制你更换队伍时,迷你游戏:决斗!将不会被消耗


  • 决斗结果的通知现在会显示决斗胜利一方的steam名称。

2011年4月14日补丁 (Hatless Update)

  • 增加了限制使用兵种进行决斗的选项。


  • Updated duels to apply a short duel ban to the loser if they team switched or disconnected during the duel.


  • Added a daily periodic reward hat for duel wins.


  • Fixed a noclip exploit related to dueling and coaching


  • Fixed the Duels leaderboard not displaying current counts.


  • Fixed a bug related to overhead icons disappearing (Dueling Partner).

2015年7月2日补丁 (Gun Mettle Update)

  • Updated Duels to not consume a duel for a non-zero tie.

2017年8月2日补丁 #1

  • Fixed being able to accept a duel request during the round-end bonus time.


  • If the teams are scrambled after a duel is set up, both duelists may be on the same team, but the duel is not ended.
  • If two or more duels are going on concurrently in a server and one of them ends, the other duels may have their scores locked; the scoreboards of the remaining duelists will go back to normal, but the duels will only actually conclude when they would normally do so (if the round ends, etc.).
  • If a Spy disguises as a player with the Dueling Mini-Game equipped in their action slot, pressing the action key will bring up the duel prompt, even if the Spy player does not have it equipped. However, selecting a player from the prompt will do nothing.
  • Both the in-game leaderboard and the online leaderboard are currently frozen and have been for some time; however, both dueling and the dueling badge still work correctly and the badge will level up after 10 duel wins.


  • If the badge is deleted, a new one will be awarded upon completing another duel. This new badge will have the same stats as the old one, but with a new "date received".
  • It was stated in an interview with Gabe Newell that the Dueling Mini-Game spun-off from a full game mode idea. Gabe Newell also hinted at the possibility of adding other mini-games in the future.[1] [2]


See also
