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The Engineer has a sturdy built, but a poor amount of health. He is average at self-defense, requiring the firepower of his Sentry Guns and assistance from his Dispensers.
- Engineers are high priority targets. A team without a Sentry Gun or Dispenser is at a disadvantage.
- His Sentry Gun is quite vulnerable when you stay out of its range and the Engineer is not there to assist.
- A lone Engineer is not credit to his team, so if you take one down away from the main front, the enemy is probably trying to keep his buildings alive. Use this weakness to target them.
- The Engineer is a fragile class with a very short stature. Using this fact, aiming direct damages into him can take him down in a couple of seconds.
- The Engineer runs at an average pace, but he is restricted in a certain distance away from his buildings in order to keep them safe. So, if you see him running away, you can guess that he is running toward the nearest buildings.
- The Engineer is an average fighter even without his Sentry Gun, but if you work as a team, he could be outmatched in no time.
Weapon Specific
A list of useful tidbits about the Engineer's tools, and how to counter them.
Primary Weapons
- Shotguns has a very wide spread the farther you are, so aggravating an Engineer could cause him to try to chase you down. Use this to your advantage and kill him when he is disconnected from his buildings
Frontier Justice
- An Engineer that dies before his Sentry Gun will not receive his Revenge Crits.
Secondary Weapons

Pistol / Lugermorph
- The Wrangler shield provides the Sentry Gun with 60% damage reduction. Killing the Engineer will remove the shield.
- Engineers using the Wrangler suffer from tunnel-vision. This makes them vulnerable to attacks from the side and rear.
Melee Weapons

Wrench / Golden Wrench
- The Gunslinger must chain hits rapidly for the three-punch combo to take effect. Try to avoid getting hit too often to negate the combo.
Southern Hospitality
- Engineers are more susceptible to burn damage when using the Southern Hospitality.
- The Jag has reduced melee damage, but is still capable of critical damage.
Sentry Guns
- Sentry Guns are the highest priority when deciding which building to destroy.
- An Engineer behind his Sentry Gun is protected from splash damage at the front, but can easily be damaged by splash damage to the side.
- Sentry Guns can be damaged from around corners without having a chance to (fully) lock on to the attacker.
- Engineers that switch to their Shotgun or Pistol to dispose of Stickies placed at the base of their buildings leave them vulnerable to damage.
- Sentry Guns are slow to turn. If approached from a blind spot, the enemy can run around the gun while meleeing it without taking damage.
- Dispensers are vulnerable to being destroyed, as Engineers are often preoccupied with repairing their Sentry Guns. This slows building maintenance.
- Dispensers are the second highest priority when facing a defensive team.
- Teleporters that won't go down are most likely being repaired from the other side. Out-damage the repair rate to successfully destroy them.
- Teleporters are the second highest priority when facing an offensive team.
See also