Hat Describing Contest
O Hat Describing Contest(Concurso de Descrição de Chapéus) foi um concurso anunciado em 14 de Agosto de 2010
Após críticas de que os concursos anteriores relacionados ao Team Fortress 2 tinham excluido jogadores sem habilidade ou conhecimento em modelagem em 3D, a equipe do Team Fortress 2 anunciou este concurso no blog com objetivo de alcançar o resto da comunidade registados no forum. O objetivo do concurso foi permitir que os membros da comunidade darem uma descrição ao vários chapéus do jogo.
Diretrizes e Prazo
O prazo para o Concurso foi 27 de agosto de 2010. As inscrições foram publicadas em seus tópicos no Fórums dos Usuários do Steam.
Regras de Envios
- Dê uma breve descrição interessante do item em 75 palavras ou menos.
- Você deve ser o único autor da descrição e o material deve ser original de você.
- As descrições vencedoras de cada item serão determinadas pela equipe TF2 e poderão ser utilizadas no jogo.
Não houve prêmios, além das descrições dos vencedores serem adicionadas ao jogo.
Lista de Vencedores
Nome no Fórum | Classe | Hat | Descrição | Postagem no Fórum |
TheTwoTonHammer | Scout | Capacete do Batedor |
You'll be batting a thousand (skulls in) when you don this red piece of plastic! | [16703947&postcount=92 Link] (inglês) |
PrO-bOy | Scout | Capacete Bonk |
When drinking one radioactive beverage at a time is not enough. | [16728530&postcount=238 Link] (inglês) |
Doreauxgard42 | Scout | Antigo Chapéu do Ardina |
Extra! Extra! You're frickin' dead! | [16691190&postcount=15 Link] (inglês) |
AndyAML | Scout | Penteado de Jogador de Basebol |
Everyone knows that speed is a Scout’s best friend. Why weigh yourself down with bulky hats when you can break the sound barrier without them? | [16696136&postcount=84 Link] (inglês) |
spam_word | Scout | Gorro do Arruaceiro |
Straight outta control point. | [16698209&postcount=73 Link] (inglês) |
Sketch56 | Scout | Coroa dos Crachás |
You'd have to be a jughead not to realize this cap is the pinnacle of fashion for the discerning youth. | [16691818&postcount=22 Link] (inglês) |
Man Of Faith ™ | Soldier | Utensílios do Soldado |
This hat does not in any way, shape or form, promote smoking or gambling. | [16694513&postcount=60 Link] (inglês) |
DrMelon | Soldier | Elmo do Tirano |
I kicked your ass so hard it went back in time and got me this VIKING HAT. | [16701458&postcount=143 Link] (inglês) |
cypherx82 | Soldier | Panela Inoxidável |
Protects cranium from bullets and shrapnel. Also heats soup. | [16705785&postcount=235 Link] (inglês) |
Lamech | Soldier | Medalha de Serviço de Cavalheiro |
Given to those few, brave soldiers whom stood guard valiantly, without sleep, nourishment, or a social life. | [16711456&postcount=33 Link] (inglês) |
f3doraman | Soldier | Kabuto do Assassino |
A haiku for war. To defeat one's enemies. Honor the crocket. | [16742747&postcount=299 Link] (inglês) |
peregrine7 | Soldier | Chapéu do Sargento |
This hat is a handy replacement for profanity-filled ranting when you don't feel like shouting yourself hoarse. | [16691028&postcount=19 Link] (inglês) |
Colonelcool | Pyro | Luva de Borracha Sem Respeito |
It doesn't matter how much people respect you when they're on fire. | [16696827&postcount=131 Link] (inglês) |
crushilista | Pyro | Triboniophorus Tiranus |
At least he's still telling you to burn things. | [p=16714048&postcount=308 Link] (inglês) |
ASpieboy | Pyro | Capacete de Bombeiro Vitoriano |
Pyro wears this in tribute to the many firefighters who have perished trying to quell his flames. | [16695914&postcount=65 Link] (inglês) |
JJ10DMAN | Pyro | Bigodaça Cavalheiresca |
The most distinguished tape-on fire-retardant facial hair available, for the discerning gentleman of conflagration. | [16708083&postcount=15 Link] (inglês) |
icenine0 | Demoman | Tricórnio do Bêbedo |
Three sharp corners mean one sharp hat. Don't poke your eye out. | [16692128&postcount=27 Link] (inglês) |
Potatoblight | Heavy | Ushanka do Oficial |
This hat was made of bear hands. That bear was killed with bare hands. | [16691082&postcount=21 Link] (inglês) |
FarazParsa | Heavy | Barrete do Durão |
Because when you're the toughest Mother Hubbard in the fort, nobody's criticizing your fashion sense. | [16691575&postcount=21 Link] (inglês) |
Silentman | Heavy | Hound Dog |
Your opponents will be all shook up when they see these sweet shades and coif. | [16692791&postcount=45 Link] (inglês) |
ravn0s | Engineer | Lanterna de Mineiro |
For Engineers with bright ideas. | [16725207&postcount=175 Link] (inglês) |
drewhead118 | Engineer | Dez-Galões do Texas |
Though it looks like a simple ten-gallon hat, this modern feat of engineering actually contains more moving parts than a level 2 Sentry Gun. | [16691913&postcount=24 Link] (inglês) |
FarazParsa | Engineer | Carecada à Moda do Texas |
Sometimes you just need a little less hat. | [16691465&postcount=34 Link] (inglês) |
Shapechanger | Engineer | Máscara de Soldar |
Mock the sun with streaks of flame as the UV rays bounce harmlessly away from your eyeballs. | [16690629&postcount=9 Link] (inglês) |
foxtrot261 | Engineer | Som e Salvo |
It gets difficult trying to calculate the total external applied torque to a body's rotational motion through its moment of momentum vector while the distracting sounds of gunfire and death are all around you. Build a better, safer machine with the silence of the Safe'n'Sound! | [16740730&postcount=320 Link] (inglês) |
This_Is_Not_Spy | Medic | Pickelhaube Prussiano |
A relic from one war brought into another. Your enemy will get the point. | [16690736&postcount=9 Link] (inglês) |
CptObvious | Medic | Espelho Frontal de Otorrinolaringologista |
We can't pronounce it either. | [16691543&postcount=16 Link] (inglês) |
AgentJAK | Medic | Máscara Cirúrgica |
Scrub in... things are about to get messy. | [16709521&postcount=23 Link] (inglês) |
Esquilax | Medic | Boina do Cavalheiro |
While lacking the cachet of other hats, the Gatsby nonetheless possesses its own sartorial elegance. Its understated and affable charm appeals to everyone, whether playing a round of golf with friends or performing non-elective surgery with a well-polished Bonesaw. | [16741120&postcount=124 Link] (inglês) |
Limeaide | Sniper | Cinto Troféu |
Any old sap can pull teeth from a dead crocodile. It takes a man to pull teeth from a live one. | [16699324&postcount=81 Link] (inglês) |
Nineaxis | Sniper | Panamá do Profissional |
A polite, efficient hat to wear when killing everyone you meet. | [16690063&postcount=3 Link] (inglês) |
Magi Kavin | Sniper | Cinturão Amarelo do Mestre |
Only a master of Jarate earns the right to wear this once-white bandanna, stained yellow from the rigors of a harsh training regimen. | [16690008&postcount=3 Link] (inglês) |
Jinbei | Sniper | Penteado com Gel Fixador |
His bullet was close. I lost my hat. My bullet was closer. He lost his head. | [16723126&postcount=172 Link] (inglês) |
G.I.R. | Sniper | Sola Topi do Caçador |
Perfect for exploring the outback and the inside of people's heads. | [16690574&postcount=5 Link] (inglês) |
Reclaimer077 | Sniper | Chapéu do Pescador Profissional |
Gone Snipin'. | [16692146&postcount=22 Link] (inglês) |
Kenori | Spy | Fedora Chique |
This smooth, suave, silk-lined beauty can turn any amateur backstabber into a handsome rogue. | [16693016&postcount=50 Link] (inglês) |
caeonosphere | Spy | Chapéu de Coco do Caluniador |
For when you wish your head was a little taller, but just as round on top. | [16691126&postcount=11 Link] (inglês) |
Codo | Spy | Barba com Câmara |
You wouldn't mind if I read this top secret document with my beard, would you? | [16732315&postcount=176 Link] (inglês) |
Shapechanger | Spy | Peruca do Magistrado |
They say justice is blind. What they don't tell you is that justice is also invisible, and also less interested in justice than murder. | [16691131&postcount=18 Link] (inglês) |
SoulDestroy | Spy | Boina do Francês |
Because real espionage is an artform. | [16714353&postcount=124 Link] (inglês) |
AndyAML | Todas as classes | Lamento do Batoteiro |
Though some would stop at nothing to achieve hats, you remained resolute and incorruptible in your quest for head decorations. For that, you have been rewarded. | [16697084&postcount=112 Link] (inglês) |
Esquilax | Todas as classes | Gibus Sinistro |
Elegant simplicity and old-world charm combined with the heady aromas of mould and grave dust. | [16695701&postcount=65 Link] (inglês) |
Duffren | Todas as classes | Máscara do Dia das Bruxas Ligeiramente Perturbadora |
Brown paper never looked so mildly disturbing. | [16697847&postcount=87 Link] (inglês) |
Calvary | Todas as classes | Chapéu do Bill |
Left 4 You. | [16711985&postcount=191 Link] (inglês) |
Fredrik1ST | Todas as classes | Pilha Modesta de Chapéus |
Because a Gentleman is not one without one. | [16703909&postcount=109 Link] (inglês) |
Nekopawed | Todas as classes | Acumulação Nobre de Chapéus |
For the Gentleman who believes even his hat deserves a hat. | [16706550&postcount=86 Link] (inglês) |
Coconuts | Todas as classes | Pilha Enorme de Chapéus |
A-ha-ha! You are as PRESUMPTUOUS as you are POOR and IRISH. Tarnish notte the majesty of my TOWER of HATS. | [16720507&postcount=238 Link] (inglês) |
crushilista | Todas as classes | Mercenário |
Even though you were late to the party, you were still the life of it. | [16712168&postcount=27 Link] (inglês) |
Optimus357 | Todas as classes | Soldado da Fortuna |
Sure, some may have been doing it longer. But you've proven few can do it better. | [16716237&postcount=27 Link] (inglês) |
SappinMySentry | Todas as classes | Veterano Grisalho |
Display this on your chest proudly, Soldier. Each time you kill someone, they'll know they weren't the first. | [16708532&postcount=7 Link] (inglês) |
NB820 | Todas as classes | Guerreiro Pioneiro |
A true warrior's medal, given to those who fought before the battle even started. | [16707885&postcount=7 Link] (inglês) |
Grug | Todas as classes | Parasita do Alien Swarm |
This cute little guy was once the scourge of humanity in another time and place. Now he's content to ride on your head and keep the sun off. | [16690096&postcount=9 Link] (inglês) |
Links Externos
- Hat Describing Contest (inglês)