“ | A Gargoyle is somewhere on the map!
— Merasmus
” |
獵魂石像鬼在 2015 年的《尖叫要塞VII》(Scream Fortress VII)活動中加進游戲裏,並在之後的《尖叫要塞》活動中再次引入。在近年的活動期間,從未擁有過獵魂石像鬼的玩家只要登入游戲便會自動獲得一個,但游戲在活動前幾天就已經開始讓玩家可以完成萬聖節合約任務,並且可以收集靈魂。
在 2015 年和 2016 年的萬聖節活動時,石像鬼還會給予玩家游玩魔拉斯合約的權限,但在 2017 石像鬼被全新的 ConTracker 取代了,而完成的魔拉斯合約數量也會計算到石像鬼裏。
半透明綠色版本的石像鬼(有時候被稱爲石像鬼靈魂)是在萬聖節地圖隨機生成的物品,取代原先的萬聖節禮物,並且生成的地方也一樣。當石像鬼靈魂出現時,魔拉斯會親自告知玩家,讓他們拾起只有自己能看見、屬於自己的石像鬼靈魂。拾起石像鬼靈魂時,會有一大堆的白色軌跡飛進玩家體内,玩家也會獲得相當於殺了 10 名敵人的靈魂數量。雖然玩家只能看到屬於自己的石像鬼靈魂,但撿起時的動作其他玩家能夠看得一清二楚。從靈魂石像鬼獲得的靈魂也會計算到萬聖節任務當中。
等級 | 靈魂收集數 | 名稱 |
0 | 0 | 面容慘淡 |
1 | 666 | 愚蠢呆板 |
2 | 1337 | 輕蔑以對 |
3 | 2000 | 稍有開心 |
4 | 4000 | 有些滿意 |
5 | 6000 | 滿是高興 |
6 | 8000 | 非常愉快 |
7 | 10000 | 常保愉悅 |
8 | 12000 | 面容莊嚴 |
9 | 14000 | 驕傲外露 |
10 | 16000 | 高雅身分 |
11 | 18000 | 身披榮耀 |
12 | 20000 | 崇高至極 |
13 | 22000 | 震懾四方 |
14 | 24000 | 駭人魔鬼 |
15 | 26000 | 壯觀鬼面 |
16 | 28000 | 雄偉體態 |
17 | 30000 | 史詩石像 |
18 | 32000 | 傳奇石鬼 |
19 | 34000 | 澳洲神獸 |
20 | 36000 | 魔之至寶 |
等級 1 (0 個靈魂) |
一座神情悲傷,拿著一個頭顱的石頭石像鬼。 | |
等級 2 (666 個靈魂) |
一座看起來很愚昧,拿著一顆 12 面骰子的黃銅石像鬼。骰子上面包含 1 個天鵝標誌、 9 個職業職業標誌、一個薩克斯頓·霍爾的標誌,以及一個香煙的標誌(代表管理員)。 | |
等級 3 (1337 個靈魂) |
一座正在冷笑、拿著來至漫畫《石像鬼與碎石》出現過會説話南瓜的白銀石像鬼。 | |
等級 4 (2000 個靈魂) |
一座高興、拿著一堆《石像鬼與碎石》漫畫(最頂的那本是《礫石大師的手冊》)的澳元素石像鬼。 | |
注意:在等級 4 之後,石像鬼的模組再也不會有改變,能改變的就只有石像鬼的名字。 |
- 主頁面:萬聖突變
萬聖突變功能允許玩家使用 3 件合乎資格的物品來換取一件不能交易、不能合成的萬聖節裝飾物。
玩家在每 10 次變異就會額外獲得一件詛咒物品作爲獎勵。
- 主頁面:社群萬聖節地圖策略:攝魂石像鬼
2010 年萬聖節成就
Update history
(Added the Soul Gargoyle)
- Collect the souls of dead players for your Gargoyle by killing enemies, doing map objectives, or collecting the Soul Gargoyles that spawn in the maps
- All players who launch the game will receive a Gargoyle
- Gives access to Merasmissions and Halloween item transmutations
- Tracks Merasmissions completed and souls collected
- [未記載] Updated the description of the Soul Gargoyle.
- [未記載] Updated the description of the Soul Gargoyle.
2016年10月21日更新 #1 (Scream Fortress VIII)
- Continue last year's event by collecting the souls of dead players for your Soul Gargoyle by killing enemies, doing map objectives, or collecting the Soul Gargoyles that spawn in the maps
- All players who launch the game will receive a Soul Gargoyle if they don't already have one from last year's event.
- [未記載] Updated the description for the Soul Gargoyle.
- [未記載] Added new ranks for the Soul Gargoyle.
2017年10月20日更新 (Jungle Inferno Update)
- [未記載] Updated the description for the Soul Gargoyle.
2018年10月19日更新 (Scream Fortress X)
- All players who launch the game will receive a Soul Gargoyle if they don't already have one
- Grants access to Merasmissions and Halloween item transmutations
- Tracks Merasmissions completed and souls collected
- Continue last year's event by collecting the souls of dead players for your Soul Gargoyle by killing enemies, doing map objectives, or collecting the Soul Gargoyles that spawn in the maps
2019年10月10日更新 (Scream Fortress XI)
- All players who launch the game will receive a Soul Gargoyle if they don't already have one
- Grants access to Merasmissions and item transmutations
- Tracks Merasmissions completed and souls collected
- Continue last year's event by collecting the souls of dead players for your Soul Gargoyle by killing enemies, doing map objectives, or collecting the Soul Gargoyles that spawn in the maps
- [未記載] Fixed the Spooky Spoils Collection not appearing on the Soul Gargoyle's list of Scream Fortress Collections.