Template:Mvm mission Ujealous

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Revision as of 14:49, 3 April 2021 by Wealthy Diamond (talk | contribs) (Added wave 3)
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Note: Some of the wave bar shown in-game are not actual part of the wave, the following only show actual part of the wave. Some subwave shown here doesn't spawn robot, they only used for message shown in-game.

Sub-wave Class Count Delay(s) Credits
Wave 1 (606 Credits)
1A-1 Print Message "Most waves will feature ingame music and sounds." 2
Print Message "It is advised to turn off music you may have playing in the bg for a better experience." 7
Print Message "It is also advised to turn down your 'Music Volume' slider in Options." 12
Print Message "If a song happens to not end with the wave (wave victory or failure), type 'snd_restart' in the console." 16
Print Message "Messages will also appear during waves, so make sure to read them." 21
Print Message "Some additional information that you need to know:" 25
Print Message "Projectile Shield is banned." 28
Print Message "The Short Circuit is banned." 29
Print Message "Most waves will feature ingame music and sounds." 30
Print Message "Good luck and have fun!." 33
1A-2 Print Message "UltraRobotKiller2342 has joined the game" 83

Boomerang Soldier
Expert 1 6 10 0 2 50

Expert Pictogram minus.png Cannot fire weapon
2 6 16 0 3 50

No Heal Medic
Expert Pictogram minus.png -100% heal rate

Boomerang Soldier
Expert 8 8 8 0 2 50

Airblast Pyro
Expert Fires continuously
Pictogram info.png Play sound when subwave start spawning
6 6 18 0 0 50
Demo burst

Giant Misfire Demo
Expert Pictogram info.png Play sound when subwave start spawning
Pictogram info.png Play sound when subwave is over
1 1 1 15 0 0

Airblast Pyro
Expert Fires continuously 1 6 24 0 0 100

Expert Pictogram minus.png Cannot fire weapon
1 8 10 0 2.4 100
Soldier barrage homing nys

Colonel Baddage
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Pictogram plus.png Rocket homing towards player
1 1 1 0 0 56
1E-2 Play Audio Pictogram info.png Play sound when subwave is active 2.3
Play Audio Pictogram info.png Play sound when subwave is active 4
Play Audio Pictogram info.png Play sound when subwave is active 6.9
Play Audio Pictogram info.png Play sound when subwave is active 8.6
Play Audio Pictogram info.png Play sound when subwave is active 11.6
Play Audio Pictogram info.png Play sound when subwave is active 14.3

Clickin' Sniper
Expert Machina
Fires continuously
Begins after 1A-1 is all dead
4 4 4 45 0 50

The Worst Hitman
Expert Primary only
Begins after 1B-2 and 1C is all dead
1 4 8 0 2 50

Clickin' Sniper
Expert Machina
Fires continuously
Begins after 1D-1 is all dead
2 2 2 0 25 50
Wave 2 (606 Credits)
Pictogram info.png Bomb does not spawn in this wave
Pictogram comment.png Player teamwipe result wave loss
2A-1 Play Audio Pictogram info.png Play sound when subwave is active
Print Message "Slime is falling from the sky!" 1
Print Message "UltraRobotKiller2342 has joined the game" 56
Slime green

Green Slime
Normal 1 6 12 2 1 75
Slime green

Green Slime
Normal 4 4 8 2 8 75
Slime blue

Blue Slime
Normal 1 6 10 2 1 75
Slime blue

Blue Slime
Normal 2 8 16 0 2.5 75
Slime purple

Purple Slime
Normal 1 3 6 0 3 75
Slime green

Green Slime
Normal 6 6 12 0 0 75
Slime purple

Purple Slime
Normal 1 3 6 0 3 75
Slime green

Green Slime
Normal 1 5 14 0 1 50
Boss king slime

King Slime
Expert Pictogram info.png Play sound when subwave start spawning 1 1 1 0 1.5 200
Print Message "King Slime has awoken!"
Pictogram info.png Print message when "King Slime" spawned
Print Message "King Slime has been defeated."
Pictogram info.png Print message when "King Slime" is dead
2D-1 Print Message "Slime has stopped falling from the sky." 0
2D-2 Play Audio Pictogram info.png Play sound when subwave is active 0
Print Message "You feel an evil presence watching you..." 4
Boss eoc

Eye of Cthulhu
Expert Pictogram info.png Icon is hidden
Pictogram info.png Play sound when subwave start spawning
1 1 1 23 0 0
Print Message "Eye of Cthulhu has awoken!"
Pictogram info.png Print message when "Eye of Cthulhu" spawned
Boss eoc phase2

Eye of Cthulhu
Expert Pictogram info.png Play sound when subwave start spawning 1 1 1 5 0 200
Print Message "Eye of Cthulhu has been defeated."
Pictogram info.png Print message when "Eye of Cthulhu" is dead
Slime green

Green Slime
Normal Pictogram info.png Icon is hidden
Pictogram info.png Comes from "King Slime"
Begins after 2C-2 has finished spawning
4 16 16 0 0.5 50
Slime blue

Blue Slime
Slime purple

Purple Slime
Slime green

Green Slime
Normal Pictogram info.png Icon is hidden
Pictogram info.png Comes from "King Slime"
Begins after 2C-2 is all dead
8 8 8 0 0.5 50
Slime blue

Blue Slime
Slime purple

Purple Slime
Boss eye minion

Servant of Cthulhu
Hard Begins after 2D-2 has finished spawning
Ends after 2D-2 is all dead
1 5 5 23 3 0
Boss eye minion

Servant of Cthulhu
Hard Begins after 2D-2 is all dead 1 12 12 2 0.4 0
Wave 3 (0 Credits)
Pictogram info.png Bomb does not spawn in this wave

Hard Pictogram info.png Icon is hidden
Pictogram info.png Robot stops running after 5 seconds
Pictogram plus.png Immune to any damage
1 1 1 6 0 0
3B Print Message "Scout: Greetings, mercenaries." 7
Print Message "Scout: Do not worry, I am not here to deploy a detonation device within the premises of your base." 14
Print Message "Scout: I have come here to deliver a message." 18
Print Message "Scout: Due to technical difficulties, the robot army will arrive with a small delay in this wave." 24
Print Message "Scout: The reasoning for that is unknown to me, but it's probably Captain Punch drinking motor oil again." 30
Print Message "Scout: On behalf of the robot army, I would like to apologize for the inconvenience." 34
Print Message "Scout: The designated robots for this wave will arrive as fast as possible." 38
Play Audio Pictogram info.png Play sound when subwave is active 38
Fire Action Pictogram info.png Kill "Scout" robot 40
Play Audio Pictogram info.png Play sound when subwave is active 48
Print Message "The Overseer: Hello mortals and welcome to my utopia of dea-" 58
Print Message "The Overseer: Oops... Wrong mission, sorry." 62
Play Audio Pictogram info.png Play sound when subwave is active 68

Who is Tindall Berry?
Hard Pictogram info.png Icon is hidden
Pictogram minus.png Self-destruct after 24 seconds since spawned
1 1 1 86 0 0
Heavy chief

big man big gun
Normal Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Pictogram minus.png Self-destruct after 25 seconds since spawned
1 1 1 115 0 0
Play Audio Pictogram info.png Play sound when subwave is active 120
Heavy chief

chief of sex
Normal Pictogram info.png Icon is hidden
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Pictogram info.png Play sound when subwave start spawning
18 18 18 124 0 0
3C Print Message "UltraRobotKiller2342 : why can't i buy eoi?" 7
Print Message "UltraRobotKiller2342 : this server sucks" 11
Print Message "UltraRobotKiller2342 :  !joinblu" 18
Print Message "UltraRobotKiller2342 :  !robot" 22
Fire Action Pictogram info.png Kill "UltraRobotKiller2342" robot 24

Hard Pictogram info.png Icon is hidden
Pictogram info.png Robot use human model
Begins after 3A has finished spawning
1 1 1 86 0 0
Print Message "UltraRobotKiller2342 was automatically assigned to team DEFENDERS"
Pictogram info.png Print message when "UltraRobotKiller2342" spawned
Print Message "UltraRobotKiller2342 left the game (Disconnect by user.)"
Pictogram info.png Print message when "UltraRobotKiller2342" killed