Beggar's Bazooka
Added: 50% slower reload speed
 Market Gardener
Added: +100% damage bonus
Added: +100% reflect area
Added: Airblast gives teammates speed boost
Added: Reflected projectiles are guided by crosshair
Changed: +100% airblast cost
Added: +25% airblast cooldown
Added: +66% faster flame shoot out time
Added: -15% damage penalty
 Gas Passer
Added: +500% afterburn damage
 Ullapool Caber
Added: -90% self blast damage
Removed: 100% slower firing speed
Added: Caber instant regenerate on hit
Added: -75% self damage force
 All Heavy Primaries
Added: -50% penetration damage
Added: Replaces the Sentry with a Small Sentry
Small sentry gun stats
20% smaller in size
-25% building cost
-33% sentry gun health
Added: +100% sentry range
Added: +200% max sentry ammo
Added: +50% dispenser heal rate
Added: +100% faster construction rate
Added: +1 additional disposable sentry
Added: 100% slower teleporter recharge rate
Changed: On Hit: 12.5% ÜberCharge added
 All Sniper Rifles
Added: Fully charged shots gib targets
 Fortified Compound
Added: +2 arrows per shot
Added: +20% headshot damage
Added: Bullet explode on impact
Added: +10% damage bonus
Added: +100% charge rate when looking at enemy
Added: 50% slower power charge
New stats
When the weapon is active
+312% headshot damage
Weapon possesses maximum Explosive Headshot upgrade
Last shot in clip is guaranteed crits
Critical damage is unaffected by range
200% slower firing speed
50% slower reload speed
-100% damage on bodyshot
-80% clip size
Spawns with six bullets loaded
Random crit chance does not scale with damage dealt
All Medi Guns can heal buildings