Halloween Package
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The Halloween Package is an action item. Upon opening, it grants the player an untradable item introduced in past Halloween events. There is a small chance that the item will be of Haunted quality.
The item granted is randomly selected from a droplist that includes all the cosmetic items granted from Haunted Halloween Gifts and Halloween Gift Cauldrons. This encompasses almost all of the cosmetic items introduced in each Halloween event from 2010 to 2014, excluding achievement items and the following:
- Apparition's Aspect
- Cadaver's Cranium
- Horrific Headsplitter
- Infernal Impaler
- Last Breath
- Saxton Hale Mask
- Spine-Chilling Skull
- Spine-Chilling Skull 2011
- Voodoo Juju
The droplist also includes one weapon (the Bat Outta Hell) and one action item (the Kritz or Treat Canteen).
In addition to the normal drop, one or more bonus items may be granted as well. These can be Spellbook Pages or untradable, unmarketable cases from the current year's Halloween event.
Turning in a Halloween Contract with at least one objective completed awards the player with a Halloween Package.
Update history
- [Undocumented] The Halloween Package was added to the game.