공격 및 수비 커뮤니티 전략
< Community Attack/Defend strategy
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이 문서는 커뮤니티 공격 및 수비 전략에 관한 것입니다.
일반 전략
- HUD 하단의 점령 지점 표시에 자물쇠가 있으면 점령 지점이 잠겨 있어 점령할 수 없음을 나타냅니다.
- 점령 지점으로 이동할 때 고착화된 이동 경로가 아닌 다른 경로를 이용해 기습의 효과를 누릴 수 있습니다.
- 레드 팀에서는 수비(헤비, 데모맨, 엔지니어)나 지원(메딕, 스나이퍼, 스파이) 병과에 의존하는 반면 블루 팀은 거의 모든 병과를 좋은 효율로 플레이할 수 있습니다. 센트리 건을 제거하거나 헤비 메딕 듀오를 쓰러뜨리거나 상대 팀의 약점을 공략하는 것을 염두에 두고 병과를 선택하세요.
- 수비할 때, 점령 지점이 점령되고 있다면 얼른 달려가 '비비세요'. 점령 지점 위에 서 있으면 점령이 중단됩니다.
- 병과(또는 역할)를 선택할 때 이미 해당 병과를 선택한 플레이어가 몇 명인지 고려하십시오. 특정 클래스를 너무 많은 사람이 플레이하면 효율이 저하될 수 있습니다.
병과별 전략
- 공격(블루 팀)을 스카웃으로 플레이할 때의 가장 강력한 강점은 일반 병과보다 두 배 빠르게 점령 지점을 점령하는 능력입니다. 점령 지점 점령에 집중하십시오.
- 봉크! 원자맛 음료를 사용하거나 다른 경로를 이용해, 스카웃은 점령 지점에 몰래 다가가 쉽게 점령할 수 있습니다. (상대 팀이 이를 생각하지 않고 방어선을 구축했을 때)
- 또한 스카웃은 봉크! 원자맛 음료를 이용해 비교적 적은 리스크를 가지고 상대 팀을 정찰할 수 있습니다.
- 자연에 섭리를 사용하는 스카웃은 근거리의 적을 쉽게 밀어낼 수 있습니다.
- 적들이 점령 지점에 집중되어 있는 것을 자주 보게 될 것입니다. 로켓 발사기의 범위 피해를 사용하여 주변에 모여 있는 여러 적에게 피해를 줄 수 있습니다. 로켓의 넉백을 사용하여 지점에서 적을 밀쳐낼 수도 있습니다.
- 공격 시 솔저는 매우 다재다능한 클래스이며 다양한 상황에서 유연합니다.
- 공격에서, 로켓 점프와 고통행 열차를 조합해 점령 지점을 빠르게 점령할 수 있습니다. 더 효율적으로 사용하려면 로켓 점프 장치 또는 건보츠를 고통행 열차와 함께 사용하세요. 고통행 열차를 장착하면 총알 피해에 더 취약해진다는 점을 명심하십시오.
- 배너들(사기 증진 깃발, 부대 지원, 전복자)은 전투의 흐름을 바꾸고 전투에서 더 오래 살아남을 수 있도록 도와줍니다.
- When defending, remember to use your compression blast to push people off the point.
- Be sure to help out your Engineers by checking for Spies and reflecting projectiles away from their buildings.
- While on defense, it's helpful to equip the Homewrecker melee weapon to destroy Sappers placed on friendly buildings by Spies, ultimately saving your Engineer's Sentry Guns, telepoters, etc.
- Using the Sticky Launcher it is possible cover areas surrounding the point with bombs (or if necessary, the point itself) to deal heavy damage to groups of people.
- The Scottish Resistance makes it possible to not only defend the point but key chokepoints where the enemies pass through to reach the control point. It is very useful for situations where you know they might make it past just one sticky trap.
- Your Grenade Launcher is useful for clearing large crowds when your Stickies are out of commission. Very helpful in intense situations to deal heavy damage to attackers.
- The Grenade Launcher can also be used to spam entry points and other confined areas to cause disarray and repel enemies from entry.
- On offense, a Demoman under the influence of an Ubercharge can quickly destroy Sentry Guns and other buildings using his Stickybomb Launcher.
- On offense, using the Pain Train with the Sticky Jumper can allow you to jump on the point from long distances and capture it as fast as a Scout can.
- For offense, a good choice of weapon would be either the Standard Minigun, as it deals more damage than the Natascha and has a shorter spin-up time, or the Tomislav, as it has a low spin-up time, while doing only slightly less damage. The Brass Beast is useful on defense as it does more damage.
- If your team is taking heavy fire, try tossing your Sandvich near teammates with low health. This will help them recover to get back in the fight.
- Without a Medic Overheal, Heavies are nearly useless, especially on Offense. Remember to protect Friendly Medics, as they are almost necessary to your team's success, especially if they are nearing a full UberCharge.
- When defending, try to avoid building in locations that are easily bombarded by enemy fire. Try to conceal your buildings from Stickybombs and rockets.
- Usually around the last control point is where a well placed Sentry Gun can be a helpful asset to the team. Place a sentry and a Dispenser beside you, and camp out the last few minutes of the game. Just watch out for Spies.
- Most Maps only have one one spawn room per team on a stage. So to keep pressure on, you should build and upgrade Teleporters to bring your team back from spawn to the front lines faster.
- On offense, the Gunslinger's mini-Sentry Guns can be quickly deployed almost anywhere. Use these mini-Sentry Guns to support your team and distract your opponents. The extra health buff will also allow you to stay alive and push forward longer.
- On offense or defense, it is important to have at least one Medic with an Ubercharge. Build up your charge during the Setup Phase.
- On offense, do not deploy your charge immediately after the Setup Phase. It is better to hang back and get a bearing of where the enemy is before charging out with your Ubercharge.
- On defense, wait for the enemy Medics to deploy their Ubercharge first. After they deploy theirs, deploy yours to block the enemy Uber.
- The Blutsauger can be a good choice to go with whilst on the offense, since you will be in battle a fair bit, and its ability to heal three health per hit on enemy can prove to be more effective than just using the default regeneration rate.
- Snipers can be a good asset to the defending team, killing Medics before they can deploy an Ubercharge, as well as picking off key targets on a contested control point
- Try to eliminate valuable classes as supplementary attackers will easily retreat
- Use Jarate on enemies to expedite their deaths. If you decide to use the Sydney Sleeper to apply Jarate to enemies, keep in mind that you will not be able to make headshots. You can also only apply Jarate to one enemy at a time with the Sydney Sleeper, too.
- The Machina is generally better on defense, since you will not be able to shoot without the scope zoomed in, and your teammates will more likely be at the same area and can support you. By the same token, since the defending team will be in one general area at a time, you can use the Machina's ability to penetrate enemies at a full charged shot to quickly eliminate enemies bunched together.
- Sentry Guns are often the keystone of RED defense. Use your Sapper to disable them so your team can take them out.
- Attack/Defend maps usually flow in one direction, which means enemies are more likely to run forward towards the next control point. Use this opportunity to get behind them and Backstab them.