
From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 18:19, 22 July 2023 by Zakada817 (talk | contribs) (Item Checklist)
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A visual editor would make this page better and cleaner.

My Steam Profile

User Heavy.png This user is a Heavy.
“Which one of you is crying?!”
Flag America.png This user is American, pardner!
RED Wiki Cap.png This user does not edit this wiki for the sole purpose of getting a Wiki Cap.
SmallEdit.jpg This user likes to edit articles in teeny baby bits.

NVIDIA logo.png This user games with NVIDIA.
Pepsi1.png This user drinks far too much Pepsi.
P Do not want.png This user hates graded items.

Dead heat.png This user has been an editor of the Team Fortress Wiki for 1231 days.

Achieved.png This user has earned 424 of the 520 TF2 achievements. That's 82%!
Intel Logo.png This user's computer has Intel inside.

$0 This user has spent no money in the Mann Co. Store.

Tf play game everyclass.png This user can't think of fun things to do with his userpage, so he steals them from others!
User Garbage.jpeg This User Page Is Garbage!

Item Checklist

Ali Baba Wee Booties - Yes

Your Eternal Reward - Yes

L'Etranger - Yes

Concherer - Yes

Conniver's Kunai - Yes

Crusader's Crossbow - Yes

Splendid Screen - Yes

Market Gardener - No

Rescue Ranger - No

Beggar's Bazooka - No

Air Strike - No

Hitman's Heatmaker - No


Did you know? That 9 Weapons in the game have the abbrievation BB, they are

Black Box

Beggar's Bazooka

Bread Bite

Boston Basher

Buff Banner

Battalion's Backup

Brass Beast


Bazaar Bargain