Carousel of Curses (Soundtrack)

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"Carousel of Curses" is one of the song titles featured on the official Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack. Released alongside the Scream Fortress 2014 update, it served as the song that is played during a curse from Merasmus in the map Carnival of Carnage. It is also played when the underworld opens in the map Laughter.



The brief song is overall a pastiche to various themes and motifs associated with circuses and carousels/merry-go-rounds, with a hypnotic and brooding constant melody. Fitting the Halloween connotations with Merasmus and the Carnival of Carnage, the melody is in a minor off-key that evokes a somewhat ominous feeling consistent with stereotypical "haunted circus" settings. This homage to the horror genre is similar to the track Dreams of Cruelty in intent.

See also