206 pages with no english equivalent
< User:Darkid | Reports
206 translated articles which do not have a corresponding article in english (only redirects). Data as of 08:32, 13 February 2024 (GMT).
- Baker Boy/cs does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Baker Boy
- Bar/cs does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Bar
- Battleaxe/cs does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Battleaxe
- Birdman/cs does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Birdman
- Build/cs does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Build
- Chicken hat/cs does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Chicken hat
- Mann Co. Hat/cs does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Mann Co. Hat
- Pyrovision/cs does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Pyrovision
- Ready Steady Pan/cs does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Ready Steady Pan
- Saucers (disambiguation)/cs does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Saucers (disambiguation)
- Viking helmet/cs does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Viking helmet
- Bird head/da does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Bird head
- Chicken hat/da does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Chicken hat
- Hell/da does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Hell
- Scream Fortress/da does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Scream Fortress
- Baker Boy/de does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Baker Boy
- Battleaxe/de does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Battleaxe
- Birdman/de does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Birdman
- Car battery/de does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Car battery
- Cowl/de does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Cowl
- Grenades/de does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Grenades
- Indian hat/de does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Indian hat
- Mann Co. Hat/de does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Mann Co. Hat
- Points/de does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Points
- Scout strategy/de does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Scout strategy
- Sledgehammer/de does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Sledgehammer
- Sniper Jump (Classic)/de does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Sniper Jump (Classic)
- Sunglasses/de does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Sunglasses
- Viking hat/de does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Viking hat
- Viking helmet/de does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Viking helmet
- Baker Boy/es does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Baker Boy
- Bar/es does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Bar
- Battleaxe/es does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Battleaxe
- Birdman/es does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Birdman
- Build/es does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Build
- Chicken hat/es does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Chicken hat
- Mann Co. Hat/es does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Mann Co. Hat
- Saucers (disambiguation)/es does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Saucers (disambiguation)
- Stickybomb launcher (disambiguation)/es does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Stickybomb launcher (disambiguation)
- Viking helmet/es does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Viking helmet
- Baker Boy/fi does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Baker Boy
- Bar/fi does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Bar
- Battleaxe/fi does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Battleaxe
- Birdman/fi does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Birdman
- Jaunty Camper/fi does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Jaunty Camper
- Jaunty Trailblazer/fi does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Jaunty Trailblazer
- List of Strange weapon ranks/fi does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: List of Strange weapon ranks
- Scarechievements/fi does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Scarechievements
- Scout Rush/fi does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Scout Rush
- Baker Boy/fr does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Baker Boy
- Bar/fr does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Bar
- Battleaxe/fr does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Battleaxe
- Birdman/fr does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Birdman
- Build/fr does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Build
- Chicken hat/fr does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Chicken hat
- Community Medieval mode strategy/fr does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Community Medieval mode strategy
- Mann Co. Hat/fr does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Mann Co. Hat
- Saucers (disambiguation)/fr does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Saucers (disambiguation)
- Saxton Hale responses/fr does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Saxton Hale responses
- Viking helmet/fr does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Viking helmet
- Ghostchievements/hu does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Ghostchievements
- Scarechievements/hu does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Scarechievements
- Voodoo-Cursed Robot Arm/hu does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Voodoo-Cursed Robot Arm
- Anti-Scout Strategy/it does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Anti-Scout Strategy
- Bar/it does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Bar
- Carrier tank/it does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Carrier tank
- Control point/it does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Control point
- Double jump/it does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Double jump
- Full moon/it does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Full moon
- Ghostchievements/it does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Ghostchievements
- Hidden/it does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Hidden
- Mann Co. Hat/it does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Mann Co. Hat
- Obtaining Ghostchievements/it does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Obtaining Ghostchievements
- Obtaining Scarechievements/it does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Obtaining Scarechievements
- Points/it does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Points
- Scarechievements/it does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Scarechievements
- Training/it does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Training
- Wrestling mask/it does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Wrestling mask
- Baker Boy/ja does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Baker Boy
- Bar/ja does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Bar
- Battleaxe/ja does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Battleaxe
- Birdman/ja does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Birdman
- Build/ja does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Build
- Chicken hat/ja does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Chicken hat
- Christmas/ja does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Christmas
- Control point/ja does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Control point
- Mann Co. Hat/ja does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Mann Co. Hat
- Pirate/ja does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Pirate
- Rabbit Hat/ja does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Rabbit Hat
- Rage/ja does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Rage
- Tournament Medal - ETF2L Highlander Open (Season 1)/ja does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Tournament Medal - ETF2L Highlander Open (Season 1)
- Viking helmet/ja does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Viking helmet
- Baker Boy/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Baker Boy
- Bar/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Bar
- Battleaxe/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Battleaxe
- Beta weapons/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Beta weapons
- Birdman/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Birdman
- Build/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Build
- Chicken hat/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Chicken hat
- Davy Jones responses/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Davy Jones responses
- Demoman mask/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Demoman mask
- Dress shirt/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Dress shirt
- Engineer mask/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Engineer mask
- Hands/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Hands
- Heavy mask/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Heavy mask
- Hell/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Hell
- Indian hat/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Indian hat
- Mann Co. Hat/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Mann Co. Hat
- Pyro mask/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Pyro mask
- Rabbit Hat/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Rabbit Hat
- Ready Steady Pan/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Ready Steady Pan
- Saxton Hale responses/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Saxton Hale responses
- Scout mask/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Scout mask
- Sledgehammer/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Sledgehammer
- Sniper Jump (Classic)/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Sniper Jump (Classic)
- Sunglasses/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Sunglasses
- Viking hat/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Viking hat
- Viking helmet/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Viking helmet
- Vs. Saxton Hale/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Vs. Saxton Hale
- Wrestling mask/ko does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Wrestling mask
- Scarechievements/nl does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Scarechievements
- Bar/no does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Bar
- Control point/no does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Control point
- Double jump/no does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Double jump
- Ghostchievements/no does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Ghostchievements
- Jaunty Adventurer/no does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Jaunty Adventurer
- Jaunty Camper/no does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Jaunty Camper
- Jaunty Globetrotter/no does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Jaunty Globetrotter
- Jaunty Trailblazer/no does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Jaunty Trailblazer
- Jaunty Voyager/no does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Jaunty Voyager
- Scarechievements/no does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Scarechievements
- Baker Boy/pl does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Baker Boy
- Bar/pl does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Bar
- Battleaxe/pl does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Battleaxe
- Birdman/pl does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Birdman
- Bugle/pl does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Bugle
- Build/pl does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Build
- Chicken hat/pl does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Chicken hat
- Davy Jones responses/pl does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Davy Jones responses
- Hands/pl does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Hands
- Indian hat/pl does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Indian hat
- Mann Co. Hat/pl does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Mann Co. Hat
- Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019/pl does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019
- Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019/pl does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019
- Points/pl does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Points
- Premium/pl does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Premium
- Sledgehammer/pl does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Sledgehammer
- Sniper Jump (Classic)/pl does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Sniper Jump (Classic)
- Viking hat/pl does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Viking hat
- Baker Boy/pt does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Baker Boy
- Birdman/pt does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Birdman
- Chicken hat/pt does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Chicken hat
- Viking helmet/pt does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Viking helmet
Portuguese (Brazil)
- Baker Boy/pt-br does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Baker Boy
- Bar/pt-br does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Bar
- Battleaxe/pt-br does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Battleaxe
- Build/pt-br does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Build
- Chicken hat/pt-br does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Chicken hat
- Mann Co. Hat/pt-br does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Mann Co. Hat
- Saucers (disambiguation)/pt-br does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Saucers (disambiguation)
- Saxton Hale responses/pt-br does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Saxton Hale responses
- Stickybomb launcher (disambiguation)/pt-br does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Stickybomb launcher (disambiguation)
- Viking helmet/pt-br does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Viking helmet
- Antler hat/ro does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Antler hat
- Carrier tank/ro does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Carrier tank
- Ghostchievements/ro does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Ghostchievements
- Hands/ro does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Hands
- Scarechievements/ro does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Scarechievements
- Baker Boy/ru does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Baker Boy
- Bar/ru does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Bar
- Battleaxe/ru does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Battleaxe
- Birdman/ru does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Birdman
- Build/ru does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Build
- Chicken hat/ru does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Chicken hat
- Davy Jones responses/ru does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Davy Jones responses
- Hideout Advanced (mission)/ru does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Hideout Advanced (mission)
- Mann Co. Hat/ru does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Mann Co. Hat
- Saucers (disambiguation)/ru does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Saucers (disambiguation)
- Saxton Hale responses/ru does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Saxton Hale responses
- TeamFortress Software/ru does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: TeamFortress Software
- Viking helmet/ru does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Viking helmet
- Christmas Event Achievements/sv does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Christmas Event Achievements
- Control points/sv does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Control points
- Obtaining Eye-chievements/sv does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Obtaining Eye-chievements
- Obtaining Ghostchievements/sv does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Obtaining Ghostchievements
- Obtaining Scarechievements/sv does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Obtaining Scarechievements
- Voodoo-Cursed Bag of Quicklime/sv does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Voodoo-Cursed Bag of Quicklime
- Voodoo-Cursed Nail/sv does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Voodoo-Cursed Nail
- Voodoo-Cursed Novelty Bass/sv does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Voodoo-Cursed Novelty Bass
- Voodoo-Cursed Old Boot/sv does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Voodoo-Cursed Old Boot
- Voodoo-Cursed Robot Arm/sv does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Voodoo-Cursed Robot Arm
- Voodoo-Cursed Skeleton/sv does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Voodoo-Cursed Skeleton
- Voodoo-Cursed Sticky-Bomb/sv does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Voodoo-Cursed Sticky-Bomb
- Bird head/tr does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Bird head
- Chicken hat/tr does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Chicken hat
- Flare (Classic)/tr does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Flare (Classic)
Chinese (Simplified)
- Build/zh-hans does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Build
- Saucers (disambiguation)/zh-hans does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Saucers (disambiguation)
Chinese (Traditional)
- Bar/zh-hant does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Bar
- Build/zh-hant does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Build
- Car battery/zh-hant does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Car battery
- Jaunty Camper/zh-hant does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Jaunty Camper
- Jaunty Trailblazer/zh-hant does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Jaunty Trailblazer
- Saxton Hale responses/zh-hant does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Saxton Hale responses
- Sunglasses/zh-hant does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Sunglasses
- Viking helmet/zh-hant does not have a non-redirect english equivalent: Viking helmet