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窗外天朗气清。 鸟儿在歌唱,花儿在开放。 但休息是绝无可能的! 乌云遮蔽了太阳,瘟疫席卷着大地。 这里用了比喻手法:所谓“大地”指的是 Gray Gravel Co.,而“瘟疫”则是漫山遍野的机器人!!

Operation Magnetic Mayhem(磁力暴乱行动)是一场由Moonlight MvM组织,Pineapple.TF主持的曼恩 vs. 机器慈善活动。本活动于2024年2月4号公测,在初始阶段仅包含中等任务,在5月18号加入了剩下的任务并于6月3号正式开启,该活动原本预计于2024年6月30号结束,但由于某些原因提前了截止日期至6月17号。



本次活动共有19个地图(其中包括官方地图Coal TownDecoyMannworks以及Rottenburg)和21个任务。许多以前社区活动的地图也回归本次活动,同时也新添了一张社区制作的地图,Flower Field。



地图 任务 回合 任务作者
Coal Town Trouble in Mann Town 6 SpectArctor™
Hoovydam Dizzying Drill randomguy
Mannworks Mathematical Miscalculation 5 Pasta
Silentsky Fresh Dose of Nausea 6 PDA Expert
Tensai Sushi Sunrise Retrowave
Waterfront Diode Charge 3 ✪ Mo_ #killtf2

地图 任务 回合 任务作者
Coastrock Plunder Panic 7 randomguy
Cyberia Rusty Rapture 1 Retrowave
Decoy Grutesque Getaway 6 MAWA MAN
Doppler Metallic Madness Retrowave
Flower Field Flower Power 8 PDA Expert
Nox Noxibility 7 ➶★Lyney★➷
Oxidize Grass Run 6 Skin King
Powerplant Industrial Incline 7 Conjo
Rottenburg Windy Windup 6

地图 任务 回合 任务作者
Hurricane Robotic Typhoon 5 randomguy
Mannworks Monster Maneuvers 7 MAWA MAN
Meltdown Encode Error 5 ElectricChair22
Oilrig Oil Overflow 7 ✪ FraHtcy3
Production Paramagnetism 8 meth head
Silentsky Subchronic Sufferance 5 ✪ Mo_ #killtf2


玩家在磁力暴乱行动中共可获得5枚奖牌,其中两个可以通过完成旅程来获取,而其它三个奖牌则需要通过向慈善组织the National Brain Tumor Society(英语)捐款来获得。当玩家完成任意5个中等或专家难度任务后即可获得恶魔云母玩家徽章,当玩家完成任意8个高级或专家难度任务后即可获得狂妄巨象玩家徽章。


任何对该活动有实质性贡献的内容创作者可获得Supreme Strategist's Sigil of Status徽章。

所有宝石类徽章重新利用了来自狂人大战机器行动:其中珍藏碧玺复用了铂金金刚石模型,人道隐者复用了黄金玫瑰石模型而勉强良性的钽铋矿石复用了黑铁绿宝石模型。狂妄巨象徽章复用了钛合金坦克行动中Titanium Tank参赛者奖牌的模型。


每个宝石类徽章都带有两种样式:“普通”与“Gem Only”。式样“Gem Only”会隐去其边缘的金属边框。

狂妄巨象徽章是由NeoDementSntrsedisocksStar BrightHydrogen 投稿于Steam创意工坊的作品。

恶魔云母,勉强良性的钽铋矿石,珍藏碧玺和人道隐者是由NeoDement Sntr Erikku sigsegv Jakapoa Pelipoika InterrobangTF2 Rev Benoist3012 kratos Nuke Hydrogen Hyperion Pineapple Medals Bot DaanBox Swordstone a whole thing of candy beans 投稿于Steam创意工坊的作品。

Paint Splat 894ECC.png
Backpack Operation Magnetic Mayhem Fiendish Fuchsite 2024.png

纯正 Operation Magnetic Mayhem Fiendish Fuchsite 2024
等级 1 社区勋章
Gravel Co. must be running out of capital; robots have started dropping these rather than the money they usually run on. So many of them have been found, but we don't think corporate would notice if you kept one. Awarded to players of Moonlight MvM's spring charity tour!

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )

Paint Splat CreamSpirit.png
Backpack Operation Magnetic Mayhem Megalomaniacal Mastodon 2024.png

纯正 Operation Magnetic Mayhem Megalomaniacal Mastodon 2024
等级 1 社区勋章
You set a trap for those fishy businessmen at Gray Gravel Co., and they fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Intel says they're still reeling at the news of their failure. Awarded to players of Moonlight MvM's spring charity tour!

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )

Paint Splat 3ED24A.png
Backpack Operation Magnetic Mayhem Humanitarian Hiddenite 2024.png

纯正 Operation Magnetic Mayhem Humanitarian Hiddenite 2024
等级 1 社区勋章
With a name like "Hiddenite" you might think this gem is particularly rare. But in reality, it is not: the name comes from someone with a last name Hidden. It's still a highly sought after gem, so you should probably keep it hidden. Awarded to donors of Moonlight MvM's spring charity tour!

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )

Paint Splat A04600-00468C.png
Backpack Operation Magnetic Mayhem Barely Benign Bismutotantalite 2024.png

纯正 Operation Magnetic Mayhem Barely Benign Bismutotantalite 2024
等级 1 社区勋章
Our scientists couldn't agree on how to pronounce the name of this gemstone. They called linguists to help them, but their disagreements were only louder. They did agree on one thing; they've never seen a gem quite like this one. Awarded to donors of Moonlight MvM's spring charity tour!

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )

Paint Splat E63C6E-5032E6.png
Backpack Operation Magnetic Mayhem Treasured Tourmaline 2024.png

纯正 Operation Magnetic Mayhem Treasured Tourmaline 2024
等级 1 社区勋章
As you affix the gem that shines bright hues,
A power flows through you from head to shoes.
Your generosity will know no bounds,
The thankfulness of those you helped impounds!
Awarded to donors of Moonlight MvM's spring charity tour!

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )


主条目: Styles
[hide]Operation Magnetic Mayhem - Styles
  • Fiendish Fuchsite
  • Humanitarian Hiddenite
  • Barely Benign Bismutotantalite
  • Treasured Tourmaline
Operation Magnetic Mayhem Fiendish Fuchsite 2024 Normal.png
Operation Magnetic Mayhem Fiendish Fuchsite 2024 Gem Only.png
Normal Gem Only
Operation Magnetic Mayhem Humanitarian Hiddenite 2024 Gem Only.png
Operation Magnetic Mayhem Humanitarian Hiddenite 2024 Normal.png
Gem Only Normal
RED Operation Magnetic Mayhem Barely Benign Bismutotantalite 2024.png
RED Operation Magnetic Mayhem Barely Benign Bismutotantalite 2024 Normal.png
Gem Only Normal
RED Operation Magnetic Mayhem Treasured Tourmaline 2024.png
RED Operation Magnetic Mayhem Treasured Tourmaline 2024 Normal.png
Gem Only Normal


2024年7月18日补丁 #12024 夏季更新

  • [未记载] Magnetic Mayhem被添加至游戏中。
