태고의 전사

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이것이 바로 우리가 덤불속에서 어떻게 하는 짓이다!

태고의 전사는 밸브가 팀 포트리스2 커뮤니티에게 119번째 업데이트 기념품으로 증정한 다양한 메달입니다. 이것은 백금으로 만들어졌고, 신사의 서비스 메달과는 다른 형태를 띕니다. 전 클래스의 흉부에 장착하는 뱃지입니다. 태고의 전사는 팀 포트리스2 베타 테스트기간 동안 팀 포트리스2를 구매하고 플레이한 유저들에게 증정되었습니다.

이 아이템 설명은 NB820가 썼습니다.


  • 이 아이템은 Team Fortress 2/ko를 2007년 10월 9일 23:59분 부터 2007년 11월 17일 00:00분 (UTC)사이에 처음 플레이 한 사람들에게 지급되었습니다.
  • The Primeval Warrior medal has two distinguishing factors when compared to some of the other 119th update medals:
    • The first and foremost is its two toned color scheme. This, along with the Grizzled Veteran, use a different color choice for the background of the medal, instead of a single color throughout the model, as with the Soldier of Fortune and Mercenary.
    • Secondly, unlike the other three medals, the Primeval Warrior does not display the "1" "2" or "3" markings that can be seen towards the bottom front of the other three medal variants, instead displaying a "B", which stands for "Beta".
  • The Primeval Warrior badge appears to be based off of the metallic element platinum, which would explain its silvery 2 tone appearance.
  • Originally, players who participated in the beta got the Grizzled Veteran. The Primeval Warrior was added in a later patch, and the original medals of those eligible were changed to reflect this.
  • Name Tags could not be used on this medal until the November 19, 2010 Patch.
  • The date on Robin Walker's Primeval Warrior is dated August 23, 1998. [1] This is the 2nd birthday of the original Team Fortress mod for Quake, and not Robin's hire date as previously speculated. The date is shown as 1 day prior to the correct birthday due to GMT to CDT conversion. Interestingly enough, while this is not Robin's date of hire at Valve, it is one day short of 2 years from it.
  • 백금과 금은 전혀 다른 원소입니다.
