Critical hits/it

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Non ci sono abbastanza Critici nel mondo per uccidermi!

I colpi Critici o Critici sono attacchi che fanno damage/danni extra ed hanno suoni particolari sia quando vengono sparati che quando colpiscono. Colpendo un giocatore con un critico, le parole "CRITICAL HIT!!!" appaiono sopra la testa del bersaglio in lettere verdi (come nell'immagine) accompagnate da un sonoro "ding." Colpi critici con le armi da corpo a corpo hanno un'animazione unica (per esempio la bottiglia ha un colpo inferto da sopra la testa). I proiettili esplosivi (come i missili o le bombe adesive) sono caratterizzati da bagliori e scintille del colore della squadra mentre i proiettili lasciano scie colorate.

Solitamente i colpi critici infliggono il 300% del danno di base dell'arma, ed ignorano sia i modificatori di distanza che il modificatore di danno casuale a cui i colpi normali sono suscettibili. I colpi critici con le armi esplosive soffrono comunque la perdita di danno dovuta alla distanza dall'esplosione.

Quando un giocatore viene ucciso da un colpo critico, la classe emette un urlo differente dalle morti regolari e l'icona dell'uccisione si illumina con un alone rosso.

Possibilità di colpi critici

Le armi normali hanno una base del 2% di infliggere colpi critici, mentre le armi da corpo a corpo ce l'hanno del 15%.[1] Una percentuale bonus addizionale si somma basandosi sul danno totale che il giocatore ha inflitto nei precedenti 20 secondi, che scala dallo 0% a danno 0 al 10% con 800 danni. [1] Ad esempio, avere inflitto 200 danni negli ultimi 20 secondi dà un bonus del 2.5%.

Possibilità di colpi critici basata sul danno

Oltre a queste armi per cui i colpi critici sono casuali, la possibilità di infliggere colpi critici varia a seconda del tipo d'arma. Armi a colpo singolo, come per esempio i fucili, il Revolver, ed il Lancia missili, calcolano la possibilità di infliggere critici con ogni colpo. Quindi, ogni colpo del fucile ha il 2% di probabilità di sparare una salva di pallettoni critici, assumendo che non sia stato fatto alcun danno precedentemente. Armi a fuoco rapido, invece, come la Minigun, la Pistola a siringhe, ed il Lanciafiamme, calcolano i colpi critici ogni secondo. Con questo genere di armi, ricevere critici significa che tutti i colpi sparati nei successivi due secondi sono Critici.

Casi speciali

  • Un Pugnale infligge colpi critici unicamente con la pugnalata alla schiena e durante i boost critici (umiliazione, documenti catturati, kritzkrieg)
  • Backstabs instantly kill the enemy by dealing damage equal to 6x their current health. When forced to crit, the knife does the backstab animation*, dealing 120 damage.
  • The Sniper rifle and Huntsman do not roll for Crits, but rather automatically score Critical hits on successful headshots. The Sniper rifle can only Crit via headshot while scoped.
  • The Axtinguisher scores a Critical only if the victim is on fire, and does half damage otherwise. It may still randomly perform a Crit animation, but will not inflict Crit damage unless the enemy is burning. When forced to Crit, it plays the Crit animation, but does normal (half) damage.
  • The Backburner scores normal Critical hits like any other weapon, but also has a guaranteed chance to Crit from behind.
  • The K.G.B. roll for Critical hits like a standard melee weapon. However, upon killing a target, they grant 5 seconds of Crit boost to all of the Heavy's weapons.
  • The Ambassador rolls for Critical hits like a normal one shot weapon. However, it always scores a Crit on a headshot.
  • The Eyelander does not roll for random Critical hits, but will score Critical hits when under the effects of the Kritzkrieg, humiliation, or when using a full charge of the Chargin Targe. The Chargin Targe can also be used to get a Critical hit for the Bottle, the Pain Train or the Scotsman's Skullcutter.
  • Jarate may appear Crit, though this has only a cosmetic effect.
  • Some items do not work as conventional weapons and so do not Crit under any circumstance. These include Bonk! Atomic Punch, the Sandvich, PDAs, the disguise kit, Razorback, Invisibility watch, Cloak and Dagger, Dead Ringer and Electro sapper. Taunt attacks also do not Crit, however taunt killing a player under effects of Jarate will result in a mini-crit.
  • At medium range or further, the Flare gun will score a critical if it hits a player who is already on fire.
  • The Frontier Justice does not roll for random crits. Instead, it scores Revenge Crits for every kill and assist the Engineer's Sentry makes until it is destroyed. For each kill made the Frontier Justice scores 2 guaranteed Crits, and for each assist 1 guaranteed Crit is scored.
  • The Gunslinger crits upon the third consecutive hit on an enemy but does not randomly crit otherwise.
  • The Southern Hospitality does not roll for random Critical hits.

Crit boost

Crit boost is the state of having a weapon Critical hit on every fire.

During humiliation every shot fired by the winning side is forced to Critical hit, including body shots with the Sniper rifle and Huntsman. However, swings with the Knife and Axtinguisher appear to Crit during humiliation (with the backstab and overhead swing animations, respectively), but hit for normal damage unless the proper trigger is met.

All shots are Critical while ÜberCharged with the Kritzkrieg. This does affect the Huntsman and the Sniper rifle, but not the Knife or Axtinguisher.

A 5 second Crit boost is received upon getting first blood in an Arena map. If you happen to switch weapons during this period, the electricity around your weapon will disappear, but you will still be able to fire Criticals until the end of the Crit boost.

Capturing the flag in a CTF game mode gives the entire capturing team 10 seconds of Critboost (this value can be tweaked or disabled in the host's console via a command).

In the event version of Harvest during Halloween, killed players randomly drop candy-filled Halloween pumpkins. When picked up, the player is awarded around 3-4 seconds of Crit boost.


A Mini Crit on a Soldier

Mini-crits add an extra 35% damage to a weapon's base-damage (more accurately, they ensure that a weapon does at least 135% its base damage). Like normal Critical hits, they ignore damage variance and fall off, but unlike Critical hits, they are still given ramp-up. Full Crits override Mini-crits.

Currently there are eight ways to achieve a Mini-crit:

  • Jarate coated enemies take Mini-crits,
  • Melee hits midway through a Chargin' Targe charge,
  • Hitting a burning enemy with a flare at mid-range or closer,
  • Attacking an enemy while under the effects of a friendly Soldier's Buff Banner,
  • Hitting an enemy launched into the air by an explosion with the Direct Hit,
  • Attacking an enemy as a Scout under the effects of Crit-a-Cola,
  • Attacking a Scout who is under the effects of Crit-a-Cola,
  • Additionally, projectiles reflected by the Pyro's Flamethrower always do Mini-crit damage.

Mini-crit boost

A Mini-crit boost is the state of having all damage being dealt modified in to Mini-crit damage. Currently this is achievable while under the effects of Crit-a-Cola or an active Buff Banner. While being Mini-crit boosted, the player's active weapon glows a faint yellow (if they are on RED team) or a faint blue-green (if they are on BLU team) and has the same color effect of particles swirling around their feet.

All damage sources (including Afterburn and Sentries - but apart from hit-scan weapons) only deal Mini-crit damage when the player dealing the damage is being boosted. i.e. If the player leaves the boost (for whatever reason) after firing a projectile and while the projectile is in mid-flight, it will lose it's status as Mini-critical. Conversely, after a Pyro sets fire to several players, returning to a Mini-crit boost will immediately transform any Afterburn damage to Mini-crit status. Sentries will only Mini-crit while the Engineer is being Mini-crit boosted.

Disable Crits

Random Crits can be disabled on the PC by using the the server cvar command tf_weapon_criticals 0 and on the Xbox 360 through an options menu available to the host. Note that this does not affect situational Crits, Mini-crits or Crit boosts.


  • Buildings are not affected by Critical hits.
  • Critical Rockets, Grenades and Stickies used on yourself will cause the "ding" sound. However, they don't deal any additional self-damage.


  • If you taunt as a Soldier with the Rocket launcher equipped, the Soldier will make an "L" sign with his hand while yelling "Cuh-rit".
  • Killing someone with a Critical rocket will sometimes result in the Soldier yelling: "Cuh-rit".
  • Upon dominating a Soldier, the Scout will sometimes shout "Dere ain't enough crits in da world ta kill me!"
  • If a player covered in Jarate is set on fire, each afterburn tick with play the Mini-crit sound and animation, and will deal the extra damage.
  • Mini-crits do not stack to make a Crit. e.g. A scout under the effects of Crit-a-Cola covered in Jarate who is hit midair with a Direct Hit by a Soldier being Mini-crit boosted will only receive an additional 35% damage.
