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(A)Symmetry CP Contest logo.png

The (A)Symmetetry CP Contest was a mapping contest hosted by The Contest's aim was to see who could the best overall map from scratch over a span of 5 months using the Control Point Game Mode, be an Attack/Defend CP or 5CP. 17 entries (13 Asymmetrical and 4 Symmetrical) were made and are been voted on using a combined public and judge voting system.

Here at, we're pretty indecisive (we think), especially when it comes to choosing a gametype for our contests. So, we decided to push the hard thought onto our mappers, and give them 5 months to make a control point map that was either Symmetrical or Asymmetrical. In the end, seventeen spectacular maps were entered into's sixth major contest, and now you get to help us decide on which maps are the best! No, seriously, we need your expertise; so go download the maps and play through 'em.

Asymmetrical Entries

Thumbnail Map Name Author
100px Map Author

Symmetrical Entries

Thumbnail Map Name Author
100px Map Author