Anti-Pyro strategy

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The Pyro is an extremely dangerous class at close range. Generally, the best way to engage a Pyro is from a distance because the Pyro lacks substantial ranged weaponry. The Pyro excels in close-quarters combat so try and fight him in the open, away from areas where he can trap you. Keep in mind that a Pyro can use his compression blast ability to deflect projectiles back at you.


Attributes Anti-Pyro strategy
Pyro emblem RED.png Role

Pyros are most successful when they ambush their opponents. If you see them coming, prepare for them; set up your own ambush, position yourself in a spot with a good escape route if things go awry, or retreat to a more suitable location.

Leaderboard class medic.png Health

The Pyro has an above average amount of health, and with their excellent close range combat they can be a hassle to take down if you attract their attention.

Leaderboard class scout.png Speed

The Pyro is only useful at close range, so he will try to get close to you by chasing you down. The Pyro moves at the standard speed, so you can retreat while attacking in order to avoid damage.

Leaderboard class soldier.png Power

Keeping your distance will negate much of the Pyro's strength. The Flare Gun and the Detonator are the Pyro's only long-range weapons, and they are both slow to fire and can be hard to score hits with, especially in open areas. While it is easier to score hits with the Detonator, it only mini-crits if it hits you again. The only other ranged weapon the Pyro has is the Shotgun, which is only viable at short or moderate distances.

Weapon Specific

A list of useful tidbits about the Pyro's tools, and how to counter them:

Primary Weapons

Flamethrowers possess an alternate mode of fire: the Compression blast. These airblasts push foes up and away, can reflect projectiles with proper timing, and put out burning teammates.

  • Approaching a Pyro as a Soldier or Demoman will cause them to anticipate your projectiles and attempt to reflect them. Reduce the chances of a successful reflect by firing to the side of the Pyro instead of in front of it. Aside from damaging the Pyro, this will also waste its Flamethrower ammunition.
  • Avoid fighting or retreating near cliffs or dangerous objects such as the Sawblades in Sawmill when fighting a Pyro; it may try to airblast you to your death.
  • If a Pyro is guarding buildings, destroy the Dispenser to limit its ammo sources.

Weapon Anti-Pyro strategy
Flame Thrower

Try to kill a Pyro before it can get close enough to burn you; few classes can escape the Flamethrower's reach once caught by it. Take note of the nearest health kits and bodies of water you can completely submerge yourself in. Try sticking with Pyros or other classes that can heal you or put out fires.


Watch yourself when entering neutral or enemy territory; a Pyro with this weapon may be lying in wait. It is even more important to stay out of a Pyro's reach, as the Backburner deals 10% more damage. If you must retreat, NEVER turn your back on the Pyro, since you'll give it a definite advantage if you do. A Pyro using the Backburner will use Compression blasts less often, due to its increased ammo cost; if you can force it to airblast anyway, deny the Pyro all nearby ammo sources.


The Degreaser allows a Pyro to quickly switch weapons, making close-quarters combat extremely dangerous; take the Pyro out from a distance using Snipers and Sentry Guns. The Degreaser inflicts 25% less afterburn damage, which can give you a higher chance of surviving afterburn once you kill or escape from the Pyro. Never attempt to weapon heckle a Pyro who is using the Degreaser.

Secondary Weapons

Weapon Anti-Pyro strategy

This weapon is only truly effective at mid-range or closer due to its bullet spread. Most classes have much more dangerous ranged weapons to use if the Pyro is forced to engage you from a distance. It also takes more time for a Pyro to ready its Shotgun than other classes that use it, unless it has the Degreaser equipped.

Flare Gun
Flare Gun

This weapon is slow to fire and can be difficult to score a hit with, especially in open spaces. While it can set you on fire, the damage from the flare itself is low and it will take time for the Pyro to hit you again with it. Thus, the Flare Gun is often used as a long-range harassment weapon; it should be easy enough to find a way to extinguish yourself. Be sure to do so quickly, for if you are hit by another flare while burning, you will suffer a critical hit.


This weapon is quite similar to the Flare Gun but with two differences; the Detonator's flares can be remotely triggered to burst, and only deal Mini-Crits to burning foes. Try not to cluster with teammates, as a flare can burn multiple targets upon detonation. Be aware that the Detonator can allow Pyros to "Flare Jump"; while nowhere as effective as Rocket or Sticky Jumping, it can still help Pyros reach new places to ambush you from.

Reserve Shooter
Reserve Shooter

This weapon is an effective counter to other Pyros, due to the Compression blast being capable of launching targets into the air. However, usage of the Reserve Shooter is often limited to this gimmick of shooting airblasted enemies. Move nimbly to make a Pyro miss with the meager three shots this weapon allows. Beware Pyros using this in combination with the Degreaser - it can now switch weapons 80% faster.

Melee Weapons

Weapon Anti-Pyro strategy
Item icon Fire Axe.png Item icon Saxxy.png Item icon Conscientious Objector.png

Fire Axe / Saxxy / Conscientious Objector

Most Pyros will use other melee weapons instead of this weapon. If a Pyro does use it, it's either counting on a random critical hit or has run out of ammunition for its other weapons. Kill it with ranged attacks.

Item icon Axtinguisher.pngItem icon Postal Pummeler.png

Axtinguisher / Postal Pummeler

This is arguably the Pyro's most dangerous weapon, as it usually only takes one hit to kill most classes. However, a Pyro will only use the Axtinguisher/Postal Pummeler after it sets you on fire, because the weapon deals half damage to a non-burning target. Prevent a Pyro from using this weapon by preventing it from getting close enough to burn you in the first place. As a Heavy or overhealed Soldier, you can likely take one hit from the Axtinguisher/Postal Pummeler while burning before succumbing to the next; hit the Pyro with everything you have - the extra second you get may mean the difference between life and death. If a Pyro has equipped the Degreaser and the Reserve Shooter alongside this weapon, it's probably best to avoid engaging in close combat with it altogether and just attack from long range.

Item icon Homewrecker.pngItem icon Maul.png

Homewrecker / Maul

This weapon does 25% less damage to players, making it less effective as a melee weapon. However, it does twice as much damage to buildings; Engineers should keep Dispensers and Teleporters within sight of their Sentry Guns. The Homewrecker/Maul can also destroy Electro Sappers in one hit; Spies should kill the Pyro before sapping the buildings it's guarding, or direct teammates to do the job (of killing and wrecking) for him.


Pyros tend to use this weapon in a similar manner as the Axtinguisher; they will light you on fire and attempt to finish you off with it in order to recover health or gain overheal. As the weapon doesn't deal critical hits to burning foes like the Axtinguisher can, you may have more time to fend off a Pyro who attempts this. While equipped, this weapon gives the Pyro a 20% vulnerability to melee weapons; if a Pyro equips the Powerjack, exploit this weakness by attacking it with your own melee weapon. However, as the Powerjack is capable of overhealing the Pyro, killing it in close combat can still be a difficult task; be careful engaging a Pyro who you've witnessed murder a few of your teammates with the weapon.

Back Scratcher
Back Scratcher

Pyros wielding the Back Scratcher are formidible foes in melee combat, as they deal 25% more damage; the 50% health kit bonus they receive gives them staying power, as well. However, the weapon slows the rate at which a Medic can heal the Pyro with his Medi Gun; if such a pair makes a push, it'll be easier to kill the Pyro before killing its healer, instead of vice versa. Try to finish off a wounded Pyro equipped with the Back Scratcher before it finds a Medic; the healer penalty actually helps a Medic build Ubercharge faster.

Sharpened Volcano Fragment
Sharpened Volcano Fragment

This weapon inflicts 20% less damage than the default Fire Axe, but this is offset by its ability to light enemies on a successful hit. Stay out of melee range by walking backwards and attacking using your ranged weapons, much like you would with against the Flamethrower. Many Pyros use the Sharpened Volcano Fragment as a last resort to set enemies on fire, or in Medieval Mode as one of only two ways to burn their foes (the other is being struck by a Huntsman arrow lit by special torches). Beware of other enemy Pyros wielding the Axtinguisher or Flare Gun as well as enemy Scouts with the Sun-on-a-Stick.

Class Set

Set Anti-Pyro strategy

Degreaser Powerjack Attendant

The Gas Jockey's Gear

The Pyro has an increased 10% bullet vulnerability while using this set. Use bullet-based weapons to harass him at long range, and prevent him from getting into close quarters with his extra 10% movement speed and 65% faster weapon switch speed.

See also