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Ohhhh, it is sad day!



特性 對應法
Heavy emblem RED.png 角色
  • 重裝兵龐大的體型和火力讓他成為隊伍中最佳的肉盾,解決他可以讓你的攻勢更加順利。
  • 重裝兵經常在攻勢中扮演要角,殺死一名重裝兵往往就能順利瓦解一波攻勢。
Leaderboard class medic.png 生命值
  • 重裝兵有能力承受大量的傷害,特別是在超量治療的情況下。集中火力攻擊重裝兵好盡快解決他。
Leaderboard class scout.png 速度
  • 重裝兵緩慢的移動速度讓他成為狙擊手與間諜眼中容易下手的目標。試著在他周圍沒有隊友的時候盡快解決他,以免他先朝你開火。由於重裝兵在閃躲攻擊時的弱勢表現,讓瓶手道增幅旗幟這類影響攻擊傷害的道具在對付重裝兵時十分有效。
Leaderboard class soldier.png 武力
  • 重裝兵的格林機槍是一項強大的武器,能夠在幾秒鐘內便解決任何沒有警覺心的對手。所以請保持距離並等到重裝兵停止轉槍時再進行攻擊。




  • 重裝兵所有的主要武器在開火前都需要一段旋轉槍管的時間。這讓他們在面對埋伏時顯得異常脆弱。
  • 當一名重裝兵在轉槍時,他的移動速度會較平時更加緩慢;因此一名旋轉槍管中的重裝兵更容易被殺死。
  • 當重裝兵開始旋轉槍管時,請記得保持距離,因為格林機槍的火力可以在短時間內輕易殺死一大群處於近距離的敵人。
  • 一名粗心大意的重裝兵在一分鐘之內便會耗盡所有格林機槍的彈藥,但這項劣勢可以輕易藉由補給器或是拾取陣亡者的彈藥來抵消;藉由摧毀補給器、搶先奪取附近的彈藥資源以及足夠的警覺心,你就有機會能和重裝兵正面對決。
武器 對應法
Item icon Minigun.png
  • 與大部分替代的主要武器相比,預設的格林機槍旋轉槍管所需的時間較短。如果你在中近距離碰上這種重裝兵時,請注意這點並盡可能後撤至安全距離。
  • Natascha has a longer spin-up than the Minigun. Hit-and-run tactics are more effective on Heavies using this weapon.
  • At long distances, this weapon's slow down has little effect, but don't get caught at mid-range or closer, or you'll likely be unable to escape.
  • Natascha deals the least amount of damage per second compared to the other Miniguns; if two Heavies started a Minigun duel, the one with Natascha would most likely fall first.
Brass Beast
  • With the Brass Beast spun up, a Heavy becomes much slower, and thus more vulnerable to weapons fired from afar. Take advantage of this and attack the Heavy outside of his weapon's effective range; a Sniper can easily headshot this Heavy.
  • The Brass Beast has an even longer spin-up time than Natascha, so hit-and-run tactics are much more effective here.
  • Take caution when venturing into enemy territory; if you are ambushed by Heavies using the Brass Beast, you are even more unlikely to survive.
  • As the Tomislav sports a 40% faster spin-up time, hit-and-run tactics will be much less effective. Attack from afar.
  • The Tomislav's firing rate is 20% slower than usual, but this also slows its ammo consumption; it's hardly noticable, but the difference exists. Trying to make a Heavy waste his ammo while using it becomes a slightly less viable strategy.
  • Because the Tomislav has no spin up noise, it becomes more difficult to tell if a Heavy is lying in wait or is just coming around a corner. Be prepared, and attack in numbers; have a Demoman or Soldier fire his explosives to jostle or even kill a hidden Heavy, or make a Pyro go first to burn and push him away.
  • The Tomislav's attributes encourage the Heavy wielding it to ambush his opponents; try to force him out in the open.

Secondary weapons

Weapon Anti-Heavy strategy
  • Heavies will switch to their Shotgun when their primary weapon runs out of ammunition. Try to take them down before they find more.
  • As with all the other classes that use this, the Shotgun is a point-blank-to-medium range weapon and will be ineffective at long range.
  • The Shotgun only has six shots. Keep pressuring a Heavy so that he will be forced to reload, resulting in considerably lowered damage output and giving you the opportunity to move in close and deal damage.
Family Business
  • The Family Business has a 40% increased ammo clip compared to the Shotgun (for a total of eight shots), at the cost of doing 15% less damage. This makes the tactic of pressuring a Heavy to exhaust his Shotgun's clip and reload moderately less effective, but will also make combat beyond close-range less dangerous.


  • A Heavy is relatively defenseless when consuming a Lunchbox item, especially if none of his teammates are nearby; try to attack a Heavy while he is eating.
  • A Heavy makes a distinct "Om nom nom" noise while eating. Use this sound to track him down, and attack.
  • Watch for Heavies retreating from a fight in order to find cover; they are probably low on health and about to use a lunchbox item. At this point, dealing even a small amount of damage might finish them off before they get the chance to eat.
    • Due to the length of time required for a Heavy to eat a Lunchbox item, it may also be practical to use kill taunts on one instead of conventional attacks.
  • A Lunchbox item replaces the Heavy's Shotgun, leaving him with one less weapon to attack you with.
Weapon Anti-Heavy strategy
  • The Sandvich slowly restores 300 HP to a Heavy over the course of the consumption, so he may be able to soak up the damage dealt by your attacks if they aren't strong enough. If you cannot kill him, you can at least harm him enough so that eating the Sandvich was a pointless endeavor.
  • A Heavy can aquire a new Sandvich by picking up a medkit at full health; either take any nearby medkits for yourself, or damage him so that he does not recieve a brand new Sandvich.
  • A Heavy can throw his Sandvich or Buffalo Steak Sandvich on the ground for him or anyone else to pick up in order to regain 50% of their HP instantly. To prevent a successful pick up, you can either steal the Sandvich (provided you are not at full health), push the Heavy away using knockback, or even kill him, since he must have thrown his Sandvich to instantly restore his low health.
    • A Heavy may also throw his Sandvich to a teammate (often a Medic) who is low on health; if you witness this, try to kill the recipient so that the Heavy's charity would be in vain.
Item icon Dalokohs Bar.pngItem icon Fishcake.png
Dalokohs Bar / Fishcake
  • This item only heals the Heavy by 60 HP, yet takes the same amount of time to consume as the Sandvich. As a result, the Heavy is even more vulnerable when eating the Dalakohs Bar/Fishcake.
  • The Dalakohs Bar/Fishcake increases a Heavy's maximum Hit Points by 50 for 30 seconds, which, while minimal, can make a differerence between who dies first: you, or him.
  • Unlike the Sandvich, the Dalakohs Bar/Fishcake cannot be dropped. However, the item does not have a cooldown timer. Thus, while it cannot be dropped to quickly recover health during combat (for himself or his teammates), the Heavy can eat it constantly to heal minor injuries and stay healthy.
Buffalo Steak Sandvich
  • Attack from a distance while retreating, as the Heavy can only use his Fists when under this item's effect. He can deal Mini-Crits, but he will also suffer Mini-Crits from all of your weapons.
  • Like the regular Sandvich, a Heavy can toss his Buffalo Steak Sandvich for himself or others to pick up in order to regain 50% of their health instantly; the counter-measures for a dropped Sandvich also apply here.

Melee weapons

Weapon Anti-Heavy strategy
Item icon Fists.png Item icon Saxxy.png Item icon Conscientious Objector.png Item icon Apoco-Fists.png

Fists / Saxxy / Conscientious Objector / Apoco-Fists

  • The Heavy's slow speed is a disadvantage that can be exploited by faster classes during a melee fight.
  • However, as the Heavy has the most HP out of any class, it will take more hits to take him down, which may give him enough time to strike you with a random critical hit.
Killing Gloves of Boxing
  • If a Heavy gains the critical hit boost from the K.G.B., stay back until it wears off. If he kills you, your death will just extend the effect.
  • The Heavy can also apply his K.G.B. Crit bonus to his other weapons when switched. Take him down as fast as possible to prevent this from happening.
    • A Heavy may switch to his Shotgun for the remainder of the bonus, as a Minigun takes too much time to fire.
Gloves of Running Urgently
  • A Heavy will usually only have these selected whilst running to a contested area on the map; he will then change to his Minigun when he gets closer. Therefore, the Heavy will likely not expect an attack while en route; this is a good time to ambush him.
  • Beware that enemy Heavies will try and chase you down with the increased movement speed from these gloves. Try to kill them before they switch to their other weapons.
  • A Heavy with the G.R.U. equipped is an easier target than most; not only will his health be slightly below maximum (and continue to decrease by 6 HP every second he has them out), but in order to cause any significant damage, he will have to switch to his Minigun and spin it up - this extra time may be all you need to kill him.
  • A Heavy wearing the G.R.U. will rarely use them in melee combat, due to its reduced damage penalty; you may gain the upper hand if he is forced to fight with them.
Warrior's Spirit
  • The Warrior's Spirit inflicts more damage per hit than other melee weapons. Try to retreat from a melee battle with a Heavy wielding them unless you know that you are able to kill him.
  • A Heavy with the Warrior's Spirit will have 20 HP less than default. While he still has the highest health in the game, he will be easier to take down - afterburn or bleed effects might finish him off when they ordinarily wouldn't.
Fists of Steel
  • Heavies take double melee damage with the Fists of Steel equipped. However, they tend to switch to their primary weapon before you can approach them with your own melee weapon out. Try to ambush them.
  • If a Heavy with the Fists of Steel is taking any ranged fire from one of your teammates, approach him with your melee weapon to trick him into pulling out his Minigun or Shotgun, allowing your teammate to deal full damage. Otherwise, just hit him with the melee weapon.
  • A Heavy with the Fists of Steel out is hard to shoot down, especially when being healed by a Medic. Use teamwork to kill the Heavy from a distance, if close combat proves impractical for the situation.
Eviction Notice
  • The Eviction Notice attacks 50% faster than the default Fists, at a rate slightly faster than the Scout's default Bat, but deals 60% less damage with each hit, making it slightly weaker than the Scout's Bat, too.
  • To deal with the Eviction Notice, attack while moving back; since the Heavy is slow, and the Eviction Notice makes him do significantly less damage, you would take him out before he takes you out.

Item Set Effects

Set Anti-Heavy strategy

Brass Beast Buffalo Steak Sandvich Warrior's Spirit

The Hibernating Bear

  • A Heavy wearing this set is especially vulnerable to ambushes because of his lower health, slow spin-up speed, and even slower movement with the Brass Beast deployed. Hit-and-run tactics may prove to be effective against a Heavy using this set.
  • A Heavy using this set can heal themselves quickly by using alt-fire to throw out their Buffalo Steak Sandvich for themselves to replenish half their health, providing more reason to finish them off sooner.
    • A Heavy may alternatively eat the Buffalo Steak Sandvich and try to deal Mini-Crits on you; if you can, shoot him down before he can get within melee range.
  • The critical hit resistance this set provides is easily overcome by having you and your team unleash a barrage of attacks on the Heavy.
  • Because the weapons in this set do increased damage, it is best to attack the Heavy from long-range.

See also