Team Fortress Wiki:Translation progress/zh-hant

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Chinese (Traditional) (zh-hant – 中文(繁體)‎)

Republic of Taiwan flag.jpg


We need your help to the completion of the zh-hant. Please contact ~www~ or Jcmbmhitacid for further information.


主要(Main translators):(可至以下粗體字兩人找尋最新資訊)

Pictogram plus.png ~www~

Pictogram plus.png Jcmbmhitacid (Sir Krout Hsiasez I.)

Pictogram plus.png Thcrack (Kutar7580 Rack.)

Pictogram cross.png  bigass0011‎ (說一套做一套)

Pictogram plus.png NEtodie (夜使)

Pictogram plus.png Newplanet



Wusyong9104‎ (吳兄)

Rev. (Rusty Rivet)

YollenSGF (小侑倫神父)

IG13557 (天理何在)

ufouso22 (三角洲帥哥)




Use this section to discuss wiki translation efforts. You can add noun lists, discuss wording or delegate certain pages and categories to others.
Note: remember to use the 4 tildes ("~~~~") after your message (this adds the date & time).

Please read: Wikifier

Hello everyone! For more than 1 month, the wikifier script has helped the Russian Team to write articles. It a button that appears on the edit page, that calls a script when clicked. When you click the button, the Wikifier script fixes common mistakes in the article (the button only shows in the wiki editor, and you can preview what it does). For example, it puts the correct russian quotes («...» and “...” inside them), the right spaces after and before punctuation symbols (It will replace “Здравствуй , сударь ! ” by “Здравствуй, сударь!”), fix wiki and HTML marking and etc. It is like WindBOT working in your browser. Wind and I want to make this script global. To do this, I need to know what do you, Chinese team, want it to do? Can you tell me some your language-specific punctuation and typographic rules? Common mistakes that editors in your language do? --Login Soldier.pngDaniil 12:58, 17 August 2011 (PDT)


Are the class names in the current Chinese version the official translations? dotchanDotchan 23:11, 19 November 2011 (PST)