Template:Did you know
Revision as of 03:37, 14 December 2011 by Chaos Black Hawk (talk | contribs) (→Add facts below this title)
Currently displayed facts
- ...that Abraham Lincoln invented stairs?
- ...that the music from the Kazotsky Kick taunt can be heard in the CS:GO map Train, coming from a small radio inside the kitchen?
- ...that the Clinical Trial is the only item set in the game that doesn't feature a cosmetic?
- ...that at point-blank range the Force-A-Nature deals more damage than Soldier's Rocket Launchers (except the Direct Hit)?
- ...that the BLU Team Fortress Classic Pyro is a woman named Beatrice?
- ...that the Candy Cane, Boston Basher, Pain Train, Holiday Punch, Killing Gloves of Boxing and the Machina are the only weapons whose stats have remained unchanged since release?
- ...that the Strange Bacon Grease, despite its name, is actually in Unique Quality?
- ...that the Minigun is named Sasha, the Brass Beast is named Oksana, the Huo-Long Heater is named Sheila, and the Tomislav is named Svetlana?
- ...that the Soldier's Stash does not in any way, shape, or form promote smoking or gambling?
![]() | Notice: Before you make an addition, check out the rules for adding new facts. REMEMBER: NEW FACTS GO AT THE END OF THIS SECTION. |
Facts suggestions
- ...that the "Leaked Video" emergency panel in the Meet the Spy video originally read "Lost Memory"?
- ...that a Scout covered in Mad Milk and under the effects of Bonk! Atomic Punch will still give health to the enemy attacking him?
- ...that there are modern-day computers hidden behind the cracked doors on DeGroot Keep?
- ...that the Heavy can survive Kill taunts if he is wearing the Fists of Steel?
- ...that a telefrag will instantly fill the Buff Banner's gauge?
- ...that the bagpipe music on DeGroot Keep is a re-usage of the "Template:W" British victory anthem song?
- ...that following Meet the Spy's release, the cut inflicted on the Sniper's cheek was added to his in-game model as a scar?
- ...that there is a scarecrow on Mann Manor wearing the Ghastly Gibus?
- ...that there is a swimming pool behind the RED team's spawn area in Stage B of Thunder Mountain?
- ...that the classes' gibs are derived from the original models used in beta?
- ...that in every one of the Meet the Team videos, a BLU Soldier is shown dying or already dead?
- ...that if you shoot a friendly Sniper arrow with the Righteous Bison, his arrow will catch on fire?
- ...that a Demoman can use the rocks in front of the BLU team's spawn area on DeGroot Keep to charge through the air and get inside of the castle before the gate opens?
- ...that you can assist in removing a sapper by healing the Engineer who removes it?
- ...that the first official map to feature weather effects was Sawmill?
- ...that the Crusader's Crossbow uses the same arrows as the Huntsman?
- ...that the Engineer is the only class with two taunt kills?
- ...that the Backburner originally granted a bonus of +50 maximum health?
- ...that in Meet the Sniper, the Pyro can be seen wielding the Flare Gun before it was officially announced?
- ...that the Pyro uses the same voice lines in all languages?
- ...that in the beginning of Meet the Medic, a slowed version of Faster Than A Speeding Bullet plays?
- ...that the Horseless Headless Horsemann and MONOCULUS were both developed from the Demoman's animations and sounds, respectively?
- ...that you can die from a telefrag even while wielding the Dead Ringer?
- ...that if an Intelligence carrier falls off of a cliff to his death, the Intelligence will be instantly returned to the capture zone?
- ...that when the Scout double or triple jumps with the Atomizer, he will leave a purple smoke puff behind instead of his regular white trail?
- ...that the idea for the Spy class arose from a glitch in the original Team Fortress?
- ...that a mysterious figure resembling Miss Pauling can be seen in the Meet the Medic video?
- ...that the Demoman was originally white-skinned?
- ...that the Razorback originally had a -15% movement speed reduction on the wearer?
- ...that the Heavy is the only class with natural knock back damage resistance?
- ...that the Huntsman cannot be drawn underwater?
- ...that the Golden Wrench and Saxxy are made from Australium, and both freeze their victims into golden statues?
- ...that the knife trick the Spy does in Trailer 2 is called the "half twirl" and the one he does in the Meet the Spy video is called the "Y2K rollover"?
Add facts below this title
- ...That you can survive the Kamikaze taunt if you have the Rocket Jumper?
- ...that the BLU Soldier put two armholes in his front door to snap the necks of any unwanted intruders?
- ...that the Degreaser is made up of parts from a vintage gas station pump, car muffler, antique fire extinguisher, and stove top burner?
- ...that the Powerjack is made up of a 1950s automobile jack and car battery?
- ...that the Spy can survive kill taunts with the Dead Ringer?
- ...that in the Australian Christmas update, Saxton Hale had a Christmas tree pictured on his chest instead of the usual Australia?
- ...that the design of the Administrator was not originally created by Valve, but was instead purchased from the artist Makani some time before December 9, 2009?
- ...that the RED Spy has a deeper voice than the BLU Spy in Meet the Spy?
- ...that the hilt of the Persian Persuader has the Template:W forged on it?
- ...that the road sign in Meet the Sniper sports the head shot death icon?
- ...that the Ghastly Gibus originally belonged to Zepheniah Mann?
- ...that the title card on most Meet the Team videos displays "COPYRIGHT LOLOLOL" on the bottom right corner?
- ...that the Medic plays his violin on the wrong shoulder in his melee taunt?
- ...that the closing portcullis on DeGroot Keep will kill you even when you have the Dead Ringer out?
- ...that the Huntsman, Jarate, and an unpacked crate marked "Razorback" can all be seen in the Meet the Spy video?
- ...that being killed by either of the Halloween bosses counts as an environmental death?
- ...that the Bombinomicon has an old-fashioned bomb similar to the ones on A Whiff of the Old Brimstone in its mouth?
- ...that the RED spawn room of Mann Manor contains a room with a desk and an ominous person sitting at it, revealed to be Redmond Mann next to his life-extension machine?
- ...that the Soldier talks like a robot when he has the entire The Tin Soldier set equipped?
- ...that the Sandvich has its own Meet the Team video?
- ...that the Engineer is seen holding the Frontier Justice in the Mac Update trailer video before it was officially announced?
- ...that the Announcer only has annual one hour vacations?
- ...that the Soldier's voice actor also voiced General Pepper, the Narrator, Wolf O'Donnell, Leon Powalski, and Andross from the popular Nintendo 64 game, StarFox 64?
- ...that a #101 Golden Wrench and #11112 Gentle Manne's Service Medal were given to the winner of a charity auction for Child's Play?
- ...that the spawn rooms for both RED and BLU on Coldfront were inspired by the war room from the 1964 film Template:W?
- ...that the Übersaw and the Vita-Saw got a vial that will fill with a blue or red liquid when an Übercharge is being built, and drain while the Übercharge is being used ?
- ...that the Pistol is similar to the Makarov, a russian handgun?
- ...that the Spy holds the Wanga Prick on the point, not the skull?
- ...that MONOCULUS is the Demoman's missing eye?