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Run home to mama!
The Heavy, threatening the bots to run
Walkway overview.png
기본 정보
제작: 알 수 없음
맵 전경
Walkway overview.png

Walkway맵은 WashipatoWiseguy149가 제작한 1인용 연습 맵입니다. 이 맵의 간략적인 설명으로, Al 봇들이 보도에서 나와 보도의 끝까지 걸어갑니다. 그리고 실전의 다양한 전투를 구현하기 위해 게임 내의 버튼으로 봇들에게 다양한 설정을 줄 수 있습니다. 헤드샷 연습이나, 점프나, 다른 연습들에 매우 유용합니다. Other than just offering training help, it is an outstanding choice of map for testing out custom Items and their functions, due to the versatile settings of bots.



변경 사항

변경 내역:
RC2 변경 사항 - http://forums.tf2maps.net/showthread.php?p=131170#post131170
  • 센트리 방 추가
  • 모든 버튼에 텍스쳐(역주: 그림)를 추가함.
  • 발사대의 각도 조정부분을 추가함.
  • 봇이 랜덤으로 앉거나, 계속 앉게 할 수 있게 함
  • 봇의 인원수를 조정할 수 있게 함 (16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 5, 3, 1, 0등)
  • 서버를 위해 최대 허용할 봇 인원수를 추가함.
  • 이용 가능한 모든 명령어를 알 수 있게 tr_help 명령어를 추가함.
  • Added retractable platform
  • Added window to the first part of the walkway and modified the skybox
  • Added fade distance to lots of props on the main room
  • Added "small step" option to the hill elevation
  • Added option to spawn individual classes for bots
  • Added position selection for the deploy system
  • Added a 100 HP regeneration per second when resupply is enabled
  • Added ammo and health boxes in the top level of the building
  • Added a random option to "Strafe movement" for the bots
  • Added counters to count how many bots were deployed and killed by the player
  • Added option to spawn bots directly on the launch-pad
  • Added option to choose the deploy position of the bots
  • Added a new option to damage bots by 75 damage instead of 124
  • 2개의 이스터 에그가 추가되었습니다.
  • Now hoovy and one of the new easter eggs reacts after the player kills a certain amount of bots
  • Made all metters buttons in addition to the old plus-minus buttons
  • Added "panic mode"
  • Added reset button
  • Added attack options to make bots fire slowly and another to make them fire randomly
  • Added crouch to dodge options
  • Added new texture for the teleport buttons
  • Increased "Aim down" angle for making airblast jump practice easier
  • Changed how the lifts work. The lift to the roof will now stay at the ramp's height and wont

move until a player is on it. If someone goes to the lower floor, the lift will go there and wait for the player. The building lift will only go out when someone is on it.

  • Increased minimum distance to show the help text of the buttons
  • Headshot correction change: If you spawn a different bots wave after spawning "Bots

for headshot training", the bots will aim forward again

  • Removed yellow button aka custom button. Nobody used it as far as we know and it confused people
  • Removed option to turn off "throw bots to the wall"
  • Made the random deploy system slightly more random
  • Made the first easter egg easier and more intuitive to get
  • Changed the position of all cfgs, now they are packed inside the bsp
  • The map doesn't load a map.cfg anymore
  • Added two new cfgs to the map. "help" for the tr_help command and "cvars" for tr_loadcvars command
  • Textured lots of hidden, but rendered, brush faces to nodraw
  • Replaced the brush buttons with props
  • Fixed tr_teleport for clients joining a server
  • Fixed launch-pad power selection not working properly
  • Fixed a case in the launch-pad with random power where the bots would do a small hop
  • Fixed stutter on the ramp
  • Fixed explosives don't working properly on the ramp (it was a bug introduced by valve with the

changes to the explosion radius, fixed by them in an update. This bug is not present in _rc anymore)

  • Fixed rare case where sv_cheats disabled itself. Now its very hard to disable it, this is to

protect the player's stats (sv_cheats will be enabled every time a player respawns)

  • Fixed door on the start of the walkway blocking the control room
  • Fixed rare bug where the random deploy system broke itself
  • Removed collision from some props without vphysics model
  • Major mechanics changes in the deploy, spawn, hill system and all toggle options in the map

맵의 경로 프로그래밍 한계 상, 여러개의 버그가 존재합니다.

  • 모든 봇의 이동 속도는 클래스에 상관없이 같습니다.
  • 총알 판정 범위가 봇의 현재 동작과 맞지 않을 수 있습니다. (예를들어 they may be in the standing position while the bot is walking forward). This can affect ability to perfom headshots.
  • Bots stop moving if they walk on top of a teleporter.
  • 기절한 봇이 움직임에 영향을 받지 않습니다. (역주: 기절시 특유의 모션으로 움직이지 않음.)
  • 봇이 움직이는 중 붕붕이로 날려버린경우, 다시 붕붕이로 날리기 전 까지는 움직이지 않습니다.


  • 공식 TF2 블로그November 18, 2009 blog post에서 Walkway 맵에 대한 언급을 한 적이 있습니다.
  • Walkway houses a number of easter eggs.
    • A bot spawner button can be found hidden in the rafter walkways. When hit, the button changes all bots spawned to Spycrabs.
    • Another bot spawner button can be found hidden near the Sentry Gun room. When hit, an enormous Pyro, called "ThePyroOverlord" will appear outside of the front windows and use the Hadouken taunt, killing all players and bots in the map.
    • If you get to 200 kills, a special door at the end of the track will open, leading to a room with 3-4 Level-3 BLU Sentry Guns. If the player can get through that room, an enormous friendly heavy named "Hoovy", will appear at a window.
  • After the Mann-Conomy Update in September 2010, the latest available version of the map (rc2) could not be loaded. This was later fixed with the 2010년 12월 21일 패치.

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